Illustrations: LogMeIn Ignition

NSCS01 Procedure Illustrations are instructions accompanied by screen prints that show how to perform generic functions (i.e., tasks not limited to a specific operational area such as Membership or Patrons) using the NSCS01 computer. Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Illustrations: LogMeIn Ignition PAGEREF _Toc335391227 \h 2Adjusting Screen Appearance PAGEREF _Toc335391228 \h 4Moving files from NSCS01 to your computer PAGEREF _Toc335391229 \h 4Illustrations: NSCS01 Directory Structure PAGEREF _Toc335391230 \h 6My Documents PAGEREF _Toc335391231 \h 6dBASE files PAGEREF _Toc335391232 \h 7Illustrations: Visual dBASE PAGEREF _Toc335391233 \h 8Forms PAGEREF _Toc335391234 \h 8Reports PAGEREF _Toc335391235 \h 9Queries PAGEREF _Toc335391236 \h 10Illustrations: Crystal Reports PAGEREF _Toc335391237 \h 12Change Report Text fields PAGEREF _Toc335391238 \h 12Run/Preview a report PAGEREF _Toc335391239 \h 12Print a report PAGEREF _Toc335391240 \h 13Create a PDF of a report PAGEREF _Toc335391241 \h 14Create an RTF version of a report PAGEREF _Toc335391242 \h 14Illustrations: LogMeIn IgnitionNotes1. Click the LogMeIn Ignition icon on your task bar. (Should also be available via Start menu)2. Enter the data on the login screenEmail is dbgroup@Password is bach1685After entering, clickLog Me In3. This window should appear.NSCS01 is the name of the computer that hosts the master dBASE files for the Choral Society4. If you get the message that NSCS01 is offline, you’ll need to notify the Data Center [ellenpullin@ or (847) 491-0034] to fix this problem.5. Click on NSCS01 and you should get the options Remote ControlFile ManagerMain MenuClick on Remote Control(The LogMeIn screen may automatically start a Remote Control session.)6. A second window should appear for the Remote Control desktop of NSCS01If you get a login screen like either of these, you should login withUser name: nscsPassword: bach1685(This is incentive to memorize the year J.S. Bach was born. 1685 is also the birthyear of G.F. Handel and Domenico Scarlatti!) 7. This is the desktop of NSCS01(It may not look exactly like this) If there are windows open (e.g. messages from Avira anti-virus) feel free to close them if you can. (Avira can be tenacious!)For detailed instructions about dBASE tasks, see the Visual dBASE illustrations.To end your session, close the window (click X in the upper right hand corner)Note: You may choose “Full Screen” but be warned that other events (e.g. an email arrival notice) may restore the window to a smaller size!Adjusting Screen Appearance8. Use the toolbar or Options to adjust the size of objects/text.5080-70326250In Full Screen mode, mouseover the blue bar at the top to get the toolbar.Moving files from NSCS01 to your computer9. If you have files that need to be moved to or from NSCS01, use the File Manager function of LogMeIn to do this. Click once on the File Manager icon and a new window will open.10. You can change the directory displayed on either your computer (“Local” on the left) or NSCS01 (“Remote” on the right) after clicking the down arrow (circled in red).11. Drag and drop to copy a file from one to the other, or use the Transfer menu or keyboard shortcuts.Close the window with the X to exit the File Manager.12. When you’re done working on NSCS01, Log out and close the window by either choosing Exit Ignition or clicking the X in the upper right hand corner of the window.13. If something happens to terminate your session, you’ll get a window like this. Clicking Continue may give you the option to re-establish the connection. (No guarantees!) Illustrations: NSCS01 Directory StructureNotesMy Documents“My Documents” is often an easy choice when saving a file. It’s easy to find via the Start menu.Various shortcuts have also been placed on the desktop, but applications such as WordPerfect, Visual dBASE, and Adobe Reader can be also opened via the Start menu.dBASE filesIf a report or other file has been stored in the DBASE\NSCS directory and you need to find it, you’ll have to access it through the Local Disk (C:) directory.C:\DBASE\NSCSIllustrations: Visual dBASENotesThese illustrations assume you have been successful in establishing a Remote Control session and have access to the NSCS01 desktop.1. This is the shortcut for Visual dBASE, which is the program which manages the NSCS database. Double-click the icon to start the program.2. All the files needed for NSCS tasks are in the C:\DBASE\NSCS directory.Data is stored in Tables. The file names have the extension .dbf.Forms3. To add or update data, use a form (the end of file name is .wfm)Reports4. To create output, use a report (the end of file name is .rpt)5. To find the report or form you’re looking for, you may want to sort the list by something different. Use the View menu to do this.6. If you want to run a report (have the formatted data appear in a window), double click on it. [Or, select the report by clicking once on its name and choose “Run Report (F2)” from the Navigator menu. Or, right click on the name and choose the Run Report option.][Don’t know where the print goes if the Print icon is selected!]Queries7. Queries are used to select data from tables to display in a form or in a report. Queries for most forms and reports need to be updated once per season or once per concert. This kind of update is usually performed by the Computer Services Coordinator.8. Selection criteria, fields to be retrieved, and relationships to other tables are displayed graphically if the “Design Query” option (Shift+F2) is selected in the Navigator. 9. For updates where selection dates need to be updated, it may be easier to use the “Edit as Program” mode.10. Values are displayed in blue in the Program Editor. These can be changed just as you would change any text. If you attempt to close the Program Editor after making a change, you will be prompted to save your changes.11. Alt+F4 will close a dBase window if the X in the title bar is not accessible.Illustrations: Crystal ReportsNotesCrystal Reports is invoked automatically in a new window when you choose “Design Report (Shift+F2)” from the Navigator menu within Visual dBASE. (Or, right click on a report name and choose the Design Report option.) 1. The Report Designer allows various types of objects to be placed in the layout window. If you click on an object, it is highlighted (outlined in yellow). Different types of objects (text fields, data fields from a database, graphics, calculated totals) have different properties that can be changed via right-clicking on the object.Change Report Text fields2. To change the text displayed in a text field, select the field and either a) right click and choose “Edit Text Field” or b) choose “Text Field” from the Edit menu.Enter changes in Edit Text Field window and click Accept.Run/Preview a report3. To display the data, choose “Refresh Report Data” from the Report menu.4. A new “Preview Window” will appear, showing how the report will appears with data in it. A) B) 5. The bar at the bottom of the Preview Window can be used toA) move from page to page, or B) print the report using the currently selected printer.Print a report6. To select a printer, From the File menu, choose Printer Setup… Use the down arrow next to the Printer Name to choose a different printer. The Properties button can be used to change settings for the named printer (such as quality for a PDF, or color vs black and white).7. From the File menu, choose Print->Printer… You can use the dialog box to specify pages or number of copies.Create a PDF of a report8. If you want to create a PDF for emailing or moving a report to a different computer, make sure that Adobe PDF is selected as the printer in Step 6. Clicking OK in the print dialog box in Step 7 will then give a window to specify where the PDF should be stored. The name of the .rpt file will be the default.Create an RTF version of a report9. If you want to create a Rich Text Format file of a report, it’s done via the Export function. From the File menu, choose Print and then File…10. From the Export window choose the Rich Text Format (of course, it’s near the bottom of the list). The destination is Disk file. Click OK.11. The File Name should default to the report name (you can modify it if you want to keep multiple of this type of reports). The default directory for saving the file is c:\dbase\nscs where all the dbase components are. It’s easiest to let this default but you may change it to someplace where you can more easily find the file.12. To exit Crystal Reports, click the X in the corner of the window. If you have changed either the report design or the data preview, you can save the changes.Note that closing Crystal Reports does not close the dBase window. ................

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