How To Be A Quick Turn Real Estate Millionaire In A Bad ...

How To Be A Quick Turn Real Estate Millionaire

In A Bad Economy

Make Fast Cash With No Money, Credit, Or Previous Experience

By: Ron LeGrand?

Table of Contents

A SPECIAL THANKS ................................................................................................................... ii WHO IS RON LEGRAND? .......................................................................................................... iii

Part One - WINNERS ALL AROUND Chapter 1 YOU CAN GET A BIG CHECK IN DAYS, NOT YEARS ........................................ 1 Chapter 2 EIGHT MYTHS ABOUT MAKING MONEY ............................................................ 6 Chapter 3 EVERYONE WINS OR I WON'T PLAY .................................................................. 11

Part Two - QUICK TURN TOOLS Chapter 4 FIVE WAYS TO PROFIT .......................................................................................... 14 Chapter 5 FIVE STEPS TO SUCCESS....................................................................................... 25 Chapter 6 STEP 1--LOCATING PROSPECTS ......................................................................... 27 Chapter 7 STEP 2--PRESCREENING PROSPECTS................................................................ 40 Chapter 8 STEP 3--CONSTRUCTING AND PRESENTING OFFERS ................................... 49 Chapter 9 STEP 4--FOLLOWING UP....................................................................................... 56 Chapter 10 STEP 5--SELLING HOUSES FAST ...................................................................... 58 Chapter 11 WHERE TO GET THE MONEY WITH NO CREDIT OR PARTNERS ............... 74 Chapter 12 HOW YOU CAN RETIRE WITH AN IRA WORTH $1 MILLION ...................... 81

Part Three - LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS Chapter 13 LAND TRUSTS AND LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS ............................................ 87

Part Four - SUCCESS Chapter 14 TIGERS ARE THE LAST TO STARVE IN THE JUNGLE ................................... 92 Chapter 15 AIM HIGH ................................................................................................................ 95 Glossary ...................................................................................................................................... 108


A Special Thanks

In the early 1990s, our training business was growing so fast I knew we'd better get help from someone qualified to lead our students to success. The load on me was becoming more than I could handle.

I found such a man by accident one day while speaking at an event that he was attending. His name is Ray Rach, and I have to tell you, there would be a lot fewer millionaires in North America if I hadn't met Ray. His dedication to our students' success over the years has made a huge difference in the lives of many who needed that helping hand in low times or someone to brag to in high times. I've been with him on many tiring trips to my speaking locations in airports and hotels across the continent, and I've watched him put in numerous 16-hour days on the phone working with our students. His energy was contagious, and his attitude has been a model for many to follow.

We've been through a lot of good times together, and our share of bad times, and we always emerge on top. He was there with quality advice the whole time. I'm proud to know them, and fortunate I taught that seminar way back then where Ray just happened to be attending. Ray's gone now, a victim of cancer but I've never seen anyone fight harder than he did in his last few years of life. Nor have I ever experienced a better attitude than he had even in the hardest times. Here's to you Ray!


Who Is Ron LeGrand??

When I first got involved with real estate, I was a dead broke auto mechanic trying to make enough money to make ends meet. There was no such thing as disposable income around my house. It was all disposed of before I got it. Thirty-five-years-old and bankrupt. I didn't have a clue what I wanted to be when I grew up; but I knew it wasn't fixing cars in the hot Florida sun.

The year was 1982. I saw an ad that said something like "Come learn how to buy real estate with no money or credit and get rich by next Thursday." That appealed to me because I had no money or credit and I kinda liked the rich idea. So I attended the free seminar.

The instructor got us all excited about real estate and showed us how people were buying real estate with no money down. Then he said that if you pay $450 and attend our two-day training this weekend, we'll show you all the secrets. I wanted in but I had a big problem-- actually 450 big problems.

But something compelled me to find a way to get the money, and that's what I did. I borrowed it from two friends and showed up for the seminar. That decision changed my life forever, my family's life, and their family's lives for generations to come, not to mention hundreds of thousands of my students and their descendants into the millions. That one small split-second decision that could have gone either way made me millions of dollars and spawned countless numbers of millionaires all over North America and in countries I can't even pronounce.

In fact, most of the stuff taught in that seminar was over my head. I was clueless and could barely spell real estate. But I picked up one idea I felt I could use, and within three weeks I made my first $3,000 from real estate using no money or credit, as I had none of either. I immediately called my boss and said, "I'm upping my income . . . see you around!"

The biggest thing that seminar did was get me involved in real estate and committed to changing my lifestyle. For years I'd been looking for something but didn't know what it was. When I got my hands on that three grand, it became crystal clear that real estate was my future.

Fast-forward two years: I had amassed 276 units--some single-family, some apartments--not including some I sold along the way to live. I was a millionaire . . . on paper. I had over $1 million in equity two years after starting with no money or credit.


I sat down one Friday evening to pay my bills and realized my outgo was bigger than my income and my upkeep was becoming my downfall. All I had accomplished was creating a big, ugly mess. I'd spent two years buying the wrong properties the wrong way in the wrong areas for the wrong reasons. I built my empire on a house of cards, not on a solid foundation.

You see, I really didn't understand the real estate business. I just bought properties because I could without money or credit. I bought all the crap savvy investors wouldn't touch. They'd already been to the school I was about to graduate from--"The School of Hard Knocks." All my low-income properties in war zone areas with brainless tenants were sucking me dry,


financially and mentally. My days were spent solving these tenants' petty problems and listening to all the worthless reasons why they couldn't pay rent.

I spent the next five years selling off my junk for dimes on the dollar. It took me seven years in the business to really understand it and get my life back. Oh, I made a good living during that time--several times my previous income--but I sure wish I'd have known myself back then and had the system that my students have now. On second thought, it wouldn't have mattered anyway. I wouldn't have listened. I'm a man, and men don't follow instructions. It's the way we're wired.

After about seven years in the business and over 400 houses later, I built an easy system to turn real estate into cash immediately, cash monthly, and cash later. I made it a real business anyone could operate from home to make obscene amounts of money. That's about the time I started teaching what I had learned. Somewhere along the line someone called me "The World's Leading Expert at Quick Turning Houses" and the name stuck.

In the late 1990s the information company I built went public with revenues exceeding $20 million annually from my books, tapes, and seminars.

Now fast-forward a few more years of teaching what I know while simultaneously doing what I teach, and I will admit I'm a weird dude. I've bought and sold over 2,000 houses and still do 2 or 3 a month with an average profit over $40,000 with the help of my executive assistant, who spends 5 to 10 hours a week at real estate.

Over the years I've created a mountain of home study products; written millions of words in print; and shared the platform with past presidents, movie stars, actors, politicians, sports heroes, business leaders, superwealthy individuals from all professions, and some of the best speakers in the world. I've spoken to audiences as small as 20 and as large as 20,000 in hotel meeting rooms and coliseums all across North America.

I've gazed in amazement and sheer joy as son many thousands of my clients and new friends have pulled themselves out of financial mediocrity, or downright poverty, and made themselves financially independent millionaires and some even multimillionaires from the words that left my lips and the time we spent together.

So many of these new millionaires have now become leaders reaching out a hand to those in need to help them climb the ladder to success. My legacy has spread like a swarm of locusts, and millions will be affected or already have been by the positive impact I made with a few carefully chosen words that left my lips or got put in print at a time when students were ready to receive them and convert them to action. New generations will profit directly or indirectly from the words in this book because they attended one of my seminars, then used the information and passed it on. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.

Much of my time now is spent in front of good people who are serious about getting rich and will do what it takes to become one of the 3 percent who can not only say but prove they have achieved true wealth.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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