Here’s a basic but not-all-inclusive checklist for marketing your Eden Prairie (A.M.) Rotary Club event. Be sure to always define your target audience or audiences, and the action you want them to take.

Five to six weeks before the event (select from the following as appropriate):

□ Announce your event to members at a Tuesday meeting.

□ Include the event and details in the club bulletin and on the club website.

□ Send a brief, save-the-date press release with basic info to local newspapers.

□ Enter your event in the online calendars operated by various media outlets.

Three weeks before the event (select from the following as appropriate):

□ If you have an advertising budget, place ads in the local newspapers.

□ Send a more detailed press release to the local newspapers.

□ Develop and post fliers, and send an electronic version to club members.

□ Contact and invite other clubs and organizations.

□ If you have a database of interested public, send an e-mail or postcard to them.

□ Recruit a club photographer who will attend and document the event.

□ Write Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn items and send to club members so they can post them on their social-media networks.

□ Use any available digital signage to promote the event.

One week before the event (select from the following as appropriate):

□ Write another Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn item and send to club members so they can post them on their own social-media networks.

□ Contact local media and ask if they can cover or the event, or if you can submit a write-up and photos for publication.

□ Post the event on any public digital/electronic signs made available to you.

During the event (select from the following as appropriate):

□ Acknowledge your sponsors.

□ Give away take-home items that will remind people about Rotary.

□ Take photographs that can be sent to news organizations for their consideration.

□ Post updates on social media as the event occurs.

□ Record video clips that can be used to promote next year’s event.

□ Attract attention with searchlights and blimps. (Just checking to see if you’re actually reading this!)

After the event (select from the following as appropriate):

□ Send a letter to local newspaper editors, reporting the event’s success and thanking the public for attending.

□ Send thank-you notes to guest speakers or dignitaries who were at the event. Hand-written notes are always best.

□ Write an internal, post-event summary that evaluates the marketing steps you took.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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