Performance-Based Assessment Design



TOA Title: Somebody Important

Theme: Relationships

Level: Intermediate-Low

TOA Overview:

You are visiting a Colombian friend and are having a good conversation. When a song is heard on the radio, your friend becomes quiet. Your friend tells you that the song brings up memories of a relationship. You listen closely to the song. After the song ends, your friend finds the lyrics of the song for you to read. You talk to each other about how to solve a problem with an important relationship in your life. After thinking of some solutions, you write to others to show how to solve problems in relationships.

Task Title: Somebody Important

Theme: Relationships

Level: Intermediate-Low Focus Age Group: 13 - 15

National Standards Goals: Communication Cultures Comparisons Connections

Communicative Mode: Interpretive

Time Frame: One period (30-45 minutes)

Description of Task:

You are visiting a Colombian friend and are having a good conversation in your friend’s room. Your friend becomes quiet when a song is heard on the radio. Your friend tells you that the song brings up memories of a relationship. You listen closely to the song. After the song ends, your friend finds the lyrics of the song for you to read.

[Copyrighted material here]

A. Your friend’s feelings. How do you think your friend feels based on the main idea of the song? Why?


B. Your friend’s pictures of Colombia. Your friend shows you some pictures of Medellín, Colombia, and points out some things mentioned in Shakira’s song. Use the word bank below to write down what is pointed out in each picture.

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| |1) |

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| |3) |

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|2) | |

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1) _______________________

2) _______________________

3) _______________________

4) _______________________

C. Information about the person in the song

What can you tell about the main character of the song? Use information from the song and write in English to:

• correct any false statements

• support any true statements

1. Reading helps her in her relationship.


2. She cares about many people.


3. She is talking to somebody face to face.


4. She just found out today that somebody she knows is gone.


5. She does not know when she will see again the person to whom she talks.


6. She is avoiding somebody.


D. Botero.  You notice that your friend has posters of Fernando Botero’s work, an artist from your friend’s town, Medellín, who is mentioned in Shakira’s song. Use information from the song to explain IN ENGLISH whether one of the posters (shown below) is or is not a possible inspiration for the song.


Materials Needed:


Shakira. “¿Dónde estás corazón?”. Pies descalzos. Sony Internacional, 1996.

Sources of Medellin photos:

Sources of Botero paintings:

La calle:

Familia :

Hombre a caballo:

Teacher Notes: Play the whole song once without giving the students the lyrics.

Give the students the lyrics, then play the whole song again. Students can use their copy of the lyrics while completing the task.

Intermediate-Low Interpretive Rubric

Somebody Important

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| | | |

|Can I identify the main idea? |I identify the main ideas of the text. |I do not identify the main ideas of |

|(Main Idea) | |the text. |

| | | | |

|Can I understand supporting details? |I understand most supporting details |I understand some supporting details.|I understand few supporting details. |

| |of the text. | | |

|(Comprehension) | | | |

Task Title: Somebody Important

Theme: Relationships

Level: Intermediate-Low Focus Age Group: 13 - 15

National Standards Goals: Communication Connections Comparisons

Communicative Mode: Interpersonal

Time Frame: One period (30-45 minutes)

Description of Task:

You are either a student from Colombia or that student’s Spanish-speaking friend.  As you talk in Spanish with a partner, include the following in what you say:

• description of a family member or a friend who is important to you

• activities that you have done with that person

Colombian student:  You are an exchange student from Colombia who is having a problem in a relationship. Explain to your Spanish-speaking friend why that relationship is important to you and ask for your friend’s advice. Ask about your friend’s own experiences in similar situations.

Spanish-speaking friend:  You are a concerned friend who asks questions to find out information about your friend’s problem. Offer your friend some advice by explaining what you might do in a similar situation and by giving examples from your own relationships with other people who are important to you.

Intermediate-Low Interpersonal Rubric

Somebody Important


|How well do I understand? |I respond logically to most questions and|I respond logically to some questions and |I respond logically to few questions. I do |

| |give some feedback. |may try to give feedback. |not give any feedback. |

|(Comprehension) | | | |

| | | | |

|How well am I understood? |I am consistently understood. My ideas |I am generally understood. Most of my |I am understood with occasional difficulty. |

| |are clear and my accuracy does not |ideas are clear and there are some errors |Few of my ideas are clear. There are errors |

|(Comprehensibility) |distort the message. |in accuracy by they do not distort the |in accuracy which may impede the message. |

| | |message. | |

| | | | |

|How well do I keep the |I ask and answer questions to maintain |I maintain a simple conversation by asking|I respond to basic, direct questions and ask |

|conversation going? |the conversation and to clarify. At |and answering some questions. I repeat |simple questions. I may repeat words when |

| |times, I paraphrase to make myself |words if unsure of meaning. |unsure of meaning. |

|(Communication Strategies) |understood. | | |

| | | | |

|What kind of vocabulary do I |I use a wide range of vocabulary |I use a range of vocabulary on a few |My vocabulary is basic and/or repetitive. I |

|use? |appropriate to several aspects of the |aspects of the topic. I attempt to |provide no supporting details. I may resort |

| |topic. I provide some supporting details|provide supporting details from my own |to English when I am unable to communicate my |

|(Language Use and Vocabulary) |from my own life and the articles. |life or the articles. Occasionally, I may|message. |

| | |use the wrong word or expression. | |

| | | | |

|How well do I communicate? |I create with the language by using |I create with the language by using simple|I use simple sentences and memorized phrases. |

| |strings of sentences. |sentences and some strings of sentences. | |

|(Text Type) | | | |

Task Title: Somebody Important

Theme: Relationships

Level: Intermediate-Low Focus Age Group: 13 - 15

National Standards Goals: Communication Culture Connections Comparisons

Communicative Mode: Presentational

Time Frame: Two periods (30-45 minutes each)

Description of Task:

After helping your Colombian friend solve a problem in a relationship, you will choose one of the following roles and complete the task for the role you have chosen IN  SPANISH and with as much detail as possible. 


| |You are… |You are speaking to… |You will write… |You will… |

| | | | | |

|OPTION 1 |a Colombian teenager in the |A friend or family member in |A letter (or e-mail) |Express why you value your |

| |United States |Colombia | |relationship and what you are |

| | | | |willing to do to solve a problem|

| | | | |in your relationship. |

| | | | | |

|OPTION 2 |An editor |A person with a problem in a |Advice column |Summarize the person’s problem |

| | |relationship | |and give advice to help resolve |

| | | | |the problem. |

| | | | | |

|OPTION 3 |A member of a test audience |MTV show producers |Proposal for a show segment |Suggest possible solutions to |

| | | | |the problem mentioned in |

| | | | |Shakira’s song |

Intermediate-Low Presentational Rubric

Somebody Important


|How accurate is my language? |I am highly accurate when producing |Generally accurate when producing simple|Mostly accurate with memorized language.|

| |simple sentences but less accurate when |sentences. Accuracy may decrease when |Accuracy may decrease when attempting to|

|(Language Control) |language becomes more complex. |attempting to add details. |create with language. |

|How well am I understood? |I am consistently understood. My ideas |I am generally understood. Most of my |I am understood with occasional |

|(Comprehensibility) |are clear. |ideas are clear. |difficulty. Few of my ideas are clear. |

|How organized and fluent is my |My text is well organized. I include an|My text shows that I organized my |I focus mostly on the completion of the |

|presentation? |opening, a closing, and my ideas are |thoughts. I include an opening, a |task; I do not pay much attention to the|

| |well connected. |closing, and some connections are |organization and flow of my article. |

|(Communication Strategies) | |evident. |Few, if any, connections are included. |

|What kind of vocabulary do I use? |I use a wide range of vocabulary |I use a range of vocabulary on a few |My vocabulary is basic and/or |

| |appropriate to several aspects of the |aspects of the topic. I attempt to |repetitive. I provide no supporting |

|(Language Use and Vocabulary) |topic. I provide some supporting |provide supporting details from my own |details. I may resort to English when I|

| |details from my own life and the |life or the articles. Occasionally, I |am unable to communicate my message. |

| |articles. |may use the wrong word or expression. | |

|How well do I communicate? |I create with the language by using |I create with the language by using |I use simple sentences and memorized |

| |strings of sentences. |simple sentences and some strings of |phrases. |

|(Text Type) | |sentences. | |

|How well do I get the attention of my |I make good choices of phrases, images |I make some good choices of phrases, |I use some phrases and very basic |

|audience? |and content to maintain the attention of|images and content to maintain the |information which does not help to |

| |the reader. I provide many supporting |attention of the reader. I provide some|maintain the attention of the reader. I|

|(Impact) |details. |supporting details. |provide few, if any, supporting details.|


a. calle d. cuadros

b. carro e. suelo

c. cielo f. armario

La calle

Óleo sobre lienzo

70” x 50”

Una familia

Óleo sobre lienzo

241 x 195 cm

Hombre a caballo

Óleo sobre lienzo

44,91 x 34,29 cm

Medellín, Colombia


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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