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8th Grade Fitness

Terms To Know

1. Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) – The highest number of times your heart can contract in one minute, or the heart rate that a person could achieve during maximal physical exertion 220 – age = MHR EX: 220 – 14 = 206 MHR

2. Target Heart Rate (THR) – also known as the Training Heart Rate, is a desired range of heart rate reached during aerobic exercise which enables one's heart and lungs to receive the most benefit from a workout. (60% to 80% of max)

3. Resting Heart Rate (RHR) – The number of resting heartbeats per minute

4. aerobic exercise – refers to exercise that involves oxygen consumption by the body (running a distance)

5. anaerobic – exercises that do not require the use of air (sprinting)

6. resistance – a force that pushes against motion (weight)

7. flexion – shortening of a muscle

8. extension – stretching of a muscle


Deltoids – raise upper arm

Pectoralis major/minor – moves arm across chest

Trapezius – raises your head and shoulder

Gluteus Maximus – extends thigh and raises torso

Abductors – moves legs apart

Adductors – moves legs together

Hamstring –bends your leg at the knee

Quadriceps – straighten and raises the leg

Abdominals – flexes torso

Bicep – flexes the elbow

Tricep – extends elbow

FITT Principle – Use this principle when creating an exercise program.

F – Frequency (How often do you do the exercise?)

I – Intensity (How difficult is the exercise?)

T – Time (How long do you perform the exercise?)

T – Type (What exercise are you doing?)

Components of Health Related Fitness

1. Body composition – measures the ratio of a person’s body fat to lean muscle

2. Muscular endurance – is the ability of a muscle to repeatedly exert a force over a long period of time

3. Cardiovascular endurance – is how effective your heart and lungs work when you exercise and how quickly they return to normal

4. Muscular strength – is the most weight you can lift at one time or the most force you can exert at one time

5. Flexibility – is the ability of your body’s joint to move easily through a range of motion

Components of Skill Related Fitness

1. Agility – the ability to change the position of your body quickly and to control the movement of your whole body.

2. Balance – the ability to keep an upright posture while you are standing or moving.

3. Coordination – the ability to use your eyes and body parts together in an effective way to accomplish a particular task or skill.

4. Power – the ability to do strength performances quickly.

5. Reaction time – the amount of time it takes you to get moving once you see the need to move.

6. Speed – the ability to perform a movement or cover a distance in a short period of time.


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