ArcInfo Desktop 8 - Esri Support

ArcGIS Desktop 8.1 sp1 Quick Fix AIdt-81sp1-20


This ArcGIS Desktop patch contains executables that replace those in your ArcGIS Desktop 8.1 sp1.

Quick Fix Name: ESRI QFE AIdt-81sp1-20 (12/17/2001)

Synopsis: Specifically for National Information Solution Coop

Date: April 16, 2002

ArcGIS Desktop Release: 8.1 sp1

Platforms: Intel NT

Since this Quick Fix replaces 8.1 sp1 files, you must have ArcGIS Desktop 8.1 sp1 installed and running before you can install this Quick Fix. For the same reason, you shouldn't install it while anyone is using ArcGIS Desktop.

Bug fixed with this patch:

CQ00155890 – Reconcile fatals on missing junction feature.

Patches accumulated and obsoleted by this patch: None

Patches which conflict with this patch: None

Patches required with this patch: None

Obsoleted by: ArcGIS 8.2

Files included with this fix:


in the arcexe81\bin directory:


Installation Instructions:


Before you start, make sure you have write access to the %ARCHOME% directory.

1. Open the %ARCHOME%\bin folder and rename the following files:

From: To:

FeatureDB.dll FeatureDB.orig

2. Copy the patched files:

Use WinZip to extract the new files from to the %ARCHOME%\bin folder.

3. Register the new dlls:

Open a 'Command Prompt' window; navigate to your %ARCHOME%\bin directory and type,

regsvr32 FeatureDB.dll

You're now ready to run ArcGIS Desktop.

Getting help: Please refer to the Quick Fix Name when contacting ESRI Technical Support.


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