Chapter 1: The Information Age in Which You Live

CIS 2010 Final Exam

Chapter 1: The Information Age in Which You Live

1. MIS- deals with the planning for, development, management, and use of IT tools to help people perform tasks related to info processing and management.


i. Information

ii. People

iii. technology

2. IT- any computer based tool that people use to work with info and support the info and info-processing needs of an organization.

a. Computer

b. Barcode scanner


4. Disruptive technology

a. Netflix and blockbuster—blockbuster must find new ways of making money other than late fees

5. Knowledge Worker

a. Works with and produces information as a product


6. Data and Information

a. Data- simply raw facts

b. Information- data that has meaning…assembly into a report

7. 3 dimensions of personal information

a. Time

i. Timeliness

ii. Relating to the relevant time period

b. Location

i. Having access to info no matter where you are

ii. Intranet- internal organizational internet that is guarded against outside access by a firewall.

1. ex: GSU’s wireless network

2. differs by type of business and unique to each business

c. Form

i. Info is in a form that is usable and understandable

1. audio, text, video

ii. accuracy! Free from errors

8. Informational flows in an organization

a. Up, down, horizontally, inward/outward

b. Structure of an organization

i. Strategic management- provides org with overall direction and guidance

ii. Tactical management- develops the goals and strategies outlined by strategic management

iii. Operational management- manages and directs the day to day operations and implementations of the goals and strategies.

c. Upward flow of information

i. Current state of the org based on its daily transactions

d. Downward flow of information

i. Strategies and goals that originate at one level and are passed on to the lower levels

ii. Collaborative technologies!

e. Horizontal flow of information

i. Between functional business units and work teams

ii. Collaborative technologies!

f. Outward/inward flow of information

i. Infor communicated to customers, suppliers, and other partners for the purpose of doing business

9. Information Granularity

a. The extent of detail within the information

i. Coarse granularity- highly summarized information

1. ppl in highest levels of organization

2. ex: sales by year

ii. Fine granularity- information containing high amts of detail

1. ppl in lower levels of organization

2. ex: each individual sale, when it occurred, method of payment, etc.

b. transaction originates at lowest level?...must be consolidated by IT to coarser granularity as it move up through the organization (upward flow)

10. 4 Organizational dimensions of information:

a. Internal- describes specific operational aspects of an organization

b. External- describes the environment surrounding the organization

c. Objective- information that is more easily determined to be true or false

i. Ex: customer either purchased a car or a burger or did not…after money changes hands and ownership transferred, no ? about whether transaction occurred

d. Subjective- information based on the observer’s perception of reality

i. Ex: Lockheed sales rep may report that he thinks a customer will sign contract for 5 jets w/in next 2 weeks. If turns out that contract differs from what sales rep projected, does not mean sales rep lied! Circumstances could change, or info available to sales rep could’ve been incomplete

11. 4 combos of ethical and legal

a. Legal and ethical- normal use of systems to support operations

i. Sales at fast food restaurant

b. Legal but unethical- forwarding an e-mail message without getting the sender’s permission.

c. Ethical but illegal- breaking into systems to track and identify hackers.

d. Illegal and Unethical- software piracy, hacking to commit fraud

12. Ubiquitous Computing- technology support anywhere, at anytime, with access to all needed info and all business partners always, both internal and external to the org.

a. Decentralized computing- environment in which an organization distributes computing power and locates it in functional business areas as well as on the desktops of knowledge workers.

i. Servers

ii. Personal computers

iii. PDAs

iv. Tablet PCs

b. A shared database- environment where the org’s information is organized in one or more central locations, allowing anyone to access and use it as he or she needs to.

c. Mobile computing- wireless technology to connect to needed resources and info.

i. M-commerce: electronic commerce conducted wirelessly

13. 4 ways in which one can protect from viruses, spyware, and identity theft:

a. Keep antivirus software up to date

b. Use only secure web sites when submitting personal or financial info

c. Never give out your personal info to enter a contest on the internet

d. Change your passwords frequently and intersperse capital letters and digits in them

14. Transaction Processing System (TPS)- system that processes transactions within an organization—ATMS, online banking.

a. Transactions processed w/ a TPS

i. Ordering a refill on a prescription

ii. Buying an airline ticket

iii. Returning an item to walmart

iv. USPS to hold your mail

v. Registering for a course

15. Executive Information Systems (EIS)- highly interactive. Allows you to first view highly summarized (coarsely granulated) information and then choose how you would like to see greater detail.

a. Offers great speed in massaging info, developing alternatives, and viewing info from various perspectives

b. DO NOT make recommendations on what to do

c. Managers can view summary data in graphical form to monitor operations, or they can “drill down” to various levels of detail.

Chapter 2: Major Business Initiatives

16. Porter’s five forces Model:

a. Buyer power

i. High when buyers have many choices, and low when there are few choices

1. Provider- want LOW buyer power

2. Consumer- want HIGH buyer power

ii. Reduce buyer power using IT

1. Loyalty program—frequent flyer miles

b. Supplier power

i. High when buyers have few choices, and low when buyers have many choices.

1. As business, want high buyer power when making purchases

2. high supplier power when selling products and services

c. Threat of substitute products or services

i. High when there are many alternatives, and low when there are few.

ii. Switching costs can help—cell phone companies!

d. Threat of new entrants

i. High when it is easy for new competitors to start, and low when it is difficult

ii. Entry barrier---feature that customers want and new competitors must provide to successfully enter market


e. Rivalry among existing competitors

i. High is a fiercly competitive market and low in a more complacent market

1. Retail grocers



17. Dell Supply chain model: sell, source, ship

a. JIT (just in time)- provides product/service just when needed

18. Supply Chain management systems- tracks inventory and information among processes and across companies.

a. IT support-

i. SAP, oracle, PeopleSoft

19. Customer Relationship management- uses information about customers to gain insight in order to serve them better.

a. IT support

i. Front office systems- order taking…primary interface to customers and sales channels

ii. Back office systems- Filling orders.

20. Business Intelligence system- knowledge of competitors, suppliers, your own internal operations, etc. STATWARE

a. Internal- customers, products, suppliers, employees

b. External- competition, markets, environment: economic, political

c. IT support

i. Digital dashboard- displays key information tailored to an individual

21. Supply Chain Management:

a. Just-in-time (JIT)- Provides product or service just when needed.

b. Distribution chain- path followed by product or service.

c. Fulfillment- right quantity of parts at right time.

d. Logistics- transportation costs low.

e. Production- production lines run smoothly

f. Revenue and profit- no sales are lost because of stock-outs.

g. Spend- minimizing costs of purchases of material

22. Business Intelligence- Knowledge about competitors, suppliers, your own internal operations that gives you the ability to make effective, important, and often strategic business decisions.

23. Sales Force Automation- CRM system. Automatically tracks all the steps in the sales process, including contact management, sales lead tracking, sales forecasting and order management, and product knowledge.

a. General Motors—focuses on creating repeat customers with Purchase funnel

24. Digital dashboard- IT support for BI system. Displays key information tailored to a specific individual. NO PERSONAL INFO.

25. Virtual team- ICE system. When team members are located in varied geographical locations.

26. Alliance partner- a company your company does business with on a regular basis in a collaborative fashion, usually facilitated by IT systems.

27. Workflow- a process defined by steps that are performed in a fixed order…apply for financial aid, being granted aid, and being notified of the decisions made.

28. Workflow system- the system that enforces rules associated with the workflow process…system often informs the next person that approval is needed and reminds people if they have not taken action when they were supposed to.

29. Knowledge management system- supports the capturing, organization, and dissemination of knowledge. Ex: FAQ database

30. Social network system- links you to people you know, and from there, people they now. Ex: MySpace

31. Presence awareness- determines if person is immediately reachable.

32. Yield Management System- helps hotels fill unsold rooms.

Extended Learning Module C, Haag book, beginning of Chapter 3 and database textbook, Introduction, Chapter 1 and Chapter 2

33. Databases vs. Spreadsheets

a. Both have rows and columns

b. Spreadsheet-must know physical row and column

c. Database- work with information logically

34. Entity relationship diagram- a graphic method of representing entity classes and their relationships.

a. Cardinality- shows the numerical nature of relationships.

35. Entity- typically a person, place or thing about which you wish to store information and that you can identify with a unique key (primary key).

36. attribute- used within an element to describe a characteristic of the element and supply additional information.

37. Instance- a record in a database

38. Primary key- a field or group of fields that uniquely describe each record

39. Foreign key- common field is a field that appears in two or more tables and contains identical data to relate the tables…the common field is called a foreign key in the second table.

40. database- collection of information that you organize and access according to the logical structure of that information.

41. Relational database- uses a series of logically related two-dimensional tables or files to store information in the form of a database.

42. Database management system (DBMS)- used to manage data.

a. Oracle, ColdFusion, Microsoft Access, and MySQL

b. Each program has specific advantages for different organizations

43. Database design process:

a. STEP 1: The discovery phase

b. STEP 2: Plan the tables

c. STEP 3: Normalize the data

d. STEP 4: Test the database using sample data

44. Database design: the discovery phase

a. Gather all existing data

b. Research messing and incomplete data

c. Talk with users about their data output needs

45. Database design: assimilating the available info and planning the database

a. Determine best way to organize data into logical groups of fields.

i. Field- single characteristic of entity

1. Column

ii. Record- values in each field in table

1. row

iii. Table- collection of fields that describe one entity

1. entity or relation

iv. Database- Collection of one or more tables

46. 4 main database objects used to display data normally:

a. Tables

i. Data in relational databases are stored in one or more tables

b. Query

i. Question asked about data stored in database

ii. Query results look similar to data in a table

iii. Select query

1. most commonly used

iv. Cross-tab query

1. performs calculations on values in a field and displays results in a datasheet

c. Form

i. Used to view, add, delete, update, and print records in a database

ii. Based on a table or query

iii. Switchboard- form displayed when a database is opened

d. Report

i. Formatted presentation of data from table or query

ii. Created as a printout or to be viewed on screen

iii. Usually based on query

47. Field/data types:

a. Text- letters and numbers. Not used in calculations or formulas. DEFAULT in access.

b. Memo- store long passages of text

c. Number- stores both positive and negative numbers. Use for values used in calculations

d. Currency- included two decimal places and displays values w/ $ sign.

e. Date/time- Display values in mm/dd/yyyy and other formats

f. AutoNumber- Unique to Access. Number automatically generated by Access…unique to each record.

g. Yes/No- assigned to fields requiring yes/no, true/false, on/off.

48. Database design: Planning the Tables

a. Must have unique names

b. Divide existing and missing data into discrete entities

c. Assign data types

d. Assign field sizes

e. Name the tables using the Leszynski/Reddick naming convention

49. Creating Table relationships:

a. Overcome limitations of flat file databases

b. You can query more than one table at a time

c. A join specifies a relationship between tables and the properties of that relationship.

50. One-to-many relationship- most tables! One record in the first table matches zero, one, or many records in the related table.

a. Primary table is on the one side of the relationship and the related table is on the “many” side of the relationship.

51. One-to-one relationship- each record in one table matches exactly one record in the related table.

52. Many-to-many relationship- each record in the first table matches many records in the second table, and each record in the second table matches many records in the first table.

53. Enforcing Referential integrity- rule that if the foreign key in one table matches the primary key in a second table, the values in the foreign key must match the values in the primary key. If not, problems can occur that lead to inaccurate and inconsistent data.

54. Data integrity- including a primary key in a table to ensure integrity—a guarantee that there are no duplicate records in a table, that each record is unique, and that no primary key field contains null values.

55. Normalization

a. First Normal Form- NO REPEATING GROUPS! No further normalization is required for a relational database.

b. Repeating groups- data associated with a person, place, thing, or idea that may have more than one instance…each order may have more than 1 item

i. Auto service- customer may bring the car in many times


iii. ALL FIELD VALUES MUST BE ATOMIC (have only 1 value)

c. Second Normal Form- has only one primary key field OR all nonkey fields are dependent on ALL fields in the primary key

d. Anomalies- occur when database is NOT normalized…occur when attempting to update a table in some way

i. Update anomaly- value in one record may be updated while the same value in other records is not updated….person will not know which one is correct!

ii. Deletion anomaly- record contains outdated info…deleting it may also delete info that is still useful.

iii. Addition anomaly- you can’t add a record to a relational table if you don’t know what the value of the primary key field is…you can’t store info that you already know in the other fields

e. Redundancy- reduced but not eliminated in a normalized database….b/c need it to allow JOINING OF TABLES.

56. Query By Example (QBE)- creating the query in design view…typing the value you are looking for as a criterion


i. Enter the value in the criteria row, under the approp field name

ii. Use double quotes around text field values


i. AND criteria- selects records that contain ALL specified values

ii. OR criteria- selects that contain ANY of the specified values


i. Access displays datasheet of records

ii. Save query…only saves design…NOT VALUES FROM TABLE DISPLAYED IN RESULTS!!!

d. SORT?

i. Results appear in same order as data from underlying tables

ii. Unless specify sort order when designing query

iii. Sort order determined from L to R

iv. Multiple columns must be side-by-side to sort on more than one field! Ex: 1st and 2nd columns!


i. Wildcards- placeholder…stands for one or more characters

1. Ab*--locate any word starting with Ab

2. J?—matches Jan, Jun, Jul

ii. Comparison Operators

1. not equal to

2. Between….And- inclusive within specified range…USE WITH DATES!

3. In- include values

a. In (“CO”, “AZ”)

4. Is- include records null, not null, true, or false

a. Is Null, Is not null, Is true, Is false

5. Like

a. Like “?usty”

i. First name can begin with any letter, but rest of name is ‘usty’

f. Parameter values- serve as a prompt for the user to enter a value

i. Usually in form of question or instruction

ii. Enclosed in square brackets

iii. [Enter a job ID]

iv. Entered as criterion

g. Primary table- contains the primary key (I) in a relationship

h. Related table- contains the foreign key is on the “many” side.

i. Join

i. linking of tables using their primary and foreign keys to be queried together OR

1. each table shares field w/same or compatible data type

2. One join field primary key

ii. If no fields can be joined

1. add extra table or qry

2. link tables that contain the data

j. Logical operators- used to test values and can only be “true or false”

i. AND- only if both criteria are true

ii. OR – if either criteria are true

iii. NOT excludes values that don’t meet the criterion

k. Calculations in Queries

i. Predefined calcs- “totals” compute amts for groups of records or for all the records combined in the query

1. sum, avg, count, min, max, stdev, and variance

ii. Custom calcs- must create calc field in query design view

1. numeric, date, and text computations on each record using data from 1+ fields

iii. Concatenation- combining the contents of 2+ fields

l. Aggregate functions- arithmetic operations you apply to records that meet a query’s selection criteria

i. AVG

ii. Count- # of record

iii. Max

iv. Min

v. Sum

m. Calculated field, Calculated Column, Computed field, Computed column

i. Expression- arithmetic formula used to make calc.

ii. Use standard arithmetic operators and parenthesis

iii. Function- perform standard calc, return value

iv. Field properties

1. change format and number of dec. places for calc field

n. Fields Occurring in 2 or more tables…identify by tblName.FieldName

i. Prevent ambiguity and syntax errors!!!

o. Crosstab queries- totals query that performs aggregate function calcs on the values of one database field and allows you to determine exactly how your summary data appears in the results.

i. Large amt of sum data in columns similar to spreadsheets

ii. View data in ideal for creating charts

iii. Include multiple levels of detail

iv. Time-series data

p. Sorting in Ascending or Descending order

i. Leftmost field

ii. Must specify….ASC or DESC…default is not sorted

q. Parameter query- cannot be executed until the user supplies the value of one or more fields…with parameter question provided.

r. Action queries

i. Modify data in a table

ii. Add records to or delete records from table

iii. Create a new table


57. Structured Query Language (SQL)-





e. Keywords

i. Use to construct SQL statements

ii. Place each statement on separate line…easier to read

f. Select statement- what data AND how should present

i. SELECT tblEmployee.EmpLast

1. select data from the EmpLast field in the tblEmployee table

g. From statement- dines the database objects that contain this data.

i. FROM tblEmployee

1. indicates all data is stored in tblEmployee


i. Keywords serve to define a command or clause in expression

i. WHERE- list criteria that apply USE SINGLE QUOTES AROUN TEXT

j. GROUP BY- group records w/ identical values….usually to calc summary statistics

i. GROUP BY tblEmployee.JobID

1. group the results by records in the JobID field

k. HAVING- list conditions for selecting grouped records, connected by AND, OR, or NOT

l. ORDER BY- specify sorting specifications

i. ASC is default….must choose DESC

m. AS- use with calc columns to specify name of resulting calc.

i. [EmpFirst] & “ “ & [EmpLast] AS Name

1. concatenate the contents of EmpFirst and EmpLast fields and display the results as the Name field

n. ; (semicolon)- Used to end every SQL command



FROM tblTrainer;


58. Data warehouse- special forms of databases that support decision making….use information gathered from OLTP and analyzes it

59. DBMS (database management systems)- helps specify logical org for a database and access and use the info within a database.

60. OLTP (online transaction processing)- gathering and processing transaction information and updating existing information to reflect transaction.

a. Databases support OLTP

b. Operational Databases—database that supports OLTP

c. Registering for online course via GoSolar

d. Usually customer self-service!

61. OLAP (Online analytical processing)- manipulation of information to support decision making

a. Databases can help some

b. Data warehouses support only OLAP

62. Data Warehouses and Data mining

a. Data warehouses support OLAP and decision making “Business Intelligence”

b. Data Warehouses do not support OLTP!!!!

c. Data mining tools are tools for working with data warehouse information

i. DBMS software manipulates data in an operational database

ii. Data-mining tools analyze data in a data warehouse

63. Data warehouse- logical collection of information—gathered from operational database---used to create business intelligence that supports business analysis activities and decision-making!!

a. Multidimensional

b. Rows and columns

c. Also layers


64. Data-mining tools- software tools that you use to query info in a data warehouse

a. Query and reporting tools

b. Intelligent agents—help find hidden patterns in info

c. Multidimensional analysis tools- view diff persp ..SLICE AND DICE

d. Statistical tools-APPLY MATH MODELS TO INFO

65. Data marts- subset of a data warehouse in which only a focused portion of the data warehouse information is kept


|All org information |Subsets of information |

|Cost 1 mill+ |Cost ................

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