Internet Safety, Security, Ethics & Netiquette

Internet Safety, Ethics & Netiquette

Safety on the Internet

1. What is phishing? Go to and do a search for the term.

2. What are some things that you can do to avoid being caught by a phishing scam? Go to

3. Bonus: Where did the term “phishing” come from?

4. What is the purpose of a firewall? Go to and do a search for the term.

5. Identity theft is a growing concern as we become an even-greater online society. What can you do to keep yourself from falling prey to identity theft? Go to and write down some suggestions.

Ethics and Privacy on the Internet

1. What is an AUP? What does it stand for? Why do schools have one?

2. What are the six key elements of an AUP? Go to to learn more about AUPs.

3. What is COPPA? Who is it supposed to protect? What implications does it have for teachers in the classroom? Go to and for information.

4. What is the U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act and why is it so controversial?

5. Bonus Question: What is a cuckoo egg as it relates to downloaded music?

Netiquette and Internet Chat Rooms

1. What is netiquette?

2. What does it mean to get “flamed?”

3. What are the core rules of netiquette? Go to to find out. Take the netiquette test if you have time.

4. What is a chat room and should we be allowing our students to participate in chats in school? Do we have a responsibility to educate them about the dangers of chat rooms? What responsibility do we have in partnering with parents in educating children about online safety? Go to to find some interesting statistics about teenagers’ online behaviors.


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