How Do I Prepare for Finals - Hampden-Sydney College

How Do I Prepare for Finals?

Organizational Tips

Make a list of remaining assessments for each course. Determine what material will need to be learned for each course. Writing down what you have to do will give you a sense of control. You might also discover that it is more manageable than you once thought.

← Identify difficult material

← Identify exam preparation needs

Determine your current grade in each course. Knowing your current standing and remaining point values will help you allocate your time effectively.

See your professor if you need clarification on course material or end-of-semester projects.

Use your monthly calendar or obtain a final-prep calendar from the Office of Academic Success. Record all remaining papers, projects, quizzes and presentations. Break larger projects into smaller chunks to manage the work load more efficiently.

Attend all classes. Your professor may share important information concerning the final and preparation advice for a solid outcome.

If you are feeling stressed out about finals, talk to your RA or campus support personnel. Peer mentors and the counseling staff can offer practical suggestions for handling test anxiety.

Create an academic environment for study. Have all necessary materials with you and plenty of space to work. Eliminate distractions.

Divide your study days into segments. Jot down goals for each segment. Refer to the lists you made for each course to plan your time.

Study Tips

Visit the tutor regularly until the end of semester for clarification of concepts and review (check for course availability).

Use old exams to begin your preparation. Correct your previous mistakes and study corrected answers. If your exams were not returned, make an appointment with your instructor to review your exams.

Distribute your study over several study sessions. Start at least a week before the exam.

Create a study group. Divide tasks among group members, create review sheets/test questions, and share similar and opposing viewpoints. Discussing the material will aid your ability to answer essay questions clearly.

Create review sheets that summarize key points and formulas. This activity will help you sort out and organize course content in a format that makes sense to you.

Use chapter tests from the text or online resource site for practice. Simulate the testing environment. This practice will increase your confidence and reduce test anxiety.

Study actively. Use study tools.

← Timelines

← Flashcards

← Diagrams

← Comparative Charts

← Mnemonic devices

Attend review sessions scheduled by your professor or course tutor.

Study in the classroom. Your brain jumps into learning mode in the classroom and study is more productive.

Think positive! Discover the key to success!




Adapted from a success strategy page at Case Western Reserve University, 2008


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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