RESEARCH AND STATISTICS MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS FOR UGC NET 2012?Which one of the following is a data collection method?The case study.Positivism.The onion.Interview @The research process is best described as a:Method to select a frame of referenceSet of rules that govern the selection of subjectsSeries of steps completed in a logical order @Plan that directs the research designA research proposal is best described as a(n)Framework for data collection and analysisDescription of the research process for a research project @Description of how the researcher plans to maintain an ethical perspective during the studyArgument for the merit of the studyThe purpose of a literature review is toUse the literature to identify present knowledge and what is unknownAssist in defining the problem and operational definitionIdentify strengths and weaknesses of previous studiesAll of the above @The statement 'To identify the relationship between the time the patient spends on the operating table and the development of pressure ulcers' is best described as a research:ObjectiveAimQuestionHypothesis @A statement of the expected relationship between two or more variables is known as the:Concept definitionHypothesis @Problem statementResearch questionThere is no significant difference in the endurance of basketball players and volleyball players' is an example of aNull hypothesis @Directional hypothesisNon-directional hypothesisSimple hypothesisWhat is a research design?A framework for every stage of the collection and analysis of data @The style in which you present your research findings, e.g. a graphThe choice between using qualitative or quantitative methodsA way of conducting research that is not grounded in theoryA simple random sample is one in which:From a random starting point, every?nth unit from the sampling frame is selectedA non-probability strategy is used, making the results difficult to generalizeThe researcher has a certain quota of respondents to fill for various social groupsEvery unit of the population has an equal chance of being selected @It is helpful to use a multi-stage cluster sample when:The population is widely dispersed geographicallyYou have limited time and money available for travellingYou want to use a probability sample in order to generalise the resultsAll of the above @The standard error is a statistical measure of:The normal distribution of scores around the sample meanThe extent to which a sample mean is likely to differ from the population mean @The clustering of scores at each end of a survey scaleThe degree to which a sample has been accurately stratifiedWhat effect does increasing the sample size have upon the sampling error?It reduces the sampling error @It increases the sampling errorIt has no effect on the sampling errorNone of the aboveWhich of the following is?not?a type of non-probability sampling?Snowball samplingStratified random sampling @Quota samplingConvenience samplingSnowball sampling can help the researcher toAccess deviant or hidden populations @Theorise inductively in a qualitative studyOvercome the problem of not having an accessible sampling frameAll of the aboveWhy do you need to review the existing literature?To make sure you have a long list of referencesBecause without it, you could never reach the required word-countTo find out what is already known about your area of interest @To help in your general studyingClosed ended questions are those thatHave a fixed range of possible answers @Prevent respondents from allocating themselves to a categoryEncourage detailed, elaborate responsesRelate to the basic demographic characteristics of respondentsWhich of the following is?not?a disadvantage of telephone interviewing?Researchers do not have to spend so much time and money on travelling @Some people in the target population may not own a telephoneIt can be difficult to build rapport over the telephoneInterviewers cannot use visual cues such as show cardsAn open question is one that:Allows respondents to answer in their own termsDoes not suggest or provide a limited range of responsesCan help to generate answers for closed questionsAll of the above?'Research methods':is a term used to refer to all aspects of the implementation of methods.are the procedures a researcher uses to gather information. @are a set of abstract concepts together with propositions about they are related.none of the above.The process of selecting a subset of a population is known as:survey research.Representationtriangulation.sampling. @In a study of effects of alcohol on driving ability, the control group should be givena high dosage of alcohol.one-half the dosage given the experimental groupa driving test before and after drinking alcohol.no alcohol at all.A scientific explanation that remains tentative until it has been adequately tested is called a(n)TheoryLawExperimentHypothesis @23.A study to determine the degree of relationship between two events is calleda.naturalistic observation.b.the correlational method. @c.a controlled experiment.d. The survey method24.In an experiment to find out if taking steroids increases muscle mass scores, the muscle mass scores would bea.the independent variable.b.a control variable.c.an extraneous variable.dthe dependent variable. @Reliability is most simply known as which of the following?a.??Consistency or stability @b.??Appropriateness of interpretations on the basis of test scoresc.??Ways in which people are the samed.??A rank order of participants on some characteristic26.An ordinal scale is:a. The simplest form of measurementb. A rank-order scale of measurement @c. A scale with equal intervals between adjacent numbersd. A scale with an absolute zero pointe. A categorical scale27.Which of the following is not a type of reliability?a. Test-retestb. Split-halfc. Content @d. Internal consistency28.Which of these is not a?method of data collection.a. Questionnairesb. Interviewsc. Experiments @d. Observations29.Researchers use both open-ended and closed-ended questions to collect data. Which of the following statements is true?a. Open-ended questions directly provide quantitative data based on the researcher’s predetermined response categoriesb. Closed-ended questions provide quantitative data in the participant’s own wordsc. Open-ended questions provide qualitative data in the participant’s own words @d. Closed-ended questions directly provide qualitative data in the participants’ own words30.Another name for a Likert Scale is a(n):a. Interview protocolb. Event samplingc. Summated rating scale @d. Ranking31.Which of the following is?not?one of the six major methods of data collection that are used by educational researchers?a.??Observationb.??Interviewsc.??Questionnairesd.??Checklists @32.Which one of the following in?not?a major method of data collection:a. Questionnairesb. Interviewsc. Secondary datad. All of the above are methods of data collection @33When each member of a population has an equally likely chance of being selected, this is called:a. A nonrandom sampling methodb. A quota samplec. A snowball sampled. An Equal probability selection method @34.Which of the following techniques yields a simple random sample?a. Choosing volunteers from an introductory psychology class to participateb. Listing the individuals by ethnic group and choosing a proportion from withineach ethnic group at random.c. Numbering all the elements of a sampling frame and then using a random numbertable to pick cases from the table. @d. Randomly selecting schools, and then sampling everyone within the school.35.Which of the following is?not?a form of nonrandom sampling?a. Snowball samplingb. Convenience samplingc. Quota samplingd. Purposive samplinge. They are all forms of nonrandom sampling @36.Which of the following will give a more “accurate” representation of the population from which a sample has been taken?a. A large sample based on the convenience sampling techniqueb. A small sample based on simple random samplingc. A large sample based on simple random sampling @d. A small cluster sample37.Sampling in qualitative research is similar to which type of sampling in quantitative research?a. Simple random samplingb. Systematic samplingc. Quota samplingd. Purposive sampling @38.Which of the following would generally require the largest sample size?a. Cluster sampling @b. Simple random samplingc. Systematic samplingd. Proportional stratified sampling39.People who are available, volunteer, or can be easily recruited are used in the sampling method called ______.a.??Simple random samplingb.??Cluster samplingc.??Systematic samplingd.??Convenience sampling @40.In which of the following nonrandom sampling techniques does the researcher ask the research participants to identify other potential research participants?a. Snowball @b. Conveniencec. Purposived. Quota41.Which of the following is the most efficient random sampling technique discussed in your chapter?a. Simple random sampling @b. Proportional stratified samplingc. Cluster random samplingd. Systematic sampling42.Which of the following is?not?a type of nonrandom sampling?a.??Cluster sampling @b.??Convenience samplingc.??Quota samplingd.??Purposive samplinge.??They are all type of nonrandom sampling43.The process of drawing a sample from a population is known as _________.a. Sampling @b. Censusc. Survey researchd. None of the above44.___________ is a set of elements taken from a larger population according to certain rules.a.??Sample @b.??Populationc.??Statisticd.??Element45.The nonrandom sampling type that involves selecting a convenience sample from a population with a specific set of characteristics for your research study is called _____.a. Convenience samplingb. Quota samplingc. Purposive sampling @d. Snowball sampling46.When a extraneous variable systematically varies with the independent variable and influences the dependent variable, it is called:a. Another dependent variableb. A confounding variable @c. A moderating variabled. An unreliable variable47.An extraneous variable that systematically varies with the independent variable and also influences the dependent variable is known as a _______________.a??Confounding variable @b. Third variablec. Second variabled. Both a and b are correct48.Analysis of covariance is:a.??A statistical technique that can be used to help equate groups on specific variables @b.??A statistical technique that can be used to control sequencing effectsc.??A statistical technique that substitutes for random assignment to groupsd.??Adjusts scores on the independent variable to control for extraneous variables49.Which of the following is not a way to manipulate an independent variable?a. Presence techniqueb. Amount techniquec. Type techniqued. Random technique @50.Which of the following designs permits a comparison of pretest scores to determine the initial equivalence of groups on the pretest before the treatment variable is introduced into the research setting.a. One-group pretest-posttest designb. Pretest-posttest control group design @c. Posttest-only design with nonequivalent groupsd. Both b and c51.The group that receives the experimental treatment condition is the _____.a. Experimental group @b. Control groupc. Participant groupd. Independent group52.Which of the following control techniques available to the researcher controls for both known and unknown variables?a. Building the extraneous variable into the designb. Matchingc. Random assignment @d. Analysis of covariance53.The group that does not receive the experimental treatment condition is the ________.a. Experimental groupb. Control group @c. Treatment groupd. Independent group54.There are a number of ways in which confounding extraneous variables can be controlled. Which control technique is considered to be the best?a. Random assignment @b. Matchingc. Counterbalancingd. None of the above55.Which of the following could be used for randomly assigning participants to groups in an experimental study?a.??Split-half (e.g., first half versus second half of a school directory)b.??Even versus odd numbersc.??Use a list of random numbers or a computer randomization program @d.??Let the researcher decide which group will be the best56.Which method of controlling confounding extraneous variables takes precedence over all other methods?a. Matching individual participantsb. Holding extraneous variablesc. Building the extraneous variable into the research designd. Counterbalancinge. Randomly assign research participants to the groups @57.In an experimental research study, the primary goal is to isolate and identify the effect produced by the ____.a. Dependent variableb. Extraneous variablec. Independent variable @d. Confounding variable58.This type of design is one where all participants participate in all experimental treatment conditions.a. Factorial designb. Repeated measures design @c. Replicated designd. Pretest-posttest control-group design59.Partial correlation analysis involves:a.??Examining the relationship between two or more variables controlling for additional variables statistically @?b.??Including only one group in a correlational analysis??c.??Matching participants on potential confounding variablesd.???Limiting the sample to individuals at a constant level of an extraneous variable60.Which one of the following is not a step in nonexperimental research?a.???????Determine research problem and hypothesesb.??????Analyze datac.???????Interpret resultsd.??????All are steps @61.If a research finding is statistically significant, then ____.a. The observed result is probably?not?due to chance @b. The observed result cannot possibly be due to chancec. The observed result is probably a chance resultd. The null hypothesis of “no relationship” is probably true62.Which of the following independent variables cannot be manipulated in a research study?a.??Genderb.??Ethnicityc.??Intelligence and other traitsd.??None of the above can be manipulated in a research study @63.If a correlation coefficient is .96, we would probably be able to say that the relationship is ____.a. Weakb. Strongc. Statistically significantd. b is true and c is probably true @64.The Pearson product moment correlation measures the degree of??_________ relationship present between two variables.a. Curvilinearb. Nonlinearc. Linear and quadraticd. Linear @65.A researcher was interested in studying why the “new math” of the 1960s failed. She interviews several teachers who used the new math during the 1960s. These teachers are considered:a.??Primary sources @b.??Secondary Sourcesc.??External criticsd.??Internal critics66.The process of dealing with concerns over the authenticity of a source is referred to as:a.??Sourcingb.??Internal criticismc.??Secondary criticismd. External criticism @67.A researcher studying the history of physical education finds a manuscript that purports to be from the 14th?century. Before he uses the source, he goes to three other experts who help him identify whether the manuscript is authentic or not. His authentification of the object is referred to as:a.??Positive criticismb.??Internal criticismc.??Secondary criticismd.??External criticism @68.to know the accuracy of the information contained in the sources present in the historical data is :?a.??Positive criticismb.??Internal criticism @c.??External criticismd.??Secondary criticism69.Historical research is conducted for which of the following reasons?a.??To identify the relationship that the past has to the present?b.??To evaluate and record accomplishments of individuals or entities?c.??To uncover the unknownd.??All of the above70.Historical research is interpretative.a. True @b. Falsec. sometime trued. sometime false71.The following is a step in the process of historical research?a.??Preparing a report or narrative exposition??b.??Identifying a research topic and formulation of the research problem or questionc.??Data collection and/or literature reviewd.??All of the above @72.In historical research, a primary source _________.a.??Consists of firsthand accounts by witnesses to events? @b.??Can consist of sources that include original maps, diaries, transcripts of the minutes of a ?meeting, and photographs?c.??Both a and b @d. none of the above 73.In historical research secondary sources are _________.a.??Generally considered more useful that primary sources?b.??Generally considered less useful than primary sources?@74.The process of determining the reliability or accuracy of the information contained in the sources collected is known as ______.a.??External criticismb.??Internal criticism @c.??Vaguenessd.??Presentism75.What is the median of the following set of scores? 18, 6, 12, 10, 14 ?a. 10b. 14c. 18d. 12 @76.Approximately what percentage of scores fall within one standard deviation of the mean in a normal distribution?a. 34%b. 95%c. 99%d. 68% @77.The denominator (bottom) of the z-score formula isa.??????The standard deviation @b.?????The difference between a score and the meanc.??????The ranged.?????The mean78.The standard deviation is:a. The square root of the varianceb. A measure of variabilityc. An approximate indicator of how numbers vary from the meand. All of the above @79.Hypothesis testing and estimation are both types of descriptive statistics.a. Trueb. False @80.A graph that uses vertical bars to represent data is called a ____.a.??Line graphb.??Bar graph @c.??Scatterplotd.??Vertical graph81. The goal of ___________ is to focus on summarizing and explaining a specific set of data.a.??Inferential statisticsb.??Descriptive statistics @c.??None of the aboved.??All of the above82.The most frequently occurring number in a set of values is called the ____.a. Meanb. Medianc. Mode @d. Range83.As a general rule, the _______ is the best measure of central tendency because it is more precise.a. Mean @b. Medianc. Moded. Range84.Why are variance and standard deviation the most popular measures of variability?a. They are the most stable and are foundations for more advanced statistical analysis @b. They are the most simple to calculate with large data setsc. They provide nominally scaled datad. None of the above85.____________ is the set of procedures used to explain or predict the values of a dependent variable based on the values of one or more independent variables.a. Regression analysis @b. Regression coefficientc. Regression equationd. Regression line86.The ______ is the value you calculate when you want the arithmetic average.a.??Mean @b.??Medianc.??Moded.??All of the above87. ___________ are used when you want to visually examine the relationship between two quantitative variables.a. Bar graphsb. Pie graphsc. Line graphsd. Scatterplots @88.The _______ is often the preferred measure of central tendency if the data are severely skewed.a. Meanb. Median @c. Moded. Range89.Which of the following is the formula for range?a.???H + Lb.???L x Hc.???L - Hd.???H – L @90.Which is a raw score that has been transformed into standard deviation units?a.???z score @b.???SDU scorec.???t scored.???e score91.Which of the following is NOT a measure of variability?a.??Median @b.??Variancec.??Standard deviationd.??Range92.Which of the following is NOT a common measure of central tendency?a.??Modeb.??Range @c.??Mediand.??Mean93.What is the median of this set of numbers: 4, 6, 7, 9, 2000000?a. 7.5b. 6c. 7 @d. 494.What is the mean of this set of numbers: 4, 6, 7, 9, 2000000?a. 7.5b. 400,005.2 @c. 7d. 495.Which of the following??is interpreted as the percentage of scores in a reference group that falls below a particular raw score?a.??Standard scoresb.??Percentile rank @c.??Reference groupd.??None of the above96.The median is ______.a.??The middle point @b.??The highest numberc.??The averaged.??Affected by extreme scores97.Which measure of central tendency takes into account the magnitude of scores?a. Mean @b. Medianc. Moded. Range98.If a test was generally very easy, except for a few students who had very low scores, then the distribution of scores would be _____.a. Positively skewedb. Negatively skewed @c. Not skewed at alld. Normal99.Which of the following represents the fiftieth percentile, or the middle point in a set of numbers arranged in order of magnitude?a. Modeb. Median @c. Meand. Variance100.If a distribution is skewed to the left, then it is __________.a. Negatively skewed @b. Positively skewed c. Symmetrically skewedd. Symmetrical101.In a grouped frequency distribution, the intervals should be what?a. Mutually exclusiveb. Exhaustivec. Both A and B @d. Neither A nor B102.Which of the following symbols represents a population parameter?a.??SDb.?????????c.??rd.??0103.What does it mean when you calculate a 95% confidence interval?a.??The process you used will capture the true parameter 95% of the time in the long runb.??You can be “95% confident” that your interval will include the population parameterc.??You can be “5% confident” that your interval will?not?include the population parameterd.??All of the above statements are true @104.Which of the following statements sounds like a null hypothesis?a.??The coin is not fairb.??There is a correlation in the populationc.??There is no difference between male and female incomes in the population @d.??The defendant is guilty105.The analysis of variance is a statistical test that is used to compare how many group means?a. Three or moreb. Two or more @106.What is the standard deviation of a sampling distribution called?a. Sampling errorb. Sample errorc. Standard error @d. Simple error107.Hypothesis testing is the key branches of the field of inferential statistics?a. True @b. False108.A ______ is a subset of a _________.a. Sample, population @b. Population, samplec. Statistic, parameterd. Parameter, statistic109.A _______ is a numerical characteristic of a sample and a ______ is a numerical characteristic of a population.a. Sample, populationb. Population, samplec. Statistic, parameter @d. Parameter, statistic110.As a general rule, researchers tend to use ____ percent confidence intervals.a. 99%b. 95% @c. 50%d. none of the above111.Which of the following is the researcher usually interested in supporting when he or she is engaging in hypothesis testing?a.??The alternative hypothesis @b.??The null hypothesisc.??Both the alternative and null hypothesisd.??Neither the alternative or null hypothesis112.When p<.05 is reported in a journal article that you read for an observed relationship, it means that the author has rejected the null hypothesis (assuming that the author is using a significance or alpha level of .05).a. True @b. False113.When p>05 is reported in a journal article that you read for an observed relationship, it means that the author has rejected the null hypothesis (assuming that the author is using a significance or alpha level of .05).a. Trueb. False @114._________ are the values that mark the boundaries of the confidence interval.a.? Confidence intervalsb.? Confidence limits @c.? Levels of confidenced.??Margin of error115._____ results if you fail to reject the null hypothesis when the null hypothesis is actually false.a.???????Type I errorb.??????Type II error @c.???????Type III errord.??????Type IV error116.____ results if you reject the null hypothesis when the null hypothesis is actually true.a.???????Type I error @b.??????Type II error c.???????Type III errord.??????Type IV error117.A good way to get a small standard error is to use a ________.a.??Repeated sampling??????b.??Small sample???????c.??Large sample???? @??d.??Large population118.the probability of not committing a type II error is known as:a. power of the test @b. level of significancec. confidence leveld. degree of freedom119.a test is known as ------------- if it test the hypothesis that whether the means of two groups are significantly different or not.a. two tailed test @b. one tailed testc. analysis of covarienced. one way ANOVA120.________ is the standard deviation of a sampling distribution.a.??Standard error @b.??Sample standard deviationc.??Replication errord.??Meta error121.When the researcher rejects a true null hypothesis, a ____ error occurs.a.???Type I @b.???Type Ac.???Type IId.???Type B122.A post hoc test is ___.a.??A test to compare two or more means in one overall testb.??A test to determine regression to the meanc.??A follow-up test to the analysis of variance when there are three or more groups @d.??A follow-up test to the independent t-test123.The use of the laws of probability to make inferences and draw statistical conclusions about populations based on sample data is referred to as ___________.a.??Descriptive statisticsb.??Inferential statistics @c.??Sample statisticsd.??Population statistics124.A statistical test used to compare 3 or more group means is known as _____.a.??One-way analysis of variance @b.??Post hoc testc.??t-test for correlation coefficientsd.??Simple regression125.The cutoff the researcher uses to decide whether to reject the null hypothesis is called the:a.??Significance levelb.??Alpha levelc.??Probability valued.??Both a and b are correct @126.Which ____ percent confidence interval will be the?widest?(i.e., the least precise) for a particular data set that includes exactly 500 cases?a.??99% @b.??95%c.??90%d.??None of the above127.As sample size goes up, what tends to happen to 95% confidence intervals?a.??They become more preciseb.??They become more narrowc.??They become widerd.??Both a and b @128.__________ is the failure to reject a false null hypothesis.a.???????Type I errorb.??????Type II error @c.???????Type A errord.??????Type B error129.Which of the following statements is/are?true?according to the logic of hypothesis testing?a.?? When the null hypothesis is true, it should not be rejectedb.??When the null hypothesis is false, it should be rejectedc.??When the null hypothesis is false, it should not be rejectedd.??Both a and b are true @130.Assuming innocence until “proven” guilty, a Type I error occurs when an innocent person is found guilty.a.??True @b.??False131.This is the difference between a sample statistic and the corresponding population parameter.a.??Standard errorb.??Sampling error @c.??Difference errord.??None of the above132.The “equals” sign (=) is included in which hypothesis when conducting hypothesis testing?a.??Null @b. Alternativec.??It can appear in both the null and the alternative hypothesis133.A Type I error is also known as a ______.a. False positive @b. False negativec. Double negatived. Positive negative134.A Type II error is also known as a ______.a. False positiveb. False negative @c. Double negatived. Positive negative135.the formula of rank order correlation coefficient is.a. 1-6€D2/N(N2-1)?b. 1+6€D2/N(N2-1)?c. 1-6€D2/N2(N-1)?d. none of the above136.The number of basketball shoots is a type of:Discrete variables @Continuous variablesTrue variablesNone of the above137.The sum of deviation of all the score in a set from their mean is Zero @Less than zeroMore than zeroOne138.To find out the mode from median and mean, the formula is3 median -2 mean @3mean – 2 median3 median + 2 mean3 mean +2 median 139.In positively skewed distribution, the exact position of central tendency isMode < median < mean @mean < median < modeMode < mean < medianmean < mode < median140.In negatively skewed distribution, the exact position of central tendency isMode > median > mean @ mean > median > Mode Median > mode > meanMode > mean > median141.The measures of variability taken about median isQuartile deviation @RangeMean deviationSD142.In a normal distribution the value of mean, median and mode are:mean=median= mode @mean >median>modeMode > mean > medianMode < median < mean143.The lack of symmetricity of normal curve is know asKurtosisSkewness @FlatnessNone of the above144.The measure of flatness of normal curve is known as:-KurtosisSkewnessBinomial expansionNone of the above145.If the calculated value of t is greater than the tabulated value of t:-The significant difference will occurThe significant effect will occurThe alternate hypothesis will acceptAll the above146.Which of the following is a form of research typically conducted by teachers, counselors, and other professionals to answer questions they have and to specifically help them solve local problems??a. action research?@b. basic researchc. predictive researchd. orientational research147. How much confidence should you place in a single research study??a. you should completely trust a single research study.b. you should trust research findings after different researchers have found the same findings @c. neither a nor bd. both a and b148.The development of a solid?foundation?of reliable knowledge typically is built from which type of research?a. basic research @b. action researchc. evaluation researchd. orientational research?149.Which form of reasoning is the process of drawing a specific conclusion from a set of premises?a. rationalismb. deductive reasoning @c. inductive reasoningd. probabilistic150.Research that is done to examine the findings of someone else using the "same variables but different people" is which of the following?a. explorationb. hypothesisc. Replication @d. empiricism151.________________ is the idea that knowledge comes from experience.a. rationalismb. deductive reasoningc. logicd. Empiricism @152.Which “scientific method” follows these steps: 1) observation/data, 2) patterns, 3) theory?a. Inductive @b. Deductivec. Imductived. Top down153.Which scientific method is a bottom-up or generative approach to research?a. Deductive methodb. Inductive method @c. Hypothesis methodd. Pattern method154.Which scientific method focuses on?testing?hypotheses developed from theories?a. Deductive method @b. Inductive methodc. Hypothesis methodd. Pattern method155.Which scientific method often focuses on?generating?new hypotheses and theories?a. Deductive methodb. Inductive method @c. Hypothesis methodd. Pattern method156.A condition or characteristic that can take on different values or categories is called ___.a. a constantb. a variable @c. a cause-and-effect relationshipd. a descriptive relationship157.A variable that is presumed to cause a change in another variable is called a(n):a. categorical variableb. dependent variablec. independent variable @d. intervening variable158.All of the following are common characteristics of experimental research except:a. it relies primarily on the collection of numerical datab. it can produce important knowledge about cause and effectc. it uses the deductive scientific methodd. it rarely is conducted in a controlled setting or environment @159.Which type of research provides the strongest evidence about the existence of cause-and-effect relationships?a. nonexperimental Researchb. experimental Research @160.What is the key defining characteristic of experimental research?a. extraneous variables are never presentb. a positive correlation usually existsc. a negative correlation usually exists?d. manipulation of the independent variable @161.In _____, random assignment to groups is never possible and the researcher cannot manipulate the independent variable.a. basic researchb. quantitative researchc. experimental researchd. causal-comparative and correlational research @162.What is the defining characteristic of experimental research?a. resistance to manipulationb. manipulation of the independent variable @c. the use of open-ended questionsd. focuses only on local problems163.A positive correlation is present when _______.a. two variables move in opposite directions.b. two variables move in the same direction. @c. one variable goes up and one goes downd. several variables never change.164.Research in which the researcher uses the qualitative method for one phase and the quantitative method for another phase is known as ______.a. action researchb. basic researchc. quantitative researchd. mixed method research @e. mixed model research165.Research that is done to understand an event from the past is known as _____?a. experimental researchb. historical research @c. replicationd. archival research166.______ research occurs when the researcher manipulates the independent variable.a. causal-comparative researchb. experimental research @c. ethnographyd. correlational research167.Which of the following includes examples of quantitative variables?a. age, temperature, income, heightb. grade point average, anxiety level, reading performancec. gender, religion, ethnic groupd. both a and b @168.What is the opposite of a variable?a. a constant @b. an extraneous variablec. a dependent variabled. a data set169.Which of the following can best be described as a categorical variable?a. ageb. annual incomec. grade point averaged. Religion @170.In research, something that does?not?"vary" is called a ___________.a. variableb. methodc. Constant @d. control group?171.A researcher studies achievement by children in poorly funded elementary schools. She develops a model that posits parent involvement as an important variable. She believes that parent involvement has an impact on children by increasing their motivation to do school work. Thus, in her model, greater parent involvement leads to higher student motivation, which in turn creates higher student achievement. Student motivation is what kind of variable in this study?a. Manipulated variableb. Extraneous variablec. Confounding variabled. Mediating or intervening variable @172.Which correlation is the strongest?a.???+.10b.???-.95c.???+.90d.??-1.00 @173.The correlation between intelligence test scores and grades is:a. Positive @b. Negativec. Perfectd. They are not correlated174.According to the text, which of the following orders is the recommended in the flowchart of the development of a research idea?a. Research topic, research problem, research purpose, research question, hypothesis @b. Research topic, research purpose, research problem, research question, and hypothesisc. Research topic, hypothesis, research purpose, research question, research problemd. Research topic, hypothesis, research problem, research question, research purpose175.Sources of researchable problems can include:?a.??Researchers’ own experiences as educatorsb.??Practical issues that require solutionsc.??Theory and past research?d.??All of the above @176.A review of the literature prior to formulating research questions allows the researcher to do which of the following?a.??To become familiar with prior research on the phenomenon of interestb.??To identify potential methodological problems in the research areac.??To develop a list of pertinent problems relative to the phenomenon of interest?d.??All of the above @177.The feasibility of a research study should be considered in light of:a.??Cost and time required to conduct the studyb.??Skills required of the researcherc.??Potential ethical concernsd.??All of the above @178.A formal statement of the research question or “purpose of research study” generally ______.a.??Is made prior to the literature review?b.??Is made after the literature reviewc.??Will help guide the research process?d.??b and c @179.The research participants are described in detail in which section of the research plan?a. Introductionb. Method @c. Data analysisd. Discussion180.Research hypotheses are ______.a.??Formulated?prior?to a review of the literature?b.??Statements of predicted relationships between variablesc.??Stated such that they can be confirmed or refutedd.??b and c @181.A research plan _____.a.??is a blue print of the studyb.??is a conclusion of the studyc.??is a thesis of the studyd.??All of the above182.The Introduction section of the research plana.??Gives an overview of prior relevant studiesb.??Contains a statement of the purpose of the studyc.??gives boundaries and significance of the study?d.??All of the above @183.According to your text, which of the following is?not?a source of research ideas?a. Everyday lifeb. Practical issuesc. Past researchd. Theorye. All of the above ARE sources of research ideas @184.Subjects are said to be assigned randomly whena.They are assigned to experimental and control groups from a sample which is representative of the larger population.b.They each have an equal chance of being assigned to either the experimental or control group.c.They are assigned to experimental and control groups so that the groups differ on some critical variable before the experiment begins.d.neither the experimenter nor the subject knows whether the subject is in the experimental or control group.185.We wish to test the hypothesis that music improves learning. We compare test scores of students who study to music with those who study in silence. Which of the following is an extraneous variable in this experiment?a.the presence or absence of musicb.the students' test scoresc.the amount of time allowed for the studyingd.silence186.An experiment is performed to see if background music improves learning. Two groups study the same material, one while listening to music and another without music. The independent variable isa.learning.b.the size of the group.c.the material studied.d.music.187.Which of the following coefficients of correlation indicates the strongest relationship between two sets of variables?a.-0.98b.0.90c.0.00d.1.20188.The most powerful research tool is a (an)a.clinical study.b.experiment.c.survey.d.correlational study.189.Students who do better in high school tend to do better in college. This is an example ofa.a negative correlation.b.a zero correlation.c.a positive correlation.d.a perfect correlation.190.In the traditional learning experiment, the effect of practice on performance is investigated. Performance is the __________ variable.a.independentb.extraneousc.dependentd.control191.An advantage of the experimental method in physical education isa.the identification of a cause- and-effect relationship.b.similar to the correlational method in that causality is determined.c.that the surroundings are always similar to real life experiences.d.that it is an informal way to investigate behavior.192.A correlation coefficient of 0 means that there isa.a strong negative relationship between the two variables.b.a strong positive relationship between the two variables.c.a perfect positive relationship between the two variables.d.no relationship between the two variables.193.The independent variable in an experiment isa.the subject himself.b.a measure of the subject's behavior.c.the variable that the experimenter chooses to manipulate.d.any unwanted variable that may adversely affect the subject's performance.194.A simple experiment has two groups of subjects calleda.the dependent group and the independent group.b.the extraneous group and the independent group.c.the before group and the after group.d.the control group and the experimental group.195.Which of the following coefficients of correlation indicates the weakest relationship between two sets of variables?a.0.08b.-0.29c.0.48d.-1.00196.A correlation coefficient of -1.09 indicates a(n)a.strong positive correlation.b.strong negative correlation.c.cause/effect relationship.d.error in computation.197.Which of the following is a form of research typically conducted by teachers, counselors, and other professionals to answer questions they have and to specifically help them solve local problems? a. action research @b. basic research c. predictive researchd. orientational research198.The development of a solid foundation of reliable knowledge typically is built from which type of research? basic research @ action research evaluation research orientational research199.Which scientific method focuses on testing hypotheses developed from theories? a. Deductive method @b. Inductive method c. Hypothesis method d. Pattern method200.Which “scientific method” follows these steps: 1) observation/data, 2) patterns, 3) theory?a. Inductive @b. Deductivec. Imductived. Top down201.A variable that is presumed to cause a change in another variable is called a(n):categorical variable dependent variable independent variable intervening variable202.Which type of research provides the strongest evidence about the existence of cause-and-effect relationships? nonexperimental Research experimental Research203.What is the key defining characteristic of experimental research? a. extraneous variables are never present b. a positive correlation usually exists c. a negative correlation usually exists d. manipulation of the independent variable @204.A positive correlation is present when _______. a. two variables move in opposite directions. b. two variables move in the same direction.@c. one variable goes up and one goes down d. several variables never change.205.Research that is done to understand an event from the past is known as _____? a. experimental researchb. historical researchc. replicationd. archival research206.……. research occurs when the researcher manipulates the independent variable. a. causal-comparative research b. experimental research c. ethnography d. correlational research207.Which of the following includes examples of quantitative variables? a. age, temperature, income, height b. grade point average, anxiety level, reading performance c. gender, religion, ethnic groupd. both a and b @208.What is the opposite of a variable?a. a constant @b. an extraneous variable c. a dependent variabled. a data set209.Which of the following can best be described as a categorical variable?a. age b. annual income c. grade point average d. religion @210.In research, something that does not "vary" is called a ___________. a. variableb. method c. constant @d. control group211.Which correlation is the strongest? a. +.10 b. -.95 c. +.90 d. -1.00212.The correlation between intelligence test scores and grades is:a. Positiveb. Negativec. Perfectd. They are not correlated213.Which of the following statements are true? (Check one)I. Categorical variables are the same as qualitative variables.?II. Categorical variables are the same as quantitative variables.?III. Quantitative variables can be continuous variables.I onlyII onlyIII onlyI and III only ................

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