ULumos One Page Marketing Plan

____________________________ One Page Marketing Plan-63288375073Before (Prospect)00Before (Prospect)1. My Target Market2. My Message To My Target Market3. The Media I Will Use To Reach My Target Market16-22 Years old Embrace different culturesInstagramWant to learn about different cultures Grow closer to their rootsTwitter ( 3X per dayAAASAFriends to know them betterTikTokCooking clubsGet to “ Nigeria , Mexico”websiteForeign languagemeetup#recipesLanding PagesAnalytics – EffectivenessGive/Coupon -> emailer-6328881492During (Lead)00During (Lead) 4. My Lead Capture System5. My Lead Nurturing System6. My Sales Conversion StrategyContact us on websiteFree recipes, articles , eventsEmailer systemSocial Media Repost/VBLOGeCommerceuLumos CRMEmail-Nurture-Provide ValueRisk Reversal Guarantee-6328825611After (Customer)00After (Customer) 7. How I Deliver A World Class Experience8. How I Increase Customer Lifetime Value9. How I Orchestrate And Stimulate ReferralsSell Them What They Want but Give Them What They NeedA person is 21 times more likely to buy from a business they’ve bought from in the past compared with one they’ve never purchased fromEmail/Survey/Follow-ThruuCRM mining datauLumos Referral System ................

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