TheChapel.Life Women's Ministry - DEVOTED

Moms Connection SOAPWelcome to a new year of Moms Connection! This fall you will be studying the book of 1 Peter. It is a wonderful letter written by Peter to churches throughout five areas of Asia Minor (what is now Turkey and Syria.) Peter grounds his readers in the truth of their salvation and urges them to live steadfast, faithful lives no matter what circumstances come their way. You will learn about Jesus’ work in salvation, his suffering, and his great example in the midst of suffering. You will also see yourself and all your relationships (including marriage and motherhood) in a new way.We have divided the letter into eleven lessons. Each week of Bible study will have three days of suggested personal study time to help prepare you for your small group discussion and fellowship. This year we are adding a few questions to your SOAP method to help direct your study and unify your discussion time. Please feel free to use these, or to SOAP in your own way! On the first page of this document you will find instructions for the SOAP method. You may want to refresh your memory, or if you are new to SOAP you can use this sheet each time you SOAP to help guide you. The second page is a schedule of what will be covered each week. After that, you will find the expanded SOAP method with questions. There is one group of questions for each week. I bless you as you meet God in his Word this fall. May you grow deeper in intimacy with Jesus and your sisters through your Moms Connection.Blessings,Cara SmithSOAPS: Scripture Read the whole passage with the realization that God speaks through his word. Write out the scripture to S.O.A.P. that day. Consider using different colors or fonts. As you notice repeated words or important themes, underline, circle, or illustrate the text. You can be creative!O: Observe Observe the passage:Ask who, what, where, when, why and how questions. Notice repeated or key words.Look for important concepts.Look for contrasts and comparisons.Make lists of what you find out about God, a topic, or a person in the text. Interpret what you observed:Think about context. (Culture, genre of the book, flow of thought in the book, place of the book in the timeline of the Bible)Look up cross-references.Look up words in an English dictionary.Do a Greek word study for important words. (Use .)Paraphrase or summarize the truths.Check a trusted commentary.A: ApplyMake applications for the passage. What did the author intend for the reader to believe or do?Doctrine to embraceA way of thinking to avoidSin to avoidInstruction for livingCall to actionWhat do you realize about yourself after reading this passage? What is an action you can take in light of the realization? How will you do it? When will you do it?Make specific plans, but understand that change is a process, so don’t get discouraged as you move forward.P: Pray Pray this scripture back to God and praise him for the truth you found. Worship God for his character as revealed in the passageBe open to what God has revealed about himself or about you. Ask him to show you what he wants you to see. Be soft-hearted and receptive as you pray.Confess any sin.Pray for power to live out what he has shown you.SOAP Schedule for 1 PeterSeptember 3Brunch, Introductions, Prayer & Teaching as One GroupSeptember 10A Great SalvationReadSOAPDay 1 1 Peter 1:1-51 Peter 1:3-4Day 21 Peter 1:6-91 Peter 1:8-9Day 31 Peter 1:10-121 Peter 1:12September 17Holy ObedienceReadSOAPDay 11 Peter 1:13-161 Peter 1:13-14Day 21 Peter 1:17-211 Peter 1:17-19Day 31 Peter 1:22-251 Peter 1:22-23September 24A Precious StoneReadSOAPDay 11 Peter 2:1-31 Peter 2:2Day 21 Peter 2:4-81 Peter 2:4-5Day 31 Peter 2:9-111 Peter 2:9-10October 1SubmissionReadSOAPDay 11 Peter 2:13-171 Peter 2:16-17Day 21 Peter 2:18-201 Peter 2:19Day 31 Peter 2:21-251 Peter 2:22-24October 8Wives and HusbandsReadSOAPDay 11 Peter 3:1-41 Peter 3:4Day 21 Peter 3:5-61 Peter 3:5-6Day 31 Peter 3:71 Peter 3:7October 15Our SufferingReadSOAPDay 11 Peter 3:8-91 Peter 3:8-9Day 21 Peter 3:10-121 Peter 3:10-12Day 31 Peter 3:13-171 Peter 3:15-16October 22Christ’s SufferingReadSOAPDay 11 Peter 3:181 Peter 3:18Day 21 Peter 3:19-201 Peter 3:19-20Day 31 Peter 3:21-221 Peter 3:21-22October 29Live for GodReadSOAPDay 11 Peter 4:1-31 Peter 4:2Day 21 Peter 4:4-61 Peter 4:5Day 31 Peter 4:7-111 Peter 4:8-10November 5Suffering for ChristReadSOAPDay 11 Peter 4:12-131 Peter 4:12-13Day 21 Peter 4:14-161 Peter 4:16Day 31 Peter 4:17-191 Peter 4:17November 12LeadingReadSOAPDay 11 Peter 5:1-41 Peter 5:2-3Day 21 Peter 5:51 Peter 5:5Day 31 Peter 5:6-71 Peter 5:6-7November 19Watch OutReadSOAPDay 11 Peter 5:8-91 Peter 5:8-9Day 21 Peter 5:10-111 Peter 5:10Day31 Peter 5:12-141 Peter 5:12bDecember 3Christmas Brunch, Prayer, Fellowship and Teaching as One GroupSeptember 101 Peter 1:1-12Answer these questions as a part of your study this week:Make a list of all the descriptions of the salvation that Jesus has won for you.Why does a description of salvation help you in times of trial?How does it make you feel to know that angels long to look at the things previously hidden but now revealed to you?When have you seen someone’s faith tested and proved genuine; how did it affect your faith? How has this happened in your life?September 171 Peter 1:13-25Answer these questions as a part of your study this week:What type effort does holiness require according to this text?Describe and define the fear of God mentioned in 1 Peter 1:17. Why fear God?What actions should flow from the fear of God?Use this passage to describe the “good news” of 1 Peter 1:25. What makes it good news for you?September 241 Peter 2:1-12Answer these questions as a part of your study this week:Connect the instructions of verses 1 and 2. Why are both of these important?Cross reference verse 5. What are spiritual sacrifices, and what is a spiritual house?Contrast the descriptions of the believer and the unbeliever in this passage.What do you think unbelievers think of your conduct? What should they think according to this passage?October 11 Peter 2:13-25Answer these questions as a part of your study this week:What is the goal of submission according to this passage?What kind of suffering pleases God?Describe Jesus’ reaction to suffering.How do you respond to suffering in general? How about suffering as a Christian? Think of a concrete example.October 81 Peter 3:1-7Answer these questions as a part of your study this week:This passage starts with “likewise.” What do we need to remember about Jesus and his suffering as we read this passage?Define gentle, pure, respectful and quiet using a Greek expository dictionary.What are the internal and external marks of a wife who understands submission according to the passage?What makes this kind of submission difficult? Think of at least five things. What makes this way of life a blessing? Again, think of 5 things.October 151 Peter 3:8-17Answer these questions as a part of your study this week:What does each of the behavior listed in 3:9 mean?Why do these things? What is the benefit?1 Peter 3:12 is sobering. What does it mean when it says the “face of the Lord is against those who do evil?”What would you need to do to be prepared to do what 1 Peter 3:15-16 says? How could you do it? When will you do it?October 221 Peter 3:18-22Answer these questions as a part of your study this week:Look up all the cross-references in your Bible for 1 Peter 3:18. What more did you find out about salvation?In what sense does baptism save you?Why does it matter that all powers are subject to Jesus?Is there anything in your life that you have not put under the rightful subjection to Jesus? What? Why? How can you repent?October 291 Peter 4:1-11Answer these questions as a part of your study this week:Consider 1 Peter 4:1-3 and fill in the blank for your own life. The time is past for ___________________.What tension is there between believers and unbelievers in this passage? What is a godly way to deal with this tension?What gifts have you been given to serve the body of Christ? How are you using them?November 51 Peter 4:12-19Answer these questions as a part of your study this week:We are surprised when trials come to us. Why do you think we are surprised? What is the faulty thinking behind our surprise?Tell a story of someone you know who rejoiced when they were insulted?What can you entrust to your faithful creator?How can you do good in the midst of your trusting? Be specific!November 121 Peter 5:1-7Answer these questions as a part of your study this week:What are the marks of good leadership? Who have you seen lead well? Describe this leader. What is a godly response to leadership that doesn’t measure up to this standard? (Find scripture to inform your thinking.)Why is humility important?How can you cultivate humility in your soul?November 191 Peter 5:8-14Answer these questions as a part of your study this week:What do you find out about the devil in this passage?What does it mean to resist the devil? (Search the Scripture to find out.)What is the promise of 1 Peter 5:10? Describe it fully.What current suffering can you submit to this promise? How will you do it? ................

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