موقع التعليم الجزائري


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|Term |

|Lesson Focus: |

|( Which aspects of language are you teaching : e.g. grammar point(s) ,aspect of pronunciation (phonemes, intonation, etc …),vocabulary (words, word phrases, idioms, etc…)functions(polite requests, apologizing….)? |

|(In this lesson I will teach the following aspects of language: |

|Function : Greeting – Introducing & Describing Personality- Expressing [polite request- apologies-similarity and cause] |

|Grammar : Adjectives [appearance & personality] |

|Vocabulary : vocabulary related to physical appearance & personality … |

|Competencies : |

|( Which competencies in the AEF are you working toward or plan for the learners to achieve today? They should be adapted from the AEF to reflect the specifies of you lesson. |

|( Can interact orally to ask and answer questions in short exchanges and to respond briefly to the news of others: |

|On familiar, personal topics about self, community personal experiences and plans, leisure activities. |

|(Can plan for ,use and evaluate the effectiveness of Spoken Interaction Strategies used : (To facilitate pair work in class. |

|(Can listen to and understand main points and important details of : (Short monologs and dialogs Consisting of simple sentences using frequently used expressions |

|(Can read and understand the main points and important details of: short, simple texts. |

|(Can write short factual descriptions: Linked with most common connectors (e.g. and ;but; because ) |

|Objectives / Assessment : |

|(SWBAT by the end of the lesson ,students will be able to demonstrate : |

|Greet – introduce – describe physical appearance – describe temper |

|Express polite request – similarity – opposition and cause |

|3 – Identify Intonation in questions & Discriminate between strong and weak forms of the vowels |

|Required material and / or resources : |

|( Manual's script page 169 & pictures |

|Page 3 |

| |

|yellowdaffodil66@ |

|timing |Rationale |Interaction |Procedure |competencies |Who are my learners ? |

| | | |Sequence One : LISTEN & SPEAK File One 3rd Level | | |

| | | |Warming –up: | |Identify and discriminate |

| | | |The teacher greets his pupils , talks to them about how do they feel since they have started a new school year and all what may concern their school |Interact |between types of pictures |

| | |Teacher – |year. | |Recognize the cartoons |

| | |students |The teacher presents to his learners the new “File One” – Communication- and the project work they have to do and present it by the end of the month. | |personality "IT" the space |

| |Welcoming | |The pupils are invited to open their books on page “14” and pay attention at the photo. | |creatures |

| |Greeting | |The teacher asks the pupils to interpret the photo .The teacher may help the pupils to describe the photo by asking the following questions 1) What does | |Interpret pictures and decode|

| |& | |the photo represent ? 2) How did people used to communicate in the past? |Interpret the |their massages |

| |Greetings | |What mean of communication do you prefer? |photo |Identify numbers and |

| | | |Listen & Speak : {PDP} lesson: | |discriminate between the |

| | |Students – |( pre-listening: | |phone number and other |

| | |teacher |- The teacher interacts with his learners about what to say when they meet each other or reminds them about what he said while he entered the class. | |numbers |

| | | |-The teacher invites his pupils to talk about what do they say when they “greet” each others or “greet” someone else. | |Recognize persons form |

| | | |- The teacher invites the pupils to act in pairs .using the “drill” of | |cartoons shadows (women-man…)|

| | | |( Activity one p16: Greet your new classmate and “introduce” yourself to “him” or “her” | |Describe the kind of action |

| | | |You : Hello / Hi / Good morning-afternoon –evening , my name is ...................... |Interact |form gestures and guess what |

| | | |Your partner : Nice /Glad / Pleased to meet you . I am / My name is ................... | |are they doing |

| | | |- The pupils are invited to perform the drill { 6 to 8 pupils} | |Recognize and describe jobs |

| | | |- The teacher invites the pupils to pay attention at the pictures on page 16 and to interpret them | |"teachers-head…." |

| |Welcoming |Students |- The pupils try to talk about : | |Identify the way how to greet|

| |Greeting |- |- The kind of picture: [ cartoon – photo....]/- | |(polite-informal) ways |

| |& |Students |What does it represent or talk about. /- Who are in the picture and what are they doing? |Interpret a |Identify the forms of |

| |Greetings | |The teacher listens to the pupils interpreting the situation , then invites them to listen to him reading the script on page 164 “books shut” |real classroom|describing one's appearance |

| | | |Mr. Green: Good morning. |situation |Describe the school places |

| | | |Mr. Smith: Good morning .Are you Mr. Green? | |Recognize and describe |

| | | |Mr. Green: Yes, I am. | |colours |

| | |Teacher – |Mr Smith: How do you do? | |Identify the way how to |

| | |students |Mr. Green: How do you do? |Interpret the |introduce some one to another|

| | | |Mr. Smith: Bill, this is Mr. Green, our new teacher of English .Mr. Green, this is Bill Jackson. Bill's head teacher of English. |picture |one |

| | | |Mr. Green: How do you do? | |Describe the parts of a word |

| | | |Mr. Jackson: Nice to meet you, Mr. Green. | |and describe their syllables |

| | |Students |Mr. Green: Oh, please call me Steve. | |Mark the stress and |

| | |- |- The pupils listen then try to check what they said during their interpretation is correct or not | |intonation on a syllable |

| | |Students |- The teacher invites the learners to check and correct their previous interpretation , then they are asked to open their books page 164 , and read the | |Read and perform dialogues |

| | | |dialogue.[perform it by three] | |respecting intonation and |

| |Welcoming | |- The teacher invites the pupils to act and perform the drill using their own names ,since it is the beginning of the school year ,it’s a good opportunity | |stress |

| | | |t introduce each others again and welcome new comers. |Interpret a |yellowdaffodil66@ |

| |introducin| |- The pupils are invited to read all the written work on the board then copy down on their copy books. |listening | |

| |g | | |script to |Page 4 |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Produce oral | |

| | | | |messages from | |

| | | | |a listening | |

| | | | |script | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|timing |Rationale |Interaction |Procedure |Who are my learners ? |

| | | |Sequence One : LISTEN & SPEAK File One 3rd| |

| | | |Level |Identify and discriminate |

| | | |Warming –up: [interact] |between types of pictures |

| | |Teacher – |The teacher interacts with his learners , greets them and inquires about them |Describe jobs and occupations|

| | |students |The teacher invites the pupils to talk about physical appearance and the kind of adjectives used to describe physical appearance . “ Such as: tall – small – fat – |Interpret pictures and decode|

| |Welcoming | |slim-................” |their massages |

| |Greeting | |Pre-listening:[interact] |Elaborate and describe |

| |& | |The teacher invites the pupils to pay attention at picture 2 on page 16 and try to interpret it |clothes |

| |Greetings | |The teacher may help them by asking those questions: |Describe different colours |

| | | |What can you see in the picture? Who are those persons ? What are they talking about? |Read and explain the slogans |

| | |Students – |The teacher listens to the learners interpretation and reports them on the board. |Identify the genitive |

| | |teacher |While Listening:[interpret] |Read and discriminate between|

| | | |The teacher reads the script while the pupils listen to him and try to check whether their works were correct or not. |the adjectives describing |

| | | |The pupils listen and try to do the following exercise at the same time they check their interpretation. |moods and temper |

| | | |(Exercise: Listen then fill in the table with the right words.[produce] |Identify question about |

| | | |Words describing appearance |physical appearance |

| | | |Words describing personality |Express one's likes and |

| | | | |dislikes |

| | | |big and tall with wavy black hair |Identify the use of the |

| |Welcoming |Students |Cool - never gets angry |"whqq" –which- |

| |Greeting |- | |Recognize the whqq "who" |

| |& |Students |Dialogue N° 2 page 164: (Susan: Hello Lydia, you look happy today .What's up? [interpret] |Produce sentences expressing |

| |Greetings | |Lydia: I have a new teacher of English. |likes and dislikes using |

| | | |Susan: What's his name ? |"which and who" |

| | | |Lydia: Mr. Green. |Discriminate between he weak |

| | | |Susan  : What does he look like ? |and the strong form of the |

| | |Teacher – |Lydia: He is a big and tall with wavy black hair |vowel sounds |

| | |students |Susan: And what's he like? |Read dialogues and substitute|

| | | |Lydia: He is really cool .He never gets angry. |cues |

| | | |Susan: Oh, you're very lucky, Lydia .Mine is rather nervy. |Read then perform drills and |

| | | |The teacher reads the drill twice then invites the learners to correct the “exercise” . |dialogues respecting stress |

| |Getting |Students |The pupils are invited to read the drill N°2 on page 164. |and intonation |

| |Socialized|- |The teacher attracts the intention of his learners to the words =”adjectives” used in describing “appearance” & “personality= mood = character” and invites them to do |( Page5 |

| |and |Students |the following task: |yellowdaffodil66@ |

| |involved | |( Exercise : Look the words in the box on page 16 then classify them according to:[produce] | |

| |in the new| | | |

| |classroom | | | |

| |community | |Adjectives describing appearance | |

| | | |Adjectives describing personality | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Short- fat- tall- nice | |

| | | |boring-nervy-strict-serious-easygoing-sincere-helpful-cheerful-cool-rude | |

| | | | | |

| | | |( ( | |

| | | |Question Question | |

| | | |( ( | |

| | | |What does he /she look like ? what's he /she like? | |

| | | |The teacher tries to persuade his learners how to make the difference between “appearance” & “personality” and the way to make questions about them. | |

| | | |Post- listening:[produce] | |

| | | |The pupils are invited to perform using the above key words ,interact and describe their friends appearance and personalities. | |

|timing |Rationale |Interaction |Procedure |Who are my learners ? |

| | | |Sequence One : SAY IT CLEAR File One 3rd| |

| | |Teacher – |Level | |

| |Getting |students | |. Identify different types |

| |Socialized | |The teacher invites the pupils to the following piece of presentation: |of messages |

| |and involved| |The teacher asks the pupils to pay attention the way he reads the following examples. When his voice goes “up” = “louder” and when it goes “down” = “lower” |Discriminate between all |

| |in the new | |(Presentation: |sorts of messages |

| |classroom | |Example: 1) What is your name ? ( 2) How old are you?( 3) What’s your occupation?( |Recognize expressions |

| |community | |Are you Ahmed? ( 2) Are you 14 years old? ( 3) Do you go to school every day?( |showing regrets |

| | |Students – |The learners are invited to read the questions and trying to imitate the teacher as possible as they can. |Make discrimination between |

| | |teacher |( Isolation: |expressions of regrets |

| | | |1) What is your name ? ( 2) Are you 14 years old? ( |Identify jobs and |

| | | |The pupils are invited to read the isolated sentences |occupations |

| | | |(Analysis: 1) What is your name ? 2) Are you 14 years old? |Identify the place of each |

| | | |( ( |particular situation |

| |Getting | |“ wh question ” “ Yes & No “ Question |Ask polite request |

| |Socialized | |( (INTONATION ( |Identify the British |

| |and involved| |Falling = down =( rising = up = ( |currency |

| |in the new |Students |( Stating Rule: |Give instructions |

| |classroom |- |The teacher invites the pupils to pay attention at the “TIPS” page 17. |Imagine and guess answers |

| |community |Students |The teacher asks the pupils to read and try to state the rule. |for each given situation |

| | | |“Wh-Question” have a question word such as “who, what, where, when, why,...... ( “Ask for information answers. ( The “intonation /Voice = Falling = down =( |Use ones own expressions |

| | | |“ Yes/ No “Questions ( Do not have question words . ( Answers = “yes or no” ( The intonation = rising = up = ( |Give explanations to a |

| | | | |particular situation |

| | |Teacher – |( Practice: |Identify means of |

| | |students |The teacher explains the instruction of the “Activity 1p17” , then invites the pupils to use their pencils and work on their books. |communications |

| | | |( Activity 1p17: Mark the intonation at the end of the questions below with an arrow (( or () Justify your answers |Use formal ways to express |

| | | | |regrets |

| | | |A .What’s your name ? ( ( ‘what’ is a s “whqq” word) G.Do you like speaking English? (( “do” is “yes-no” question) |Page 6 |

| | |Students |B .Where do you come from? ( ( ‘where’ is a “whqq” word) H.How do you come to school? ( ( ‘what’ is a s “whqq” word) |yellowdaffodil66@ |

| | |- |C .When’s your birthday? ( (“when” is a “whqq” word) I. Do you like speaking English? (( “do” is “yes-no” question) | |

| |Getting |Students |D .What does he look like? ( (“what” is a ‘whqq’ word) J. Can you write in English? (( “do” is “yes-no” question) | |

| |Socialized | |E .What’s she like? ( (“what” is a ‘whqq’ word) F. Do you speak English? (( “do” is “yes-no” question) | |

| |and involved| |The teacher invites the pupils to correct the task , then read respecting the intonation for each of the type of questions. | |

| |in the new | |The teacher explains the instructions of “Activity 3p17” and asks them to do it at home. | |

| |classroom | |The teacher invites the pupils to read the written works on the board then copy down on their copy books. | |

| |community | | | |

| | | | | |

|time |Rationale |interaction |Procedure |competencies |Who are my leaners? |

| | | |Sequence One Practise 3rd AM File One | |Identify and discriminate |

| | |Teacher – |Warm –up |Interact |between types of pictures |

| |Getting |students |The teacher greets his pupils , and checks how do they feel , their last hour how was it and if they face any problem in the learning operation | |Describe jobs and |

| |Socialized | |The teacher invites the pupils to correct the homework “activity 3p17” | |occupations |

| |and involved | |(Activity3p17: Prepare a short dialogue “greeting(1) and introducing (2) one another.Use the cues below .Pay attention to intonation |Interpret |Interpret pictures and |

| |in the new | |Pupil A: [Good morning /Hello/Hi] {How are you – How are you doing?- How do you feel?] ( ( ‘what’ is a s “whqq” word) | |decode their massages |

| |classroom | |Pupil B:[ Fine / Ok/ Great] =/= {Not great/Bad /Awful/ Terrible} | |Describe different colours|

| |community | |Pupil A: {Can I / May I introduce you “pupil C ” (( “do” is “yes-no” question) | | |

| | |Students – |Pupil B:{ Nice –Glad –Great to} (meet/see) you. |Produce a |Identify the genitive |

| | |teacher |Pupil C: Nice to see you. |written message |Read and discriminate |

| | | |The pupils perform the drill using their own names and introducing each others “specially the new comers” |“introducing” |between the adjectives |

| | | |Practise | |describing moods and |

| | | |The teacher invites his learners to pay attention at “activity 1p18” |Interact |temper |

| |Accept one”s | |The teacher reminds the pupils about the way to inquire about “appearance & personality” | |Identify question about |

| |appearance | |The teacher asks the pupils to look at the “box” on page 18 containing “adjectives” and asks them to do the following | |physical appearance |

| | | |(Exercise : Look the box on page and put each adjective in its right box: |Interpret |Express one's likes and |

| | | |Adjectives describing appearance | |dislikes |

| | |Students |Adjectives describing personality | |Produce sentences |

| | |- | | |expressing likes and |

| |Greet and |Students |Skinny - plump - slim |Produce |dislikes using "which and |

| |express best | |Trendy- cool-naughty- messy-funny-friendly-stupid-crazy-shy-clever-patient-intelligent- | |who" |

| |wishes | | | |Discriminate between he |

| | |Teacher – |The teacher supervises the pupils works, then invites them to correct | |weak and the strong form |

| | |students |The teacher reports the pupils’ answers on the board, asks, them to read the corrected answer then they are invited to pay attention at | |of the vowel sounds |

| | | |“Activity1p18” | |Read dialogues and |

| | | |(Activity 1p18: Prepare a dialogue using the adjectives in the previous exercise | |substitute cues |

| | | |You: Hello Jack! You look happy today. | |Read then perform drills |

| | | |Your partner: Yes, indeed. I have a new friend. | |and dialogues respecting |

| | |Students |You: Really? What's her name? | |stress and intonation |

| | |- |Your partner: Jill, Jill Smith. | | |

| | |Students |You: What is she like? | |( Samir Bounab 's sheet |

| | | |Your partner: She's very shy | |yellowdaffodil66@|

| | | |You: What does she look like ? | | |

| | |Page 7 |Your partner: She’s quite slim. | | |

| | | |The teacher supervises the work of the pupils ,then invites them to perform their works by pair | | |

| | | |The teacher invites the pupils to pay attention at “activity 2p18” and using their pencils try to complete. | | |

| | | |( Activity 2p 18: What do you say in these situations? | | |

| | | |(Girl: Have a nice day! See you on Tuesday! . | | |

| | | |( Boy: Bye | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |( Girl 2: Cheerio ! | | |

| | | | | | |

|time |rationale |Type of |Procedure |competencies |Who are my learners? |

| | |interact | | | |

| | | |Sequence One Imagine |Interact about | |

| |Greeting and|Teacher |File 1 (3AM) |daily life |Talk about daily life |

| |welcoming |–student |Warm up: The teacher greets his pupils and try to talk to them and make them interact about their daily school life |school |school routines |

| | |Student- |The teacher tries to see if the new comers to class have been involved with their teammates and form one unified class, where the new pupils are not | |Describe appearance |

| | |teacher |neglected | |Talk about personality |

| | | |Presentation :Imagine p19 ( Integrated Situation | |and mood |

| |Accept one’s|Teacher |The teacher presents the “integrated situation” in which the pupils have to feel that there is a problem they have to take part in it to solve it | |Identify family members |

| |appearance |–student |The teacher reads the ‘integrated situation’, explains, using the classroom situation aids and supports. |Interpret the |Discriminate between |

| | | |Activity One p19: ( Integrated Situation |problem solving |likes and dislikes |

| | | | |situation |Talk about ambitions and|

| |Introduce | | | |hopes |

| |oneself to |Student – | | |Locate |

| |the world |teacher | |Interpret |Produce a written |

| |and be proud| |Practice: The pupils are asked to work “individually” on their rough copybooks . |the problem |message talking about |

| |of one’s | |The teacher shows to the pupils how to elicit their notes and try to organize their ideas about the theme proposed. |solving |appearance and character|

| |appearance | |Eliciting information constituents from the learners: |situation | |

| |and |Student- |Name | |yellowdaffodil66@gmail.c|

| |character |student |origin |produce a |om |

| | | |address |written message | |

| | | |Father’s job |talking | |

| | | |Mother’s job |introducing | |

| | | |3 things (likes) |oneself{appearan| |

| | | |3(things dislikes) |ce & mood} | |

| | | |personality |Page 8 | |

| | | |ambition | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |1)first name +2) family name | | |

| | | |1) native town | | |

| | | |Or | | |

| | | |2) Country & nationality | | |

| | | |1)street | | |

| | | |2)town | | |

| | | |3)City or wilaya | | |

| | | |4)postal code | | |

| | | |5) Country | | |

| | | |Daily worker-jobless-retired- died-teacher- farmer.... | | |

| | | |housewife | | |

| | | |1)sports | | |

| | | |2)reading | | |

| | | |3)TV | | |

| | | |1)smoking | | |

| | | |2)music | | |

| | | |3)school problems | | |

| | | |Trendy- cool-naughty- messy-funny-friendly-stupid-crazy-shy-clever-patient-intelligent- | | |

| | | |Doctor | | |

| | | |Teacher | | |

| | | |Engineer | | |

| | | |Officer | | |

| | | |Footballer | | |

| | | |Architect | | |

| | | |Dentist | | |

| | | |Headmaster | | |

| | | |Pilot | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Produce or Use : Selecting information constituents from the learners: | | |

| | | |The learners will read and select the information that goes with their situation . | | |

| | | |The teacher instructs them to use the same table and fill in it the information that correspond to their real life situation | | |

| | | |The pupils are asked to fill in the form on page 19. | | |

| | | |The teachers moves through the rows and checks the learners’ work and offer his help if needed. | | |

| | | |The teacher invites the learners to give back their works by : | | |

| | | |Reading the form | | |

| | | |Making interviews [question – answer] about each feature of the form to create a real life communication situation . | | |

| | | |yellowdaffodil66@ | | |

|time |rationale |Type of |Procedure |competencies |Who are my learners? |

| | |interact | | | |

| | | |Sequence One READ & WRITE File 1 (3AM) |Interact about|Greet and welcome |

| |Greet and |Teacher |Warm up: The teacher greets his pupils and try to talk to them and make them interact about their daily school life |daily life |Talk about daily life |

| |welcome |–student |Pre-reading: |school |school |

| | |Student- |The teacher invites the students to open their books on page 20 and pay attention at the advertisement. | |Identify and recignize|

| | |teacher |The teacher explains the instructions of “Activity Onep20” ,then invites the pupils to read the advert and answer the task. | |an advertisement |

| |Use modern | |(Activity 1p20: Look at the advert on page 20 then and answer the following questions. | |Discriminate between |

| |technologica|Teacher |A .What is the advertisement about? ( It is about Pop star contest. | |phone and email |

| |l means of |–student |B .How can you contact channel 7 TV? ( By phone or by email. |Interpret the |Express likes and |

| |communicatio| |C .Do you want to be a pop star? Why or why not? ( ( No, I don’t , I don’t like music) |problem |dislikes |

| |n | |The teacher invites the pupils to correct the activity on the board, read and perform it as a drill. |solving |Discriminate between |

| | | |While –reading: |situation |straight forward text |

| | |Student – |The teacher explains the whole idea of the text, the type of text , the sender , the receiver, the theme , then invites the pupils to pay attention at | |and an email text |

| | |teacher |“Activity ‘A’p21” , he explains the instructions of the activity then invites the pupils to read silently the text and answer the task | |Read and interpret |

| | | |(Activity Ap21: Look at the photos then say which one represents Sarah Bint? Why? |Interpret |texts |

| |Make appeals| |Photo C represents Sarah Bint , because it represents a girl with long red wavy hair . |the problem |Produce a written |

| |and requests| |The pupils work in rough, the teacher moves through the rows and offers his help if required, then invites the pupils to correct the task. |solving |message according to a|

| |(writing |Student- |The teacher invites the pupils to read the text loudly in order to get them familiarized with the theme and pronunciation with some new words such as : “ |situation |specific question |

| |cvs) |student |sparkling-turned up nose – photogenic-lyrics-flute –lute-rhythm” |produce a | |

| | | |The teacher explains the instructions of “activity B p21” , then invites the pupils to read the text and try to fill in the form: |written | |

| | | |( Activity Bp21: Fill in the blanks in the profile below with information from the “email” on the previous page. Don’t write full sentences. |message | |

| | | | |talking | |

| | |Teacher | |introducing | |

| | |–student | |oneself{appear|(use the “whqqs” to |

| | |Student- | |ance & mood} |inquire |

| | |teacher |The pupils read then answer in rough, the teacher moves between the rows and supervises the pupils works and offers his help if required. |Page 9 | |

| | | |The learners are asked to answer the task on the their copy book using their pencils, later they will read it . | | |

| | |Teacher | | |(ask about appearance |

| |Inquire and |–student | | |and character |

| |interview | |yellowdaffodil66@ | |( talk about |

| | | | | |preferences |

| | | |The teacher explains the instructions of the next activity and invites the pupils to do “activity Cp21” “orally” | | |

| | |Student – | | |( Rxtsead texts and |

| | |teacher |(Activity Cp21: Ask questions about Sarah Bint using the information in Task B above. | |answer question |

| | | |Q: What’s her name? ( Her name is Sarah Bint | | |

| | | |Q:What does she look like ? ( She is tall ,slim with wavy red hair and sparkling eyes |Interact |( identify forms and |

| |Question and|Student- |Q: What is she like ? ( She is quiet but not shy | |structures of |

| |inquire |student |Q: What does she like? ( She likes singing soul music . | |statements |

| |about people| |Q: What does dislke? ( She dislikes classical music. |Interpret |L |

| | | |Q: What does she prefer ? ( She prefers Latin American & oriental dances | | |

| | | |The students work in rough ,the teacher supervises their works ,then invites them to answer the activity “orally” | | |

| | | |The teacher reports the questions on the board. | | |

| | | |( Post –reading : |Produce | |

| | | |The teacher checks the students’ comprehension of the text , by inviting them to read again the text and answer the following task .{expressing likes and | | |

| | | |dislikes – describing personality and appearance – showing preferences} | | |

| | | |The students are later invited to pay attention at activity Dp21 , the teacher explains the instructions of the activity then requires from the student to | | |

| | | |read the text silently and answer the questions . | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |(Activity Dp21: Answer the following questions according to the email on page 20: | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |A ;What would Sarah bint like to do? | | |

| | | |( She would like to participate in the competition for teenage pop star. | | |

| | | |B .Is she shy? Why or why not? | | |

| | | |( She is quiet but not shy , she like meeting teenagers . | | |

| | | |C.Why does she hate classical music? | | |

| | | |(Because it hasn’t got lyrics. | | |

| | | |D.Why does she prefer Latin American and oriental dances? | | |

| | | |( Because they have more rhythm. | | |

| | | |The teacher reads the text and asks the pupils to underline the conjunctions “and” - “but” & “because” and the sentences corresponding to them ,then he | | |

| | | |asks the pupils to read the text and answer the task. | | |

| | | |The pupils work in rough ,the teacher supervises the learners’ works , then invites them to read the text and answer the task , while he reports the | | |

| | | |answers on the board. | | |

| | | |the students to read and perform the task as a drill (question –answer). | | |

| | | |The students are invited to read the written works on the board then copy on their copy books. | | |

| | | |Page 10 yellowdaffodil66@ | | |

|time |rationale |Type of |Procedure |competencies |Who are my learners? |

| | |interact | | | |

| | | |Sequence One PPU lesson Integrated Situation File 1 (3AM) |Interact about | |

| | |Teacher |Warm up: The teacher greets his pupils and try to talk to them and make them interact about their daily school |daily life |(Greet |

| | |–student |The teacher makes the pupils talk about previous text, and then invites them to open their books on page 20 and read the text. |school |( talk about age |

| |Connecting |Student- |Your Turn p21:( Presentation : | |,appearance , |

| |and combing |teacher |The teacher asks the pupils to remind him about the sentences and words the underlined in the previous hour. |Interpret the |personality ,likes and |

| |statment | |I am slim and quite tall for my age. |problem solving |dislikes |

| | |Teacher |I’ve got long, wavy red hair with sparkling brown and a short turned up nose |situation | |

| | |–student |I like singing soul music, but I hate classical music. | | |

| | | |I’ m also fond of modern dance, but I prefer the Latin American and oriental ones. | | |

| | | |I find it boring because it hasn’t got lyrics |Interpret |( Identify the main |

| |Connecting | |The pupils are invited to read the sentences written on the board. |the problem |constituents of a |

| |and combing |Student – |( Isolation : |solving |statement |

| |statment |teacher |The teacher selects the sentences containing the conjunctions –and- –but- & because) and writes the conjunctions in different colours. |situation | |

| | | |(I am slim and quite tall for my age. ( I like singing soul music, but I hate classical music. | |( recognize |

| |Connecting | |( ( |produce a |Cordinators and their |

| |and combing | |and ( I find it boring because it hasn’t got lyrics but |written message |meanings |

| |statement |Student- |( Analysis: ( |talking | |

| |To express |student |( I am slim . I am quite tall for my age because ( I like singing soul music.I hate classical music |introducing |(discriminate between |

| |similarity, | |( ( ( ( |oneself{appearan|coordinator |

| |opposition& | |Sentence 1 (=/+) Sentence 2 Sentence 1 (=/=) Sentence 2 |ce & mood} | |

| |cause | | | |(Identify |

| | | |and I find it boring(Why? ( because it hasn’t got lyrics but | |Opposition, similarity |

| | | |( ( |Page 11 |and cause |

| | | |Why because cause = reason | |“ |

| | | |(Stating rule: | |yellowdaffodil66@gmail.c|

| | | |Sentence 1 is “similar” to sentence 2 entence 1 is “opposite” to sentence 2 | |om |

| | | |( ( | | |

| | | |and coordinators but | |. |

| | | |( ( ( | | |

| | | |Similarity cause opposition | | |

| | | | | | |

|time |rationale |Type of |Procedure |competencies |Who are my learners? |

| | |interact | | | |

| | | |( Practice : |Interact about | |

| | |Teacher |After the stating rule stage , the teacher invites the pupils to practise .The teacher explains the instructions of each type of task and invites the |daily life |( recognize the main |

| |Use the |–student |students to work on their rough copy books. |school |form of a statement |

| |right |Student- |(Based form tasks: | | |

| |terminoloy |teacher |Exercise :Re-order the words to make correct sentences. |Interpret the |( recognize the place of|

| |and lexis | |ill / . / because / Ali / absent / is / he / , / is / ( Ali is absent because he is ill. |problem solving |each constituent of a |

| |to express |Teacher |but/ football / . / love / smoking/ I / , / hate / I ( I love football, but I hate smoking. |situation |sentence |

| |similarity, |–student |tall/ I / slim / am / and / . / (I am tall and slim | | |

| |opposrions | |( meaning based tasks: | |( recognize the meaning |

| |and cause | |Exercise : Match the pairs |Interpret |of each sentences |

| | | |Statement |the problem |through it’s connector .|

| | |Student – |meaning |solving | |

| |Express |teacher | |situation | |

| |meaning and | |The weather is hot and sunny | | |

| |sense | |I love sports , but I hate drugs. |produce a |( talk about likes and |

| | | |Amina is late ,because she didn’t get up early |written message |dilkes using the |

| | |Student- |Expressing cause |talking |connectors to express |

| | |student |Showing similarity |introducing |similarity , opposition |

| |Giving and | |Expressing opposition |oneself{appearan|and cause |

| |communicatin| | |ce & mood} | |

| |g meaning | |( Communicative based tasks: | | |

| | | |Activity Bp22: Join each of the pairs of the sentences ( a to e) to get meaningful sentences . | |( improvise and give |

| | | |I live in England .I spend my summer holidays in Algeria. ( I live in England, but I spend my summer holidays in Algeria. | |justifications according|

| | | |He sings well .He plays the banjo wonderfully. ( He sings well and plays the banjo wonderfully. |Page 12 |to a given situation |

| | | |I study at Colonel Amirouche School. Latifa studies at the same school. ( I and Latifa study at Colonel Amirouche School. | |yellowdaffodil66@gmail.c|

| | | |I like football. I also like tennis. ( I like football and tennis, too. | |om |

| | | |I can play the piano. I cannot play the guitar. ( I can play the piano, but I can’t play the guitar. | | |

| | | |The pupils work in rough then correct on the board. Later the read the corrected task. | | |

| | | |The teacher explains the instructions of “activity 2p22” ,then invites the pupils to work. | | |

| | | |Activity “B” p22: Complete the sentences ( a to e) to make them meaningful. | | |

| | | |I like reading detective stories because I love discovering secrets. | | |

| | | |I hate watching horror films because I got frightened from them | | |

| | | |My brother likes playing basket ball because he wants to be tall. | | |

| | | |My friend and I don’t like football because it’s too tiring . | | |

| | | |My apples mother always eats apples because they cure many illnesses. | | |

| | | |The students work in rough then use their pencils to correct on their books, the teacher helps them to formulate correct sentences in order to make | | |

| | | |each pupils fill his own sentences on their books. | | |

| | | |The teacher invites the students to read the written works on the board then copy down on their copy books. | | |

|time |rationale |Type of |Procedure |competencies |Who are my learners? |

| | |interact | | | |

| | | |( Write it out : INTEGRATED SITUATION file one seque1 |Interact about | |

| |Welcoming |Teacher |Warm –up :The teacher greets his pupils and tries to make them talk about the last séance . |daily life |(greet & welcome |

| |,greeting |–student |Presentation : |school | |

| |and |Student- |The teacher presents the problem solving situation through visuals showing the different sports club local and foreign one , which reflect the real life | |(identify a problem |

| |greetings |teacher |situation |Interpret the |solving situation fact |

| | | |The teacher reads and explains the instructions of the integrated situation. |problem solving |(Use the integrated |

| | |Teacher |The situation: |situation |learning objectives to |

| |Seek to |–student | | |solve the given |

| |solve | | | |integrated situation |

| |problem in | | |Interpret | |

| |problem | | |the problem | |

| |situations |Student – | |solving |(make application |

| | |teacher |Eliciting information constituents from the learners: |situation |letters and discriminate|

| | | |Name | |between the other types |

| | | |club |produce a |of letters. |

| |Making | |address |written message |yellowdaffodil66@gmail.c|

| |appeals and |Student- |Age |talking |om |

| |requests |student |Education |introducing | |

| | | |Appearance ) |oneself{appearan| |

| | | |Personality |ce & mood} | |

| | | |Likes & dislikes | | |

| |Making | | | | |

| |appeals and | |1)first name +2) family name | | |

| |requests | |Football |Page 13 | |

| | | |Handall | | |

| | | |Jugo | | |

| | | |Basket ball | | |

| | | |Volleyball | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |N° of house/street or Avenue/town hall/ Country | | |

| | | |14/14 | | |

| | | |3rd AM level | | |

| | | |Tall –small- fat- slim-short/long hair (brown-fair-dark) | | |

| | | |Eyes: brown-dark-blue-green | | |

| | | |Trendy- cool-naughty- messy-funny-friendly-stupid-crazy-shy-clever-patient-intelligent- | | |

| | | |Sport- video games- tv – music – reading ..../ Drugs –violence | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |The teacher invites the pupils to complete the form on page 22 using the elicited words. | | |

| | | |He moves through the rows then supervises their works. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |The teacher asks the pupils to read their works ,then tries to create a situation of discussion ‘questions –answers’ | | |

| | | |The pupils are invites to correct on the board a sample integrated situation , then invites the students to read and copy down | | |


| |


| |

|Personal Goals: |

|(During this lesson ,what teacher competencies are you focusing on ? They should be adapted from the ATF to reflect the specifies of your situation |

|( Supported and purposeful development |

|( Meaningful Activities / Tasks . |

|( Active,evolving process |

|Lesson Focus: |

|( Which aspects of language are you teaching : e.g. grammar point(s) ,aspect of pronunciation (phonemes, intonation, etc …),vocabulary (words, word phrases, idioms, etc…)functions(polite requests, apologizing….)? |

|(In this lesson I will teach the following aspects of language: |

|Function : Making and answering requests. & Make apologies and giving explanation. & Asking for clarification. & Defining |

|Grammar : « can » - « would » request / « sorry – pardon » / relative pronouns “which-who” |

|Pronunciation : Practise intonation in polite request / ( vowel sounds “[pic]-"[pic]"- [pic]- " [pic] - [pic] - e » / |

|Vocabulary : vocabulary related to : communication “ phone –email......” |

|Competencies : |

|( Which competencies in the AEF are you working toward or plan for the learners to achieve today? They should be adapted from the AEF to reflect the specifies of you lesson. |

|( Can plan for ,use and evaluate the effectiveness of Spoken Interaction Strategies used : (To facilitate pair work in class. |

|( Can listen to and understand very short, routine classroom instructions: (Without supporting visuals . |

|( Can understand everyday signs: ( Can find specific, predictable information in : {A range of simple everyday material & That is straightforward (e.g. some websites, travel brochures, catalogs} |

|( Can write very short letters or email. ( Containing simple description of personal life |

|Objectives / Assessment : |

|(SWBAT by the end of the lesson ,students will be able to demonstrate : |

|Ask polite request / Express apologies / Ask for clarification & define |

|Express polite request – similarity – opposition and cause |

|3 – Identify Intonation in questions & Discriminate between strong and weak forms of the vowels |

|Required material and / or resources : |

|( Manual's script page 164/ 165 & pictures |

|Page 14 |

|yellowdaffodil66@ |

|time |rationale |Type of |Procedure |competencies |Who are my learners? |

| | |interact | | | |

| | | |Sequence Two : Who is calling ? Pdp “listening lesson File One 3rd AM | |Recognize the different |

| | |Teacher | | |finds of pictures and |

| | |–student |Pre_ listening: |Interact |discriminate between them |

| |Congratulate|Student- |(The teacher asks the pupils to open their books on page 21 , | |Identify number and |

| |and show |teacher |( The teacher tries to make his learners interpret the pictures by interacting with him and trying to answer the following questions: | |discriminate between their|

| |sympathy | |What kind of pictures are they" first pair"? ( They 're cartoons pictures | |use |

| | |Teacher |How many persons do they show? ( They represent two persons .(a man and a woman) |Interpret |Identify the way how to |

| |Show use of |–student |What are they talking about? ( They are talking about phone numbers. | |read a phone number |

| |phone | |Who is asking the question? ( The woman is. | |Ask polite request using |

| |communicatio| |What's the question about? ( It's about the phone number of the man. | |"can" |

| |n way | |What can you read in the bubble speech? ( I can read "excuse me, what' your…./ My phone number's... | |Identify possessive |

| | |Student – |What does the word yours in the bubble replace? ( It replaces the phone number of the lady. | |pronouns |

| | |teacher |What about picture two? ( It represents the same persons. | |Recognize all sorts of |

| |How to make | |What is the woman asking for ? ( She asking for the phone number of Mrs. Smith. | |messages |

| |phone calls |Student- |Does the man know the number of Mrs. .Smith? ( Yes, he does. | |Identify a telephone |

| |and take |student |Can you compare the two numbers? ( Yes the first number contains 10 numbers, but the second only "6". | |message |

| |messages | | |produce |Discriminate between the |

| | | |(The pupils listen & interpret the teacher's questions then answer "orally" | |caller and the receiver |

| | | |( The pupils are invited later the read the drills on page 24 and perform them by pairs. | |Recognize "would" and its |

| |Receive | |(The teacher asks the learners to look at "Activity3p21" and try to interact and interpret the message. |Page 15 |use |

| |calla and | |What kind of message do you have? ( It's a telephone message. | |Use simple ways to ask |

| |register | |Where do you find such messages? ( At the reception desk, office next to the telephone. | |polite requests |

| |messages | | | |Discriminate between |

| | | |While listening : | |beginning and ending a |

| | | |(The teacher asks the pupils to take their pencils, listen to the teacher's reading of the script , underline some expressions like :” would like | |dialogue |

| | | |to speak / could you tell her “ then try to fill in the "telephone message". | |yellowdaffodil66@|

| | | |( The teacher reads the text twice or thrice then invites the pupils to correct | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |( Activity 3p21: Listen and fill in the message slip below. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |( The teacher invites the pupils to read the drill and perform by pairs. | | |

| | | |( The pupils perform and substitute the keywords : [6600586] – Mr Green / John Williams/ 15:00/ - {1122O495} Mrs Williams / Mr Black / 16:00) | | |

|time |rationale |Type of |Procedure |competencies |Who are my learners? |

| | |interact | | | |

| | | |( The teacher asks the pupils to remind him about what they have underlined previously . | | |

| |Make polite |Teacher |Presentation : | |Discriminate between the|

| |request and |–student |( The pupils open their books on page 164 and read the underlined sentences. |Interact |beginning and the end of|

| |show respect|Student- |1) I would like to speak to Jane Smith 3) Could you tell her I’ll ring her at 2:30? | |a dialogue |

| |for others |teacher |( The teacher invites the learners to read the written sentences on the board. | |Identify "can –could" |

| | | |Isolation : | |Discriminate between the|

| | |Teacher |( The teacher tries to attract the attention of the learners to the words written in different colours and asks them to read them | |use of "can " and |

| |Make polite |–student |1) I would like to speak to Jane Smith 2) could you tell her I’ll ring her at 2:30? | |"could" |

| |request and | |( ( |Interpret |Interact using formal |

| |show respect| |would could | |ways |

| |for others | |Analysis : | |Discriminate between |

| | |Student – |The teacher tries to make the students talk about the isolated | |formal and informal ways|

| |Make polite |teacher |1) I would like to speak to Jane Smith 2) could you tell her I’ll ring her at 2:30? | |Identify the main |

| |request and | |( ( | |constituents of a |

| |show respect|Student- |would could | |sentence |

| |for others |student |modal verbs |produce |Recognize "would" and |

| | | |( | |its use |

| | | |Express polite request | |Peform different types |

| | | |Stating rules : To express polite request we use the “modals” [ would / could] | |of written tasks and |

| |Make polite | |Subject + [ would / could ] + verb “infinitive without “to” + Object | |discriminate between |

| |request and | |Practice : The pupils are invited to do the following tasks about “asking polite request” |Page 16 |them |

| |show respect| |Based form tasks: | |Use “would “& “could “ |

| |for others | |Exercise : Re-order the words to make correct sentences. | |to make polite resuests |

| | | |You / the / please / window / could / ? / open / ( | |yellowdaffodil66@gmail.c|

| | | |Like / to / would / I / use / your/ please / phone / ( | |om |

| | | |Meaning based tasks: | | |

| | | |Exercise : Complete each statement with the following words: “ability – request- permission” | | |

| | | |Can I use your pen ? ( (...............................) | | |

| | | |I can speak English . ( (................................) | | |

| | | |Would you tell me the time please ? ( (..........................) | | |

| | | |3 ) Communicative based tasks: | | |

| | | |Exercise : Ask question to complete the dialogue. | | |

| | | |A : .........................................? A: .......................................? | | |

| | | |B: Oh my pen with pleasure you can use it. B: Yes ; I would be very pleased to come to your party | | |

| | | |The teacher supervises the works of the pupils , then invites them to correct on the BB then read and copy down. | | |

|time |rationale |Type of |Procedure |competencies |Who are my learners? |

| | |interact | | | |

| | | |Sequence Two: PRACTICE | | |

| |Welcoming |Teacher |3RD Am level |Interact about |(greet & welcome |

| |,greeting |–student |PPU Lesson: |daily life |(talk and discuss the |

| |and |Student- |The teacher greets his learners, interacts with them about their daily life school and tries to see if they have understood or do not face any problems |school |previous séance |

| |greetings |teacher |about the previous lesson “making polite request” | |(Identify the model |

| | | |The pupils are invited to open their books on page 26 and pay attention at the drills . | |“would” and its use |

| | |Teacher |The teacher explains the situation using the classroom situation , reads the first dialogue . | |(can read and perform |

| |Seek to |–student |( Drill One: | |drills |

| |solve | | |Interpret |(can identify the theme |

| |problem in | | | |of the discussion |

| |problem | | | |(analyse statements |

| |situations |Student – |The teacher invites the pupils to read and perform the drill by pairs. | |(discuss the different |

| |Making |teacher |( Drill two: | |ways to “offer help” |

| |appeals and | | |produce |(State rules about the |

| |requests |Student- | | |new use of “would” |

| | |student | | |yellowdaffodil66@gmail.c|

| |Making | | | |om |

| |appeals and | |The learners are asked to perform the drill by pairs. | | |

| |requests | |The teacher invites to pay attention at the words written in red | | |

| | | |Isolation : | | |

| | | |Would you like me ( offering help ( Do you want me |Page 17 | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Analysis: Yes , thanks No,thank you Yes , thanks No,thank you | | |

| | | |( ( ( ( | | |

| | | |Accept offer Refuse offer Accept offer Refuse offer | | |

| | | |To offer help we use: | | |

| | | |Accept offer | | |

| | | |Refuse offer | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Would you like me to ...........? | | |

| | | |Do you want me to..............? | | |

| | | |Yes , thanks | | |

| | | |No,thank you | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Stating Rules | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Practice: The teacher invites the pupils to perform using the following situations. | | |

| | | |Situation 1 : { It’s hot – Open the window} Situation 2: [is carrying heavy satchel- help carry it] | | |

| | | |Situation 3: [ forgotten pen – use my pen] | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |The pupils perform the drill and substitute key words. | | |

|Time |rationale |Type of |Procedure |competencies |Who are my learners? |

| | |interact | | | |

| | | |Say it clear : | | |

| |Welcoming |Teacher | | |(identify the intonation|

| |,greeting |–student |The teacher asks the pupils to pay attention at him and at the way he asks his question. |Interact |,its form and its use |

| |and |Student- |Question 1: Would you open your books on page 25? ( Question 2: Would you open your books on p25 please? | |( discriminate between |

| |greetings |teacher |The teacher asks the students to pay attention at the way he asks the two questions | |the meaning in “rising” |

| | | |The students will certainly notice the difference between the two question, the way the intonation is uttered . | |and falling” intonation |

| | |Teacher |( ( | |(analyse the use of |

| |Seek to |–student |Q 1: Would you open your books on page 25? ( Q 2: Would you open your books on p25 please? | |intonation in making |

| |solve | |The students will certainly remark the difference uttering the intonation . | |requests |

| |problem in | |The students are invited to open their books on page 25 and pay attention at the “TIPS”* |Interpret |(use the stated rule to |

| |problem | |The teacher invites one or two of the students to read the TIPS “rule” and tries to explain it | |produce “oral” & |

| |situations |Student – | | |written” productions |

| |Making |teacher | | |(pps have to justify |

| |appeals and | | | |their aswers |

| |requests |Student- | | |yellowdaffodil66@gmail. |

| | |student | | |om |

| |Making | | | | |

| |appeals and | |The pupils read the tips then they are invited to practise through the following task. | | |

| |requests | |( Activity 1p25: Mark the intonation on the items in bold with arrows (( or () .Justify your answers. |produce | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Page 18 | |

| |Ways of | | | | |

| |sepaking | | | | |

| | | |The pupils work in rough , the teacher moves through the rows , checks the students’ answers , then ivites them to read and correct the activity where | | |

| | | |they have to justify their answers | | |

| | | |The teacher invites the pupils to use their pencils and correct on the book, later they will read all the written work on the board and then copy down | | |

| | | |on their copy books. | | |

|Time |rationale |Type of |Procedure |competencies |Who are my learners? |

| | |interact | | | |

| | | | Sequence Two: Practice File One (3rdAM) |Interact about |(greet & welcome |

| |Welcoming |Teacher |Warm-up: |daily life |(revise what has been |

| |,greeting |–student |The teacher greets his learners and interacts with them about the last hour, what they have seen and if they face any problems. |school |seen in the previous |

| |and |Student- |The teacher invites the pupils to open their books on page164 , he reads the dialogue and invites the learners to “underline” < I’m sorry .She isn’t | |hour |

| |greetings |teacher |here at the moment> |Interpret the |(pps can listen to a |

| | | |The teacher invites the learners to perform the drill |problem solving |listening script and |

| | |Teacher |Presentation : |situation |execute a given |

| |Seek to |–student |The teacher reminds the pupils about the sentence they underlined and asks them to read it. | |instruction |

| |solve | |I’m sorry .She isn’t here at the moment | |(identify the meaning |

| |problem in | |Isolation : |Interpret |and use of “sorry” |

| |problem | |The learners are invites to read the isolated sentence |the problem |(express apologies and |

| |situations |Student – |Analysis: I’m sorry . She isn’t here at the moment. |solving |give justifications |

| |Making |teacher |( ( |situation |(Use the different |

| |appeals and | |Apology clarification |produce |expressions to express |

| |requests |Student- |Stating rule: To express apologies we use : | |apologies in reel life |

| | |student |( [ sorry – I’m sorry – I’m afraid / pardon + clarifications ] | |situations |

| |Making | |Practice: The teacher invites the pupils to practise using the following situations and key words. | |yellowdaffodil66@gmail.c|

| |appeals and | |The students are invited to do “activity 2p26” | |om |

| |requests | |(Activity 2p26: Complete one of the apologies below with an explanation . | | |

| | | |Being late: Sorry I’m late , I didn’t get up early and I missed the bus | | |

| | | |Missing a party : I’m sorry I didn’t come to your party . I was ill . I had fever and I was in bed. | | |

| | | |Missing a phone call : I ‘m sorry I didn’t phone , I lost your phone number. | | |

| | | |The pupils perform the situations in pairs. |Page 19 | |

| | | |Imagine: The teacher asks the pupils to perform what has been seen “how to express apologies and give clarifications using the problem solving | | |

| | | |situations. | | |

| | | |Situation1: {In a shop} Situation 2 : [ In the post office ] | | |

| | | |Shop assistant: That's two pounds fifty. ( Customer: Can I have two stamps please? | | |

| | | |Customer:" Pardon?/ Sorry " how much did you say? ( Post office clerk: Pardon? , how many did you say? | | |

| | | |Shop assistant: Two pounds fifty, please. ( Customer: I'd like two please. | | |

| | | |Customer: Here you are thanks. ( Post office clerk: Here you are, sir. | | |

| | | |Situation 3: [ Asking for the way] Situation 4: { In class} | | |

| | | |A : Excuse me , where is the hotel , please? ( Teacher: Open your books and go to page 12. | | |

| | | |B : Go straight on .Turn right .You can't miss it. ( Pupil: Sorry . I didn't hear you! | | |

| | | |A :"pardon?" would you repeat please? I didn’t understand. I was listening to my friend | | |

| | | |B : I said : go straight on. Then Turn right. | | |

| | | |The pupils work in rough , the teacher supervises the pupils’ work , then invite them to correct on the board. | | |

| | | |The teacher invites the students to read all the written works on the board then copy down. | | |

|Time |rationale |Type of |Procedure |competencies |Who are my learners? |

| | |interact | | | |

| | | | Sequence Two: Read and Write File One (3rdAM) |Interact to |(greet & welcome |

| |Welcoming |Teacher |Warm-up: |greet and |(talk about ways to |

| |,greeting |–student |The teacher greets his learners and inquires about their daily school life. |welcome |express apologies |

| |and |Student- |The teacher tries to check the pupils’ understanding of the previous lesson.[expressing apologies and giving clarification] |Interact about |(interpret photos and |

| |greetings |teacher |Pre-reading: |the last séance |pictures and decode the |

| | | |The teacher invites the pupils to open their books on page 28 and pay attention at the photo. |(expressing |meaning through them |

| | |Teacher |The pupils are invited to interpret the photo; the teacher tries to make the pupils to talk about the photo. |apologies & |(interpret the advert |

| |Seek to |–student |(The pupils’ answers: |clarifications) |to answer the questions |

| |solve | |The photo is an advertisement |Interpret the |(identify pronouns in |

| |problem in | |The teacher may lead the learner to answer such task by answering the questions of “Activity1p28” |flashcard to |written script |

| |problem | |The teacher explains the instructions of “Activity one p 28” |identify what |(read and exploit the |

| |situations |Student – |(Activity One p 28: Read the advertisement below and answer these questions. |kind of message |text to answer the tasks|

| |Making |teacher |What is the advertisement about? ( It’s for holiday job in Britain. |is it | |

| |appeals and | |Is it addressed to boys only, to girls only, or to both and girls? (It is addressed to both boys and girls. |Interpret the |yellowdaffodil66@gmail.c|

| |requests |Student- |What is the minimum age set for the job applicants? ( The minimum age is 14. |written message |om |

| | |student |How are the workers paid? (They are paid by piecework. |to answer the | |

| |Making | |Would you like to apply for the job? Why or why not? ( Yes, I love travelling / ( No, my parents do not allow me to travel abroad alone. |questions of | |

| |appeals and | |The pupils work in rough, correct on the board, and then perform the task as a drill. |task onep28 | |

| |requests | |While –reading: | | |

| | | |The teacher reads the “ad” and explains its items, then leads the pupils to read the text and try to answer the following task. | | |

| |Introducing | |The teacher reads the text and asks the pupils to underlined the statements containing “which & who” | |( listen & follow |

| | | |( Activity 2p28: Read the letter and answer the questions. |Read and |written script |

| |Answering | |What newspaper advertised the job for fruit pickers? ( It’s Teenage Magazine. |interpret the |(underline the selected |

| |and replying|Teacher |Where does Farida Souhali live? ( She lives in Mitidja. |text to exploit |words and statements |

| |appeals and |–student |What kind of person is she? ( She likes team work very much. |the text |(Identify and recognize |

| |requests |Student- |How many foreign languages does she speak? ( Two foreign languages. | |pronouns and their uses |

| | |teacher |Do you think that Farida will be accepted for the job? Why or why not? ( Yes she will be accepted because she has a lot of experience in picking fruit | |( analyse the selected |

| | | |and she speaks two foreign languages. |Interpret to |statements to state the |

| | |Teacher |The teacher invites the pupils to read the text “loudly” and give their answers. |sump up the main|role of the relative |

| | |–student |The teacher reports the pupils’ answer on the board, and then invites them to read it and perform the task as a drill. |idea of the Text|pronouns |

| |Making | |The teacher explains the instructions of the next “task” then invites the learners to do it. | | |

| |appeals and | |(Activity 2p29: Farida Souhali received a positive reply. Read the answers and choose the right answer. |Page 20 |(identify the main |

| |requests | |( I am pleased to inform you that your application for the job of fruit picker has been accepted. | |constituents of a |

| | |Student – |The pupils read the text and answer the task, the teacher listens to the pupils answer and try to make them talk why did they chose such answer.[the |Interpret the |sentence |

| | |teacher |answer is the polite one] |script to study | |

| | | | |the new |(discriminate between |

| | |Student- | |supported |the meaning of sentences|

| |Making |student |(Post-reading[ Your Turn page29/30]: |structure | |

| |appeals and | |The teacher reads the text and invites the learners to follow , use their pencils and underline the following sentences. | |(build correct sentences|

| |requests | |1) I would like to apply for the job of fruit picker which you advertised in this month’s issue. | |using the relative |

| | | |2) I am the kind of person who likes team work very much - 3) It is easy for me to communicate with people who are my age. |Analyse the |pronouns |

| | | |The teacher invites the learners to read once the text |statements |yellowdaffodil66@gmail.c|

| | | |(Presentation: |supporting the |om |

| | |Teacher |The teacher invites the learners to list the underlined sentences. |“relative | |

| |Showing and |–student |1) I would like to apply for the job of fruit picker which you advertised in this month’s issue. |pronouns” | |

| |demonstratin|Student- |2) I am the kind of person who likes team work very much - 3) It is easy for me to communicate with people who are my age. | | |

| |g |teacher |(Isolation: The teacher invites the learners to focus on the isolated words. |State the form |Greet and welcome |

| | | |“Which - who” |and use of the |Discuss and sum-up the |

| | |Teacher |(Analysis: The learners are invited to analyse the isolated words in their sentences. |relative |least séance learning |

| |Showing and |–student |1) I would like to apply for the job of fruit picker which you advertised in this month’s issue. |pronouns “who& |objectives |

| |demonstratin| |Sentence 1 ( Sentence 2 |which” |Identify the meaning of |

| |g | |Relative pronoun = the job of fruit picker( noun object) | |an integrated situation |

| | | |2) I am the kind of person who likes team work very much | |Discriminate between the|

| | |Student – |Sentence 1 ( Sentence 2 | |forms of writings |

| | |teacher |Relative pronoun= person | |(letter – paragraph- |

| | | |( Stating rule: |Use the stated |email..) |

| | |Student- |“who & which” are relative pronouns |rule to produce |Recognize the lay out of|

| | |student |“who & which” link two clauses into a single complex clause |written messages|a letter |

| | | |“who & which “ are defining relative pronoun they define |using the learnt|Discriminate between |

| | | |(Practice : The learners are invited to perform the following tasks |language |sender and receiver |

| | | |1) Based form task: | |Identify jobs |

| |Supporting &| |Exercise1: Re-order the following words to make correct sentences. | |Describe one’s profile |

| |defending | |a) We / wash / a machine/ which / washing machine/use/ clothes/ to /. /A/ is /( | |Describe one’s friend |

| | | |b) instructs/ person/ A/ pupils/ school/ teacher/ is / who/ at / a / ( | |profile (appearance and |

| | | |2) Meaning based task: | |character) Read and |

| | | |Exercise 2: Match the pairs. | |discuss one’s piece of |

| | | |I’m so sorry for being late. – defining | |writing in front |

| |Supporting &| |Would you lend me your pen please? - apologizing | |classmates |

| |defending | |A giraffe is an animal which has long neck - polite request. | |yellowdaffodil66@gmail.c|

| | | |3) Communicative based task: |Interact to |om |

| | | |Activity 2p30: Match items in column “A” with their definitions in column “B”, Then write full sentences . |greet and | |

| | | |Column A |welcome | |

| | | |1 |Interact about | |

| | | |2 |the last séance | |

| | | |3 |Interact about | |

| | | |4 |the problem | |

| |Supporting &| |5 |solving | |

| |defending | |6 |situation | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Column B |Interpret the | |

| | | |C |problem stated | |

| | | |A |in the module of| |

| | | |B |integration | |

| | | |F | | |

| | | |D | | |

| | | |E | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |A king is a person who lives in a palace. | | |

| | | |A TV set is electronic equipment which transmits images. |Produce written | |

| | | |A policeman is a person who arrests thieves. |letter | |

| | | |A pan is a kitchen utensil which we use to cook food. |discussing the | |

| | | |A typewriter is a machine which we use to type texts. |stated problem | |

| | | |Activity 3p30: Join each of the pairs of sentences below (A to F) with “which” or “who” to form one sentence. | | |

| | | |Karim is a boy who likes telling the truth. B. A glutton is a person who likes eating a lot. |22 | |

| | | |C. Sabrina is the schoolgirl who is fond of basketball D.That’s the cat which I photographed yesterday. | | |

| | | |E. I read the postcards which arrived yesterday. F. Those are the birds which I fed last week. | | |

| | | |The pps work in rough, the teacher supervises then invites them to correct on the board later they read and write down. | | |

| | | |Page 21 | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |[pic] | | |

| | | |Warm-up: The teacher greets his learners and welcomes them; he inquires about their daily life school. | | |

| | | |The learners are invited to talk about the previous hours and the learnt language ( defining using the relative pronouns –who & which) | | |

| | | |The teacher invites the learners to open their books on page 3O and pay attention at the “write it out” section = Integrated situation. | | |

| | | |( Learning the integration: “ Letter of recommendation” | | |

| | | |The learners are invited to pay attention at the set of instruction in the “integrated situation” | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |The teacher invites the learners to list and organize their ideas about the topic. | | |

| | | |Names | | |

| | | |letter | | |

| | | |Job | | |

| | | |Friend’s profile | | |

| | | |Wish | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Mr Konny | | |

| | | |Friend’s name | | |

| | | |Recommendation letter for application letter | | |

| | | |Fruit picker | | |

| | | |-always punctual / never arrive late/school | | |

| | | |-work well / get on well / inn team/ with people | | |

| | | |- well –spoken/tactful | | |

| | | |-always reading to help /people/ who / problems | | |

| | | |-tidy / neat | | |

| | | |- do well every work / which / undertake | | |

| | | |Polite salutations (beginning and ending) | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |The learners are invited to use the listed information ,and try to write letters of recommendations about their classmates | | |

| | | |(Suggested Letter of recommendation : | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |(Assessing the Integration: The teacher invites the learners to work in rough, he supervises their works then invites the learners to read their | | |

| | | |letters, the teacher reports the correction on the board, later the learners read and copy down. | | |


|Sequence Three: what’s on? |

|Personal Goals: |

|(During this lesson, what teacher competencies are you focusing on? They should be adapted from the ATF to reflect the specifies of your situation |

|( Active Learners :Learners acquire and retain language best when the topics meet their interests and when they are active participants in their learning: finding personal meaning ,learning cooperatively with peers, and |

|making connections to life outside of class |

|(Ongoing assessment of Learning: Ongoing , or regular ,assessment should take various forms and address the competences that have been learned in class, so that the assessment can provide useful information on individual |

|progress and achievement, which teachers and learners can review to aid learning . |

|(Facilitator : Teachers support learner learning by taking a primarily facilitative role in the classroom : designing and structuring learning experiences with learner interests and needs in mind; guiding and monitoring learner|

|learning ; assisting learners in contributing to their own learning in a learner-centered teaching . |

|Lesson Focus: |

|( Which aspects of language are you teaching: e.g. grammar point(s), aspect of pronunciation (phonemes, intonation, etc …), vocabulary (words, word phrases, idioms, etc…) functions (polite requests, apologizing….)? |

|(In this lesson I will teach the following aspects of language: |

|Function : Asking and giving the time / Describing TV programmes /Expressing likes and dislikes / Accepting and declining invitations / Describing a broadcasting company {BBC} / Planning a TV programmes/ Writing a greeting |

|card |

|Grammar :simple past tense - « would » invitation / simple present tense / gerund / Present simple continuous / |

|Pronunciation : Strong & weak forms of “ would you ...? / Do you.....? |

|Vocabulary : vocabulary related to : TV programmes |

|Competencies : |

|( Which competencies in the AEF are you working toward or plan for the learners to achieve today? They should be adapted from the AEF to reflect the specifies of you lesson. |

|( Can plan for ,use and evaluate the effectiveness of Spoken Interaction Strategies used : To facilitate pair work in class.- To convey the meaning of unknown words, phrases and structures |

|(Can plan for ,use and evaluate the effectiveness of a few listening strategies in order to :Comprehend general ideas or gist - Make reasonable guesses at meanings. |

|(Can plan for, use and evaluate the effectiveness of a few basic reading strategies to develop. Reading efficiency and speed -Guessing skills. |

|( Can plan for, use and evaluate the effectiveness of a few basic writing strategies to :Generate ideas and Create a draft of a text . |

|Objectives / Assessment : |

|(SWBAT by the end of the lesson ,students will be able to demonstrate : |

|Express polite request – describe TV programmes – expressing likes & dislikes – accepting and declining invitations /write a greeting card. |

|& Discriminate between strong and weak forms of “would – do you ....?” |

|Required material and / or resources : |

|( Manual's script page 164/ 165 & flash cards pages (32- 34- 35- 36- 37- 38) |

| |

|Page 23 |

|yellowdaffodil66@ |

|time |Rationale |Type of |P r o c e d u r e |Swbat |Who are my learners? |

| | |interact | | | |

| |Welcoming | | Sequence Three: [pic] Listen and speak |Interact to |Recognize the time and |

| |,greeting |Teacher |Warm-up: |greet and |date |

| |Making |–student |The teacher greets his learners and inquires about their daily school life. |welcome |Identify the way how to |

| |appeals and |Student- |The teacher tries to check the pupils’ understanding of the previous lesson [Making appeals and requests] | |ask about time and the |

| |requests |teacher |The teacher tries to remind the learners about the way of asking and giving the time. |Interact in |time of an object |

| | | |The learners try to identify the time. |order to express|Identify the |

| |Telling the |Teacher |1.0 0 ( one o'clock 1.01( one past one 1.15( quarter past one |ways of telling |prepositions "on-at" and|

| |time |–student |1.30 ( half past one 1.45 ( quarter to two 1.59 ( one to two |the time |discriminate between |

| | | |The teacher reminds the learners about the way of asking the time. | |them |

| | | |What is the time? ( The time is 8.30 |Interpret the |Introduce famous |

| | | |What time is the English lesson? ( The English lesson is at 8.30. |photos to |personalities (actors) |

| |Communicatin|Student – |Pre-listening: |describe the TV |Identify TV programmes |

| |g and |teacher |The teacher asks the learners to open their books on page 32 and look at the film announcements and try to interpret them |programmes | |

| |keeping in | |The teacher may help the learners to interact by asking the following questions. | |List some of the famous |

| |touch |Student- |What are the following photos about? |Interact about |films |

| | |student |Do you know some of these actors? |the date and |Narrate some past events|

| | | |What is your best actor or film? |time of TV | |

| |Inquire | |Can you summarize your best film? |programmes in | |

| |about time | |Which of the given films do prefer? Why? |order to |Describe events from |

| |and date | | |discriminate |photos |

| | | |(The teacher invites the learners the look at the timing and the TV programme and try to interact about them. |between “at | |

| |Likes and |Teacher |( Activity 1p29: look at these film announcements, and then talk about today's TV programme. |+time & On + |Listen and decode |

| |dislikes |–student |You: When's {Spiderman-cat woman-Harry Potter-The Battle of Algiers}? |day” |message from oral |

| | |Student- |Your partner :It' s on [Saturday-Sunday- Monday –Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday-Friday] | |reading |

| |Experiencing|teacher |You: At what time? |Listen and |Answer and justify |

| |& suffering |Student-stud|Your partner: (It's at) + time….. |interpret |answers |

| | |ent |( The teacher invites the learners to perform the drill , substitute the keywords according to the TV programme |listening script| |

| | | |Note : The learners should discriminate between [ at a time ] and { on a day} |to answer the |Discriminate between |

| | |Teacher |During listening: |written task |likes and feelings |

| | |–student |(The teacher invites the learners to pay attention at that instructions of “activity 2p32” then invites them to listen and try to answer the questions.| |against TV programmes |

| | | |( Activity2p29: Listen and answer these questions. | |yellowdaffodil66@gmail.c|

| |Likes and | |What film are Jack and Jill talking about? ( They are talking about "cat woman" |Produce |om |

| |dislikes | |Did Jack like the film? Why.? Why not? ( No, he didn't, because the story was awful, the actors were horrible, the script didn't have any good lines. |exchanges | |

| | |Student – |How did he feel? (He felt depressed. |showing likes , | |

| |Experiencing|teacher |What did he like ? ( He liked the special effects. |dislikes and | |

| |& suffering | |( The teacher reads twice the script on page 165 , then invites the learners to give back their answers. |feeling against | |

| | |Student- |Page24 |TV programmes |Identify means of |

| | |student | | |leisure |

| | | | | |Describe and list a TV |

| | | |Post-listening: | |programme |

| |Ways of | |( The teacher invites the learner to open their books on page 165 and perform the drill in pairs. | |Describe different sorts|

| |speaking | |( The teacher explains the instructions of “ Activity 3p32” then invites the learners to perform. | |and kinds of films |

| | | |Pair Work: Activity 3p32:Now,look at the TV announcements above.Then try to build a dialogue with your friend |Listen and |Express likes and |

| | | |You: Which programme do you like best? |interpret weak |dislikes |

| | |Teacher |Your partner: I like............ |and strong forms|Discriminate between |

| | |–student |You: Why? |of “would & do +|positive preferences and|

| |Ways of |Student- |Your partner: Because................. |you...? |negative preferences |

| |speaking |teacher |You: How do you feel when you watch it? | |Make invitation |

| | | |Your partner: I feel......................... | |Accept and decline |

| | | |( The learners work in pair, the teacher supervises their works and offers his help if needed | |invitation |

| | |Student-stud|( The learners are invited to give back their production and perform their drills in pairs. | |Discriminate between the|

| | |ent |( The teacher reports on the board one of the learners production, he invites the learners to read it . |Interpret the |“weak and strong forms” |

| |Ways of | |[pic] |drill and use |in quick and slow speech|

| |speaking |Teacher |The teacher invites the learners to pay attention at the following example written on the board. |“weak & strong” |Use a given pattern to |

| | |–student |Example: A: Do you like playing chess? B: Yes , I love it |forms |work in pair and build |

| | | |A: Would you like to come to my home and play it? B: Yes with pleasure. |transcriptions |dialogues |

| | | |The teacher invites the learners to pay attention at the way “ Do you & Would you...?” are uttered | |yellowdaffodil66@gmail.c|

| | | |The teacher will read the first reading at normal speed where the learners will notice that : | |om |

| |Greet and |Student – | | | |

| |welcome |teacher | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Likes and |Student- |The teacher will read the first reading at a higher speed where the learners will notice that : |Interact to | |

| |dislikes |student |Would you ( /wʊ dʒ ə / Do you (/ dʒ ə / |greet and | |

| | | |The learners will certainly notice the difference between the /ʊ/ & / ə/ |welcome |Discuss he last séance |

| | | |The learners are invited to pay attention at the “TIPS” on page 33. The teacher reads the TIPS then invites some of the learners to read it. |Interact about |learning objectives |

| | | |The teacher explains the instructions of “Activity 1p33” then invites the learners to perform. He may instruct the learners that “Dialogue A= normal |what had been |Express like sand |

| |Liking more | |speed” and “ Dialogue B = Higher speed” |seen previously|dislikes |

| | | |The learners use their pencils to write the correct pronunciation of the items in bold. | |Can list the daily tasks|

| | |Teacher |Activity 1p33: Write the correct pronunciation of the items in bold in the dialogues “A” & “B” | |and leisure |

| | |–student | |Interpret the |Discriminate between |

| | |Student- | |flashcard to |positive and negative |

| |Liking more |teacher | |identify between|preferences |

| | | | |ways of |Can talk about TV |

| | | | |expressing |programs |

| | |Student-stud| |positive and |Work in pair and make |

| |Liking more |ent | |negative |drills and dialogues |

| | | | |preferences |Substitute key words |

| | |Teacher |The learners are invited to give their answers and perform the drill respecting the use of weak forms of “would you/do you...? | |while performing drills |

| | |–student |The teacher explains the instructions of “Activity2p33” then invites the learners to build up drills as a {homework} | |Inquire and make |

| |Inviting and| |The learners are invited to read the corrected written works on the board then copy down on their copy books. |Produce oral & |invitations |

| |summoning | |Page 25 |written messages|Use “ would to make |

| | |Student – | |inquiring about |invitations” |

| | |teacher |Sequence Three [pic] File one |likes and |Adapt the learning |

| | |Student- |Warm up: The teacher greets his learners and inquires about their daily school life. |expressing |objectives according to |

| | |student |The teacher tries to check the pupils’ understanding of the previous lesson [likes and dislikes & experiencing and suffering] |positive and |one’s likes and |

| | | |The teacher may ask the learner about last night’s TV program |negative |preferences |

| | | |A: What was on TV last night? B: There was a football match. |preferences | |

| | | |A: Do you like watching football? = Are you fond of /keen on watching football? B: Yes, I do / I am . | |yellowdaffodil66@gmail.c|

| |Likes and | |The teacher invites the learners to repeat “twice or thrice” then asks them to open their books on page 34 and pay attention at “ Activity 1p34.He | |om |

| |dislikes | |explains the instruction , the new vocabulary & ways of expressing likes and dislikes. Later the learners are invited to make dialogues using the key |Interpret the | |

| | | |works on page 34 |task to inquire | |

| | | | |about likes and | |

| | | | |make invitations|Greet and welcome |

| |Liking more | | |Page 26 |Discuss the last séance |

| | | | | |learning objectives |

| | | | | |Identify the concept of |

| | | | |Interact to |“integrated situation” |

| | | | |greet and |Recognize and name |

| |Likes and | | |welcome |animals |

| |dislikes | | |Interact about |Interact and list ideas |

| | | | |the last séance |Discriminate between |

| |Liking more | | | |domestic and wild |

| | | | |Interpret the |animals |

| | | | |stated problem |Describe some of the |

| | | | |in the module of|common animals |

| | | | |integration |Describe appearance of |

| | | | | |animals |

| | | |( Activity1p31: Ask and answer questions about television programmes you watch. | |Talk about their likes |

| | | |Do you like watching |Interpret the |and dislikes |

| | | |You: Are you fond of watching [comedies- horror films- action – fiction- drama… ] |situation by |Work in pair to form |

| | | |- I don't really like comedies , but I like action films very much. |listing and |dialogues |

| | | |Your partner : I like watching comedies , but I prefer watching fictions films |organizing ideas|Present one’s production|

| | | |I 'm not fond of comedies , but I prefer watching drama films . | |in front the class and |

| | | |Note : The teacher must lead the learners to discriminate between likes , dislikes and give justify their answers . |Produce a |discuss it |

| | | |Positive preferences |dialogue talking|yellowdaffodil66@gmail.c|

| | | |Negative preferences |about one’s |om |

| | | | |preferred animal| |

| | | |I 'm fond of | | |

| | | |I 'm interested in | | |

| | | |I love … | | |

| | | |I really like .. | | |

| | | |I like very much | | |

| | | |I 'm crazy about… | | |

| | | |I 'm mad about… | | |

| | | |I 'm not keen on… | | |

| | | |I dislike… | | |

| | | |I hate … | | |

| | | |I don't really like… | | |

| | | |I don't like….at all | | |

| | | |I 'm not keen on… | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |The teacher explains the instructions of "Activity2p31" , then asks the pupils to work on their copy books in pair | | |

| | | |( Activity2p31: Act out dialogues .Invite your partner to dinner-birthday-party….. | | |

| | | |Make sure your friend is free first. | | |

| | | |Are you free on ………………………? | | |

| | | |Are you doing anything on …………………? | | |

| | | |Then check what your partner likes . | | |

| | | |Do you like ………………..? | | |

| | | |Are you fond of ……………? | | |

| | | |If the answer is "yes" , invite him or her . | | |

| | | |Example: "The Battle of Algiers "is on channal Algerie .Would you like to come and watch it with me? | | |

| | | |If the answer is "no" , change your invitation. Example : Could you come and do some revision with me then? | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Sequence Three [pic] File One | | |

| | | |Warm up: | | |

| | | |The teacher greets his learners and inquires about their daily school life. | | |

| | | |The teacher tries to check the pupils’ understanding of the previous lesson [expressing positive and negative preferences] | | |

| | | |The learners are invited to talk about their positive preferences and negative ones and try to justify their answers | | |

| | | |( Integrated Situation = Pair Work ( Imagine p 35): | | |

| | | |1) Learning the integration : | | |

| | | |The teacher presents the situation of the new problem solving situation through the following introduction. | | |

| | | |The set of instructions: | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |The teacher reads and explains the instructions of the “integrated situation”, then invites the learners to read it | | |

| | | |The teacher interact with his learners about the theme and try to make them take part by: | | |

| | | |A) Eliciting learners’ information: | | |

| | | |Animals | | |

| | | |Animal liked | | |

| | | |Animals Preferred | | |

| | | |why | | |

| | | |Animals’ likes | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Dogs – goldfinch – cat – canaries – horse – donkey – hens...... | | |

| | | |Cat – dog – goldfinch | | |

| | | |Canary. | | |

| | | |Cat | | |

| | | |friendly – tender – purr (sound) | | |

| | | |roll up on your knees and purrs from joy | | |

| | | |Cats are loving, playful, charming and cute companions | | |

| | | |- climb on you | | |

| | | |-sleep with you | | |

| | | |- hunt mice | | |

| | | |- Good food, water, a litter box, scratching post, and a place to sleep. | | |

| | | |- toys. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |B) Eliciting learners’ information: | | |

| | | |The learners are invited to select from the elicited information, work with their colleagues and make dialogues describing their favourite pet. | | |

| | | |The teacher supervises the learners works, he offers his help if needed. | | |

| | | |2) Assessing the integration: | | |

| | | |The teacher invites the learners to give back their works | | |

| | | |They are asked to read their dialogues in front their colleagues | | |

| | | |The others listen, take notes and discuss and may ask questions to each others. | | |

| | | |The teacher invites the learners to copy down their own drills . | | |

| | | |Page 27 | | |


|Sequence Three: Reading & Writing |

|Personal Goals: |

|(During this lesson, what teacher competencies are you focusing on? They should be adapted from the ATF to reflect the specifies of your situation |

|( Facilitator. Teachers support learner learning by taking a primarily facilitative role in the classroom : designing and structuring learning experiences with learner interests and needs in mind; guiding and monitoring |

|learner learning ; assisting learners in contributing to their own learning in a learner-centered teaching . |

|( Supportive Learning Environment and Classroom Management: Teachers have a positive impact on learner learning by creating a supportive and relaxed learning environment and using appropriate classroom management : |

|communicating warmth and respect for learners, encouraging them to participate and work cooperatively and to develop self-confidence |

|Lesson Focus: |

|( Which aspects of language are you teaching: e.g. grammar point(s), aspect of pronunciation (phonemes, intonation, etc …), vocabulary (words, word phrases, idioms, etc…) functions (polite requests, apologizing….)? |

|(In this lesson I will teach the following aspects of language: |

|Function : Describing TV programs |

|Grammar :Simple present tense |

|Vocabulary : vocabulary related to : TV programmes |

|Competencies : |

|(Can plan for, use and evaluate the effectiveness of a few basic reading strategies to develop Reading efficiency and speed ,guessing skills. |

|( Can plan for ,use and evaluate the effectiveness of a few basic writing strategies to :Generate ideas and Create a draft of a text . |

|Objectives / Assessment : |

|(SWBAT by the end of the lesson ,students will be able to demonstrate : |

|Describe and write a TV program |

| |

|Required material and / or resources : |

|( Manual's script page 164/ 165 & flash cards pages (36- 37- 38) |

| |

| |

|Page 28 |

|yellowdaffodil66@ |

|Time |Rationale |Type of |P r o c e d u r e |Swbat |Who are my learners? |

| | |interaction | | | |

| | | |File One: [pic] 3Am |Interact to |Pupils can gr |

| |Greeting |Teacher |Warm up: The teacher greets his learners, welcomes them and inquires about their daily life school. |greet and | |

| |& |–student |The learner are invited to talk about the last séance .[talking about likes , dislikes and preferences] |welcome |eet and welcome |

| |Welcoming |Student- |Pre-reading: |Interact about |Discuss about the last |

| | |teacher |The teacher invites the learners to open their books on page36 and pay attention to the flashcard. |ways to express|séance and give examples |

| | | |The learners are asked to describe the photo and try to interpret it , the teacher may help the his learners by asking them to talk about |likes and |about what has been |

| | |Teacher |“three” things” |preferences |learnt |

| | |–student |1) What kind of picture? 2) What does it take place? 3) Who is in the picture? 4) What is he doing? |Interpret the |Discriminate between |

| |Communicatin| |The aim is to lead the learners to interact about the picture and create a situation of real communication. |picture to |different type of |

| |g and | |The teacher explains the instructions of “Task 1p36” and the new words such as “ FM-MW-LW ” |identify the |pictures |

| |keeping in | |The teacher may set it as a game, he may read the “radio” frequencies (as a model) then asks the pupils to read and the one who makes a |topic of the |Describe pictures to |

| |touch |Student – |pronunciation mistakes (without telling him what is the mistake) the teacher just says “stop” another pupils tries to read again and the one |course |identify the meaning and |

| | |teacher |who reads all the frequencies without pronunciation mistakes is the winner. | |the topic of the lesson |

| | | |( Task Onep36: Read and play a radio presenter’s role for the following stations. | |Name different type of |

| | |Student- |-RADIO 1: FM:97.6.99,8 MHZ - RADIO 2 : FM:88,909KHZ - RADIO 5 live........ |Interpret the |mass media (Tv – |

| | |student |During-reading: |radio |Radio....) |

| | | |The teacher explains the instructions of Activity2p36, and then invites the learners to read the text on page 37 and try to answer. |frequencies |Describe Radio |

| |Communicatin| |Activity 1p36: Read the TV programme on page 37 and answer these questions. | |frequencies |

| |g and | |a- What’s on Channel 5 at 9.25? ( On Channel 5 at 9.25 there is Shrek III. | |Name and locate places |

| |keeping in | |b- Which channel is the “The Adams” on? (The Adams is on ITV 1 Channal. | |Names foreign |

| |touch | |c-Next to the announcement of some films in the programme, you read “Don’t miss it”. Why? (Because it’s a nice programme and deserves to be |Interpret the |broadcasting channels |

| | | |seen. |British TV |Interact about some of |

| | | |The learners work in rough , the teacher supervises the works , offers his help once needed then invites the learners to read the text and |channels and |the foreign TV channels |

| |Communicatin| |correct |their programs |Identify the meaning of |

| |g and | |The teacher reports the answer on the board, and then asks the pupils to perform it as drill. (by pair) | |opening sentence . |

| |keeping in | |Post-reading:[Your Turn] | |Recognize the place of |

| |touch | |The learners listen to the teacher’s explanations of “Task 1p36” then try to answer the “task” | |the opening sentence and |

| | | |Note for the teacher: “ Opening Sentence” | |its importance |

| | | | |Interact about |yellowdaffodil66@gmail.co|

| | | | |“opening |m |

| | | | |sentence” | |

| | | |Activity 1p36: Read the paragraph and put the opening sentence in the right place. |Interpret the | |

| | | |There are five terrestrial TV channels in Britain. There are also several satellite channels (opening sentence) .The BBC has.......BBC1is |task to | |

| | | |....... BBC 2 is .......Its programmes................ITV1............Channel 4...............It started............The last ........ |identify the | |

| | | |The learners work in rough , the teacher supervises their works and offers his help once needed ,later they are asked to read the whole |opening | |

| | | |paragraph and copy it down on their copy books |sentence | |

| | | |The teacher explains the instructions of the “write it out” < Integrated Situation> and invites the learners to do it as a home work . | | |

| | | |page 29 | | |




Short- fat- tall- nice-polite-boring-nervy-strict-serious-easygoing-sincere-helpful-cheerful-cool-rude

Activity 3p18 : What do you say in these situations?Fill in the blanks

a-When you leave someone for the night or before going to bed(Have sweet dreams/I wish you good night.

b-When you leave someone whom you have just met: Bye-good bye- cheerio-see you

c-When you part with someone who is just about to travel:(I wish you a nice trip

• Your teacher asked your friends to introduce themselves[name- origin- appearance and personality]

• You are a new comer to your class and your colleagues do not know you.

• You teacher asked you to introduce yourself to the class

• Fill in the form talking about yourself ,appearance, likes and dislikes , personality and feeling

Name: Sarah Bint Age: 15

Physical appearance: slim- quite tall –long wavy red hair-sparkling brown eyes-short turned up noise

Personality: quiet & not shy –like meeting teenagers & love exchanging

Likes: singing soul music –flute and lute- modern dance – Latin American and oriental dances

Dislikes: classical music

Preferences: flute & lute / Latin American & oriental dances

( “and” is a coordinator ,it expresses “similarity and avoids repetition .

“but” is a coordinator , it expresses opposition.

“because ” is a coordinator , it expresses cause.

← One of you friends wants to join one of your local sport clubs.

← The manager of the club asked him to fill in a form.

← Your friend does not know how to fill in it

← Fill in the form talking about yourself ( a sample for your friend to follow it)

← Use adjectives describing “appearance & personality”

← Use coordinators “and – but – because”

Dear Sir,

I would like to subscribe at the local football club.

Name: Forename:

Age: 15 years old

Address: 23 Ben Badis Street Médéa Algeria

Education: 3rd Middle School Level

Appearance: tall slim boy with brown hair and dark eyes

Personality: friendly –cheerful

Likes and dislikes: football & dislike cigarettes

Telephone message

For: Jane Smith _______________________________

From: Mary Chapman_________________________

Message: Time: 14.00

Marry wants to talk to Jane

• Teacher : It’s cold

• Pupil: Would you like me to close the window?

• Teacher: No, thank you .Could you just pass me that coat, please?

Pupil 1 : It’s cold.

Pupil 2: Do you want me to close the door?

Pupil 1: Yes, thanks

It’s important to choose our words when we make request i.e., when we want to ask people to do things for us. For example; ‘Could you shut the window?’ is more polite than ‘Shut the window’

-Intonation is also important .Your voice should start quite high, rise and then go down on the last impotant word [pic](

e.g. Could you give me that books

-If the request ends with “please». We say ‘please’ with rising intonation.

[pic]( [pic]

e.g. Could you give me that book , please ?

A: Hello, oh right-one three –two-oh,nine-five –four-six. B: This is Massyl.Can I speak to Fatima, please? (

A: I’m afraid / Sorry she is out for the moment. B: Can I leave a message? (

A: Yes, go ahead. B: Thanks. Could you tell her to call me, please? (

A: Could you repeat / remind me your name? ( B: It’s Massyl, M-A-S-S-Y-L

( Imagine you spent last summer working on Konny’s farm .

(This year, your partner intends to go and work there.

(Write a letter of recommendation to support her / his letter of application

(Use the cues provided to you on page 30.

( Use the relative pronouns “ who – which”

Dear Mr Konny ,

I am writing to support Ali’s application for the job of fruit picker. He is my close friend because we go to the same school for many years.

Ali is always punctual and never arrives late at school; he works well in a team and gets on well with people around him. He is well –spoken and tactful.

My friend is always ready to help people who have problems and he does well the work which he undertakes.

Waiting forward for your reply,

Yours sincerely,

Yours sincerely,


Do you (/dujʊ/

Would you ( /wʊdjʊ /

Dialogue « B » « Quick Speed speaking »

Houda: Do you / dʒ ə / like watching cartoons?

Meriem: No, I don’t. I prefer watching films. Would you /wʊ dʒ ə /like to see one this afternoon?

Houda: No, thanks. I have a lot of homework to do.

Dialogue « A » « Normal Speed speaking »

Sofiane: Do you /dujʊ/ like watching serials?

Karim: Yes, I do. I love them

Sofiane: Would you /wʊdjʊ / like to come home to watch one with me?

Karim: Thank you. What time?

Sofiane: Let’s say five o’clock.

Karim: That’s fine .Thank you.

I really like/I like very much

I’m not keen on …..

I’m interested in…

I’m fond of / keen on ….

I dislike/ hate….


I love….

I don’t really like….

I don’t like …..at all.

I ‘m mad /crazy about ….

• Tuesday evening

• Saturday morning

• This afternoon

• Next Friday

• This week end

Z Imagine you are conducting a survey about students’ preferences for pets.

Z Interview your partner about His / Her preferences

Z Pets : dogs – cats – parrots – canaries – horses – fish – monkeys.....

At the beginning of a written work stands the opening sentence. Considered "most important",[1] the opening sentence needs to entice the reader[2] and sets the subject, the tone and possibly the style for the whole work,[3] although this does not have to be obvious


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