HTML worksheet (February 27)

HTML worksheet #1

Open a new Notepad document and follow these instructions:

▪ Save the document as hobbies.html into the mcom341 folder of your USB drive.

▪ Create your open and closed HTML, HEAD, TITLE, META and BODY tags.

▪ Make the background of your page yellow and the title of your page (at the top of the browser) say “(your name)’s Hobbies”

▪ Within your BODY tags, create these elements:

o A size 1 header containing the same information as your title tag.

o Write a paragraph (about 50 words) summarizing at least two of your hobbies. Embed a link to a new HTML page in each hobby name (e.g., if you say you like cooking, then link that word to a page titled cooking.html).

o Use breaks to add a few blank lines below your paragraph. At that point, create a link that says ‘E-mail me’ to your preferred e-mail address.

▪ Make sure you save your HTML page in Notepad and upload it to your Tigerweb account via Filezilla in your mcom341 folder. Check it in a browser.

▪ Let me know when you are finished

EXTRA PRACTICE: Create new pages for each of your hobbies.

HTML worksheet #2

Open a new Notepad document and follow these instructions:

▪ Save the document as classes.html into the mcom341 folder of your USB drive.

▪ Create your open and closed HTML, HEAD, TITLE, META and BODY tags.

▪ Make the background of your page tan and the title of your page (at the top of the browser) say “(your name)’s Classes”

▪ Within your BODY tags, create these elements:

o A size 1 header containing the same information as your title tag.

o A short paragraph detailing what you are studying and your plans when you graduate from Towson University.

o Link the words Towson University in your paragraph to Towson University’s URL.

o An unordered list of the classes you are taking this semester. Link the words Digital Publishing to the course URL.

o A horizontal rule.

o A size 3 header reading “The most important things I have learned in school”.

o An ordered list of the five most important things you have learned in school.

▪ Make sure you save your HTML page in Notepad and upload it to your Tigerweb account via Filezilla in your mcom341 folder. Check it in a browser.

▪ Let me know when you are finished

HTML worksheet #3

Open a new Notepad document and follow these instructions:

▪ Save the document as guiltypleasures.html into the mcom341 folder of your USB drive.

▪ Create your open and closed HTML, HEAD, TITLE, META and BODY tags.

▪ Make the background of your page light gray and the title of your page (at the top of the browser) say “(your name)’s Guilty Pleasures”

▪ Within your BODY tags, create these elements:

o A size 1 header containing the same information as your title tag.

o A short paragraph listing at least three of your guilty pleasures (i.e., music, television show, blog, videogame, etc. that you enjoy but don’t readily admit to enjoying). Link to an appropriate URL for each of the items you list.

o In the next paragraph, elaborate on one of the items you listed. Include in BLOCKQUOTE format an excerpt of four lines from an online review of that item. Set the quoted material in italics.

o Create a table to hold a photo and cutline. Find a related photograph or graphic online, and save it to your desktop or USB drive.

o If the image is larger than 360 by 480 pixels, use the Online Image Resizer (), to make it that size. Place the image (or resized image) into the top cell of your table. In the bottom cell, write a brief cutline, using bold type. At the end, provide a credit line in italics.

o Find a YouTube video about one of the items you have mentioned and embed it below the table.

▪ Make sure you save your HTML page in Notepad and upload it to your Tigerweb account via Filezilla in your mcom341 folder. Check it in a browser.

▪ Let me know when you are finished


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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