Stop / Pause (When you catch yourself and pause, NOTICE that you caught yourself…acknowledge when you see the growth!) The more you do it, the easier it becomes, and you are rewiring your internal communication system… (repatterning neurochemicals and neuropathways in our brain and also our heart brain.) Breeeeaaatttthhhheeee… maybe just a couple of deep breaths…or a few more…this can calm your nervous system.Say in your head, MY FEET ARE ON THE GROUND. (That helps us get out of our chattery heads and energetically GROUNDs US by consciously connecting with earth’s energy.) …say to yourself, my feet are on the ground. Visualize… Imagine it’s warm weather and you are out in nature with your feet on the grass, dirt, sand, mud, roots of trees, in the water…whatever a favorite place is for you connecting with the earth.Our mind doesn’t know the difference whether you are actually in the grass or not if you’re using your imagination… Fear Tap ~ use when feeling anxious or scared. It reduces irrational fear, calms the fight/flight response, soothes the body, and steadies the mind.Find the area on the back of your hand that is halfway between your wrist and fingers and between your ring finger and “pinkie” finger. Tap with two or three fingers for 30 to 60 seconds while breathing in through your nose and out your mouth. Switch hands. (Option: place the hand being tapped on your heart /chest area.)Tapping on acupressure points can shift energies of fear and gently alleviate unwanted thoughts in a matter of minutes. From Donna Eden’s Energy MedicineHolding Your Own Stress Points (Neurovasculars) ~ Lay one palm on your forehead and the other on the back of your head.Hold them there for 2 to 3 minutes (or longer), breathing deeply and comfortably. From Donna Eden’s book Energy MedicineHeart Focused Breathing and Feelings of Gratitude and LOVE (Calming and vibration raising / heart-brain coherence or harmony, where they are in sync / in flow together) Hand on HEART (gets you out of your head)Imagine your breath going in and out of the heart area (our heart is 5000 times more magnetic than our brain…superpower lies in our heart!)Think about something, some place or somebody that makes you feel love, appreciation…that makes you smile when you think of them… A pet, a person…a flowery meadow…feeeeed that thought with love and gratitude…think, say, feel those higher vibe emotions (love, care, kindness, appreciation)Build on those loving, caring, good feeling thoughts…through visualizing or just feeling it going in and out of our heart space. Radiate that feeling / that loving energy throughout your body and/or out to the world.Other ideas to move energy out, calm yourself and raise your vibrationRemove yourself from the negative or toxic situation if possibleMOVE…shake your body…take a walk…quick dance…stretches…bounce up and down…ride your bike…get the energy out and movingScream in a pillowWrite it out…talk it out…Don’t take it personally…don’t give it meaning…don’t react…let it roll offSend it loveGo out in naturePlay with an animalPlay / listen to musicPlease Consider…Be gentle and kind with yourself (and others) on this journey of life.Tap into your heart…it always knows what to do.Practice forgiveness, acceptance, compassion and love with YOURSELF and others.And remember, you are brilliant and a wonderful contribution to our world JUST THE WAY YOU ARE, right now. ................

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