The Eureka Times



Welcome to the thirty-fifth edition of The Eureka Times.


Werris Creek Diesel Loco Middle Road Northern End

Photo and model by Ray Dillon

Well, we here at The Eureka Times’ offices thought 2019 had been a difficult year but the first three months of 2020 have already posed more challenges than all those of 2019 put together.

2019 had seen delivery of the four-wheel RH cement wagons, the second offering of our 12 wheelers, the TAM sleeping and MCS sitting cars. Both of these projects were produced by Eureka Models’ manufacturer whilst VR open and flat wagons together with a re-run of the CHG four wheel guard van were produced in co-operation with Phoenix Models using their manufacturer.

2020 actually got off to a promising start. The 38 class re-run, 620/720, 600/700 and DEB sets, and the VR K class (again being produced in conjunction with Phoenix) were on target to be delivered throughout the year together with the NTAF bogie oil tank wagons.

Things started to depart from the expected path during the Chinese New Year break when most of mainland China was subjected to an almost total lockdown to deal with the Coronavirus outbreak. The lockdown saw the New Year break extended by several weeks with business slowly coming back into production after that to the point where-by the middle of April most businesses are working but are not yet at full capacity.

As readers will be aware the middle of March saw the impact of the Coronavirus begin to take hold in Australia and now by mid-April it is difficult to see what the full impact of anti-Coronavirus measures will be on the Australian economy in the medium to long term.

We here at Eureka are attempting to remain positive about the future and remain committed to carrying on with the ten projects which we have on our books. The anti-Coronavirus measures will undoubtedly have an impact on our program but let’s have a look at what we hope we can achieve in the coming 12 months or so.

The 38 Class re-run – due second half 2020.

At our principal manufacturer in Nanjing, injecting and manufacture of parts is virtually complete. Decoration (painting) was to commence immediately after the return to work following Chinese New Year. However, two newly recruited highly skilled painting staff were unable to travel to the factory due to the lockdown and so there will be some delays to the assembly program.

As previously advised the re-run will include the following engine numbers.

Streamlined: 3801 Green/Black/Grey

3802 Special Green 1946-1953

3803# Special Green 1946-1953

3804 Black late 1950s

3805# Black late 1950s

Non-Streamlined 3806 Green with Black Smoke Box

3807 Royal Pilot Train Black

3809# Black

3815 Black

3818 Green with Black Smoke Box door

3820# Black

3822 Green with Black Smoke Box door

3827# Service Green

3830 Green with Black Smoke Box door

The numbers marked with a hash (#) are being produced in very limited numbers only and are intended to be basically “to order” only. From experience in the first run, only 3801 and 3830 will likely be available in retail outlets. All other engine numbers, especially those engine numbers being produced in small numbers will be available, initially at least, only direct from Eureka Models

The K Class:

As previously advised, the K class project is being manufactured in conjunction with Phoenix Reproductions. Phoenix is already producing the VR D3 steam engine. The D3 uses some of the K class tooling particularly the tender and so the opportunity has been taken to have both models produced by the same manufacturer who fortunately had the capacity to work on the assembly of both models at the same time. Delivery of the D3 is expected in the second quarter of 2020 with the K class expected to follow in the third quarter of 2020.

Existing orders on the books with Eureka Models will be supplied and supported by Eureka Models in the usual manner. Retail orders will be available through both Phoenix and Eureka after delivery.

More details including numbers and artwork will appear in the next edition of The Eureka Times.

620/720, 600/700 two car diesel sets, 900 class DEB sets.

Discussions for this project to proceed were finalized when Eureka staff were able to visit the manufacturer in China before the first hint of the Coronavirus outbreak. Whilst from the outset the project was treated as one, the project was broken up into three stages. The first involves a re-run of 620/720 sets. This is the easy part and will be followed by a run of 600/700 sets utilizing new tooling being prepared for the sides and roof and the 900s will follow. More details later when things become clearer in China.


Werris Creek diesel loco. Photo and model by Ray Dillon

HUB sets:

A re-run of Eureka’s very popular HUB sets is being organised. The re-run sets will not have interior lighting which will allow the wheelsets to be changed to those currently fitted to the 12-wheelers. The re-run will include more of the two additional cars which sold out so quickly in the first run and all four liveries will again be available.

Order forms will be available soon. Pre-orders particularly for the additional cars are recommended.

The 59 class:

Last in the previously announced projects to get underway will be the 59 class.

This is a project which requires new tooling and the project will be undertaken by our main manufacturer with the project to start once the 38 class is delivered. Discussions currently suggest that tooling will commence in the second half of this year which would suggest delivery next year.

BSV Bogie Sheep Vans

Preparation has started for a re-run of Eureka Models’ highly popular Bogie Sheep Vans. Delivery is planned for 2021.

NTAF Bogie Tank Wagons

The last of the joint projects with Phoenix Reproductions still outstanding, this project is expected to be delivered in the second half of this year.

More 12 Wheelers

The next in the Eureka Models 12 wheeler series will be The Commissioner’s Train comprised of three carriages AAH7, AAH8 and AAH9. This will be followed by The Royal Train comprised of a mixture of both 12 wheelers and HUB car carriages. The Commissioners Train is due for delivery in 2021.

And Wait there’s More

Work has commenced on re-runs of the R class, the 40 class and LCHs, more 12-wheelers plus one or two other new projects which will keep Eureka staff and our manufacturers busy for some time yet.

In Stock:

Attached is a current stock-list. In usual times, sales turnover of Eureka Model’s items are generated through three sources, exhibitions, retail outlets and direct orders taken either over the phone or internet or by mail.

In the seventeen years that Eureka Models has been in business the break-up of turnover between these three sources has been remarkably even at approximately one third of total turnover generated in each area.

At this stage, it appears that the exhibition circuit for 2020 will be totally cancelled or at the very least severely truncated due to anti-Coronavirus measures.

Anecdotal evidence seems to suggest that shop sales have fallen but that mail order has significantly increased to at least partially make up. Given that most of us are experiencing one form of lockdown or another it would be surprising if hobby activities had not indeed increased considerably leading to an increase in mail order. (For those not blessed with a hobby like railway modelling, Kodak has helped out a bit with the release world-wide of a 51600 piece jigsaw puzzle. Some of us here at the Eureka offices are sorely tempted.)

To help out in this hour of increased modelling activity, the staff here at Eureka have put together the attached stock list. Items on the list can be obtained from Eureka Models stockists or by contacting us here at the Eureka Models’ offices for a chat and with any orders usually despatched within 24 hours via the excellent services of Australia Post.

Other Matters:

The Eureka Models web site is well past its use-by date. Several attempts to update it have come to nothing but not to be discouraged a third attempt at renewal is being put together at the moment. Watch for progress.

The cost of printing and mailing out The Eureka Times now exceeds $2000 per edition. It is expected that one edition per year will still be mailed out but it is intended to produce editions more frequently with the extra editions being forwarded by the internet only. If you have received this edition then we obviously have your current email address.

Office Hours 10.00 am to 6.00 pm, Monday to Friday


PO Box 407 SANS SOUCI NSW 2219

Phone: (02) 9529 2235



Website: .au

Blog: eurekamodels.


The Eureka Times

35th Edition

24 April, 2020


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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