How to Secure Your Website

How to Secure Your Website

5th Edition

Approaches to Improve Web Application and Website Security


Both English and Japanese edition are available for download at:

(English web page)

(Japanese web page)


Preface ............................................................................................................................................. 2 Organization of This Book .......................................................................................................... 3 Intended Reader .......................................................................................................................... 3 What is Revised in the 5th Edition ............................................................................................ 3 Fixing Vulnerabilities ................................................................................................................. 4 Fundamental Solution and Mitigation Measure ............................................................... 4

1. Web Application Security Implementation ............................................................................ 5 1.1 SQL Injection .................................................................................................................... 6 1.2 OS Command Injection .................................................................................................. 10 1.3 Unchecked Path Parameter / Directory Traversal....................................................... 13 1.4 Improper Session Management..................................................................................... 16 1.5 Cross-Site Scripting ....................................................................................................... 22 1.6 CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery).............................................................................. 29 1.7 HTTP Header Injection.................................................................................................. 33 1.8 Mail Header Injection .................................................................................................... 37 1.9 Lack of Authentication and Authorization ................................................................... 40

2. Approaches to Improve Website Security ............................................................................ 42 2.1 Secure Web Server.......................................................................................................... 42 2.2 Configure DNS Security ................................................................................................ 43 2.3 Protect against Network Sniffing.................................................................................. 44 2.4 Secure Password............................................................................................................. 45 2.5 Mitigate Phishing Attacks ............................................................................................. 47 2.6 Protect Web Applications with WAF ............................................................................. 50 2.7 Secure Mobile Websites ................................................................................................. 56

3. Case Studies........................................................................................................................... 63 3.1 SQL Injection .................................................................................................................. 63 3.2 OS Command Injection .................................................................................................. 69 3.3 Unchecked Path Parameters ......................................................................................... 72 3.4 Improper Session Management..................................................................................... 74 3.5 Cross-Site Scripting ....................................................................................................... 77 3.6 CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery).............................................................................. 88 3.7 HTTP Header Injection.................................................................................................. 93 3.8 Mail Header Injection .................................................................................................... 94

Postface .......................................................................................................................................... 97 References...................................................................................................................................... 98 Terminology ................................................................................................................................. 100 Checklist ...................................................................................................................................... 101 CWE Mapping Table................................................................................................................... 105



Various websites provide a variety of services on the Internet. According to "Communications Usage Trend Survey"1, as of 2011, it is estimated that more than 90 million people use the Internet in Japan and social interaction through the websites is expected to keep growing.

Meanwhile, the number of security incidents exploiting "security holes" (vulnerabilities) in the websites is also on the rise. Recently, they have become for-profit and are getting more vicious. More than 6,500 website vulnerabilities have been reported2 to Information-technology Promotion Agency (IPA) since it started receiving the reports in 2005. Especially, "SQL Injection" is one of the most popular vulnerabilities reported and seen as a cause of personal information leakage via websites and virus infection of web pages.

To maintain the safety of your website, you need to take appropriate security measures on each website component. For operating systems or software, you could refer to the security practices common to all users provided by the vendors and make sure to securely configure the settings or apply security patches. Web applications, however, tend to be uniquely customized for each website and you need to secure each web application accordingly. If any security problems are found in a web application already in operation, it is usually difficult to fix them at the design level and you may need to settle for ad-hoc solutions. Nevertheless, remember that the best solution is to try not to create security holes when developing a web application in the first place and achieve the fundamental solution of "vulnerability-free" as much as possible.

This book makes use of vulnerability information on the software products and web applications reported to IPA, picking up the vulnerabilities frequently called to attention or with serious impact, and suggests the fundamental solutions and mitigation measures against them. In addition, it provides some references on how to improve the security of the websites and a few case studies to illustrate where developers may fail to secure web applications.

We hope this book will help you secure your website.

1 Communications Usage Trend Survey, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), (Japanese Only)

2 Appointed by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), IPA serves as a national contact to receive reports on security vulnerabilities from the vendors and the general public. For more information, please visit: (Japanese Only)



Organization of This Book

This book mainly covers the computer software security issues that IPA, as the reporting point and analyzing agency designated in the Information Security Early Warning Partnership framework, has regarded as "vulnerability".

This book consists of three chapters. Chapter 1 "Web Application Security Implementation" addresses 9 types of vulnerabilities, including SQL injection, OS command injection and cross-site scripting, and discusses threats these vulnerabilities may pose and the characteristics of the websites that might be most susceptible to these vulnerabilities. It also provides fundamental solutions that aim to eliminate the vulnerability altogether and mitigation measures that try to reduce the damage of attacks exploiting the vulnerability. Chapter 2 "Approaches to Improve Website Security" addresses 7 topics, including web server security and anti-phishing measures, and discusses how to improve the security of the websites mainly from operational perspective. Chapter 3 picks up 8 types of vulnerability addressed in Chapter 1 and presents case studies, illustrating what may happen to the vulnerable websites with code examples, what is wrong with them and how to fix them. In the appendix of this book, you will find a checklist you could use to assess the security of your website and a CWE mapping table.

Please note that each solution shown in this book is one example of many other possible solutions and we do not mean to force the use of them. We have performed the simple tests to evaluate the effectiveness of the solutions we provided in this book but we do not guarantee that they produce no unexpected side effects in your environment. Please use this book as a reference to solve the security problems and take appropriate action accordingly to your environment.

Intended Reader

The intended reader of this book is all of those who involved in website operation, such as web application developers and server administrators, regardless of whether one is individual or organization. Especially targeted at the web application developers who have just come to aware of the security issues.

What is Revised in the 5th Edition

In this edition, security issues for mobile websites are added to help understand the problems often faced when designing a website and approaches to fix the problems.

Also, 2 case studies are added to those introduced in the 4th edition and the total of 8 case studies are provided with the code examples to help understand what is wrong and how to fix it.

As for the content of each chapter, some changes, such as layout, have been made to improve readability, but the content and its mapping with the checklist items are unchanged.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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