Activity 1: - Stars



FALL 2003

MODULE: Nature Of Science

Extended Background

Benchmark: SC.H.1.2



Importance of Science and Technology on Society

Increasing levels of CO2 in the atmosphere caused by the steady decline of tropical rain forests and the steady rise in industrial pollution has created worldwide concern over the future of the planet Earth. A space station is in the process of being built to be used to study the Earth, stars and man in space… and boiling a pot of water.

What do these three things have in common? They are all directly linked to the wonderful thing called science.

Science permeates our lives and informs our actions. Physics, for example, teaches us how mirrors work, how glasses can aid one's vision and how heat is treated by various household materials (plates and utensils). Chemistry discusses the principles of matter, like atoms, molecules and compounds. It discusses the countless different substances that can arise from the minutest variations within compounds. These atoms, molecules and compounds make up the water we drink, the food we eat, the air we breathe, the medicines we take when we are sick. Some we can't possibly live without. Biology, the study of life, teaches us why we are the way we are, why we need what we need to survive, how all living things are categorized, when we all came from. These, and countless other questions and answers are all related to science. In order to keep our economy growing, we need a new wave of educated students ready for modern scientific research, teaching, and technological development.

There have been so many tremendous advances in technology over the last decade or so, in fact the pace is accelerating. Everyday new things are discovered and with the increase in scientific knowledge, there is an increase in demand for educated students. Cancer research has found a virus capable of killing cancerous tumors in rats. Although this has not been sufficiently tested for use on people yet, scientists predict that testing on human volunteers may come into effect in around two years or so. There have also been the ever-controversial breakthroughs in the cloning of sheep and mice, which can have a great impact (whether good or bad) on the future.

Furthermore, it is essential for Americans to know how well students are doing in science because without this knowledge you can't even hope to be able to modify the school systems with the intention of challenging and encouraging students in the various branches of science. To accommodate growing reliance on this subject, you can't leave everything the way it is and hope that American students keep on top.

Similarly, science is also important in the international job market. The greater the advances in scientific technology, the greater the demand for workers sufficiently educated in these particular areas. Excellence in the sciences can open many doors, otherwise closed, for students. These skills can get you a job almost anywhere in the world, and with the growing concerns about finding jobs, it certainly helps to have so many options available to you. From engineering to dentistry, or from cancer research to maintaining a national park, a large percentage of the jobs today require background in science.

There is another important aspect of science that is often forgotten. Science is fun many ways. Learning is always fun but it's especially rewarding when it has something to do with the things going on around you. There is a satisfaction that comes from learning about these often complex matters that goes far beyond merely getting a good grade. It helps you to understand the world around you and to appreciate its complexities. It teaches you that we can't possibly understand everything about the world ever, but we go on trying anyway, engaging in the never- ending search for truths... and why? We do this because science is fun and exciting. The more we learn, the more we feel ourselves pushed towards the answers and towards further questions, towards the future.

The Scientific Method

There are a series of steps, called the scientific method, to help experimenters systematically investigate observations that can be tested with the experimental method. The scientific method is the process by which scientists, collectively and over time, endeavor to construct an accurate representation of the world. The scientific method is used to minimize the influence of our perceptions and beliefs in the explanation of natural phenomena. It provides a set of rules to guide the experimentation process. The scientific method consists of the following main different steps:


The first step in the scientific method is to carefully observe something in the world that creates curiosity about why things work the way they seem to work. The experimenter should write down in very clear terms exactly what is being observed and why it creates such curiosity. Also, begin thinking about possible variables that might affect the problem and gather information to see if other scientists have attempted a solution to the problem.


A hypothesis is a question that has been reworded into a form that can be tested experimentally. In essence, it is the predicted outcomes. The experimenter should attempt to predict how any experiments will turn out and what the answer to the question(s) might be. While there is often a logical reason for making these predictions, this step may be largely intuitive and may reflect past experience with similar questions.

Hypotheses are possible causes, not just a generalization based on inductive reasoning. There is usually a separate hypothesis for each major question being asked and probably one overall hypothesis for the entire project. A hypothesis should be testable. One or more experiments should be planned for testing each hypothesis. It is not necessary that the hypothesis end up being correct; many are not. Hypotheses can be proven wrong or incorrect, but they can never be proven with absolute certainty. It's quite possible that in the future someone with additional knowledge may find an example where the hypothesis is not true.

Methods of Testing

The next step is to examine the different ways to test the validity of each of the hypothesis. If possible, an experiment should be designed to test each hypothesis.

The experimenter should write down an experimental procedure in terms of a step-by-step listing of what is needed in order to answer each of the questions raised.  For an experiment to yield answers that can be trusted, there must be a "control", an additional test or trial run done exactly the same as the others except that no variables are changed. The control experiment becomes a reference point that allows the experimenter to see what would have happened if nothing was done, and compare it to what did happen when a variable was altered. Controls are sometimes difficult to design, but they are a very important part of the scientific method. The experimenter should write down predicted results of each specific test. This will help thinking about the experiments in detail and plan for what elements to be watching for when doing the testing.

The methods selected should be such that others can repeat the experimentation and that all who do the experiments will have a result that is measurable (quantifiable). Experiments are often done numerous times to assure that the observations and conclusions are reproducible. Reproducibility is crucial; without it no proof can be established that results are accurate. Reproducible experiments reduce the chance that the testing was performed incorrectly.


The experimenter should conduct the experiment several times if necessary and carefully record the results obtained. Instead of making general statements about the results of the experiments, the experimenter should gather and record actual, quantitative data from them. Data can be the amount of force applied, the chemicals used, an object's physical measurements, the time something took, etc.

All observations should be carefully recorded. If the results obtained were expected, then the experiment supports the hypothesis. The experimenter should keep an accurate record of how the experiments were conducted so others can replicate it.


The experimenter should carefully examine the results, double check calculations and look for patterns or surprises. The experimenter should keep an open mind in order to analyze the data and interpret the results accurately, not to prove the hypothesis was right. If results are unexpected, the experiment could be repeated to confirm that the methods used were correct and measurements were accurate.

The experimenter should plot any graphs and draw tables of the results. The study of tables and graphs helps see trends to determine how different variables may have caused an impact on the response variable (the observation). Conclusions about the experiments should be reached based on those trends.


The experimenter should examine the results and state whether the predictions were confirmed or not.  The experimenter should answer the original questions using the trends in the experimental data and observations to determine whether or not the hypothesis was correct. If the hypothesis was correct, the major factors that prove the hypothesis should be briefly explained.  If the hypothesis was in error, the experimenter should try to explain the results and possible answers to the original questions and/or hypothesis. The experimenter should keep in mind that many major scientific breakthroughs have occurred because a scientist did not get the results expected and went back to do more experimentation to find out an explanation.

MODULE: Nature Of Science

Activity: “Color Burst”

Benchmark: SC.H.1.2




Lesson Background

This lesson uses a technique called paper chromatography. The water is absorbed by the coffee filter and rises up the filter. When the water reaches a spot of black ink, it carries the components of the spot up the filter. As the water continues to rise, the components do not all travel with it at the same rate. Some are more soluble in water than others, and the more soluble ones travel faster. After a time, the various components are at different distances from the original spot, having been separated from one another. Substances in which other substances dissolve, like water, are called solvents. Scientists use chromatography frequently to separate and identify the component parts of a mixture.

This activity will help children gain experience in conducting simple investigations of their own while working in small groups. Throughout the lesson, encourage children to observe more and more carefully, measure things carefully, record data clearly in logs and journals, and communicate their results in charts and simple graphs as well as in prose. Student investigations should be followed up with presentations to the entire class to emphasize the importance of clear communication in science.

Introductory Statement:

To gain experience in asking questions and conducting inquiry by exploring the separation of colors in water and other solvents; to communicate and share findings of student investigations.

Science Skills




Critical thinking


▪ 2 colorless plastic or glass cups

▪ Blue, yellow, and green food coloring

▪ 1, 8-ounce wide-mouth plastic cup filled with a half inch (1 cm) of water

▪ Coffee filters (#6 size) or similar size

▪ Black water-soluble marker (nonpermanent markers for overheads work best)

▪ 2-3 paper towels

Engaging Questions

This part should be done as a teacher demonstration.

1. Fill two colorless plastic or glass cups about 3/4 full of water.

2. To one of these add a few drops of blue food coloring and to the other a few drops of yellow. Mix well. (The colors should be pretty deep for a good effect.)

3. Pour about 1/3 of each colored solution into another empty cup. Mix well.

4. Ask students to describe what is observed. (The new color (green) seems to be a mixture of blue and yellow.)

5. To a fourth cup of water, add a few drops of green food coloring

Ask students:

▪ Can you tell the difference between the color in this fourth container from that in the third?

▪ Is the green food coloring a mixture of blue and yellow?

▪ How can we find out?

Try to guide the students to think about how to separate a combination of dyes into its individual components in order to figure out what the combination is.

How to manage experiment

Each person or small group will need these materials:

▪ 1, 8-ounce wide-mouth plastic cup filled with a half inch (1 cm) of water

▪ Coffee filters (#6 size) or similar size

▪ Black water-soluble marker (nonpermanent markers for overheads work best)

▪ 2-3 paper towels

The supplies should be separated and ready for use prior to the class because preparing them during the lesson may disconnect the continuity of the thought process after the initial demonstration.

Teacher’s Procedure

1. Using the black marker, have students decorate both sides of the coffee filter with a few dots, lines, or other markings. The simpler the pattern, the more striking the results will be. Caution students to be careful not to mark the ribbed bottom edge.

2. Have students place their filters in the cup of water. Only the ribbed edge should be in the water. Then, allow the filter to sit undisturbed. Every few minutes, students should check to observe what is happening and make drawings of what they see. Is there a color separation? Is it the same for each mark made?

3. Even though it takes 10 to 15 minutes for the colors to fully separate, students should be attentive to the separation process as it goes on. You may decide to have students record what they observe in five-minute intervals, or you may simply ask guiding questions, such as those below, to keep students focused on the observation. As soon as the water level has risen to the top of the paper, remove the filter from the cup and gently open the filter. Compare the filters.

Have students answer these questions:  

▪ What colors do you see on the filter after you open it up?

▪ What happened to the black ink? Where is it on the filter paper?

▪ What happened in the activity that you didn't expect or that was different from what you expected?

Students' investigations at this level should focus on detecting similarities and differences among the things they investigate. Encourage them to look at other student's filter papers to see if the results are similar or different. They should come to see that in trying to identify and explain likenesses and differences, they are doing what goes on in science all the time. Have them try to explain some of the differences they observe.

▪ Students may find it puzzling when different groups of students get different results doing supposedly the same experiment. That, too, happens to scientists, sometimes because of the methods or materials used, but sometimes because the thing being studied actually varies. In this experiment, the color separations should be similar; the differences will result from the differences in the original student decorations of the filter paper.

Student Procedure

1. Using the black marker, make dots or lines on the flat (non-ruffled) part of filter

2. After marks are made, put the ruffled part of the filter in the water

3. Make sure the markings are not in the water

4. Observe what happens to the marks as the water travels up the filter

5. Sketch what you observe

6. Share results with class after water reaches the top

Drawing Conclusions/Discussion Questions and Extended Activities

After students have separated the colors in black ink, they are ready to extend their knowledge with further explorations. Use these guiding questions to have students design and test investigations that explore chromatography:

▪ Do you think the same thing would happen if you used red ink? Green ink? Purple ink? Try it.

▪ What is the effect of temperature on color separation? How can you find out? Try it.

▪ Does the shape of the filter make a difference in what you observe? Try cutting the filter into different shapes.

▪ Does the kind of mark (dot, line, etc.) make a difference? How can you find out? Try it.

▪ What do you think would happen if you used other kinds of inks, not just water-soluble markers?

Interdisciplinary Activities

How can you use this technique to make ART?!?

Suggested Sources/Websites

This lesson was developed from

Post-lab Activity

Present the students with these problems:

▪ Janet's younger brother has asked her to make some grape Kool-Aid for him. The problem is that he is allergic to blue food coloring. If he eats or drinks anything with this food coloring in it, he will break out in a rash. How can Janet decide if it is okay for her brother to drink the grape Kool-Aid?

▪ Joseph wants to paint a birdhouse that he made for his backyard. Should he paint it with water-soluble paint? Why or why not?

Students should write a one-page paragraph in response to each problem. They should provide evidence from the activities in the lesson to support their answers. 

More Extensions

Water is the simplest solvent to use in paper chromatography, but not all components of a sample may dissolve in water. Ask students what they think would happen if they used a different liquid in the cup? Do they think the colors will still separate?

Have students construct an investigation to repeat the test with different types of liquids, such as vinegar, lemon juice, rubbing alcohol, or carbonated water. (If you do this, the students will have to cover the jars with a plastic bag to have the fumes contained. Make sure they do not use volatile liquids like gasoline.) If they are testing different inks in different liquids, make sure that they test each type of ink separately in each type of liquid. Have them record their observations in a science log and compare their results with those of the rest of the class.

Give students an opportunity to develop their own investigation about some questions they may still have.

For example:

▪ How will other kinds of paper work?

Will different brands of the same color marker separate differently?

MODULE: Nature Of Science

Activity: “Paper Plane Experiment”

Benchmark: SC.H.1.2



Lesson Background

In this lesson, students conduct an experiment in which they change the size, weight, and wing structure of paper airplanes to see how each plane flies. Students work in groups of 3 to discuss different design issues and parameters from a given set of

“Design Sheets” of several paper airplanes. Students are encouraged to use critical thinking in order to modify the designs as they wish. They replicate each experiment 5 times to plot the distance traveled versus each trial to find the average for each design. Students also use this data to develop a basic statistical analysis to determine the best design in terms of average distance traveled. They also develop a detailed process on how to build the most effective airplane (if any modifications were made) so it can be easily replicated.

Introductory Statement:

Students learn the importance of teamwork, simulation, replication of an experiment, control variables, and basic statistical analysis. Students gain experience in asking questions and conducting inquiry by exploring different designs. They also practice their presentation and communication skills by sharing their findings to fellow students in an oral presentation of their investigations.

Science Skills



Plotting graphs

Critical thinking


Paper for making paper planes

“Design Sheets” of different paper planes (See the web sites below)




3 Output Data Sheets (1 per each design)

3 “Average Distance Traveled vs. Number of Paper Clips” sheets (1 per each design)

Paper clips


Calculator (optional)

Engaging Questions

a. Which factors contribute to a model’s flying effectiveness? Why?

b. How can we test real life model for different output requirements?

a. Answer: Using simulation, since real testing can cost too much!

How to manage experiment

Each person or small group will need these materials:

a. 4 sheets of paper (8.5” X 11”)

b. 1 Data sheet

Arrange the seats in the classroom such that there is enough space for students to be able to fly paper airplanes and measure the distance traveled at least 10 feet).

Teacher’s Procedure

1. Lecture students on different design characteristics that engineers find important when designing a plane.

2. Discuss some key concepts in aeronautics.

3. Explain basic statistics concepts: 2 dimensional graphs (i.e. bar graphs), average (mean), variance, standard deviation, and trend.

4. Talk about the importance of simulation in real-life applications and how it relates to science.

5. Elicit stories students may want to tell about prior experiences with flying paper planes.

6. Divide students in groups of 3 (1 person flying the plane, 1 person checking where the plane lands, 1 person collecting flying data).

7. Let students begin the experiment.

8. When results are in, encourage students to account for the differences in speed and direction of their planes. Help students understand that an important variable is the way each student handled his or her plane. Explain that this variable could be kept constant by using only one “pilot.”

9. Discuss with the students in what ways they can vary their original plane design. They should suggest at a minimum making the paper planes larger or smaller, making them lighter (by cutting holes?), or bending or curving the wings in various ways.

10. Discuss with students what they learned from this activity and what further work they would have to do before being sure of what accounts for speed, altitude, and distance (engineering concepts).

Student Procedure

1. Discuss with your team members the different designs from the “Design Sheets”.

2. Select a design that you think is the best one. Briefly explain your reasons for selecting that design.

3. Write down the factors that you think will influence the distance traveled by the airplane.

4. Build the paper airplane.

5. Make a hypothesis on the number of paper clips that when added to the plane, gives the largest distance traveled.

6. Perform 5 trials

7. Collect data after each trial in the “Output Data Sheet”.

8. Analyze the data. Determine the average (or mean) distance traveled, variance, and standard deviation in the space provided in the “Output Data Sheet”.

9. Add more weight to the designed plane using paper clips:

a. Add 1 paper clip and perform 5 trials.

b. Analyze the data. Determine the average (or mean) distance traveled, variance, and standard deviation in the space provided in the “Output Data Sheet”.

c. Collect data after each trial in the “Output Data Sheet”.

d. Repeat this step until the number of paper clips added equals 5.

10. Fill the “Average Distance Traveled vs. Number of Paper Clips” sheet.

11. Select another design from the “Design Sheets”.

12. Repeat steps 4 to 8 for different designs.

13. Select the best design characteristics (factors from step 3) from the design that yielded the best results.

Drawing Conclusions/Discussion Questions and Extended Activities

1. Have students visually analyze the plots from the experiments and discuss the relationship (trend) between distance traveled and weight (number of paper clips).

2. Have students prepare a presentation (PowerPoint is recommended, although not necessary) to communicate their results to the class.

Interdisciplinary Activities

Can you think of any other areas that simulation can be effectively employed?

Suggested Sources/Websites

The principal idea from this lesson was obtained from .

MODULE: Nature Of Science

Activity: “Paper and Cardboard Volcano Model”

Benchmark: SC.H.1.2




Lesson Background

Students at this grade level should learn what causes earthquakes, volcanoes, and floods and how those events shape the surface of the earth. They may show more interest in the phenomena, however, than in the role the phenomena play in sculpting the earth. It is a good idea, therefore, to start with students’ immediate interest and work toward the science.

Students at this level have probably had some previous experience with freely exploring materials, images, and ideas about natural phenomena such as volcanoes. While they will still be awed by the phenomena of volcanoes and eruption, they are now ready to “work toward the science” as they learn more about volcanoes.

In this lesson, students will explore volcanoes through the making of models and reflect upon their learning through drawing sketches of their models. As most students have never actually seen a volcano, this is an area of learning that remains fairly abstract. Making models of volcanoes provides students with a means to make the unfamiliar more familiar. Students will learn to formulate models to represent things (or systems) that they cannot observe directly. Students begin to understand how science works by testing their models and changing them as more information is acquired. As they make their volcanoes, students will hypothesize, test, problem-solve and discover various concepts related to volcanoes.

Once they have finished making their models, they will experiment with making their volcanoes erupt. Students will observe how eruption changes the original form of their volcano models. In this way, students see first hand how this type of phenomena creates physical change. While students at this level may struggle to understand larger and more abstract geographical concepts, they will work directly with material that will help them build a foundation for understanding concepts of phenomena that sculpt the earth.

Introductory Statement:

The objective of this activity is to represent volcanoes with models and sketches.

Science Skills




Critical thinking


a piece cardboard roughly 9 x 12 inches

small vial (film containers work well)



aluminum foil

spray paint

spray glue (optional)

sand or ash (optional)

“My Volcano” student sheet

“My Volcano After It Erupted” student sheet

Tape Measure

Engaging Questions

What do you know about volcanoes?

Open-ended questions will encourage students to share with you what their current level of knowledge is, and give you a good idea of what kind of information students need or what particular interests they have about volcanoes. It is not important that students are accurate in their understanding of volcanoes at this point. One of the values of this project is that students will have opportunities to test out their knowledge and make their own discoveries.

What do you think volcanoes look like?

Do you think they all look the same?

What do you think volcanoes are made of?

If you could touch a volcano, what do you think it would feel like?

Describe what comes out of a volcano during eruption. (You will need to make sure everyone understands what eruption means.)

What sound do you think volcanoes make when they erupt?

What do you want to know about volcanoes?

After students have discussed some of their ideas about volcanoes, they might be interested in seeing a real volcano erupt. The Ring of Fire site shows a short film clip of an actual volcano erupting. This visual and auditory depiction will help students form an idea of what we mean by volcanoes and eruption

How to manage experiment

By making the same volcano model, students will have more opportunities to compare and contrast as they work on this project. At this level, keeping the number of variables to a minimum is appropriate because it helps students focus on the questions you pose.

Have students work in small groups for this project. Working together will facilitate extended discussion about volcanoes. Questions you might anticipate from students may be less about volcanoes themselves and more about how to make their models. This provides an excellent opportunity for problem solving.

Teacher’s Procedure

As part of the planning process, it is helpful to prepare yourself by learning more about volcanoes. Although you will not teach students complicated volcano facts, furthering your own understanding about volcanoes will give you the background you need to respond to students’ questions in ways that are most appropriate for their developmental level. The following web pages are good resources for your own background.

Types of Volcanoes

Questions about Lava

If you are planning to make your own volcano model for student observation (see the Development section of this lesson), then you will want to prepare your model in advance. Be sure to measure and mix dry and liquid material (in the kitchen, garage, or laboratory) in prescribed amounts, exercising reasonable safety.

Student’s Procedure

1. The Base: The piece of cardboard will be the base of the volcano. Tape the vial near the center. The vial will be the lava pond or magma conduit.

2. The Interior: The interior of your volcano will be made of newspaper wrapped in tape. Make balls from the newspaper. You will need balls of different sizes. Use the balls to shape your volcano.

3. Wrap the surface of the volcano in aluminum foil. Tape the foil to the bottom of the cardboard. Gently cut the foil above the vial. A pencil is useful to hold the center of the foil over the center of your volcano.

4. Take your model outside and paint it.

5. To make your model look more volcanic, add a coat of spray glue and sprinkle sand over the volcano. You can paint the sand black if you wish. You can add several layers.

6. Draw pictures or write words that describe your volcano. Use the following questions to help document your observations:

What does your volcano look like?

What shape does your volcano have?

What is the texture of its surface?

Does your volcano look the same from every angle, or does it look different when you turn it around?

7. Measure your volcano with a tape measure. Document the measurements on the student worksheet.

8. Eruption: The simplest and safest way to model an eruption is to mix vinegar, baking soda and a few drops of dish soap. Experiment with different proportions of baking soda to vinegar to create the eruptions. This is a meaningful learning opportunity as you explore the concept that different proportions yield different results.

*See details and pictures in:

Drawing Conclusions/Discussion Questions and Extended Activities

After watching their volcanoes erupt, you can ask students to watch the videotape with particular questions in mind. For example:

Where is the “lava” coming out from?

Where is the lava going?

What do you hear as the lava is coming out?

Have you seen anything like this before?

What does it remind you of?

Students have now been challenged, both during the process of constructing their models and in class discussions, to think about many aspects of volcanoes. Just as you asked them at the outset of this project, you can ask them again, “What do you want to know about volcanoes?”

Students will benefit from the opportunity to reflect upon what they have learned about volcanoes and about making models. Consider leading a discussion that encourages students to share their experiences by asking:

When you first began making your model, what did you expect?

When you finished your model, was it what you expected?

What was different from what you expected?

What was similar to what you expected?

What was difficult about making your model?

How does your model differ from a real volcano?

How is your model and a real volcano similar?

Describe your volcano’s eruption.

How did the eruption change your volcano?

Did anything about your volcano stay the same after eruption?

Suggested Sources/Websites

This lesson was developed from

* The following websites may also offer you additional ideas on ways to extend this project.

Volcano Live

Science @ NASA

National Geographic XPeditions

Tramline Volcano Field Trip

Volcano Lessons and Resources

The Volcano Page








7. game (

8. Lesson Plans(



11. Lesson Plans(

12. Plane Exp. (







In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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