The Animal Kingdom Internal Organ System Activity 4th Grade PSI Science Name ___________________________________ Objective: To discover and identify differences in pulse rates. Materials:Paper and pencilWatch with a second handBackground:You many know that your pulse rate varies. After you exercise, for example, your heart beats faster. Pulse rates also vary from one individual to another. One measure of fitness is if after activity, the pulse returns to the pre-exercise level in 3 minutes. Your heart rate and breathing are controlled by the nervous system. During exercise muscles need more oxygen. The heart pumps more blood through the lungs, bringing more oxygen to the muscles. You breathe more frequently to provide the oxygen, and get rid of carbon dioxide.When you are calm again, all the systems should return to the resting levels. Procedure:Work in pairs.Measure your partner’s heart rate by taking their pulse. Put your two fingers on the underside of the person’s wrist below their thumb. Count how many pulse beats you feel in 30 seconds. Multiply that number x2, and record this on your chart. This is your resting heart rate.Choose an activity that will raise your heart rate, and do this activity for 2 minutes.From 2 minutes until 2 minutes 15 seconds, do the activity as extremely as possible. (for example, if you are running, sprint for the last 15 seconds).Measure your pulse and record.After 3 minutes, take your pulse again. Record.Activities: Here are a few options. Ask your teacher if you want to try something different.Running outside.Run up and down steps.Jump rope. Do jumping jacks.Observations/DataNameResting Heart RateAfter exerciseAfter 3 minutesDifference between column 2 and 4Did you or your partner return to your resting heart rate 3 minutes after exercise? If not, how close were you? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________When you exercise for an extended period of time, you often sweat. What is the purpose of sweat? Which organs control sweating? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Look at the data in the chart below. It compares the heart rate of mammals with their size. Do you see a relationship? Explain.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________MammalMass (g)Heart RateMouse25670Rat 200420Guinea pig300300Rabbit2000205Small dog5000120Large dog30,00085Human70,00072horse450,00038In what body systems do the following organs belong? Heart ___________________Lungs_____________________ Brain _________________________ ................

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