Story: The Greatest Treasure

Story: The Greatest Treasure

Group members: 1.Ngo Thi Minh 2. Bui Thi Tuyet

3. Nguyen Thi Tram 4. Nguyen Thi Nhung

5. Nguyen Hai Yen 6. Bui Thi Yen

Lesson Plan : Storytelling “The Greatest treasure”


 -Knowledge: Students will be able to

+ Vocabulary: identify some animals : camel, lion, turtle, eagle, sheep .

And some places ( where the animals live): forest, mountain, valley, desert, ocean


-   Skills: Students will be able to

+ pronounce some words, phrases

+ listening skills: listen to the story in details, understand the content of the story

+ speaking skill: retell the story with teacher’s instruction ( put in order)

+working together

- Education: educate children about the animals and give the meaning of the story for children : friendship_ the greatest treasure

Materials: Pictures, relias, boards, books, camera..

|Teacher |purpose |

|Pre- teaching : |stabilize the order in class |

|Warm up: greeting+ sing the song: “ if you happy, clap your |make all children pay attention to the lesson |

|hand”. |know something about story: general content, some characters who |

|Introduce the story today: The greatest treasure |will appear in the story. |

|_ give pictures and introduce : treasure and the picture with 6 |help sts imagine about Peter’s adventure and what’ll happen in |

|characters of the story |the story. |

|ask children some questions . |imagine the animal through the pictures, real experiences in the |

| |life |

|+ about animals : ask name of animals ( use pictures on the |know how to pronounce, speak the words related to animals and |

|board) |places |

|+ ask to guess: where they live, where Peter met each animal? ( | |

|guessing) | |

|+ instructs sts pronounce words. | |

|While-Telling: | |

|T uses pictures to tell the story |help sts imagine the background of the story |

|- each part of the story: T asks sts to guess which animal Peter |brainstorming, think about the story, the features of animals |

|will meet in his journey? |help them memorize better about each section of the story |

|And emphasize the characteristic of each animal to join Peter and|help sts pay attention to the story, join together |

|pass the dangerous stage in the adventure. |sts have more chance to know abot the meaningful story about |

|connect to sts to describe, guess in the process of telling the |friendship and practice with friends in front of class |

|story |check the children’s memory about the story to know how they |

|After telling: |understand the lesson and how they focus on the story. |

|T summarize the story, ask sts to know how they like the story |have more activities to make class more fun, more attractive, |

|Give small exercise to check their understand: match each animal |more interesting. |

|with the places where they live and put them in order Peter met | |

|in the adventure to find out the treasure. | |

|call sts go to the board to arrange, then check, give feedback | |

|summarize the lesson in class | |



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