Expert Group Endoscopy

Expert Group Endoscopy

You are the expert group on endoscopy

Your task is to research the topic of endoscopy in medicine and report back to the rest of the class

Each member of your group should take responsibility for at least one aspect of the topic.

Your report should address the following questions

Case Study

Sarah is 23-years-old. For five years she has had intermittent abdominal pain and diarrhea. To try to find out the reason for this Sarah’s doctors have performed total colonoscopy and ileoscopy. Sarah has also had an abdominal CT. The results of these three bowel tests proved normal.

Further tests :enteroscopy and biopsies of the jejunum were normal. Because of continued pain and diarrhea the patient was entered into a capsule endoscopy trial.

Sarah underwent a Capsule Endoscopy with the Given® Diagnostic Imaging System the resulting images showed multiple apthous ulcers throughout the jejunum and ileum. A course of oral steroids was prescribed and Sarah has no symtoms for the first time in five years.

The patient underwent endoscopy with the following results.

|EGI 248 | |EGI.248.57 | |EGI.2.48.49 |

|[pic] | |[pic] | |[pic] |

|Proximal view of ileocecal valve.| |Apthous ulcers of distalileum. | |Multiple apthous ulcer of |

| | | | |distalileum. |

Your task is to prepare an information booklet to give to a patient who is going to undergo endoscopy.

Make sure you mention

• What is endoscopy

• What are the advantages of using this technique to help aid diagnosis

• What can I expect when I arrive at the hospital

Research Capsule endoscopy and prepare a powerpoint presentation that you will give to a group of medical practitioners encouraging them to use capsule endoscopy as a method of diagnosis. Make sure you mention

• The advantages of using capsule endoscopy over normal endoscopy

• Illnesses that can only be diagnosed using capsule endoscopy

• A brief description of what capsule endoscopy is

Interview a patient who has had an endoscopy.

The following web-sites may be very useful


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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