Anil Gurnani - OASIS | Advancing open standards for the ...

34 Aster Way, Dayton, NJ 08810

Phone: (732) 355-0311 |Anil Gurnani |Email: anil.gurnani@

Cell: (732) 763-8762 | |

Major Strengths

• Excellent communication and presentation skills. Over 20 years of experience in software development. Over 9 years of experience in interacting with business users, clients, and managing IT projects. Currently working on executive MBA degree from Stevens Institute.

• Distributed applications architecture, design and development using web services, databases, messaging services and AJAX (with expertise in Oracle, TIBCO EMS, TIBCO AMX and TIBCO GI)

• Excellent communication and presentation skills. Good inter-personal and organizational skills.

• Good business knowledge in the area of Financial Services, specifically Equities, Fixed Income trading front office and middle office systems for global brokerage business.Have developed and deployed various securities trading systems at TheMuniCenter, Salomon Smith Barney, Wells Fargo, Digitrade Thompson Financial, ElephantX, and National Discount Brokers.

• Object Oriented, client/server design and development using Rational Rose, UML, Java, C/C++/C# on various platforms and system integration in a heterogeneous network.

• Web Development, including server configuration and setup for Intranet/Internet, HTML, CGI in C/C++ and Perl XML/XSLT/Cocoon.

• Oracle 8i, 9i, and 10g installation/setup/configuration and development including Oracle 9i and 10g Application Server, OC4J, Oracle Forms, Reports, Portal, Workflow, and Oracle Internet Directory. Thorough understanding of setting up Application Server clusters – Oracle 9i, Sun ONE, WebLogic and Persistence Powertier.

• Socket based development using C++ including COM/DCOM and DLLs on Windows NT/2000, and shared objects on Sun Solaris using Sun Workshop.

• Industry Certifications including Sun Certified Java Programmer, Sun Certified Solaris Administrator, Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer and Sun Certified Network Administrator.

• Teach Advanced Java, C++ and C#/.NET courses at NYU SCPS (School of Continuing and Professional Studies) as part time instructor. Curriculums include VC# .NET, Servlet/JSP, EJB, XML, XSL, Tomcat/jBoss, Cocoon.

• Have authored a book on building AJAX clients for Enterprise SOA which is published by Addison Wesley

• Have published many articles in Indian computer magazines on topics including “Artificial Intelligence”, “Multiprocessing Technology”, “Inside the IBM PC”, and “Decision Support Systems”.

|Technologies |Java, J2EE, C++, C#, Apache, iPlanet and IIS Web Servers, LDAP servers, Servlets, EJBs, JSPs, JMS, |

| |XML, XSLT, JavaScript, HTML, Cold Fusion, BEA WebLogic, iPlanet Application Server, Tomcat, jBoss, |

| |Cocoon, IBM MQ, TIBCO EMS and RV, Oracle 8i, 9i, 10g, PL/SQL, Oracle Portal, Oracle Workflow, |

| |Rational Rose, UML, ANT |

|Sun Workstations |Solaris, C, C++, Java, Sun Workshop, Sockets, proficient in using the development environment |

| |including vi, make, imake, sccs, grep, diff, profiler |

|IBM PCs |Visual Studio 2005, Visual C++ 6.0, MFC, Microsoft C 5.0, Windows 3.x/95/98/NT/2000, Linux, |

| |CodeView, assembly language, Windows Sockets, COM/DCOM, ISAPI, ASP |


Have over 20 years of experience in software development on Apple Macintoshes, Sun Workstations, and IBM PCs. Have a very broad set of skills and a solid foundation in Computer Science.

As Vice President at J P Morgan Chase, am currently managing several enterprise level software development projects. Responsibilities including preparing and updating project plans, conducting meetings and presentations with the Application Development community, communicating status to upper management, working with technical teams on architecture and design, and working with product development and business groups to define and refine the requirements as well as communicate with clients of the company as necessary. One major accomplishment at Bear Stearns was an application for Prime Brokerage that allows clients to fix their “settlement exceptions” using TIBCO GI front end, a feature rich messaging infrastructure that is slated to be used as the Enterprise Services Bus as business areas move in the direction of Service Oriented Architecture, a high performance common data representation similar to XML with a much smaller memory footprint and much faster parsing, and a set of libraries in C#. Was responsible for architecture, design and development of Core and B2B components of a Securities trading systems at TheMuniCenter. Core is the heart of TheMuniCenter trading system built using J2EE technologies in BEA WebLogic server and B2B is the messaging system that communicates with partners using various protocols including FIX and proprietary XML based messaging protocol over TIBCO RV, IBM MQ and Sockets. Prior to that, I have worked on a wide variety of assignments including – JP Morgan in their Global Credit Risk Management division, Dow Jones for a bulk email project to transfer key customer information from an Oracle Data warehouse over to a LDAP directory server, a large-scale web based application for FDA that supported several external interfaces using JMS and XML for integration with several other systems, building Workflow applications using Oracle Workflow, and J2EE at New York University’s Administrative Computing department

Led a major re-engineering project (with a team of one system analyst and 4 developers) at Salomon Smith Barney in their Distributed Middle Office Systems group. The “Ticketing Service” was responsible for generating Trade records to book appropriate trades based upon the Orders executed. The trades so generated are sent to IBM Main frame (using MQ Series) for accounting and book-keeping purposes. The project involved developing Session, and Entity Bean components (EJB) to provide various middle office services to front office systems communicating with the front-office applications and back-office mainframe via IBM MQs. Also ported a small portion of the Order Services application to BEA’s WebLogic environment from Persistence PowerTier. Also Built a simple Java SWING based GUI client to monitor the activities of the Ticketing Server application. At the same time, I was representing the Distributed Middle Office Systems group in the Global Architecture Committee where I was involved in setting documentation standards, and ensuring adherence to architecture process.

Led the architecture, design, and development of a stock trading web application for Wells Fargo Bank and First Union on behalf of Digitrade/Thompson Financials. The web site was developed using iPlanet (Sun ONE) application servers using Servlets, JSPs, and EJBs. Deployed the system with complete redundancy including special setup and configuration of LDAP servers to support a highly secure network at Wells Fargo’s data center. Was also the liaison between Sun Professional Services and the top management of Digitrade/Thomson Financials providing weekly status reports.

Led the architecture, design and development of a major stock trading web site using iPlanet and later WebLogic - . The web based application was developed using Servlets, Java Server Pages, and Enterprise Java Beans. The backend services consist of an ORACLE 8i database, S & P’s Financial Data Stream for price quotes, and a FIX server for processing stock orders.

Another major accomplishment was at National Discount Brokers. As a senior developer, reporting directly to the CIO, I led the design and architecture of their web based applications and the server side processes that supported the web based stock trading application. NDB’s web site (htt://) was built using state of the art technologies including Java, C++, Netscape Application Server, Reuters C++ API, and HTML and consistently received the number one ranking by several independent reviewers including Barron’s Magazine and Gomez Advisors ()

Professional Experience

Oct 2008 – Now : J P Morgan Chase (Vice President)

• Manage enterprise business software development projects in the Broker Dealer application development group.

Dec 2007 – August 2008: Merrill Lynch (Consultant)

• Led the rearchitecture of a major client facing web based portal that allows clients to access a number of applications to conduct their day to day business with Merrill Lynch. BEA WebLogic Portal based platform supports more than 100,000 users and comprises more than 50 different applications from various lines of businesses.

May 2006 – November 2007: Bear Stearns (Associate Director)

• Am involved in several enterprise-wide software development initiatives including a messaging architecture for services, a set of cross language and cross platform libraries for common data representation, and a set of common C# assemblies for use in software applications across the Enterprise. Major user groups are in Equities, Equity Derivatives, and Fixed Income. All projects involved multiple languages (C#, C++ and Java) and multiple platforms (Linux, Windows, Solaris)

Mar 2005 – May 2006: TheMuniCenter (Senior J2EE Architect)

• As Senior J2EE Architect, I was responsible for “core” and “b2b” components of their Securities trading system. “Core” is the heart of the trading system where offers and bids are maintained and trades are generated, and “b2b” is the component that communicates with partners. Products supported were various types of US Government Securities, Agencies, Municipal Bonds, and Corporate Bonds. Was also responsible for managing day to day operations and system configurations. Also responsible for analyzing user requirements and architecting/designing solutions and then implementing them. Worked on designing the new FIX API for trading Municipal Bonds with Bloomberg and Citigroup. The entire system was built using Java/J2EE and runs on Sun Solaris and Linux servers.

Sep 2004 – Feb 2005: Oracle Corporation (Technical Manager)

• At Oracle Corporation as Technical Manager. Have successfully completed several assignments involving Java/J2EE and Oracle Application Server 10g, and Portal. Assignments including architecting and building applications using J2EE and/or architecting production infrastructures where J2EE applications are deployed.

April 2004 – Sep 2004: JP Morgan Chase (Consultant)

• Working in a team that is responsible for deploying a large number of Credit Risk related reports over Business Objects. Business Objects is a Java/J2EE based server application and I was involved in setting it up and integrating it with Single Sign On and making several enhancements to it.

Feb 2004 – April 2004: Dow Jones - (Senior Java architect)

• Worked on building a generic Java Connector to transfer data from Oracle Data warehouse over to LDAP. Completed the project successfully.

Jan 2003 – Dec 2003: Global Net Services Inc. - (Senior J2EE architect)

• Led the architecture, design and development of a large-scale web based application for FDA to register all food processing units into a registry database. The application uses Struts framework for its presentation layer, and J2EE in its business layer. Several external interfaces using JMS and XML are provided to support integration with several other systems.

• Was also responsible for setting up the production infrastructure involving firewalls, load balancers, SSL Accelerators, Oracle 9iAS clusters, and Oracle 9i RAC for this application.

• Helped create class diagrams and sequence diagrams as part of technical specifications for the application

• Helped with evaluation of J2EE application server

• Strong use of UML and Design Patterns and Rational Rose

June 2002 – Dec 2002: New York University - (J2EE/Workflow developer/architect)

• Helped build web based applications using J2EE and Oracle Workflow products as consultant

• Provide guidance and leadership in building web based applications using Java Server Pages and Oracle Workflow

• mentor other junior developers in Java, PL/SQL and web technologies. Prepared an architecture overview presentation, and conducted a Workflow Workshop.

• Strong use of UML and Design Patterns and Rational Rose

Technologies: Java, J2EE, Oracle Rational Rose, CVS, PL/SQL, Java Stored Procedures, Oracle Workflow, Oracle Portal, Oracle Application Server, Oracle 9i, Oracle Reports, Oracle Forms

Jun 2001 – Jun 2002: Salomon Smith Barney Technical Specialist (J2EE developer/architect)

Worked with Salomon Smith Barney – a member of Citigroup – in defining, designing and constructing various services in the Distributed Middle Office Systems group as Technical Specialist. Specifically: -

• I was part of the global securities architecture team where I helped establish standards and procedures for software development and documentation.

• Coordinated with the team to put together a clear Use Cases document covering the requirements for the Ticketing application.

• Led the architecture, design, and development of a Ticketing application. The “Ticketing Service” was responsible for generating Trades based on Orders and Allocation Instructions received from customers.

• Developed Session, and Entity Bean components (EJB) as part of this Ticketing Service application to provide various middle office services to front office systems

• Implemented the Service Activator pattern to receive messages on IBM MQ (using JMS) and launch business methods provided by the session bean components. Wrote several programs using JMS APIs including Publish/Subscribe to send and receive Java Objects using IBM MQ Series.

• Coordinated the integrated testing and roll out into production of the Ticketing application

• The project was done using J2EE application server – Persistence PowerTier.

• Strong use of UML and Design Patterns and Rational Rose

Technologies: Java, C++, EJB, J2EE, JMS, MQ Series, Rational Rose, CVS, Java SWING, LiveReport, Persistence PowerTier, Sun Solaris, Netscape LDAP Server, Sybase, XML, ANT

Jan 97 – June 2001 – ONCR, Inc., USA – Software Architect (J2EE/Oracle developer/architect)

Managed multiple projects at Online Creation, Inc as Senior Software Architect. Also actively consult on site sometimes when necessary. Have played major roles in the following:

• Web based stock trading application for elephantxonline including a backend FIX server with JMS to route Orders to various applications within the enterprise.

• CFX_CYBERCASH and CFX_PROTOBASE custom tags for Cold Fusion using C++ on Windows NT, Solaris and Linux. Both these tags are DLLs (shared objects on Linux and Sun) that communicate with Cybercash and Protobase servers respectively over TCP/IP Sockets using a proprietary protocol.

• Web based stock trading application for Wells Fargo bank and First Union bank on behalf of Digitrade, Thomson Financial.

• National Discount Brokers’ online stock trading application based on Netscape Application Server

• ElephantX Dot Com LLC’s online stock trading application based on iPlanet Application Server

• Lion Button’s web site and web based Issues Tracking System based on Tomcat/jBoss with an Oracle backend – both Oracle and Tomcat were set up on Linux.

• Set up and maintain several Sun Solaris, Windows NT, and Linux servers for web hosting solutions for clients. All services including DNS, email (qmail), CGI, Servlets, EJBs, JSPs, JDBC, Cold Fusion and more were set up in the infrastructure at Exodus from where ONCR offers web-hosting services. Also deployed multiple applications on Red Hat Linux Servers. Installed, configured and maintained Oracle, OpenLDAP, Tomcat, jBoss, and qmail on Linux.

Technologies: Java, Oracle, Sun Workshop, C++, HTML, XML, Servlet, JSP, Struts, Cocoon, JDBC, EJB, J2EE, JMS, Rational Rose, CVS, Java SWING, iPlanet Web Server , iPlanet Application Server, BEA WebLogic 6.0, Sun Solaris, Red Hat Linux 6.2, Red Hat Linux 7, Oracle on Linux, iPlanet LDAP Server, Oracle 8i, PL/SQL, Java Stored Procedures, Tomcat, jBoss, Windows NT, IIS, Visual C++, MFC, COM/DCOM, ActiveX, Linux, FIX – Silicon Summit engine. ANT

February 94 - Dec 96: Leading Edge Systems, USA

As a consultant with Leading Edge Systems, worked on several projects for prestigious clients in USA

• Porting of a large financial application from SunOS 4.x to Solaris 2.5 for Sun Microsystems

• Several web based applications for Physicians Online – including billing, and web based calendar system.

• Sales Force Automation project with Macintosh Powerbook as front end, and an IBM Mainframe as the backend in a client/server architecture for Phillip Morris.

• A Photo CD production system on the Macintosh using MacApp, MPW C++, and Thread Manager on the Macintosh Quadra for Eastman Kodak.

• Computerize trading at the Bombay Stock Exchange in a three tier client/server architecture with Windows 3.x client, Windows NT as the intermediate server, and a Tandem as the server.

Technologies: Visual C++, MFC, Rational Rose, Windows, Macintosh MPW C++, HTML, CGI, Netscape Web Server, Sun Solaris, Sun Workshop, Sun C++,

August 92 - January 94: Newtech, India

Was involved with several activities as a consultant with Newtech, India,

• Conducted seminars on electronic mail (cc:Mail)

• Software Development in C++ for clients in Bombay

• Setting up and maintaining Local Area Networks.

• Technical consultant with Digital Equipment India Limited for marketing Macintoshes in India.

• Consulted with VeriFone India in getting their ISO 9000 accreditation. Developed and documented standard processes for software development

Technologies: Visual C++, MFC, Windows, Novell Network

June 91 - July 92: cc:Mail - Lotus, USA

• Was part of the team that designed and developed the cc:Mail 2.0 product in C++ on Macintosh, and Windows platforms.

• Led the design and development of a protocol engine in C on the Macintosh which uses the Mac Communication Toolbox to communicate with a cc:Mail Gateway (server) to exchange electronic mail messages using a proprietary protocol derived from Sliding Window Protocol.

Technologies: Visual C++, MFC, Windows, MacApp, MPW C++, Macintosh

February 91 - May 91: Apple Computer Inc, USA

Developed some test programs and tested the Macintosh PPC Toolbox for the first release of System 7.0

Technologies: MPW C++, Macintosh

May 90 - January 91: Tronix International, USA

• Independently developed several parts of the Macintosh OS including the Mac Toolbox, List Manager Package, Control Panel, and a preliminary Finder for a Macintosh clone. The software was developed using GNU cross compilers under UNIX. Some critical code was converted to 68000 assembly for performance improvements.

• Developed a complete package for Macintosh that installs on a Macintosh to give a Motif Look and Feel to Macintosh applications including the Finder.

Technologies: MPW C++, Macintosh

October 88 - April 90: Sun Microsystems Inc, USA

Was involved with several projects at Sun as Member Technical Staff

• Report Generator using XView libraries for Sun’s database.

• Ported WingZ spreadsheet from the Macintosh to the Sun Workstation using SunView libraries.

• Also completed professional development courses in X11/News and Effective Presentations.

Technologies: Sun Solaris, Sun C, X Windows, Motif, SunView Openlook

October 84 - October 88: Madras Computer Labs, India

Was involved in many software export projects. The major projects are as follows -

• Design and development of a Lotus 1-2-3 clone for Raima Corporation, USA. The software was developed using Microsoft C 5.0 on the IBM PCs for DOS and was developed in a highly modular fashion using top down design methodology.

• Design and development of a software LAN for connecting IBM PCs using the serial port. Bus topology was adopted. CSMA/CD technique was implemented over the serial port by using a diode between R & T lines of the port. The software was structured after the ISO’s 7-layer model. The hardware included line drivers to drive the signal to greater distances than usually allowed by serial ports. The main features of the LAN were Disk and Printer sharing.

• Design and development of a completely integrated Business Management System featuring sales invoicing, inventory control, purchase management, financial accounting and payroll management using Clipper on IBM PCs.

Technologies: Microsoft C, Turbo C, MS DOS, dBase III, Clipper

June 83 - October 84: ORG Systems, India

• Ported CP/M 80 to their PC by re-writing the BIOS.

• Was also involved in the design and development of a MultiPlan compatible spreadsheet for their native Operating System.

Technologies: Pascal, Z80 Assembly


Industry Certifications:

• Sun Certified Java Programmer; Working on Sun Certified Java Developer, Sun Certified Web Component Developer, and Sun Certified Enterprise Architect.

• Certified Solaris Administrator

• Sun Certified Network Administrator (one course cleared)

• Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (Windows NT)

Degree and Certificates

• Working on my executive MBA degree from Stevens Institute.

• Working on Certificate in Finance from NYU. Have completed 2 courses – Intro to Markets and Fixed Income Securities.

• MMS from BITS Pilani, India. Masters in Management Studies was a five year integrated program with first three years of science and engineering courses and the last two years of professional management courses. It is equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration.

References can be provided upon request.


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