School Law – Professor Mawdsley – Legal Research Lecture 9 ...

School Law – Professor Mawdsley – Legal Research Lecture 9/7/2010

Guide to Lexis Academic:

How to log on to LexisNexis Academic and getting access from home

Finding cases by citation using LexisNexis Academic –

How to type in citation – volume, reporter and page only.

You must use the precise format, including exact punctuation. Click on Citation Help if need an example of how to type it in

Demo: DeRolph v. State (2002), 97 Ohio St. 3d 434, 2002-Ohio-6750, 780 N.E.2d 529

Try it: Board of Educ. v. Mergens, 496 U.S. 226; 110 S. Ct. 2356; 110 L. Ed. 2d 191 (1990)

How to read a legal citation -

Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations

Can also search by party name – if a common party name, probably want to click on U.S. Legal>Federal and State cases and limit down by jurisdiction, date etc.

Can also search by key terms


Finding Law Review Articles

Click on U.S. Legal> Law Reviews


Topic = student free speech

If type in “student free speech, get 517 results

It is looking for that exact phrase, so you could be missing some articles that actually discuss student free speech but do not use that exact phrase.

If you do, student AND free AND speech you get over 3,000 results. If you check the box “Constitutional Law” you get 1,181 results

Can Limit by Title, At least 5 occurrences of the word, or by date.

Ex. student AND free! AND speech in title, 65 results

(still might be missing some – title of article could be students and the first amendment, or the name of a particular case, etc.)

Ex. within previous year = 2 hits

• The articles retrieved can be sorted (top left) by Publication Date, Chronologically (oldest first), or how they have determined Relevance. Within categories, articles appear to be by title of publication.

• Not all of the articles listed on the left under "Law Reviews" are from law reviews – some are journal or magazine articles that may not meet the page requirements for an assignment.

Try a POWER SEARCH for more precision: (click on Edit in Power Search at the bottom of the screen)

- natural language search option ex. “Whether Students Can be Prohibited from wearing religious symbols to school?”

- search by segment – LENGTH, PUBLICATION

ex. Student free speech and publication(education and law)

- LENGTH(>7,000) . add this on too

- Add index terms, such as for company, industry, subject, geography, people

- Example> Subject-Law & Legal System>Constitutional Law – Freedom of Speech , search = hair! /p school

- search =atleast5( hair!) /p school


student /30 (free! /2 speech) or first amendment /35 t-shirt or hair! or cloth!

Ways to find topics of interest – blogs, etc., Landmark Supreme Court Cases re Students – see education law guide


More Education Law Resources:

Education Legal Research Guide -

• Education Law / James A. Rapp 7 vols. An excellent, comprehensive current looseleaf set. Start with Index in Vol. 7.   KF 4119 .R36 LexisNexis - EDULAW

• Education Law / Charles J. Russo and Ralph D. Mawdsley Current.      KF 4119 .E276

• Anderson's Ohio School Law / Kimball H. Carey, 3 vol. set.  Reserve Room    KFO 390 B342

LexisNexis (requires a Law password) - Anderson's Ohio School Law Guide

• Baldwin's Ohio School Law, rev. ed., 2 vol. bound set. Includes selected forms at the end of chapters. Reserve Room    KFO 390 .B3 2003 (Westlaw - OHSCHL)

• Ohio School Finance : A Practitioner's Guide, 4th ed. / Richard E. Maxwell and Scott R. Sweetland / Reference KFO 390 .O55 2008; LexisNexis - Anderson's Ohio School Finance

The Law of Schools, Students, and Teachers in a Nutshell KF4119.3 .A43 2009

West's Education Law Reporter Atrium Level  KF 4110 .A2 W47

Education-related court cases from the various sets of court reports (F.Supp., N.E.2d, etc.)  and commentary/articles in each volume (check table of contents.) There is a Digest at the end of the set.

How to find statutes on Lexis academic – if time


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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