You will complete “Life Journey 4-3-2-1” project

You will complete “Life Journey 4-3-2-1” project. This can be completed as a:

• Pamphlet

• Poster

• PowerPoint

• Written essay

Project will include: Timeline of life journey, which will include 4 major events in life, 3 written goals, 3 mentors/like coaches, 1 quote or piece of advice.

This project is worth 100 points-each section is worth 25 points.

Part 1: Timeline of life journey, which will include 4 major events in life

You are to create a time line of your life. The first point on your timeline will be the current date and year. You are to add 4 major events that you predict will happen during your lifetime. Predict what year and at what age each of the 4 events will occur. Include a brief description of the major event.

Part 2: Write three long term goals that you have set for yourself.

These goals must be very detailed. For each goal include an action plan of at least two steps that will help you to reach that particular long term goal. Remember-three goals and two steps for each goal.

Part 3: Identify three mentors who will support you during your life journey.

Describe who these people are and why you have chosen each to be your mentor. You must provide at least two reasons for each person Remember-three mentors two reasons for each mentor.

Part 4: Meaningful Advice

During the interview process, you asked adults for advice on how to overcome obstacles and as a class we shared the advice. What one piece of advice or quote is the most meaningful? Explain why you selected that quote or advice.

|Timeline |Poor |Fair |Good |

|25 pts You are to create a time line of your |Major events not |Less than major life events |Four major life events |

|life. The first point on your timeline will be |identified and/or year|clearly explained. Year of |clearly explained. Year of |

|the current date and year. You are to add 4 |not identified. Events|each event identified on |each event identified on |

|major events that you predict will happen during|not described |timeline and each event |timeline and each event |

|your lifetime. Predict what year and at what age|[pic][pic] |described. [pic][pic] |described. |

|each of the 4 events will occur. Include a brief| | | |

|description of the major event. [pic][pic] | | | |

|Goals |Poor |Fair |Good |

|25 pts These goals must be very detailed. For |Long term goals |less than Three long term |Three long term goals |

|each goal include an action plan of at least two|written with no action|goals written with a two |written with a two step |

|steps that will help you to reach that |plan [pic][pic] |step action plan for each |action plan for each goal |

|particular long term goal. Remember-three goals | |goal [pic][pic] | |

|and two steps for each goal. [pic][pic] | | | |

|Mentors |Poor |Fair |Good |

|25 pts Describe who these people are and why you|mentors listed but |less than mentors identified|three mentors identified and|

|have chosen each to be your mentor. You must |with no justification |and two reasons identified |two reasons identified |

|provide at least two reasons for each person |[pic][pic] |[pic][pic] | |

|Remember-three mentors two reasons for each | | | |

|mentor. [pic][pic] | | | |

|Advice |Poor |Fair |Good |

|25 pts During the interview process, you asked |No quote or advice |Advice/quote but without |Advice stated with |

|adults for advice on how to overcome obstacles |[pic][pic] |explanation [pic][pic] |explanation on why the |

|and as a class we shared the advice. What one | | |advice/quote was meaningful |

|piece of advice or quote is the most meaningful?| | | |

|Explain why you selected that quote or advice. | | | |

|[pic][pic] | | | |


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