How to build a simple web site using Word and SSH FTP

How To Build a Simple Web Site Using Word and SSH FTP

by Bruce Matsunaga

This tutorial will help you create a simple web site using Microsoft Word and post the site with SSH FTP on the ASU AFS system. The Word portion of the tutorial focuses on converting existing Word Documents for the Internet and making both internal (to your own pages) and external (to outside pages) links.

If you are an ASU student, faculty, or staff member, you can download SSH for free:

To make sure you have web space set up, go to and log into your account. You should see Personal Web Page Hosting listed in your subscriptions. If it is not listed as ACTV, check the button next to Personal Web Page Hosting in the menu below your subscriptions and click Subscribe.

Getting Started

Using Word, create your home page layout however you wish.


Notice how Word automatically changed my email address into a link. To convert the document to HTML, click File > Save as Web Page …


• Before you save, you should rename the file name to “index.htm” (in yellow) for your intro or “home” page (doing this will ensure that this page automatically opens when someone browses to your web site). Do not use spaces or special characters (except dash or underscore) in your file names. Remember that the web is case sensitive.

• I have made sure to save my file in a folder called “web pages” (in red) so that I can find it later to transfer to my web site.

• I have also changed the title (in blue) in case someone would like to bookmark my page (the title is what shows up as a bookmark or favorite).

The appearance of your page may shift slightly due to the limitations of the HTML format. You can try to adjust your page to compensate. Save your other documents for your web site in the same folder but be sure to adjust the file name and title.

Making Internal Links

Highlight the text that you want to be the link to your other page. Click Insert > Hyperlink…. Here I have highlighted my second page, secondpage.htm. Click OK.


On my second page, I followed the same procedure only this time I have linked back to my home page.


Tip: You can make all your links on one page and copy and paste the navigation into your other pages.

Making External Links

As we did with the internal link, highlight the text you want to make into a link. Click Insert > Hyperlink….


Click on Browsed Pages (in yellow), click on the globe (in red), and go to the page you wish to link to (IE will open). When you close IE and come back to Word, the URL should appear in the Address box (in blue). If you know the address, feel free to type in the address or copy and paste from your browser.

Uploading your pages with SSH

When you start the SSH Secure File Transfer Client you will see a screen like this:


If you press the Quick Connect button, you see:


Type in "" for the Host Name and your ASURITE ID for the User Name and press connect.

You will be prompted to enter your password.

Note: you may receive a message asking you if you would like to save a security certificate, if you do, click yes.

Now you see a Windows Explorer-like interface (below) that allows you to drag and drop.


• Be sure to navigate to your www folder on the right side (in red). This is where all of your web files and folders will go.

• On the left side, navigate to the folder you saved your HTML documents (in blue). Be sure to transfer all of the files and folders that you created. Word puts images and other style information in the XXX_files folders, so be sure to upload all of them (in yellow).

Highlight to drag and drop all of your files into your www folder or you may also use the context menu to download via the right-mouse button to upload the files/folders.

Check your web page to make sure everything works. For all ASU public pages, the URL will be (tip the ~ or tilde is usually at the upper left corner of the keyboard).


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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