Project Proposal Summary Template

Project Title/Name: |Data Normalization and Evaluation | |

|Project Leads: |Dr. Christopher Chute, Dr. Stan Huff |

|Project Manager |Lacey Hart |

|Date: |July 20, 2010 – December 2010 |

|To be completed during Project Approval Process |

|Portfolio: |Program: |Project Number: |

|Mayo Clinic Research - BSI PMO |SHARP Area 4 |Projects 1 & 6 |

Brief Project Background & Description: (What will this project do?) (255 characters):

• Data liquidity requires transformation of non-standard patient data into comparable consistent formats

• In practice, clinical data and provider information is unstructured and non-standard

• Overall Aim: Develop an open-source, dynamically configurable services framework to transform health information into standards-conforming, comparable, and consistent data

Objectives: (Problem or Opportunity Statement / Background of Project Need)

• Build generalizable data normalization pipeline

• Semantic normalization annotators involving LexEVS

• Establish a globally available resource for health terminologies and value sets

• Establish and expand modular library of normalization algorithms

• Consistent and standardized common model to support large-scale vocabulary use and adoption

• Support mapping into canonical value sets

• Normalize the data against CEMs.

• Normalize retrospective data from the EMRs and compare it to normalized data that already exists in our data warehouses (Mayo Enterprise Data Trust, Intermountain).

• Iteratively test normalization pipelines, including NLP where appropriate, against normalized forms, and tabulate discordance.

• Use cohort identification algorithms in both EMR data and EDW data.

• Sharing data through NHIN Connect and/or NHIN Direct

• Comparison of data processed through SHARP to data in existing Mayo and Intermountain data trust, EDW, AHR

• Evaluation of NLP outputs and value? Focus on a specific domain: X-rays, operative notes, progress notes, sleep studies?

Project Scope:

|IN Scope |OUT of Scope |

|List items/functionality to be accomplished here |List all exclusions (out of scope) here |

|Use case evaluation for data element extraction |Scientific use case validation |

|Data class identification/prioritization |New information models |

|Generalizable data normalization pipeline |Disease specific widgets? |

|Normalization annotators | |

|standardized common model & mapping | |

|Iteratively test normalization pipeline | |

|NHIN connection | |

Preliminary Timeline: (Enter any applicable milestone or deliverable dates)

|Milestone or Deliverable |Target Completion Date |

|Charter Approved |7/27/2010 |

|Identify Use Cases |7/27/2010 |

|Seek Common data elements and classes of data |8/11/2010 |

|Prioritize list of classes & desired widgets |8/18/2010 |

|Evaluate normalization tools & models (i.e. Regenstrief) |9/1/2010 |

|Define normalization templates (invoke CEMs, etc) |9/1/2010 |

|PAD& T2D Widgets for HTP Team |10/2010 |

|PE & PNA Widgets for HTP Team |12/2010 |

|Define infrastructure information model framework |TBD |

|Define role of normalized data in NHIN connect |TBD |

Roles and Responsibilities: (Enter the estimated resources needed to initiate the project)

|Team Roles / Resource Skill Set Needed |Name |FTE needed |

|Lead |Christopher Chute |5% |

|Lead |Stan Huff |5% |

|PM |Lacey Hart |5% |

|IT Arch |Tom Johnson |5% |

|Phenotyping |Jyoti Pathak | |

| |Cui Tao | |

|Agilex |Kyle Marchant | |

|Agilex |Les Westberg | |

|MN HIE |Mike Ubl | |

| |Peter Haug | |

| |Tom Oniki | |

Dependencies/Assumptions/Risks/Constraints: (Enter any known or anticipated points to communicate)

• High dependency on NLP, HTP and Infrastructure project resources.

• Dependent upon IRB approval at both Utah and Mayo


• AHR: Analytic Health Repository

• CEM: Clinical Element Model

• Decision Support Related:

– CER: Comparative Effectiveness Research (cost excluded)

– HTA: Health Technology Assessment (cost benefit/effectiveness)

– QI: Quality Improvement (health care operations)

– CDS: Clinical Decision Support (bedside)

• ETL: Extract Transform Load

• NHIN: Nationwide Health Information Network


Endorsed Not Endorsed Deferred until ______________________

Comments (Enter endorsement mechanism and any other comments)

|Title |Signature |Date |

| | | |

|Project Owner(s): |__________________________ |_________ |

|Project Manager: |__________________________ |__________ |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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