WINTER BREAK HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK (2019-20)Class XII?????ENGLISH0396240007620047542450013335022987000HISTORYRevision of all chapters (Chapter 1-12)Map skill: In a file/Note book based on chaptersPrepare CBSE Project/Practical on assigned topic (Topics are already assigned to students) Solve at least five sample paper Schedule for study during Winter break Class XII F (History) Date Chapter to be learn Tips 23-12-20181&2Learn different level of question daily for chapter as per schedule Note down the problems and discuss with teacher in class and telephone/whatsup group.Solve at least 10 sample paper .Make sure that every question you learn and write within given time Every student should have note book for this work and discuss with subject teacher Parents are requested to ensure the their ward follow schedule 24-12-20183&425-12-20185&626-12-20187&827-12-20189&1028-12-201811&1229-12-201813&1430-12-201815 and Remains 31-12-2018Map skill 01-01-2019Objective type questions02-01-2019Picture based and with map skills practice 03-01-2019Solve sample paper04-01-2019Problem from all chapter to be revise 05-01-2019Solve sample paper06-01-2019Solve sample paper07-01-2019Solve sample paper08-01-2019Solve sample paper09-01-2019Solve sample paper10-01-2019Map skill with revision 11-01-2019Solve sample paperGEOGRAPHYINFORMATICS PRACTICESPrepare a softcopy of PRACTICAL FILE containing following programs:Write a NumPy program to create a 3x3 matrix with values ranging from 2 to 10.Write a NumPy program to create a one dimensional array with 8 equal spaced values between 4 and 5.Write a program to create a 3X4 matrix having all values as zeros.Write a program to create a 3X4 matrix having all values as one.Write a Pandas program to compare the elements of the two Pandas Series??Write a Python program to convert a dictionary to a Pandas series. Sample Series: Dictionary:{'a': 100, 'b': 200, 'c': 300, 'd': 400, 'e': 800}Converted series: a 100b 200c 300d 400e 800dtype: int64Create the following series:Neha100Sohan90Jiya89Riya23Tiya 56Write a menu deriven program to add, subtract, multiple and divide two Pandas Series.Write a program to sort the element of Series S1 into S2.Write a NumPy program to reverse an array Ar.Write a NumPy program to create a 8x8 matrix and fill it with checkerboard pattern.Checkerboard pattern:[[0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1][1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0][0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1][1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0][0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1][1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0][0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1][1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0]]Write a NumPy program to append values to the end of an array. Expected Output: Original array: [10, 20, 30]After append values to the end of the array: [10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90]Write a menu deriven program to add, subtract, multiple and divide two 3X3 numpy arrays.Write a panda program to read marks detail of Manasvi and Calculate sum of all = {'Manasvi': ['Physics', 'Chemistry', 'English', 'Maths', 'Computer Sc'], 'marks': [ 89,99,97,99,98],}Write a Pandas program to sort the data frame first by 'Designation' in Ascending order, then by 'Name' in Descending order.data1 = {'Name':['Akshat', 'Sameer', 'Pihu', 'Neha'] , 'Age':[28,34,29,42], 'Designation':['Accountant' , 'Clerk', 'Clerk', 'Manager']}The table shows passenger car fuel rates in miles per gallon for several years. Make a LINE GRAPH of the data. During which 2-year period did the fuel rate decrease? YEAR: 2000 2002 2004 2006 RATE: 21.0 20.7 21.2 21.6 The number of bed-sheets manufactured by a factory during five consecutive weeks is given below.WeekFirstSecondThirdFourthFifth Number of Bed-sheets600850700300900Draw the bar graph representing the above data The number of students in 7 different classes is given below. Represent this data on the bar graph.Class6th7th8th9th10th11th12thNumber of Students1301201351301508075 The number of students in 7 different classes is given below. Represent this data onthe bar graph.Class6th7th8th9th10th11th12thNumber of Students1301201351301508075The Production(in Tone) by Factory in Years is shown below Represent this data on the scatter graph.Year2000200520102015Production in Tons 50 403060 Assume following data is stored in data frame named as df1 Name Sales Quarter StateRSahay 125600 1 DelhiGeorge 235600 1 Tamil NaiduJayaPriya 213400 1 KeralaManilaSahai 189000 1 HaryanaRymaSen 456000 1 West BengalManilaSahai 172000 2 HaryanaJayaPriya 201400 2 KeralaCreate the above dataframe and write the statement for the following:Find total sales per state(ii) find total sales per employee(iii)find total sales both employee wise and state wise(iv)find mean, median and min sale state wise(v)find maximum sale by individual(vi) Write a command to sort data according to ‘Name’ and then by ‘Sales’ and store it in another dataframe. (vii ) Write command to group the data frame according to their ‘Name’ and store it in ‘gdf’(viii) Write command to show groups created in gdf.22.Given two arrays namely arr1 and arr2 each having 5 values. Create a scatter chart so that each data points gets a different color, different size. Keep the marker style as square.23.Consider the table given below and write the query for the followingTable: CLUBGCodeGameNameNumberFeesStartingDate 101Carom250002004-01-23102Badminton2120002003-12-12103Table480002004-02-14104Chess290002004-01-01105Lawn Tennis4250002004-03-19To display the name of all games with their Gcodes.To display details of those games which are having Fees more than 7000.To display the content of the CLUB table in descending order of startDate.To delete the record of all GameNames.List the minimum and maximum fees from CLUB.24Consider the tables FLIGHTS & FARES. Write SQL commands for the statementsTable : FLIGHTSFNOSOURCEDESTNO_OF_FLNO_OF_STOPIC301MUMBAIBANGALORE32IC799BANGALOREKOLKATA83MC101DELHIVARANASI60IC302MUMBAIKOCHI14AM812LUCKNOWDELHI40MU499DELHICHENNAI33Table : FARESFNOAIRLINESFARETAX_percentageIC301Indian Airlines94255 IC799 Spice Jet 8846 10MC101Deccan Airlines42107IC302Jet Airways138945AM812Indian Airlines45006MU499Sahara120004Display flight number & number of flights from Mumbai from the table flights.Arrange the contents of the table flights in the descending order of destination.iii) Increase the tax by 2% for the flights starting from Delhi.iv) Display the flight number and fare to be paid for the flights from Mumbai to Kochi using the tables, Flights & Fares, where the fare to be paid =fare+fare*tax/100.Display total no of source stations(eliminate duplicate) present in the table.Display the fare for the flight for MUMBAI to BANGLORE vii)Display the records of source stations started with letter ‘B’.Display the flight no. for which fare to be paid is less than 3000.Display total no. of flights available for each AirlinesAdd a new column Dep_Time in the table Flight.xi)Delete the record of flight no. IC301 from the table FARE.xii) increase the size of the column ‘source’ to 30 in the Table FLIGHT25. Write a command to create the below given table:Table: DepartmentColumn nameDnoDnameDlocDatatypeIntegerVarcharCharSize3050ConstraintPrimary keyNot nullTable: EmployeeColumn nameEmpnoNameGenderCitySalaryDnoDatatypeIntegerVarcharCharVarcharNUMBERIntegerSize501305,2ConstraintPrimary keyNot nullIn ‘m’ or ‘f’Default ggn>10000Foreign keyInsert the following data in the table:Table: DepartmentDnoDnameDloc10FiananceGgn20ProgrammingGgn30HRMDelhiTable: Employee:EmpnoNameGenderCitySalaryDno101NainaFDelhi7000010102SohanMGgn5000020103MohanMGgn2500030104ReenaFDelhi3000010105TeenaFGgn3500010Write the following query with outputWrite a query to display the data of department table.Write a query to display the data of employee table.Write query to display name, gender and salary of all employee in ascending order of their salary.Write a query to display the list of departments which are located in GGNWrite a query to display name of all the employee who are living in GurgaonWrite a query to display the details of employee whose empno is 105Write a query to display all male employees living in delhiWrite a query to display the details of employees of department no 10 in descending order of their names.Write a query to display name and salary of all the employee whose salary lies between 30 thousand to 50 thousand.Write a query to display the records of all the employee who are either female or working in department no 30Write a query to display the detail of all the employee, the last second character of whose name is a.Write a query to delete all the records who are living in Gurgaon.Write a query to increase the salary of all the employees by 15% of their existing salary.Write a query to change the city to rohtak of employee whose employee no is 104Write a query to delete the records of all the employees of department no 10Write a query to add one more column i.e dob date notnull.Write a query to display to display name, dno,salary and their corresponding department of all the employees.Write a query to display name and dname of all the employees of city Gurgaon.26 Prepare a Project(topic of your choice) based on the connectivity of Python and MYSQL. 27.Do the ideal solution of Preboard 1st Question paper and model papers(02) given below:INFORMATICS PRACTICES NEW (065) - CLASS XIIMax Marks: 70 Time: 3 hrsGeneral Instructions:All questions are compulsoryQuestion Paper is divided into 4 sections A,B,C and D.Section A comprises of questions(1 and 2)Question 1 comprises Data Handling-2(DH-2)(Series, Numpy)Question 2 comprises of question from Data Handling -2(DH-2)(Data Frames and its operations)Section B comprises of questions from Basic Software Engineering.Section C comprises of questions from Data Management-2(DM-2)Section D comprises of questions from Society, Law and Ethics-2(SLE-2)SECTION- A1.(a)Find the output of following program.import numpy as npd=np.array([10,20,30,40,50,60,70])print(d[-5:])1(b)State at least two differences between a numpy array and a list.1(c)Fill in the blank with appropriate statement using numpy method to calculate the covariance and correlation coefficient of the two given 1D arrays(A,B)import numpy as npA=np.array([1,2,3,4,5])B=np.array([3,4,0,-1,-4])result_covar=______________ # COVARIANCEresult_coeff=______________ #CORRELATION COEFFICIENT2(d)What will be the output of the following python code:import pandas as pdimport numpy as npd = {'Student':['Ali','Ali','Tom','Tom'],\ 'House':['Red',Red,'Blue',Blue’],\ 'Points':[50,70,60,80]}df =pd.DataFrame(d)df1 = df.pivot_table(index='Student',columns='House',values=’Points’,aggfunc=np.sum)print(df1)2(e)Given following ndarray A:( [[2, 4, 6],[7, 8, 9],[1, 2, 3]] )Write the python statements to perform the array slices in the way so as to extract(i) First row (ii) Second Column2(f)Write a python statement to fill in the blanks so that the given output may be achieved:import pandas as pdimport numpy as npd = {'Rollno':[101,102,103,104],\ 'ECO':[70,80,50,80],'BST':[60,50,60,90]}df = pd.DataFrame(d)df1 = ___________________________print(df1)Rollno 410ECO 280BST 260dtype: int642g)Write python statement to create a two- dimensional array of 4 rows and 3 columns . The array should be filled with ones.1h)Differentiate between apply() and applymap() functionsORFind the output for the following:import pandas as pdimport numpy as npd = {'Marks1':[10,20,30,40],\ 'Marks2':[50,70,60,80]}df=pd.DataFrame(d)print(df)print(df.apply(np.cumsum))22.a) For the given code fill in the blanks so that we get the desired output with sorting the dataframe first on Quantity and second on Cost.import pandas as pdimport numpy as npd = {'Product':['Apple','Pear','Banana','Grapes'],\ 'Quantity':[100,100,200,250],\ 'Cost':[1000,1500,1200,900]}df = pd.DataFrame(d)df1 = ______________________________________print(df1)ProductQuantityCost0Apple10010001Pear10015002Banana20012003Grapes250900ORFor the given code fill in the blanks so that we get the desired output with maximum value for Quantity and Average Value for Cost:import pandas as pdimport numpy as npd = {'Product':['Apple','Pear','Banana','Grapes'],\ 'Quantity':[100,150,200,250],\ 'Cost':[1000,1500,1200,900]}df = pd.DataFrame(d)df1 =_________________________________print(df1)Quantity 250.0Cost 1150.0dtype: float642b)What is the use of pipe() function?1c)Consider the ndarrays Arr1 and Arr2 .Arr1= array([[0,1,2], [3,4,5], [6,7,8]])Arr2= array([[10,20,30], [40,50,60], [70,80,90]])What will be the resultant array, if the following statement is executed? np.hstack((Arr2,Arr1))2d) Write python statement to create a one –dimensional array using arrange() function .Elements will be in the range 10 to 30 with a step of 4 (including both 10 and 30). Reshape this one-dimensional array to two dimensional array of shape(2,3). Then display only those elements of this two –dimensional array which are divisible by 5.2e)Find O/P for the following program code:import pandas as pddf1=pd.DataFrame({'Icecream':['Vanila','ButterScotch','Caramel'] , 'Cookies':['Goodday','Britannia', 'Oreo']})df2=pd.DataFrame({'Chocolate':['Dairy Milk','Kitkat'],'Icecream':['Vanila','ButterScotch'],'Cookies':['Hide and Seek','Britannia' ]}) df2.reindex_like(df1)2f)Consider the following dataframes :df1 df2 mark1 mark2 mark1 mark20 10 15 0 30 201 40 45 1 20 252 15 30 2 20 303 40 70 3 50 30Write the commands to do the following operations on the dataframes given above : (i) To rename column mark1 as Score1 in both the dataframes df1 and df2.(ii) To change index label of df1 from 0 to zero and from 1 to one.2g)What will be the output of the following code:import matplotlib.pyplot as px=[6,7,8,9,10]y=[60,40,55,30,70]p.title('Secondary Class Strength')p.xlabel('Class')p.ylabel('No. of students'),y) in the blank with appropriate pyplot methods:import matplotlib.pyplot as pYear=[2000,2002,2004,2006]Rate=[21.0,20.7,21.2,21.6]____________________________ # To draw a line graphp.xlabel('Year') p.ylabel('Rate') p.title('Fuel Rates in every Two Year') ___________________(“Graph1.pdf”) # To save the graph will be the output of the following code:2h)Write a python program to draw a bar chart with the following information:CitypollutionKolkata78Delhi91Kanpur88Patna90Banglore82The barchart should have the following features:X-axis label should be City and Y-axis label should be PollutionThe title of the chart should be Pollution IndexThe colour of the bars should be RedUse proper import statements in the program.ORWrite a python program to draw a histogram with following information:10151010101520202020202525The histogram should have following informationX-axis label should be score and Y-axis should be FrequencyThe title should be Frequency of ScoreThe colour of histogram should be blue with 10 binsUse proper import statements in the program4SECTION- B3.a)What is meant by Software Engineering?1b)What is Software process? Mention two advantages and two disadvantages of Waterfall model. ORDraw labelled diagram of Evolutionary Software process model3c) Mention two advantages of Incremental Software Delivery model.ORMention two advantages of Spiral delivery model.24.a)“Working in a pair in Pair Programming increases efficiency and reduces time”. Justify.1b)Who is responsible for making sure that the Scrum has been understood and enacted and also presides over the Scrum meeting?1c)What are Commit – Update in version control systemOrWhat are Push-Pull requests in version control system2d)Draw a business use case diagram of the following scenario for a grocery shopCustomers can purchase goodsShop owner performs billingInventory is updated after each transaction3e)Mention any two features of GIT.ORWho are actors in a Use-case diagram? Name the CRUD operations required in creating Use-case diagrams.2SECTION- C5.a)Write Django command to create a project with name ‘ IP’ORWrite command to run the Django server.2b)Mention two differences between GET and POST methods OR Write the method used to read a CSV file.Which command is used to activate virtual environment.2c)Mention one difference between fetchone() and fetchall() method.1d)The ‘STUDENT’ table is stored in the database ‘SCHOOL’ in MySQL. The database credentials includes host as ‘localhost’, user as ‘root’ and password as ‘cloud’. Write python script to do the following:Import necessary modules to establish MySQL connectivity with PythonWrite a statement to establish connection to the database using given credentialsCheck the connectivity, whether connection OK or NOT OK.Write python statement to create a cursor objectWrite python statement to close the connection46.a)i) State one difference between having and where clause.ii) “Pay” is a column name for the Pay of staff in a table “Schools”. The SQL queries SELECT count(*) FROM Schools; and SELECT count(Pay) FROM Schools; The outputs obtained are 40 and 39 in both the queries respectively. What is the reason behind different output?11b)Consider the table TEACHER given below. Write commands in SQL for (i) to (iii) and output for (iv) to (v) . Note: Hiredate is in mm/dd/yyyy format TEACHERID Name Department HiredateCategory Gender Salary 1TaniyaSocial Studies03/17/1994TGT F 250002Abhishek Art 02/12/1990PRT M 200003SanjanaEnglish 05/16/1980PGT F 300004Vishwajeet English 10/16/1989TGT M 250005AmanHindi 08/1/1990PRT F 220006PritamMath 03/17/1980PRT F 210007RajKumarScience 09/2/1994TGT M 270008Sital Math 11/17/1980TGT F 24500i. To display all information about teachers of Female PGT Teachers.ii. To list names, departments and date of hiring of all the teachers in descending order of date of joining.iii. To count the number of teachers and sum of their salary department wise.iv. SELECT MAX(Hiredate) ,Gender FROM Teacher group by Gender;v. SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(Department)) FROM Teacher;111? ? SECTION- D7.a)Which of the following is NOT an intellectual property?(i) A poem written by a poet(ii) An original painting made by a painter(iii) Trademark of a Company(iv) A remixed song1b)Fill in the blanks:An act of stealing others Intellectual Property without their consent of without citing the source is called ____________OR Name the cyber law enforced in India to provide legal recognition to electronic commerce and to facilitate filing of electronic records with the Government.____________1c)Give the full form of: i) GPL ii) OSS1d)Mention two benefits of e-waste recycling.1e)Suggest two measures to avoid Credit Card Fraud.2f)Differentiate between Public Domain Software and Proprietary Software.2g)Bit-coin is a kind of ____________________1h)List any one disability issue faced in the using computers with respect to specially abled students.11st Pre-Board Examination 2019-20Class : 12th Subject : Informatics Practices (IP)Time : 03 hrs Max. Mark : 70General Instructions:All questions are compulsoryQuestion Paper is divided into 4 sections A,B,C and D.Section A comprises of questions(1 and 2)(i) Question 1 comprises Data Handling-2(DH-2)(Series, Numpy)(ii) Question 2 comprises of question from Data Handling -2(DH-2)(Data Frames and its operations)Section B comprises of questions from Basic Software Engineering.Section C comprises of questions from Data Management-2(DM-2)Section C comprises of questions from Society, Law and Ethics-2(SLE-2)SECTION -A1 (a) Find the output of following program :1import numpy as np d=np.array([10,20,30,40,50,60,70]) print(d[-1:-4:-1]) (b) Fill in the blank with appropriate numpy method to calculate and print the variance of an array. 1 import numpy as np data=np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6]) print(np.___(data,ddof=0)) (c) Mr. Kamlesh wants to plot a Bar Graph for the given set of values of months on x-axis and number of participants who attended workshop in particular month on y-axis. Complete the code to perform the following : (i) To plot the bar graph in statement 1 ?(ii) To add label for x-axis as “No. of Students attended” in graph in statement 2 ?import matplotlib.pyplot as plt x=['JAN', 'FEB', 'MAR’, 'APR',’MAY’,’JUN’] y=[30,20,30,50,10,60]_____________________ Statement 1 _____________________ Statement 2ORMs. Shalu wants to plot a Line Chart for the given set of values of months on x-axis and number of participants who attended workshop in particular month on y-axis. Complete the code to perform the following : (i) To plot the Line Chart in statement 1 (ii) To add Title as “Status of Workshop” in graph in statement 2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt x=['JAN', 'FEB', 'MAR’, 'APR',’MAY’,’JUN’] y=[30,20,30,50,10,60]_____________________ Statement 1 _____________________ Statement 2(d) Write the output of the following code :2import numpy as npa=[[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8]]b=[[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8]]n=np.concatenate((a, b), axis=0)print(n[1])print(n[1][1]) (e) Write a code to plot the Monthly Attendance of students in class as shown in the figure given below:2(f) What is series? Explain with the help of an example.2(g) Write a NumPy program to create a 3x3 identity matrix, i.e. diagonal elements are 0, the rest are 1.3OR Write a NumPy program to create a 3x3 identity matrix, where all elements are 2.2.(a) ______method is used to rename any index, column or row of a Series or Dataframe : 1(i) rename()(ii) reindex()(iii) reframe()(iv) none of the above(b) Suman wants to display the first 5 rows of the dataframe df. Which function she has to use ? 1OR Write the command to read data from data.csv file to create dataframe. (c) Consider the following python code and write the output : 1import pandas as pdK=pd.Series([2,4,6,8,10])s = pd.Series(K)print (s)(d) Write a small python code to insert a row in following dataframe df at location 2. 1 Rl Name Age0 1 Seema 331 2 Sunil 44 (e) What is Pivoting? Name any two functions of Pandas which support pivoting. 2(f) Write python code to create following dataframe : 2 Subject Teacher School 0 Phy 10 KV 1 Chem 5 JNV 2 Math 8 JNV 3 CS 12 KVORWrite a small python code to create a dataframe with headings(‘Rollno’ and ‘Name’) using the list given below :[[1,’Shayam’],[2,’Mohan’],[3,’Kamla’],[4,’Kamalesh’]](g) Consider the following dataframe, and answer the questions given below: 3 df = pd.DataFrame({'Phy':[20, 40, 50, 44, 30], 'Chem':[58, 25, 54, 30, 29], 'Math':[20, 16, 70, 36, 82], 'IP':[80, 37, 55, 80, 60]}) Write the code to find :‘mean’ value from above dataframe df over the index axis. (Skip NaN value)‘sum’ function to find the sum of all the values over the index axis.‘ median’ of the dataframe ive Dataframe df is as follows :NamePhyChemMathIPKamla50806080Seema40408090Suresh80508070Santosh65607070(i) Write command to compute the sum of all subjects of every students of the data frame.(ii) Write command to compute mean of column ‘IP’.(iii) Write command to compute average all subjects for ‘Kamla’(h) Find the output of the following code:3import pandas as pddata = [{'Rollno': 1, 'Name': 'Shyam', 'Marks':60 }, {'Rollno': 2, 'Name': 'Kamal', 'Marks':70 }, {'Rollno': 5, 'Name': 'Sheela', 'Marks':30 }]df1 = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Rollno', 'Name'])df2 = pd.DataFrame(data, index=['Rollno', 'Name', 'Marks'], columns=['Rollno', 'Marks'])print(df1)print(df2)(i) A datafraame df stores data year, month & passenger as bellow :4YearMonthPassengers02010Jan2512010Mar5022012Jan3532010Dec5542012Dec65 Using above dataframe write command for following :Compute Total Passenger per yearComputer Average passenger per year Hint : use of pivot_tableSECTION –B3. (a) What do you think by Software Engineering ?1 (b) Identify which one is the need of Software Engineering from following :1i) Software Engineeringii) Cost Controliii) Data Analysisiv) Data mining (c) What is pair programming concept?1 (d) What is Feasibility Study in area of Software Engineering ?2OR Differentiate between Waterfall Model and Spiral model. (e) Give pictorial representation of Waterfall Model and give one advantage and one disadvantage of Waterfall Model . 3OR Give pictorial representation of Spiral Model and give one advantage and one disadvantage of Spiral Model . (f) What is Version Control System, what are the types of Version Control System ?3 (g) Draw a use case diagram and identify the actors and communication for the situations :i) A period of Computer Class subject ‘IP’ 4ii) Booking of OLA TaxiOR Look at the following use case diagrams and write the actors and the situation depicted by the use case diagrams :1656715102870003537585876300043453054953000045440605295900043884852451090044310302095500453517017589500359727530861000 4265295113030Librarian020000LibrarianSECTION –C4. (a) Differentiate between Django GET and POST method .1 (b) What is use of COMMIT in SQL ?1OR What is use of ROLLBACK in SQL (c) Write Django command to create a new Project.1 (d) Find which is not a correct start of SQL Command.1i) SELECTii) MODIFYiii) DELETEiv) ALTER (e) “execute()” in python-mysql connectivity :1i) Checks correct link of Databaseii) Execute Database to close()iii) Execute SQL Query after connection to get result iv) Execute command to display output on screen (f) Pinkiy has recently started learning Database. Help her in understanding :3i) Primary key and Candidate keyii) Degree and Cardinality (g) On the basis of ‘Student” table below answer the questions :3Give output of following SQLSELECT GENDER, COUNT(*) FROM STUDENT GROUP BY GENDER;Find the Degree and Cardinality of the table.Write SQL to display different Cities available in table. (h) Write SQL (i) to (iv) and output for (v) and (vi) based on following table :4To list the Employee Name who are not getting any commission(COMM).Display Name of Employee whose name start with character ‘A’.To count number of Jobs available in company i.e. in EMP table.To display Employee no. and name of employees in decreasing order of Salary.SELECT ENAME, SAL*10 FROM EMP WHERE DEPTNO=10;SELECT YEAR(HIREDATE) FROM EMP WHERE DEPTNO=20 AND JOB=’ANALYST’ ORWrite Python-MySQL connectivity code for following situation : In a school, a database named “school” is created in mysql whose password is “kvs”. Suman is trying to delete a record of student whose rollno is 10.Write the code in python to write the following row contents in “student.csv” file.row = ['4', ' Danny', ' New York']SECTION –D5. (a) Which one of the following comes under Cyber Crime :1i) Murderii) Chain Snatching iii) Fightingiv) Online Scams (b) Expand the term GNU.1 (c) Define the term Plagiarism.1 (d) Shyam has received an unknown call stating that he won prize money of Rs. 5 lacs, and the caller saying to pay Rs. 5000/- as a processing fee to get this prize money. You are requested to help him to deal with this situation.2 (e) State one situation of using technology for each of following :2i) Way in which technology can harm society ii) Way in which technology can be beneficial for society (f) Name any three types of Cyber Crimes and give one point for each toprotected.3OR Sheela is not understanding difference between following :Freeware softwareOpen Source SoftwareProprietary Software You are requested to help Sheela to get differences between these three.********************SUBJECT: ECONOMICS. CLASS -. XII D, E, FSOLVE PRE BOARD QUESTION PAPER IN YOUR NOTEBOOKPREPARE PRACTICAL FILE ON SUGGESTED TOPICS/ ANY OTHER TOPIC FOR PROJECT WORKREVISE THE WHOLE SYLLABUS FOR PRE BOARD II.MATHEMATICSVECTORLEVEL 1LEVEL 2 LINEAR PROGRAMMINGLEVEL 11 What do you understand by the term linear function ? What is the mathematical meaning of programming ? 3 What do you understand by objective function?4 What can you say about linear constraints ?5 What do you understand by optimisation of a function ?6 Objective - profit Maximize Z=60X1 + 50X2 Subject toAssembly 4X1 + 10X2 <= 100 hoursInspection 2X1 + 1X2 <= 22 hoursStorage3X1 + 3X2 <= 39 cubic feetX1, X2 >= 07 One kind of cake requires 200gm of flour and 25gm of fat and another kind of vake requires 100gm of flour and 50 gm of fat.find the maximum no of cakes which can be made from 5 kg of flour and 1 kg of fat assuming that there is no shortage of other ingredients used in making the cakes.8. Maximise z =-x +2y subject to the constraints x≥3,x+y ≥ 5,x+2y ≥ 6,y ≥ 0LEVEL 21 What can you say about linear constraints ?2 What sign (≤ or ≥ ) do you use in conditions like atmost and atleast in the problem ?3 What is general form of objective function ?4 An aeroplane can carry a max of 200 passengers.A profit ofRs1000 is made on each executive classticket and a profit of Rs.600 is made on economy class ticket .The airline reserves atleast 20 seats for exec. Class.However atleast 4 times as many passengers prefer to travel by economy class than by exec class.Formulate LPP to determine how many tickets of each type must be sold in order to max profit for the airline?5. A dietician wishes to mix two types of foods in such a way that vitamin contents of the mixture contain atleast 8 units of vitamin A and 10 units of vitamin C. Food ‘I’ contains 2 units/kg of vitamin A and 1 unit/kg of vitamin C. Food ‘II’ contains 1 unit/kg of vitamin A and 2 units/kg of vitamin C. It costs Rs 50 per kg to purchase Food ‘I’ and Rs 70 per kg to purchase Food ‘II’. Formulate this problem as a linear programming problem to minimise the cost of such a mixture 6. A manufacturing company makes two models A and B of a product. Each piece of Model A requires 9 labour hours for fabricating and 1 labour hour for finishing. Each piece of Model B requires 12 labour hours for fabricating and 3 labour hours for finishing. For fabricating and finishing, the maximum labour hours available are 180 and 30 respectively. The company makes a profit of Rs 8000 on each piece of model A and Rs 12000 on each piece of Model B. How many pieces of Model A and Model B should be manufactured per week to realise a maximum profit? What is the maximum profit per week? 7. A factory makes tennis rackets and cricket bats. A tennis racket takes 1.5 hours of machine time and 3 hours of craftman’s time in its making while a cricket bat takes 3 hour of machine time and 1 hour of craftman’s time. In a day, the factory has the availability of not more than 42 hours of machine time and 24 hours of craftsman’s time. What number of rackets and bats must be made if the factory is to work at full capacity? LEVEL WISE QUESTIONS:LEVEL I:show that the points A(2,3,-4), B(1,-2,3) and C(3,8,-11) are collinear.What do you mean by direction cosines of a line in space?what is the relation between d.r’s and d.c’s of a line?How are d.c’s of a line related to each other?what are the d.r’s of a line segment joining two points having coordinates (x1,y1,z1) and (x2,y2,z2)?Find the d.c’s of a line making angles 60°,120°,90° with x, y and z axes resp. If a line has d.r’s 2,-1,-2, then determine the d.c’s of the line. find the d.c’s of the line joining two points (-2,4,-5) and (1,2,3) find the d.c’s of i+j-2k show that the line segment joining P(1,2,3) and Q(4,5,7) is parallel to the line segment joining the points R(-4,3,-6) and S(2,9,2).Express the line r = (i-2j+k)+λ(2i+j+2k) in Cartesian form.find the angle between the lines x+22=y+23=z-3 and x+24=y-26=z2.find the equation of the line passing through origin and the point (-2,0,4)find the vector equation of the plane which is at a distance of 6√29 from the origin and its normal vector from the origin is 2i? ??3 ?j ??4k? . Also find its cartesian form.Find the distance of the plane 2x – 3y + 4z – 6 = 0 from the origin.Find the coordinates of the foot of the perpendicular drawn from theorigin to the plane 2x – 3y + 4z – 6 = 0.Find the vector and cartesian equations of the plane which passes throughthe point (5, 2, – 4) and perpendicular to the line with direction ratios 2, 3, – 1.Find the equation of the plane with intercepts 2, 3 and 4 on the x, y and z-axis respectively.Find the vector equation of a plane which is at a distance of 7 units from theorigin and normal to the vector 3 i? ??5 ?j ??6 k?.20 find the coordinates of the foot of the perpendiculardrawn from the origin to the planes2x + 3y + 4z – 12 = 0 (b) 3y + 4z – 6 = 0LEVEL 2:if a line has d.c’s 23,-13,-23, then find the d.r’s.find the d.r’s of vector 2i+3j-2kFind the d.c’s of a line which is equally inclined to all the coordinate axes. If α,β,γ be the direction angles of a line, then find the value of sin2α+sin2β+sin2γ.find the d.r’s of a line parallel to the line joining the points (1,2,3) and (-2,4,0).Find the shortest distance between the lines l1 and l2 given by r= (i+2j-4k)+?(2i+3j+6k) And r=(3i+3j-5k)+μ(2i+3j+6k). for what value of k will the lines x-12=y+1k=z and x-23=y-4-2=z4 cut at right angles?find whether the lines parallel or perpendicular to each other x2=y2=z-3 and x+13=y2=z+32.find the vector equation of a line passing through the points (2,-1,4) and (1,2,-1).find the equation of a plane passing through (a,b,c) and parallel to the plane r.(i+j+k)=2.If the points (1,1,p) and (-3,0,1) be equidistant from the plane r.(3i+4j-12k)+13=0, then find the values of p.find the equation of a plane passing through the intersection of the planes r.(i+j+k)=1 andr.(2i+3j-k)+4=0 and parallel to X axis.The vector equation of the plane is r.(2i-j+2k)=9.reduce it to the normal form and hence find the length of perpendicular from the origin to the plane.find the length and the coordinates of the foot of perpendicular from the point (7,14,5) to the plane 2x+4y-z=2.find the image of the point (1,2,3) in the plane x+2y+4z=38.BIOLOGYWINTER BREAK HOLIDAYS HOME WORK(2018-19)CLASS : XII SUB: BIOLOGYDATEHOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT23.12.2019Unit: REPRODUCTION IN ORGANISMS1.Your younger sister has seen a banana tree in the backyard of a house. She could see the fruit but no seed. She wants to know how a new plant of banana will be produced without seed. What will you explain to your sister?A male honey bee has 16 chromosomes whereas its female has 32 chromosomes. Give one reason.Write the function of the following.a) Myometriumb) Sertoli cellsWhat is Spermatogenesis? Briefly describe the process of Spermatogenesis with the help of diagram/flow chart.5.Suggest two advantages to a farmer for using apomictic seeds of hybrid varieties.24.12.20196.Define spermiogenesis.7.Describe the structure of microsporangium.8.Draw diagram of human Sperm and label following parts.(1) Acrosome (2) Mitochondria (3) Centriole 9. A bilobed, dithecous anther has 100 microspore mother cell per microsporangium. How many male gametophyte this anther can produce?10. With a neat diagram explain the 7 celled, 8-nucleate stage of the female gametophyte. 25.12.201911 Draw a longitudinal sectional view of a typical anatropous ovule to show the site where double fertilization takes place. Label any four major parts of the ovule. 12 How do the male gametes that are present in the pollen grains reach the site mentioned by you in part (a) to cause double fertilization?13 What feature of flowers facilitates pollination by birds?14 What is lactional amenorrhea?15 Mention the unique flowering mechanism exhibited by Strobilanthus kunthiana. 26.12.201916 The flower of brinjal is referred to as chasmogamous while that of beans is cleistogamous, why?17 Incompatibility is a natural barrier in fusion of gametes. Justify.18 What is menstrual cycle? Which hormones regulate menstrual cycle?19.What is placenta? Why placenta is called endocrine gland? What hormones are released by it during pregnancy?20 STD’S are a threat to reproductive health. Describe any two such diseases and suggest preventive measures21 Suggest some methods to assist infertile couples to have children22 What is the importance of first and second resting stage in oogenesis?27.12.2019UNIT : ECOLOGYWhat is biological magnification? Give one example.BOD of two sample of water-A and B were 80 mg/ litre and 200 mg/ litre respectively. Which sample is more polluted?Name the interaction in each of the following-(a) Cuckoo lays her eggs in the crow’s nest.(b) Orchid grows on a mango tree.(c) Ticks live on the skin of dog(d) Mycorrhizae living on the roots of higher plants..4.Study the population growth curve in the graph given below and answer the questions which follow;-(a) Identify the growth curves ‘a’ and ‘b’(b) Which one of them is considered more realistic one and why?(c) If dN/dt= rN (k-N/K) is the equation of the logistic growth curve, what does k stands for?Ornithologist observed decline in the bird population in an area near a lake after the setting of an industrial unit in the same area? Explain the cause responsible for the decline observe.28.12.20196.a) If you had ever been to any high altitude place (>3500 m Rohtang Pass near Manali and Mansarovar, in China occupied Tibet) you must have experienced what is called altitude sickness.(i) What are the symptoms of altitude sickness?(ii) Why does altitude sickness occur?(iii) How does your body solve this problem?(b) Very small animals are rarely found in Polar Regions. Give reason. 7. i. “Alien species are highly invasive and a threat to species diversity.” Substantiate this statement with one example each from plants and animals. ii. List two criteria to determine a hotspot of biodiversity. iii. Name two hotspots of biodiversity in India.8.Why is Gambusia introduced into drains and ponds? 29.12.2019UNIT: MOLECULAR BIOLOGYMention the polarity of the DNA strands a-b and c-d shown in the replication fork given below.i) Differentiate between the unambiguous and degenerate nature of the Genetic code.ii) Write down the machinery required for the replication of DNA.3 . See the fig. given below and answer30.12.2019a) Name the molecule “X” synthesised by “i” gene. How does this molecule get inactivated?b) Which one of the structural genes codes for β-galactosidases?c) When will the transcription of this gene will stop?4.A woman with blood group O married a man with AB group. Show the possible blood groups of the progeny. List the alleles involved in the inheritance.5.State Hardy-weinberg Principle? Write and explain the equation of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium. Name the factors which disturb this equilibrium. When there is disturbance in hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, what would it result in?31.12.20196. Explain the process of transcription in eukoryotes7.Figure given below is of Darwinian Finches.i) Mention the specific geographical area where these were found?ii) Name and explain the phenomenon that has resulted in the evolution of such diverse species in the region.iii) How did Darwin visit the particular geographical area?7. Write short notes on co dominance and incomplete dominance8.If there is a history of haemophilia in a family ,the chances of male members becoming haemophilic are more than that of female. Give reason.write the symptoms of this disease9. If a double stranded DNA have 20% of Cytosine calculate the %age of Adenine in the DNA. State the underlying rule? 10 What is Down ‘s syndrome ? Give its symptoms and reason01.01.2020. 11. Define and design a TEST CROSS . What is its application 12. Name the Phenomenon that leads to situation like XO abnormality in humans. How do humans with XO abnormality suffer? Explain 13Write short note on thalassemia? How does it differ from sickle cell anaemia 14Which cross is used to find the genotype of parents? What is ratio of that cross for a dihybrid cross?15 If ATGAUGGAGTTCTACGTGATT is the sequence of nucleotide bases on coding strand of DNA in 5’ to 3’ direction then,Write down the sequence of nucleotide bases on mRNA.How many amino acids will it code for?02.01.202016. Name the ancestors of modern day frog and salamanders?17.Why histones are positively charged?18.If two genes are located far apart from each other on a chromosome .What will be its effect on frequency of recombination?19. For which main technique an instrument is used to isolate DNA from a plant cell?20 (a) What did Meselson and Stahl observe when -They cultured E.coli In medium containing 15 NH4Cl for a few generations and centrifuge the content.-They transferred one such bacterium to the normal medium of NH4Cl and cultured for two generations.(b) What did Meselson and Stahl conclude from this experiment. 03.01.2020UNIT: HUMAN HEALTH &DISEASES1.Expand the following-A) MALTB)ELISAC) SCPD) BOD2.Name the Microorganism that produces cyclosporin A .3.Name two high yielding ant disease resistant varieties of wheat grown in india. 4. Name the host and the site where the following occur in the life cycle of a malarial Parasite :a) formation of gametocytes b) fusion of gametocytes 5.Draw the structure of an antibody molecule. 04.01.20206. In animal husbandary if two closely related animals are mated for a few generations, It results in loss of fertility and vigour .why?also suggest one method to overcome it . 7. Name a genus of baculovirus used as biocontrol agent. Why are they considered good Bio agents ? 8. Mention one application of each of the following : 1) histamines 2) interferons3) B- lymphocytes9 Differentiate between benign and malignant tumours. (any 3 points) 10 a) What are methanogens ? how do they help in producing biogas . b) Distinguish between primary and secondary treatment of sewage in sewage treatment plant. 05.01.202011.Show replication of AIDS virus with the help of a diagram.12.Name the blank spaces A,B,C,D given in the following table.Type of microbeNameCommercial productBacteriumALactic acidFungusBCyclosporin ACMonescus purpureousStatinsFungusPenicillium notatumD13.A Patient showed symptoms of sustained high fever,stomach pain and constipation but no blood clot in stools. Name the diseases and its pathogen .write the diagnostic test for the disease. How does the disease gets transmitte? 14 What is inbreeding depression and how is it caused in organisms? Write any one advantage of inbreeding. 15 Name an opioid drug and its source plant. How does the drug effect the human body ? 06.2.202016 What are interferons ? Explain their role in providing immunity.? Also name the kind of immunity provided by them ? 17 What are somaclones? How are they produced?18 Define Biofortification and MOET .Write their importance . 19 a)Differentiated between out breeding and outcrossing b)Mention the property of plant cells that help in growing crops by tissue culture .Also give two advantages of micro propagation 20. In which part of the human body of the hosts do the following events in the life cycle of plasmodium take place?Name both, the body part and the host.FertilizationDevelopment of gametocytesRelease of sporozoitesAsexual reproduction 07.01.2020Unit : Biotechnology 1.Name the enzyme used to break cell wall during isolation of DNA. 2. Name the purpose for which the Indian government has setup GEAC. 3.Name the technique based on the principle of antigen-antibody interaction used in detection of virus(HIV). Name one another application of this technique.4. What is GMO? Give any two purposes for GMO are produced.5.Why is proinsulin so called? How is insulin different from it?08.01.20206.Why and how bacteria can be made ‘competent’?7.Name the pest that destroys the cotton bolls.Explain the role of Bacillusthuringiensisin protecting the cotton crop against the pest to increase the yield8. How are the DNAfragments separated and isolated for DNAfingerprinting?Explain.9.(a) Name the deficiency for which first clinical gene therapy was given. (b)Mention the causes ofand one cure for this deficiency. 10. a) Explain the role of EcoRI in the formation of recombinant DNA. (b)Explain insertional inactivation used in the selection of recombinants in biotechnology experiments. BUSINESS STUDIESPractice latest three CBSE sample papersDo follow up of first pre-plete your CBSE project file. ................

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