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This is not required.

It does not emulate, or mirror, the format of the test. This is designed to provide you with EXTRA practice only.



o Underline the example of personification.

o Below the sentence, write what is meant by that example of personification.

1. The wind sang her mournful song through the falling leaves.

Meaning: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. The microwave timer told me it was time to turn my TV dinner.

Meaning: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. The video camera observed the whole scene.

Meaning: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. The strawberries seemed to sing, "Eat me first!"

Meaning: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. The rain kissed my cheeks as it fell.

Meaning: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Hyperbole is a type of figurative language that is used in poetry or nonfiction writing. Comedians also use it to make jokes. It is using exaggerations to make writing more interesting.

Directions: In the following sentences, underline the hyperbole and write what it means on the line underneath.

1. My brother is so tall, he has to duck to walk under the telephone lines.

Meaning: __________________________________________________________

2. My sister has such long legs, she needs to sit in the backseat to drive.

Meaning: __________________________________________________________

3. My dog is so fast, the fleas have to use super glue to stay on.

Meaning: __________________________________________________________

Directions: Write a sentence with hyperbole to describe each item below

Ex. An old computer

That computer is as old as dinosaurs!

2. a heavy book


3. a talkative girl


4. a funny boy



1. Onomatopoeia is the use of words whose ____________ make you think of their meanings.

Provide the pictures with a sound:

[pic] [pic] [pic] [pic]


1. When the politician was caught stealing from the taxpayers, everyone thought he would receive a severe punishment, but all he got was a slap on the wrist.

What is the meaning of this idiom? _______________________________________________________


2. We thought that our neighbor’s, the Jones family, were rich beyond our wildest dreams, but it turns out that we’re all in the same boat.

What is the meaning of this idiom? __________________________________________________________


3. If Kim thinks that I’m going to let her copy my math homework, she’s barking up the wrong tree.

What is the meaning of this idiom?




Provide the Definition: Imagery is ___________________________________________________________

Read the following passage. Highlight the sensory words and make a note of which sense the word is appealing.

The hot, July sun beat relentlessly down, casting an orange glare over

the farm buildings, the fields, the pond. Even the usually cool green willows

bordering the pond hung wilting and dry. Our sun-baked backs ached for

relief. We quickly pulled off our sweaty clothes and plunged into the pond,

but the tepid water only stifled us, and we soon climbed back onto the brown,

dusty bank. Our parched throats longed for something cool—a strawberry

ice, a tall frosted glass of lemonade.


Circle the simile, and then write the two things that are being compared.

1. Andrew is as sly as a fox.

__________________________ is being compared to _______________________.

2. He was as nervous as a cat around a room full of rocking chairs.

__________________________ is being compared to _______________________.

3. Anastasia had a smile as sweet as sugar.

__________________________ is being compared to _______________________.

4. After he finished playing the basketball game, his hair was oily like fried chicken.

__________________________ is being compared to _______________________.

5. Sylvia’s new lotion made her face as smooth as a baby’s skin.

__________________________ is being compared to _______________________.


Identify the two things being compared in each sentence and tell in what way they are alike.

1. The lake was a huge mirror in the moonlight.


2. The playground became a lake after the thunderous rain.


3. I am the glue that holds us together.



Underline the allusion, then answer the following question.

1. “I was surprised his nose was not growing like Pinocchio’s:

What meaning does the allusion give to this sentence?


2. “I thought the software would be useful, but it was a Trojan Horse.”


3. “When she lost her job, she acted like a Scrooge, and refused to buy anything that wasn’t necessary.”



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