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3.06 Disorders of the integumentary system Name ________________Handout Date _________________Directions: Complete the chart of skin disorders using power point presentation and approved internet resources.Disorders of the Integumentary systemDisorderDescriptionCauseTreatmentAcne vulgarisA common, chronic disorder of the sebaceous glands; excessive sebum is excreted; the sebum hardens and plugs the gland opening.The area fills with leukocytes and accumulates pus; occurs most often during ical meds, antibioticsKeep face clean, keep hands and hair away from faceAthlete’s footContagious fungal infection that infects the superficial skin layer causing skin eruptions; usually contracted in public showers.Some people have severe discomfort, others have only a few symptoms; blisters between the fingers or toes with cracking, scaling, itchingThorough cleaning & drying area. Antifungal meds &/or powder. Wear shower shoes in locker rooms; do not share towels; practice good personal hygiene BurnsDescriptionDescriptionTreatment/Complications First degreeSuperficial-Involves only the epidermis.Redness, swelling, pain.Cold water.Low risk for infection. Second degreePartial thickness-Epidermis and dermisPain, swelling, redness, blisters.Pain meds, sterile dressings.Higher risk for infection & spread to other tissues. Third degreeFull thickness-Complete destruction of the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous layers.Loss of skin, eschar (blackened skin), possibly no pain.May be a life-threatening situation;Immediate hospitalization, prevention of infection, contracture, fluid replacement. Skin grafting.Systemic infection, dehydration, death.DisorderDescriptionCauseTreatmentDermatitisInflammation of the skin.Non-contagious rash.The cause may be non-specific (allergic reaction, stress, exposure to chemicals).Remove the causative agent; topical ointments to alleviate the symptoms.EczemaAcute (< 6 months), chronic (>6 months), non-contagious inflammatory skin disease.SameSameHerpes Viral infection that is usually seen as a blister.Two types of HSV: HSV type 1-causes sores around the mouth and lips (cold sores/fever blisters). HSV type 2- Genital Herpes -sores around the genitals or rectum.Painful blisters that rupture and leave sores.Spread by oral secretions, sexual contact.If a pregnant woman has symptomswhen the delivery date arrives, the baby may become infected when passing through the vagina. A c-section may be performed.No cure; treat withAcyclovir a anti-viral medication.ImpetigoAcute, inflammatory and contagious skin disease seen in babies and young children.Two bacteria cause impetigo- vesicles that rupture and develop yellow crusts-Staphylococcus or streptococcus ical antibacterial cream or oral antibiotics.Don’t share toys, bedding, towels, etc. PsoriasisChronic inflammatory skin disease characterized by the development of dry reddish patches covered with silvery-white scales; affects skin over elbows, knees, shins, scalp, lower back. More common in adults.Unknown.No definite treatment at present.Moisturizers.RingwormHighly contagious fungal infection; raised, itchy, circular patches with crusts.Fungus (tinea). It spreads Skin-to-skin contact with a person or animal, sharing towels, sports equipmentAntifungal meds & creams.ScabiesA condition of very itchy skin caused by tiny mites that burrow into your skin. It is highly contagious, spread by close, physical contact, sexual contact, sharing towels, bed sheets.It will not go away on its own, special Scabies med is neededShinglesPainful skin eruptions due to a virus infection of the nerve endings. People most at risk are those who have had chicken pox, 50 or older, weakened immune system.Caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox (herpes zoster). It is contagious. But it can be spread to people who have not had chicken pox.Anti-viral creams & meds.Vaccine for prevention.Skin Cancer(Primary cause- sunlight!)DescriptionCauseTreatment/Possible Complications Basil CellThe most common and least malignant type of skin cancer.Usually occurs on the face.Start in the epidermis & spread.Surgical removal, radiation, cryosurgery (Freezing).Limit exposure to direct sunlight. Squamous CellArises from the epidermis and occurs most often on the scalp and lower lip,Arises from epidermis & grows rapidly and metastasizes to the lymph nodes.Surgical removal or radiation.Limit exposure to direct sunlight. Malignant MelanomaOccurs in melanocytes and metastasizes to other areas quickly; may appear as a brown or black irregular patch which occurs suddenly; a color or size change in a pre-existing mole or wart.Exposure to ultraviolent light from the sun and tanning beds.Surgery, chemotherapy, radiation. Limit exposure to direct sunlight.Skin Lesions Macule Papule Pustule Ulcer Decubitus ulcer VesicleAbnormal area on the skin.Flat local change in skin color = freckleSolid, elevation, <1cm = elevated neviSmall blister filled with pus, < 0.5cm = acne, impetigoDepressed lesion of epidermis & upper dermis = stage 2 pressure ulcerBedsore: a deep loss of skin surface that may extend into the dermis; occur when a person is constantly sitting or lying in the same position.Small blister filled with serous fluid, = Herpes, chicken poxvariesTurning, repositioning frequently, relief of pressure on bony areas.variesRemove damaged tissue, dressings, pain meds.Infection, even ultimately death.Warts = Nodule = solid elevationSmall, rough, hard growth on the skin.VirusEx: Human papilloma virus (there are over 100 kinds of HPV); YES, they are contagious!Medications, Cryosurgery (freezing), Laser treatment, Duct tape =)There are solutions to treat the warts but *they can recur after they are removed. Prevention-don’t share towels, wear shoes in public showers. ................

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