Reading 1 Hear the Music - BJU Press

Reader 1E

Reading 1

Hear the Music

(Lessons 117–39)

Enrichment Words — Context Sentences

The Aunts Go Marching

Lesson 117

1. Jeff's three aunts came to his birthday party.

2. The children cheered, "Hurrah!"

3. Wendy is seven years old.

4. The clouds in the heavens are getting dark.

Band Instruments

Lesson 118

1. Trumpets are brass instruments.

2. Drums are in the percussion section of the band.

3. The beat of a song is rhythm.

4. The musician raised her flute to play.

5. The horns in the band are made of metal.

6. The trombone player blew into the mouthpiece of his trombone.

All Together Now

Lesson 119

1. There are many different instruments in a band.

2. The conductor used a baton to direct the band.

3. The teacher asked a question and then waited for the student to reply.

4. The sad child's lips quivered as she started to cry.

All Together Now

Lesson 120

1. The band director raised his baton to get the musicians' attention.

2. We will perform a musical program for our parents.

3. Five students in Miss Lee's class play musical instruments.

4. The new puppies caused a lot of excitement in the classroom.

All Together Now

Lesson 120-continued

5. Mother handled the sick puppy with gentleness.

Spell JOY

Lesson 121

1. I ate breakfast this morning.

2. Our day at the beach was wonderful.

3. I have two older brothers, so I am the third boy.

4. "The Three Bears" is my favorite story.

5. When I ask for more milk, I say "please."

Spell JOY

Lesson 122

1. We made a toy boat during craft time.

2. Mom put the picture in a frame.

3. Dad turned the key, and the car started.

4. The fire truck rushed to the fire.

5. Sam's muddy pants were a sight!

The Superduper Bamboozle Horn

Lesson 123

1. The tuba made a loud, deep sound.

2. Dad used his saw to cut notches along the edge of the shelf.

3. We bought a used car instead of a new one.

4. Please put the milk in the refrigerator.

5. The refrigerator coils wrapped around like a long rope.

The Superduper Bamboozle Horn

Lesson 124

1. Morgan's shoestrings were in a tangle.

2. Have you ever eaten hot pretzels?

3. Our dog is a beagle.

4. The wind blew the napkins off the picnic table, scattering them across the yard.

5. Mom had a problem with the car not starting.

The Gift of Music

Lesson 125

1. William has trumpet lessons after school every Tuesday.

2. Mary played every note perfectly.

3. A clavichord is like a piano.

4. Mother plays the organ at church on Sunday.

The Gift of Music

Lesson 126

1. Go to bed early so you don't oversleep.

2. A clavichord has a small keyboard.

3. Music is composed by a musician.

4. My grandfather visited many countries during his lifetime.

The Grasshopper and the Ant

Lesson 127

1. I called my grandmother on the phone.

2. Summer will be over sooner than you think.

3. We learned about how God created all the animals.

4. Caleb saw stars all around in the night sky.

5. Tall cornstalks grew in the field.

The Bremen Town Musicians

Lesson 128

1. Fifteen musicians play the violin in the orchestra.

2. The animals in the play are the characters.

3. The farmer tied the donkey to the fence.

4. Something that is not new is old.

5. The shepherd sent his dog to herd the sheep.

The Bremen Town Musicians

Lesson 128-continued

6. Beth thought Dad's suggestion that they go to the beach for a vacation was a great idea.

The Bremen Town Musicians

Lesson 129

1. People who sing or play instruments are musicians.

2. When we went on vacation, we spent the night at an inn.

3. No one lives in that deserted house down the street.

4. My cat says "meow" when he wants attention.

The Bremen Town Musicians

Lesson 130

1. The musicians practiced many times before the concert.

2. We saw a red van and mistook it for ours.

3. The hungry kitten cried "meow."

My Sister, Rita

Lesson 131

1. I have a friend named Rita.

2. We don't know the new neighbors yet.

3. People who cannot see are disabled.

My Sister, Rita

Lesson 132

1. Steven's little sister is two years old.

2. The teacher played the keyboard while we sang.

For the Lord to Hear

Lesson 133

1. I am taking piano lessons.

2. Jan carefully set the glass bowl on the table.

3. Scott made two mistakes on his math paper.

4. Jan's tears made the words look blurry.

For the Lord to Hear

Lesson 134

1. Do you remember when you were a baby?

2. Baby Emma's coloring looked like scribbles.

3. I made a drawing of a horse with my colored pencils.

4. John is going to practice his trumpet.

The Popcorn Shop

Lesson 135

1. teacher

2. child

3. all

Conduct an activity similar to that found in the Teacher's Edition.

Our God Gives a Song

Lesson 136

1. Paul and Silas were missionaries.

2. We saw a mob of people waiting to get hot dogs at the circus.

3. The prisoners tried to escape from the jail.

4. In Bible times a soldier often fought with a sword.

5. The missionaries prayed for many souls to be saved.

The Singing Fence

Lesson 137

1. The battered old car had many dents and scrapes.

2. When Mom smiled, her eyes twinkled.

3. We could hear the crickets chirping in the evening.

4. Bees use nectar from flowers to make honey.

5. Kate held out her arms to keep her balance on the log.

The Singing Fence

Lesson 138

1. Dad used his hatchet to cut sticks for the fire.

2. Pat laid the sticks crosswise to form a cross.

3. The cricket was in a bamboo cage.

4. Ben whistled for his dog.

5. The boat drifted away from the shore.

The Pickety Fence

Lesson 139

1. pickety

2. clickety

3. lickety

4. rickety

Conduct an activity similar to that found in the Teacher's Edition.


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