Computer Concepts in Action

Term: Semester 1 / LC#1Date: 1 November 2010Teacher Name: Omar KhalilGrade: 11Subject: Principles of Web Design Worksheet4Name ________________________________ ID______________ Section_________Chapter 4: Planning Site NavigationMark (T) for true and (F) for false statements:No.StatementT/F1The free-flowing nature of information in a nonlinear hypertext environment can be confusing to navigate.T2The hypertext forms of traditional navigation devices, such as tables of contents and cross-references, cannot be displayed constantly alongside related content.F3The ease of navigation does not depend on the number of links and the context in which they were added by the hypertext author.F4Many Web sites tend to present too much information at one time.T5Text-based linking only works in text-only browsers.F6A Table of Contents page must link to the other main pages of the Web site.T7You should test your hypertext links to make sure they point to the correct page.T8While the table of contents lets users access the main pages in the Web site, the navigation bar lets users access the exact content they want.F9You cannot add links for navigating within the table of contents itself.F10The value of the name attribute in an anchor tag can be any combination of alphanumeric characters.T11You can let users jump from the table of contents to the exact topic they want within each chapter by adding code to both the Table of Contents page and each individual chapter page.T12Page-turner links facilitate non-sequential navigation.F13Including a link within a line of text is less effective than including a list of keywords.F14You can use as many linking options as necessary in your Web site.T15You should not use the same graphics consistently throughout your Web site.F16Once users learn where to find navigation icons and how to use them, they expect them on every page.T17Using the same graphics repeatedly in your Web site does not affect download time.F18Navigation graphics on the Web come in very few styles.F19A very common technique is to compose what appears to be a single graphic from different graphics held together by a table.T20Graphics such as directional arrows are likely to be interpreted correctly.TSelect the best answer from the list of choices1.Hypertext was envisioned in the ____ by Ted Nelson, who described it as non-sequential writing in his book Literary Machines.a.1950sc.1970sb.1960sd.1980s2.You can add ____ easily to create attractive navigation fonts3.Once the navigation graphics are loaded in the user’s ____ , the server does not have to download them again.a.temp folderc.cacheb.queued.back-up folder4.____ is/are especially effective in guiding users who may have arrived at a page from somewhere outside this Web site.a.A site map at the bottom of the pageb.A linked path at the top of the page showing the user’s location within the site hierarchyc.Linked graphics on the right side of the paged.A glossary link5.A good rule to follow is that users should not have to click more than ____ time(s) to get to the information they desire.a.onec.three to fiveb.two or threed.five or six6.You should keep a ____ hierarchy in order to create manageable information segments.a.three-dimensionalc.flatb.multi-tieredd.circular7.You can judge your page length by pressing the ____ key.a.Homec.Endb.Insertd.Page Down8.If you have to press the Page Down key more than ____ time(s) to move from the top to the bottom of your page, break up the file.a.onec.three to fiveb.two or threed.five or six9.In the hypertext environment, the user should be able to select links in the ____ to jump to any document in the barb.table of map10.To add a navigation bar to a page, start by adding a ____ element to place the navigation bar immediately following the opening <body> tag.a.<frame>c.<nav>b.<head>d.<div>11.To center a navigation bar, set the ____ attribute to “center” within the <div> tag.a.divc.Locationb.alignd.Alignment12.To create an individual link, use the ____ tag.a.<a>c.<add>b.<l>d.<link>13.You should always make ____ the innermost set of tags to avoid extra space in the hypertext link.a.<p>c.<body>b.<li>d.<a>14.By default, visited links are ____.a.bluec.purpleb.redd.black15.Adding an internal link requires ____ <a> anchor element(s).a.zeroc.twob.oned.three16.When creating an internal link, one of the <a> anchor elements targets the fragment identifier name in the ____ attribute.a.namec.colorb.hrefd.destination17.To reference a target fragment identifier when creating an internal link, the ____ symbol is used in the href attribute.a.$c.*b.#d.&18.The value of the name attribute can be any combination of ____ characters that you choose.a.uppercasec.alphabeticb.numericd.alphanumeric19.Which of the following creates an element that is both an external link and a fragment identifier?a.<a destination=“chapter1.htm” name=“chapter1”>Chapter 1</a>b.<a href=“chapter1.htm” name=“chapter1”>Chapter 1</a>c.<a name=“chapter1”>Chapter 1</a>d.<a href=“chapter1.htm”>Chapter 1</a>20.You can enhance the functions of the ____ in the chapter pages by adding page-turner links.a.direction queuesc.navigation flippersd.text links21.____ let you move either to the previous or next page in the collection.a.Back and forth linksc.Page turnersb.Flipper linksd.Page changers22.Page turners work well in a ____ structure of pages.a.linearc.hierarchicalb.clusteredd.nonlinear23.____ links allow users to jump to related ideas or cross-references by clicking the word or item that interests them.a.Relatedc.Forwardb.Staticd.Contextual24.____ are text created as graphics.a.Alphanumeric imagesc.Word graphicsb.JPEGsd.Text images25.Not everyone agrees on the meaning of ____.a.graphicsc.iconsb.bannersd.images26.One way to define ____ is to use a table that lists each one and describes its meaning.a.tables of turnersb.navigation iconsd.external links27.The most obvious type of graphics to avoid are symbols that are ____ specific.a.culturallyc.scientificallyb.directionallyd.temporally28.You can provide alternate text-based links in addition to graphical links by including an alt attribute in the ____ tag of the HTML code for the graphic.a.<a>c.<body>b.<image>d.<img>29.If you omit ____ attributes for an <img> tag and make users rely on graphics for navigation, they may be unable to navigate the site effectively.a.otherc.altb.textd.textual30.The inclusion of alt attributes is of prime importance to the ____ of your Web site.a.readabilityc.look and feelb.accessibilityd.color schemeFill-in the blanks with the correct answer from the list below:accessibilityscrollinggraphicinformationText-basedinternalhypertextpage-turnerplaceholderdestinationnavigationContextualtable of contents (or toc)fragment identifiergraphicsinternal navigation barRepeatingcolorstypefaceiconic1.The PC Webopedia defines hypertext as a system “in which objects (text, pictures, music, programs, and so on) can be creatively linked to each other.”2.Every graphic you add to your Web site increases the download time for the user.3.You should use an alternate set of text links in the event that the user cannot or will not view your graphics and to meet accessibility guidelines.4.Lengthy files that require scrolling or arrays of links and buttons can frustrate and overwhelm the user.5.You should provide plenty of internal links to help users get around and keep the pages short.6.You should know your material and try to anticipate the user’s information needs.7.Text-based linking often is the most effective and accessible way to provide navigation on your site.8.To link a table of contents to the other main pages in a Web site, you can add a simple text-based navigation bar.9.Although the navigation bar lets users access the main pages in the Web site, the table of contents (or toc) lets users access the exact content they want.10.Link colors allow users to keep track of which chapters they already have visited.11.When creating an internal link, one of the <a> anchor elements uses the name attribute to name a(n) fragment identifier in the document.12.A(n) internal navigation bar on the table of contents allows the user to jump to different sections of the table of contents.13.When the user clicks on a link to an external document fragment, the browser opens the destination file and displays the fragment.14.You can enhance the functions of a navigation bar in the chapter pages by adding page-turner links.15.A common design technique that lets you focus on layout instead of content is to use Latin text as placeholder text.16.Contextual links are links that you can embed directly in the flow of your content by choosing the key terms and concepts you anticipate your users will want to follow.17.Too many graphics that are used inconsistently confuse users.18.Many Web designers prefer text images because they offer more typeface and design choices.19.You never can be sure exactly how your audience will interpret the iconic graphics you use for navigating a Web site.20.Repeating navigation options ensures that you meet the needs of a wide range of users. ................

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