Metals Crossword

|Metals |

|physical.htm |

|[pic] |Across |

| |2 A precious metal used to make jewelry. (4) |

| |3 Metal used to make foil for cooking. (8) |

| |6 Metals are good conductors of ___________, |

| |which makes them ideal for making pots and pans.|

| |(4) |

| |10 The property of being easy to bend or |

| |flatten. (9) |

| |11 Metals do this when they combine with |

| |nonmetals like oxygen. (7) |

| |12 Metals are good conductors of ___________, |

| |which makes them ideal for making wires. (11) |

| |15 Many metals have a _____________ surface. (5)|

| |16 Metal alloyed formed by combining copper and |

| |tin. (6) |

| |17 Side of the periodic table where metals are |

| |found. (4) |

| | |

|Down | |

|1 Metal that combines with chlorine to make table salt. (6) | |

|4 Very heavy metal used to make bullets. What metal has the chemical symbol Pb? (4) | |

|5 The metals iron, nickel, and cobalt are ___________. (8) |[pic] |

|7 Metal used to make coins and jewelry. (6) | |

|8 The property of being easy to pull into wires. (7) | |

|9 A combination of a metal with something else. (5) | |

|10 A metal that is liquid at room temperature. (7) | |

|13 Metal found in steel. (4) | |

|14 This form when iron combines with oxygen. (4) | |



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