20+ Ways to Promote the Award - Glassdoor

20+ Ways to Promote the Award

Congratulations on winning a Glassdoor Employees' Choice Award. This is an impressive honor and the entire world--from job candidates to competitors--should know.

Here are some easy ways to spread the news:

1. Employee Engagement

Email your employees to let them know about the good news (template included in winner resources)

Notify employees via a company newsletter

Have managers inform employees during team and company meetings

Ask employees to update their email signature line (email signature included in winner resources)

3. Website Updates

Place the official award badge on your homepage (badge included in winner resources)

Update your career site

Link to the Glassdoor awards page from your home page

Update your company's awards page

Update your `Company Overview' or `About Us' page

Don't forget to link back to the list itself! Once the news goes live you can find the lists at the following links: > US Large: > US SMB: > UK:

2. Social Engagement

Update your awards on your Glassdoor profile

Post a message about the award on your company Google+, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter pages (templates included in winner resources)

Ask employees to share the news via social media

Publish a blog post on your company blog (template included in winner resources)

Create a short video showing a behind-the-scenes look at your company. Check out this video from Bain & Company, the 2014 winner!

4. External Communication

Issue a press release (template included in winner resources) Alert bloggers and media who follow your company Update your mobile app Update your company's Wikipedia page Update your company's job listing descriptions Update the `About Us' section on your company press releases Create an online and offline advertisement. Interested in creating a Glassdoor display ad with this information?

Learn More Here

For information about how to update your Glassdoor profile, or questions on the awards in general, email: bestplacestowork@


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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