Emergency Plan Introduction - Ready Marin

Help links connect to online Help Screens providing more details and reference materials. You can also go directly to the Help page.A. INTRODUCTION & COMMITMENTA1. Business Covered helpName of Business: Location(s):A2. Normal Mission Statement (Goods and services you provide your customers) helpA3. Essential Functions for Disaster Survival & Recovery(Business functions that must continue at all times) helpA4. Potential Effects of a Major Disaster (How might your mission change after a disaster?) helpA5. Emergency Planning Responsibilities helpEmergency CoordinatorsNamePhone(s)Alternate PhoneEmailPrimaryAlternateSenior ExecutiveA6. MBER Reference Sheet Posted HYPERLINK "" \l "a6_refposted"helpLocation(s):A7. Current Emergency Plan Most Recently Distributed HYPERLINK "" \l "a7_emerplan"helpDistributed to:Date:Version:A8. Emergency Plan Submitted for Verification HYPERLINK "" \l "a8_submitverify"helpResponsible Jurisdiction:Date:Version:Status:B. HAZARD ASSESSMENT AND MITIGATIONB1. Hazard Vulnerability Assessment (HVA) What Hazards are you at risk for in your location? helpEventProbability(0-3)Likely Impact(1-4)Risk/Exposure to Loss (Multiply prior 2 columns)Fire EarthquakeFloodLandslide Thunderstorm/LightningTsunamiWind stormPandemicHazardous Material IncidentTerrorismPlane CrashUtilities-Power OutageUtilities-WaterUtilities-GasTelecommunication FailureHVAC FailureNetwork System FailureVirus/HackerLabor StrikeTheft/VandalismWorkplace ViolenceOther:B2. Insurance agents consulted helpType of InsuranceAgencyAgent NameContact/PhoneMost recent Contact (MM/DD/YYYY)B3. Recommended Hazard Mitigation Steps to Reduce Risks (steps to take to minimize the effects of a disaster) HYPERLINK "" \l "b3_recomm_steps"helpFacility PreparationResponsible Staff MemberDate Last Done/CheckedEmergency supplies & equipment checked & labeledEmergency roles assigned to staffFire protection equipment, if present, visible & operational (excluding optional smoke & carbon monoxide detectors).Label & clear path of fire exits. Indicate evacuation collection site in emergency plan.Mark gas, electricity, water shut-offs. Post simple instructions in appropriate languages. Keep shut-off tools at shut-off valves.Remove fire & chemical hazards.Maintain routine Fire Marshal inspections.Physical structure has been checked for safety.Knox Box accessible with current contact information. helpOther:C. PREPAREDNESSC1. Equipment & SuppliesItemsLocationsResponsible Employee(s)Last Inspection Datea. Copy of Emergency Planb. Copy of floor plan with exit routes posted.c. Fire Extinguishersd. First Aid Supplies helpe. Battery Operated AM/FM radio with extra batteriesf. Landline Phone (not dependent on electricity for power)g. Shelter-in-Place Supplies helph. Grab & Go Bag for evacuation helpi. Automated External Defibrillator (AED) optionalj. Blood Borne Pathogens Kits optionalk. Flood gates visible & operational help optionalC2. Staff Training helpProceduresEmployees TrainedDate Provideda. Disaster Roles Assignedb. Evacuation Proceduresc. Shelter-in-Place Proceduresd. Medical Emergency Procedurese. First Aid Trainingf. CPR/AED Trainingg. Current list of first aid/CPR trained staff postedC3.Staff Drills and Exercises helpActivityMost recent MM/DD/YYYYAfter-Action Report Prepareda. “Table-top” Exerciseb. Evacuation Drillc. Shelter-in-place Drilld. Medical Emergency Drille. Others:C4. Employee Preparedness: helpSubject MatterDate of annual checkEmergency contact information is kept current.Staff knows alternative routes between home & work.Staff members each maintain family emergency /communication plans, including familiarity with their own community’s emergency plan (schools, care facilities if appropriate)Individual emergency preparedness training is offered annually (Get Ready, CERT: ).Staff members each maintain emergency preparedness kits (personal Grab & Go Bags) in car/work space.Other: D. EMERGENCY RESPONSE helpD1. Emergency Response Leadership Structure helpName/PositionEmergency RoleReports toD2. Communication Procedures helpGroups to contact(e.g., employees, owners, landlords, customers, vendors)ResponsibilityCommunication MethodD3. Emergency Contact Information (office, home, cell) helpStored on-site at:Stored off-site at:GroupNameEmail addresses (o/h)Phone numbers (o/h/c)Add one row per personD4.Evacuation Plan helpAssembly Site(s): Alternate Site(s): Assembly Manager: Alternate Manager: Responsibilities: Flood Wardens: Responsibilities: Person Responsible for Giving the “All Clear”: Evacuation Grab & Go Bag Contents: helpBag Storage Location:D5. Shelter-In-Place Plan helpShelter Location: Alternate Location: Shelter Manager: Alternate Manager: Responsibilities: Person Responsible for Giving the “All Clear”: D6. Internal Medical Emergency Procedure helpProcedure:Posted Locations:D7. Procedures for other Area-Specific Hazards helpHazard/ Procedure:Hazard/ Procedure:D8. Special Assistance Needs helpIndividualDisability/Medical ConditionAssistance NeededE. BUSINESS CONTINUITY / RECOVERY PLAN (How to keep your doors open after a disaster) helpE1.Back-up Arrangements/Procedures in Place with Vendors/Suppliers/Other Organizations helpMaterials/services provided:Company:Contact:Acct #:Address:Phone:Email:Fax:Nature of Agreement:Materials/services provided:Company:Contact:Acct #:Address:Phone:Email:Fax:Nature of Agreement:Materials/services provided:Company:Contact:Acct #:Address:Phone:Email:Fax:Nature of Agreement:Materials/services provided:Company:Contact:Acct #:Address:Phone:Email:Fax:Nature of Agreement:(Copy and paste the table above for each additional existing agreement)E2. Financial and Administrative Procedures help (Briefly describe your accounting, payroll and any other mission-essential procedures/systems.)Accounting:Payroll:Others:How do you protect your computer hardware/software from cyber threats:E3. Back-up Location and Systems helpPerson Responsible for Back-up Plans:Back-up Location:Address:Contact Person:Phone:Email:Back-up Accounting System:Back-up Payroll System:Back-up Other Mission-Essential Systems:E4. Back-up Copies of Financial Records helpFinancial Support DocumentationOn-siteOff-siteInsurance PoliciesDeed or Lease on FacilitiesBank InformationTax Records (including Tax EIN)Cash Position and Credit AgreementsOthers:Stored on-site at:Stored off-site at:F. HELPING OTHERSF1. Helping Others helpVolunteer ActivityRecent ContributionsLead educational campaign on emergency preparednessContribute supplies/services to emergency response efforts in your communityAdopt a school preparedness programRedirect advertising to emergency messagingOther: ................

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