Questionnaire .com

QuestionnaireQ1) How old are you?Under 1616-1819-21Under 21360045010096500Q2) Are you a Boy or a Girl?MaleFemaleQ3) Which of these, if any, do you like?BooksGraphic NovelsMusicMoviesTelevisionVideo GamesQ4) What Social Networks are you a part of?FacebookInstagramTumblrTwitterQ5) If you answered Video Games to question 2, which console(s) do you own.If you do not own any consoles, skip to question 7. If you did not, skip to question 8.PS3Xbox 360Wii UWii3DSPS Vita Q6) Do you own a PC? If so, do you play games on it?Yes, I own a PC and I play games on it.Yes, I own a PC and do not play games on it.I do not own a PC.Q7) Which is your preference between consoles and PC? Explain why.ConsolesPCQ8) If you answered both Movies and Television to question 2, which do you prefer?If you answered one of these, skip to question 9. If neither, skip to question 10.MoviesTelevisionQ9) How do you like watching movies and television series?DVDs/BluRaysStreaming Services (e.g. Netflix and LoveFilm Instant)Download Services (e.g. iTunes)Q10) How many tracks do you have in your music collection?Less than 500500-1,0001,000-2,5002,500-5,0005,000-10,000More than 10,000Q11) What format is the majority of your music collection in?MP3CDVinylQ12) How do you prefer to buy books or graphic novels?If you do not read books or graphic novels, skip to question 14.In a physical shop (e.g Waterstones)Online (e.g. Amazon)Q13) Why is this your preference?Q14) On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being the least amount of money, and 10 being the most, how much do you spend on each form of media?BooksGraphic NovelsMusicMoviesTelevisionVideo GamesQ15) Is there anything else you would like to add? ................

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