Change - CenturyLink


Rewrite Service Description Overview

Completely Update Architecture Sections

Remove Ethernet with Extended Transport (EwET)

Remove TLS Plus UNI

Provide Additional ENNI Information

Add New Protect Routing Description

Minor Technical Corrections

Update QOS and CoS Descriptions

Add Company Name to E-Line and E-LAN Figures

Add New 20-100-Gig NC, NCI and SEC NCI Codes

Create Hyperlinks for all Tables of Contents

Reformat DocumentFCC 15Update outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.03.10.20.F.W.TECH.TP77411_Iss_Q92.P1-31-13Chapter 1- Update reason for reissueFCC 15Update outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.01.16.13.F.10805.TP77411_Iss_P91.P1-31-13Chapter 2- Add new 3-Level Class of Service (3CoS) and External Network-to-Network Interface (ENNI) featuresFCC 15Update outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.01.16.13.F.10805.TP77411_Iss_P90.P1-31-13Chapter 3- Add new External Network-to-Network Interface (ENNI) Secondary NCI CodesFCC 15Update outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.01.16.13.F.10805.TP77411_Iss_P89.

P1-31-13Chapter 6- Add new 3-Level Class of Service (3CoS) and External Network-to-Network Interface (ENNI) definitionsFCC 15Update outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.01.16.13.F.10805.TP77411_Iss_P88.P1-31-13Chapter 7- Add new External Network-to-Network Interface (ENNI) referenceFCC 15Update outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.01.16.13.F.10805.TP77411_Iss_P87.O11-17-12Chapter 1- Update reason for reissueFCC 15Update outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.11.02.12.F.10518.TP77411_Iss_O86.O11-17-12Chapter 2- Update company name from Qwest to CenturyLink

- Change service name from Metro Optical Ethernet (MOE) to Metro Ethernet

- Grandfather SP-TLS and SM-TLS and add enhanced SP-SM and SM-SM port combinations in an EVC

- Partial service description updateFCC 15Update outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.11.02.12.F.10518.TP77411_Iss_O85.O11-17-12Chapter 3- Update company name from Qwest to CenturyLink

- Change service name from Metro Optical Ethernet (MOE) to Metro EthernetFCC 15Update outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.11.02.12.F.10518.TP77411_Iss_O84.O11-17-12Chapter 4- Update company name from Qwest to CenturyLink

- Change service name from Metro Optical Ethernet (MOE) to Metro EthernetFCC 15Update outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.11.02.12.F.10518.TP77411_Iss_O83.O11-17-12Chapter 5- Update company name from Qwest to CenturyLink

- Change service name from Metro Optical Ethernet (MOE) to Metro EthernetFCC 15Update outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.11.02.12.F.10518.TP77411_Iss_O82.O11-17-12Chapter 6- Update company name from Qwest to CenturyLink

- Change service name from Metro Optical Ethernet (MOE) to Metro EthernetFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.11.02.12.F.10518.TP77411_Iss_O81.O11-17-12Chapter 7- Update company name from Qwest to CenturyLink

- Change service name from Metro Optical Ethernet (MOE) to Metro EthernetFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.11.02.12.F.10518.TP77411_Iss_O80.N6-09-111 Introduction1.2 Reason for ReissueUpdated reason for reissueFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.05.25.11.F.09154.Tech_Pub_77411_Iss_N79.N6-09-112. Service Description- Remove the Qwest-provided Category 5E, single and multimode Fiber Distribution Panels at the User-Network Interface

- Remove the Qwest-provided Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) option with Protect Routing and QoS

- Change to P1 QoSFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.05.25.11.F.09154.Tech_Pub_77411_Iss_N78.N6-09-113. Network Interfaces- Remove the Qwest-provided Category 5E, single and multimode Fiber Distribution Panels at the User-Network InterfaceFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.05.25.11.F.09154.Tech_Pub_77411_Iss_N77.M01-18-111 Introduction1.2 Reason for ReissueUpdated reason for reissueFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.01.03.11.F.08682.Mult_Det_FCC_Tech_Pubs76.M01-18-112. Service DescriptionCaveated Layer 2 Control Protocol tunneling on TLS ports as “where available”FCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.01.03.11.F.08682.Mult_Det_FCC_Tech_Pubs75.M01-18-113. Network InterfacesChanged the Qwest default optical connector from FC to SC

Added Tech Pub references for Qwest equipment placed on customer premisesFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.01.03.11.F.08682.Mult_Det_FCC_Tech_Pubs74.L12-16-091 Introduction1.2 Reason for Reissue1. New or changed features:

· 3 & 7 Mbps Bandwidth Profiles on 10Base-T UNIs

· 3, 5 & 7 Mbps Bandwidth Profiles on 100Base-TX UNIs

· Caveated Protect Routing availability

· 1000Base-LX/SX UNI auto-negotiation options at customer premises

· Customer-specified UNI & EVC MTU (max supprtd customer frame sizes)

· Changed battery backup reqrmnt to cstmr optn w/Protect Routing or QoS

· Removed untagged customer frame support from Service Multiplexer port

2. New Sections:

· Qwest MOE Customer Access Ports

· Introduction to Service Attributes

· UNI and EVC per UNI Service Attributes for MOE Customer Access Ports

· Ingress Bandwidth Profile

· Egress Bandwidth Profile

· Ethernet Virtual Connectn Servc Attributes for MOE Customer Access Ports

· Ethernet Virtual Connections

· CE-VLAN CoS Preservation

3. New Figures:

· Qwest Metro Optical Ethernet Network Example

· Example of a CE-VLAN ID/EVC Map

· Example of Bundling

· Ingress Bandwidth Profile per Ingress UNI

· Ingress Bandwidth Profile per EVC

· E-Line Service

· E-LAN Service

· MOE Example using E-Line and E-LAN with Service Multiplexing

4. New Tables:

· Valid Combinatns of Servc Multiplexing, Bundling & All to One Bundlng

· UNI and EVC per UNI Service Attributes

· CE-VLAN ID Preservation Service Attribute for an EVC

· EVC Service Attributes

5. Updated:

· Overview

· Rate-Limiting, Committed and Excess Information Rates

· VLAN Stacking

· Maximum Transmission Unit


· Layer 2 Control Protocol Processing

· Unicast, Multicast and Broadcast Service Frame Delivery

· Addtnl Srvc Attribute Reqrmnts for MOE Custmr Access Ports in an EVC

· NC/NCI Codes, Acronyms. GlossaryFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.12.01.09.F.07253.FCC_DTRF_TP_MOE77411_IssL73.L12-16-092. Service Description2.3 OverviewUpdated the OverviewFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.12.01.09.F.07253.FCC_DTRF_TP_MOE77411_IssL72.L12-16-092. Service Description2.4 Qwest MOE Customer Access PortsAdded the section header and updated table 2-1 MOE Customer Access Ports and the associated Notes causing remaining sections to be renumberedFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.12.01.09.F.07253.FCC_DTRF_TP_MOE77411_IssL71.L12-16-092. Service Description2.5 Rate-Limiting, and Committed and Excess Information RatesUpdated this sectionFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.12.01.09.F.07253.FCC_DTRF_TP_MOE77411_IssL70.L12-16-092. Service Description2.6.1 VLAN StackingAdded additional information and clarified existing informationFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.12.01.09.F.07253.FCC_DTRF_TP_MOE77411_IssL69.L12-16-092. Service Description2.7.2 Network Access Links

2.8.1 Edge Switches

2.8.2 Core Switches

Updated information in these sectionsFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.12.01.09.F.07253.FCC_DTRF_TP_MOE77411_IssL68.L12-16-092. Service Description2.10 Introduction to Service AttributesAdded the section header, updated information and caused remaining sections to be renumberedFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.12.01.09.F.07253.FCC_DTRF_TP_MOE77411_IssL67.L12-16-092. Service Description2.11 UNI and EVC per UNI Service Attributes for MOE Customer Access PortsAdded as new and caused remaining sections to be renumberedFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.12.01.09.F.07253.FCC_DTRF_TP_MOE77411_IssL66.L12-16-092. Service Description2.411.1 Available Customer Access Port User-Network Interfaces and

Bandwidth ProfilesUpdated information in this sectionFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.12.01.09.F.07253.FCC_DTRF_TP_MOE77411_IssL65.L12-16-092. Service Description2.11.4 Maximum Transmission UnitUpdated information and added information regarding UNI and EVC MTUFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.12.01.09.F.07253.FCC_DTRF_TP_MOE77411_IssL64.L12-16-092. Service Description2.11.5 Service Multiplexing

2.11.6 Customer Edge VLAN ID

2.11.7 CE-VLAN ID/EVC Map

2.11.8 Bundling

2.11.9 All to One Bundling

2.11.10 Ingress Bandwidth Profile Ingress Bandwidth Profile and QoS Per EVC

2.11.11 Egress Bandwidth Profile

2.11.12 Layer 2 Control Protocol Tunneling Processing

Updated and deleted information as appropriate and added information regarding UNI, EVC CE-VLAN. Updated Tables and associated Notes as appropriate.

FCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.12.01.09.F.07253.FCC_DTRF_TP_MOE77411_IssL63.L12-16-092. Service Description2.12 UNI & Ethernt Virtual Connection Service Attributes for MOE Customer

Access Ports

Figure 2-11 MOE Example using E-Line and E-LAN with Service MultiplexingAdded EVC information

Deleted verbiage associated with this figure FCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.12.01.09.F.07253.FCC_DTRF_TP_MOE77411_IssL62.L12-16-092. Service Description2.12.2 Unicast, Multicast and Broadcast Service Frame Traffic DeliveryAdded EVC information

FCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.12.01.09.F.07253.FCC_DTRF_TP_MOE77411_IssL61.L12-16-092. Service Description2.12.3 CE-VLAN ID Preservation

2.12.4 CE-VLAN CoS PreservationAdded CE-VLAN/EVC information

Added this section as new including Table 2-7 EVC Service Attributes and its associated Notes. Also updated Table 2-8FCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.12.01.09.F.07253.FCC_DTRF_TP_MOE77411_IssL60.L12-16-092. Service Description2.13.2 DescriptionUpdated P1 traffic info and Rates and Services referencesFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.12.01.09.F.07253.FCC_DTRF_TP_MOE77411_IssL59.L12-16-093. Network Interfaces3.2 Description of Qwest MOE Network InterfacesUpdated Table 3-1 Available Interfaces and its associated notes.FCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.12.01.09.F.07253.FCC_DTRF_TP_MOE77411_IssL58.L12-16-093. Network Interfaces3.6.2 Qwest MOE NC CodesUpdated Table 3-11 NC Codes for 10 Mbps Service, Table 3-12 NC Codes for 100 Mbps Service and Table 3-13 NC Codes for 1000 Mbps Service and the associated NotesFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.12.01.09.F.07253.FCC_DTRF_TP_MOE77411_IssL57.L12-16-093. Network Interfaces3.6.4 Qwest MOE Primary NCI CodesTable 3-15 Primary NCI Codes for 1000Base-LX and 1000Base-SX UNIs

at a Customer Premises was updated

Table 3-19 NC Code, Primary and Secondary NCI Code Combinations and its associated notes was updated

FCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.12.01.09.F.07253.FCC_DTRF_TP_MOE77411_IssL56.L12-16-093. Network Interfaces3.6.6 Qwest MOE NC/NCI Code CombinationsTable 3-19 NC Code, Primary and Secondary NCI Code Combinations and its associated notes was updated

FCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.12.01.09.F.07253.FCC_DTRF_TP_MOE77411_IssL55.L12-16-093. Network Interfaces3.6.7 EVC NC/NCI CodesTable 3-22 Valid EVC NC/NCI Code Combinations for MOE Customer Access Ports was updatedFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.12.01.09.F.07253.FCC_DTRF_TP_MOE77411_IssL54.L12-16-096. Definitions

6.1 AcronymsThis section was updatedFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.12.01.09.F.07253.FCC_DTRF_TP_MOE77411_IssL53.L12-16-096. Definitions

6.2 GlossaryThis section was updatedFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.12.01.09.F.07253.FCC_DTRF_TP_MOE77411_IssL52.L12-16-097. References7.3 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) DocumentsThis section was updatedFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.TECH.12.01.09.F.07253.FCC_DTRF_TP_MOE77411_IssL51.K04-30-091Introduction – General

Updated Reason for ReissueFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.04.15.09.F.06250.FCC_TechPub_MOE_77411_K50.K04-30-092.4, 2.5Customer Access Ports and Bandwidth ProfilesUpdated Port information and Rate-Limiting related contentFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.04.15.09.F.06250.FCC_TechPub_MOE_77411_K49.K04-30-092.7.2Network Access LinksUpdated Optional Protected RoutingFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.04.15.09.F.06250.FCC_TechPub_MOE_77411_K48.K04-30-092.7.4Core Switch connectionsUpdated “Per-VLAN” informationFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.04.15.09.F.06250.FCC_TechPub_MOE_77411_K47.K04-30-092.8ResiliencyUpdated Edge and Core Switches informationFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.04.15.09.F.06250.FCC_TechPub_MOE_77411_K46.K04-30-092.11-2-14Maximum Transmission Unit

Multicast and Broadcast Traffic

Customer MAC Address Limitations

Layer 2/3 Control Protocol Tunneling

Updated informationFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.04.15.09.F.06250.FCC_TechPub_MOE_77411_K45.K04-30-09Tables2-2 Layer 2 Control Protocol TransparencyAdded a new table and updated NotesFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.04.15.09.F.06250.FCC_TechPub_MOE_77411_K44.K04-30-092.16.2DescriptionUpdated informationFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.04.15.09.F.06250.FCC_TechPub_MOE_77411_K43.K04-30-09Table 3-1Table NotesUpdated informationFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.04.15.09.F.06250.FCC_TechPub_MOE_77411_K42.K04-30-094General Updated/added information throughout this sectionFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.04.15.09.F.06250.FCC_TechPub_MOE_77411_K41.K04-30-097ReferencesUpdated/added information in this sectionFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.04.15.09.F.06250.FCC_TechPub_MOE_77411_K40.J4-15-09AllHistory LogWith Forbearance, a new category for Technical Publications was introduced known as Technical Publications Related to FCC Detariffed Services and is located at . This History Log is being updated for tracking purposes to indicate that this Tech Pub was move to this new category from the Technical Publications Related to FCC Services section. There were no changes to the current Tech Pub that was last updated in October of 2007. FCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.03.31.09.F.06104.WebSite_Updt_FCCDetrfdSrv39.J10-2007 1IntroductionUpdated reason for reissueFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.10.01.07.F.04942.Tech_Pub_77411_MOE_IssJ38.J10-2007 2Service DescriptionAdd 802.1p user priority bits classification option for QoS customers

Miscellaneous updatesFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.10.01.07.F.04942.Tech_Pub_77411_MOE_IssJ37.J10-2007 3Network InterfacesAdd 802.1p user priority bits classification option for QoS customers NCI Codes

Add Bundled VLAN map EVC NCI Codes

Miscellaneous updatesFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.10.01.07.F.04942.Tech_Pub_77411_MOE_IssJ36.J10-2007 4Performance SpecificationsMiscellaneous updatesFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.10.01.07.F.04942.Tech_Pub_77411_MOE_IssJ35.J10-2007 6DefinitionsMiscellaneous updatesFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.10.01.07.F.04942.Tech_Pub_77411_MOE_IssJ34.J10-2007 7ReferencesMiscellaneous updatesFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.10.01.07.F.04942.Tech_Pub_77411_MOE_IssJ33.I2-20-072.2.1Ethernet with Extended TransportAdded language which describes clarifying language Ethernet with Extended TransportFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.02.05.07.F.04482.Tech_Pub_MOE_IssI32.I2-20-072.3OverviewAdding language added for clarificationFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.02.05.07.F.04482.Tech_Pub_MOE_IssI31.I2.-20-072.7 Architecture Adding language added for clarificationFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.02.05.07.F.04482.Tech_Pub_MOE_IssI30.I2-20-07 2.7.1Physical Network Added additional information on Wavelength Division Multiplexing FCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.02.05.07.F.04482.Tech_Pub_MOE_IssI29.I2-20-072.7.2 Network Access LinkProvided additional information on 1000Base-LX UNIsFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.02.05.07.F.04482.Tech_Pub_MOE_IssI28.I2-20-072.7.3MOE User Network Interface at Qwest Central Office Added language which describes clarifying language MOE User Network Interface at Qwest Central Office FCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.02.05.07.F.04482.Tech_Pub_MOE_IssI27.I2-20-072.7.5Carrier InterconnectionProvided clarifying language FCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.02.05.07.F.04482.Tech_Pub_MOE_IssI26.I2-20-073Network InterfaceAdd NC and MCI codesFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.02.05.07.F.04482.Tech_Pub_MOE_IssI25.I2-20-076.1AcronymsAdded CLEC Competitive Local Exchange Carrier FCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.02.05.07.F.04482.Tech_Pub_MOE_IssI24.I2-20-076.2Glossary Added Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC) definitionFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.02.05.07.F.04482.Tech_Pub_MOE_IssI23.I2-20-077.7Qwest Technical PublicationAdded reference to Technical Publication 77386FCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.02.05.07.F.04482.Tech_Pub_MOE_IssI22.H12-21-062.1Description - General Additional language added which describes other non-standard design may be considered on an Individual Case BasesFCC 15-dayUpdate outside of CMP ProcessNETW.12.06.06.F.04388.Tech_Pub_77411_MOE_IssH.21. G12-7-062.7.2 Network LinksAdd 30 and 40 to the Mbps bandwidth profile, and additional language provided on fiber redundancy, additional clarifying language on Optional Protected RoutingFCC 15-day Update outside of CMP ProcessNETW.11.22.06.F.04343.Tech_Pub_77411_MOE20. G12-7-062.9.1 VLAN Tags Added additional clarifying langauge on Ethernet Virtual Connections to the VLAN Tags section. FCC 15-day Update outside of CMP ProcessNETW.11.22.06.F.04343.Tech_Pub_77411_MOE19.  G12-7-06 Figure 2-4  Change the title to EVCsFCC 15-day Update outside of CMP ProcessNETW.11.22.06.F.04343.Tech_Pub_77411_MOE 18. G12-7-062.9.3VLAN Tags and Customer Access Port TypesRemove information and tables related to VLAN Tags and Customer Access Port Types

FCC 15-day Update outside of CMP ProcessNETW.11.22.06.F.04343.Tech_Pub_77411_MOE17. G12-7-06 2.12UNI and EVC Service Attributes for MOE Customer Access Port TypeSection added to provide information on EVCs Service Attributes

FCC 15-day Update outside of CMP ProcessNETW.11.22.06.F.04343.Tech_Pub_77411_MOE16. G12-7-062.12.1Service MultiplexingSection added to provide information on Service MultiplexingFCC 15-day Update outside of CMP ProcessNETW.11.22.06.F.04343.Tech_Pub_77411_MOE15. G12-7-062.12.2 Customer Edge VLAN IDSection added to provide information on Customer Edge VLAN IDFCC 15-day Update outside of CMP ProcessNETW.11.22.06.F.04343.Tech_Pub_77411_MOE14. G12-7-062.12.3 CE-VLAN ID/EVC Map

Section added to provide information on CE-VLAN ID/EVC Map

FCC 15-day Update outside of CMP ProcessNETW.11.22.06.F.04343.Tech_Pub_77411_MOE13. G12-7-062.12.4BundlingSection added to provide information on BundlingFCC 15-day Update outside of CMP ProcessNETW.11.22.06.F.04343.Tech_Pub_77411_MOE12. G12-7-062.12.5All to One BundlingSection added to provide information on All to One BundlingFCC 15-day Update outside of CMP ProcessNETW.11.22.06.F.04343.Tech_Pub_77411_MOE11. G12-7-062.12.6Bandwidth Profile and QoS Per Ingress UNISection added to provide information on Bandwidth Profile and QoS Per Ingress UNIFCC 15-day Update outside of CMP ProcessNETW.11.22.06.F.04343.Tech_Pub_77411_MOE10. G12-7-062.12.7Bandwidth Profile and QoS Per EVC Section added to provide information on Bandwidth Profile and QoS Per EVC FCC 15-day Update outside of CMP ProcessNETW.11.22.06.F.04343.Tech_Pub_77411_MOE9. G12-7-062.12.8 CE-LVAN ID PreservationSection added to provide information on CE-LVAN ID Preservation and provided a tableFCC 15-day Update outside of CMP ProcessNETW.11.22.06.F.04343.Tech_Pub_77411_MOE8. G12-7-062.13 and 2.13.1Quality of Service (QoS)Section added to provide information on Quality of Service (QoS)FCC 15-day Update outside of CMP ProcessNETW.11.22.06.F.04343.Tech_Pub_77411_MOE7. G12-7-062.13.2DescriptionSection added to provide information on Quality of Service (QoS) descriptionFCC 15-day Update outside of CMP ProcessNETW.11.22.06.F.04343.Tech_Pub_77411_MOE6. G12-7-062.13.3Class IdentificationSection added to provide information on Quality of Service (QoS) Class Identification and added Table 2-4FCC 15-day Update outside of CMP ProcessNETW.11.22.06.F.04343.Tech_Pub_77411_MOE5. G12-7-06 3.6.2 Updated NC and NCI codesFCC 15-day Update outside of CMP ProcessNETW.11.22.06.F.04343.Tech_Pub_77411_MOE4. G12-7-06 3.6.7 EVC NC/NCI CodesProvided a tables 3-19 through 3-21 of NC/NCI codesFCC 15-day Update outside of CMP ProcessNETW.11.22.06.F.04343.Tech_Pub_77411_MOE3. G12-7-06   FCC 15-day Update outside of CMP ProcessNETW.11.22.06.F.04343.Tech_Pub_77411_MOE2.G12-7-064.6Pocket LossUpdates Table 4-3 Pocket LossFCC 15-day Update outside of CMP ProcessNETW.11.22.06.F.04343.Tech_Pub_77411_MOE1.G12-7-06Added History Log FCC 15-day Update outside of CMP ProcessNETW.11.22.06.F.04343.Tech_Pub_77411_MOE


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