Percentages at Level 1

Percentages at Level 1


• Calculated percentage amounts

• Solved problems using percentage amounts

• Solved problems using fractional amounts

Skills Starter - How to work out a percentage.

There are a few different ways of doing this.

You can think about the percentages you know as fractions.

|Percentage |As a fraction |So I would… |

|50% |A half |Divide by 2 |

|25% |A quarter |Divide by four….or half it and half it again |

|75% |Three quarters |Find half, find a quarter and add them together |

|10% |One tenth |Move every digit down one place to divide by ten. So 280|

| | |divided by 10 is 28. |

|20% |Two tenths |Find one tenth and then double it |

|5% |One twentieth |Find 10% and then half it |

|1% |One hundredth |Move every digit down two places to divide by 100. So |

| | |280 divided by 100 is 2.8. |

Now try these:

1. Find 25% of 32

2. 75% of 36

3. 80% 0f 35

4. 10% 0f 142

5. 20% of 60

6. 35% 0f 70

7. 6% 0f 220

8. 15% of 150

9. 12% of 20

10.120% 0f 30

Skills Starter - How to Work Out a Percentage.

There are a few ways to do this but you really only need to know one!

Write down the amount

Divide the amount by 100

Multiply the answer by the percentage you want

For example: Find 25% of 80

80 divided by 100, multiplied by 25

Now try these:

Find 25% of 32

2. 75% of 36

3. 80% 0f 35

4. 10% 0f 142

5. 20% of 60

6. 35% 0f 70

7. 6% 0f 220

8. 15% of 150




The report on motor insurance shows price increases between

2005 and 2006.

Which type of insurance had the largest percentage increase?

Which type of insurance increased by the largest amount of money?



Take a look at the table below. Which price increase have you worked out if you?

|Calculation Done: |Area: |

|Divide the original average house price by 10 |This finds 10% which is North West |

|Divide the original average house price by 2 | |

|Multiply the original average house price by 1 | |

|Divide the original average house price by 4 | |

|Divide the original average house price by 5 | |

How much more will it cost to buy a £160 000 house in the south east in 2005, compared to 2002?

How much more will it cost to buy a £170 000 house in the south west in 2005, compared to 2002?


How much will an employee earning £180 a week receive after their pay increase?

Use a calculator to find out how many people will still have a job after the workforce is reduced.


How much does the room cost at the discounted price?


How much is the remainder of the cost?


How many people are part time?

What fraction work part time?


How much will the customer have in his account with the interest?


There are 500 patients. How many are children and how many are adults?


The holiday maker must pay the remainder of the money. How much is this?

How much will the cleaning cost with the special offer?

The population of Switzerland is approximately 8 million.

How many Swiss speak French?

How many Swiss speak other languages?



How much will an employee earn including the allowance?

This question is about a carpet cleaning machine. A man decides to hire a machine. The price per day is £25.98. The man decides to return the cleaner on the same day. How much does he pay?



How much does a motorist pay for the motor oil?


How much petrol would she need to buy in order to fill the tank?

A woman works for Avon.





How much is left to pay?

How much would a 10% deposit be on the other items?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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