Sas Institute

BELOW ARE THE ERRORS THAT I AM RECEIVING:?? The SAS System1????????? ;*';*";*/;quit;run;2????????? OPTIONS PAGENO=MIN;3????????? %LET _CLIENTTASKLABEL='';4????????? %LET _CLIENTPROCESSFLOWNAME='Standalone Not In Project';5????????? %LET _CLIENTPROJECTPATH='';6????????? %LET _CLIENTPROJECTPATHHOST='';7????????? %LET _CLIENTPROJECTNAME='';8????????? %LET _SASPROGRAMFILE='Z:\CAHPS\programs\';9????????? %LET _SASPROGRAMFILEHOST='HSLLFPL65027';10???????? 11???????? ODS _ALL_ CLOSE;12???????? OPTIONS DEV=SVG;13???????? GOPTIONS XPIXELS=0 YPIXELS=0;14???????? %macro HTML5AccessibleGraphSupported;15???????????? %if %_SAS_VERCOMP_FV(9,4,4, 0,0,0) >= 0 %then ACCESSIBLE_GRAPH;16???????? %mend;17???????? FILENAME EGHTML TEMP;18???????? ODS HTML5(ID=EGHTML) FILE=EGHTML19???????????? OPTIONS(BITMAP_MODE='INLINE')20???????????? %HTML5AccessibleGraphSupported21???????????? ENCODING='utf-8'22?? ??????????STYLE=HTMLBlue23???????????? NOGTITLE24???????????? NOGFOOTNOTE25???????????? GPATH=&sasworklocation26???????? ;NOTE: Writing HTML5(EGHTML) Body file: EGHTML27???????? FILENAME EGSR TEMP;28???????? ODS tagsets.sasreport13(ID=EGSR) FILE=EGSR29???????????? STYLE=HTMLEncore30???????????? NOGTITLE31???????????? NOGFOOTNOTE32???????????? GPATH=&sasworklocation33???????????? ENCODING=UTF834???????????? options(rolap="on")35???????? ;NOTE: Writing TAGSETS.SASREPORT13(EGSR) Body file: EGSR36???????? 37???????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*;38???????? %let ProgramName = control ;39???????? %let Extension?? = sas ;40???????? %let Version???? = 3.5 ;41???????? %let Root??????? = Z:\CAHPS ;42???????? %let ProgramPath = /programs/ ;43???????? %let Created???? = 24 Aug 2005 ;44???????? %let Author????? = Matthew J. Cioffi ;45???????? %let Type??????? = Program ;46???????? 47???????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*48???????? | What are the required input data sets and macros needed by the program.? |49?????????????? MACROS: cahps35.sas50?????????????? DATA? : plandtal.dat51?????????????????????? test.sas7bdat52???????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*;53???????? 54???????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*55???????? | What are the permanent output datasets created by the program or where?? |56???????? | are all the datasets stored if there are many.?????????????????????????? |57?????????????? The data sets created by the CAHPS macro.58???????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*;59???????? 60???????? ***********61???????? * Purpose *????????????????????????????????????? The SAS System62????????????? Program that invokes the CAHPS macro to perform basic analysis for63????????????? the CAHPS Adult Core Survey.? This program should be modified64????????????? to meet the needs of the user. It prepares the data set by cleaning,65????????????? reverse coding and adding variables that are needed by the CAHPS macro.66?? ??????67???????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*;68???????? %let Updated? = dd-mmm-yyyy ;69???????? %let By_Whom? = ;70???????? **********71???????? * Reason *72???????? 73???????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*;74???????? 75???????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*76???????? | Macro Variables????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |77???????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*;78???????? %let Filename??? = &ProgramName..&Extension? ;79???????? 80???????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*81???????? |? Library and Filename References???????????????????????????????????????? |82???????? |???? in?????? -? SAS data set to be used as input.??????????????????????? |83???????? |???? out????? -? Permanent SAS data sets created by Macro stored here.??? |84???????? |? ?????????????????** OUT is required by the CAHPS macro **?????????????? |85???????? |???? library? -? Location of the library for using permanent formats.???? |86???????? |????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |87??? ?????|???? logfile? -? Path and filename for the SAS log file.????????????????? |88???????? |???? outfile? -? Path and filename for storing SAS procedure output.????? |89???????? |???? cahps??? -? Path and filename for the CAHPS macro.?????????????????? |90???????? |???? plan_dat -? Path and filename for the plan detail information.?????? |91???????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*;92???????? 93???????? libname in??????? "&root./sasdata/CombinedHCBSCAHPS_2019.csv" ;NOTE: Library IN does not exist.94???????? libname out?????? "&root./sasdata/control/" ;NOTE: Library OUT does not exist.95???????? libname library?? "&root./sascatalog/" ;NOTE: Library LIBRARY does not exist.96???????? 97???????? filename _all_ clear ;NOTE: Fileref SASAUTOS has been deassigned.98???????? filename logfile? "&root./output/logs/&ProgramName..log" ;99???????? filename outfile? "&root./output/&ProgramName..txt" ;100??????? filename cahps??? "&root./programs/" ;101??????? filename plan_dat "&root./data_other/plandtal.dat" ;102??????? 103??????? 104??????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*105??????? | Redirect output and logs to the file referenced by outfile and logfile.? |106??????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*;107??????? 108??????? proc printto print = outfile new109???????????????????? log?? = logfile new110???????????????????? ;111??????? run;ERROR: Physical file does not exist, Z:\CAHPS\output\control.txt.NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.NOTE: PROCEDURE PRINTTO used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? 112??????? ??????????????????????????????????????The SAS System113??????? 114??????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*115? ??????|?? Clear all titles and footnotes???????????????????????????????????????? |116??????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*;117??????? 118??????? title ;119??????? footnote ;120??????? 121??????? run ;122??????? 123??????? 124??????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*125??????? |? Macro Name : nowbox???????????????????????????????????????????????????? |126??????? |? Usage????? : %nowbox (logtext = Your text here)???????????????????????? |127??????? |? Purpose??? :??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |128??????? |???? Assign the local variable &now the current system date and time????? |129??????? |???? and place a time stamp line into the current log.??????????????????? |130??????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*;131??????? 132??????? %macro nowbox (logtext= ** Time Stamp **) ;133?????????? %local now ;134?????????? %let now = %sysfunc(date(),worddatx32.) at %sysfunc(time(),time9.) ;135?????????? %put ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;136?????????? %put &logtext &now ;137?????????? %put ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;138??????? %mend nowbox ;139??????? 140??????? 141??????? %nowbox (logtext= Begin &FileName version &Version ) ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Begin version 3.5 6 February 2020 at? 11:25:14~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~142??????? 143??????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*144??????? | Global Options Assigned Below??????????????????????????????????????????? |145??????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*;146??????? 147??????? options pagesize = 65148??????????????? linesize = 90149??????????????? pageno?? = 1150??????????????? noovp151??????????????? nonumber152??????????????? nodate153??????????????? nomprint154??????????????? nomlogic155??????????????? ;156??????? run ;157??????? 158??????? 159??????? 160??????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*161??????? | Begin Preparation of data set for CAHPS macro??????????????????????????? |162??????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*;163??????? 164??????? data adult ( drop = i ) ;165?????????? set in.test ;ERROR: Library IN does not exist.166??????? 167??????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*168??????? | Recodes numeric plan variables to character to simplify interpretation?? |169??????? | of the resultant data sets and reports.????????????????????????????????? |????????????????????????????????? ????The SAS System170??????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*;171??????? 172?????????? length plan $ 16 ;173??????? 174?????????? if????? planid = 1 then plan = 'HMO_A_URBAN' ;175?????????? else if planid = 2 then plan = 'HMO_B_URBAN' ;176?????????? else if planid = 7 then plan = 'HMO_C_URBAN' ;177?????????? else if planid = 4 then plan = 'HMO_B_RURAL' ;178?????????? else if planid = 5 then plan = 'HMO_C_RURAL' ;179?????????? else if planid = 6 then plan = 'HMO_BE_1' ;180??????? 181??????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*182??????? | Create a variable named VISITS which is required by the CAHPS macro.???? |183??????? | If no variable exisits for the number of visits, VISITS = 0 by default.? |184??????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*;185??????? 186?????????? visits = q21 ;187??????? 188??????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*189??????? | If there are children records in the data set and the user wants the???? |190??????? | the macro to process them as children records, then a CHILD variable???? |191??????? | needs to be created.? For each record that is a child the value should?? |192??????? | be set to 1, otherwise it can be set to any other number.? If the user?? |193??????? | does not supply the CHILD variable, the macro creates one and sets it to |194??????? | zero.??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |195??????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*;196??????? 197??????? *? child = 1 ;198??????? 199??????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*200??????? | Recodes dichotomous, yes/no, variables from 1/2 to 1/0.????????????????? |201??????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*;202 ???????203?????????? array yn q05 q13 ;204?????????? do i = 1 to dim ( yn ) ;205?????????????????? if yn [i] = 0 then yn [i] = . ;206????????????? else if yn [i] = 2 then yn [i] = 0 ;207?????????? end ;208??????? 209??????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*210??????? | REVERSE code items for which never = positive and always = negative.???? |211??????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*;212??????? 213?????????? array rev q24 ;214?????????? do i = 1 to dim ( rev ) ;215????????????? if rev [i] in (1, 2, 3, 4) then rev [i] = 5 - rev [i] ;216????????????? else??????????????????????????? rev [i] = . ;217?????????? end ;218??????? 219??????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*220??????? | Cleans variables general health rating (q39) and age (q40).????????????? |221??????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*;222??????? 223?????????? age = q40 ;224?????????? ghr = q39 ;225??????? 226?????????? label227????????????? age = "Age of Adult"228????????????? ghr = "General Health Rating"229?????????? ;230??????? 231?????????? if ghr not in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)?????? then ghr = . ;232?????????? if age not in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) then age = . ;????????????????????????????????????? The SAS System233??????? run ;NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.WARNING: The data set WORK.ADULT may be incomplete.? When this step was stopped there ?????????were 0 observations and 11 variables.WARNING: Data set WORK.ADULT was not replaced because this step was stopped.NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):????? real time???? ??????0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? 234??????? 235??????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*236??????? | ** End Peparation of data set for CAHPS macro **???????????????????????? |237??????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*;238??????? 239??????? 240??????? 241??????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*242??????? | Include and compile needed macros.?????????????????????????????????????? |243??????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*;244??????? 245??????? %include cahps ;WARNING: Physical file does not exist, Z:\CAHPS\programs\ Cannot open %INCLUDE file CAHPS.246??????? 247??????? 248??????? %let _al = ghr age ;249??????? 250??????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*251??????? | Overall Rating Scales - Adults?????????????????????????????????????????? |252??????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*;253??????? 254??????? %cahps(var????? = q38,255????????????? ?vartype? = 2,256?????????????? name???? = Rating Health Plan,257?????????????? adjuster = &_al,258?????????????? adj_bars = 1,259?????????????? impute?? = 1,260?????????????? adultkid = 3,261?????????????? dataset? = adult,262?????????????? outname? = q38 ) ;-------------------------------------------------*** Begining the CAHPS MACRO Version 3.5 ***--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Entering CHKPARAM Macro----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Checking values from the Parameter List.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Entering PLANDTAL Macro-------------------------------NOTE: The file WORK.PLANDTAL (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PLANDT_Z (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: PROCEDURE DATASETS used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? ??????????????????????????????????????The SAS System===============================================================Physical file referred to by plan_dat DOES NOT EXIST.CAHPS Macro will use the plan codes in the PLAN variablefrom the data set adult===============================================================NOTE: Input data set is empty.NOTE: 0 observations with duplicate key values were deleted.NOTE: The data set WORK.DSPLAN has 0 observations and 1 variables.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.DSPLAN.NOTE: The data set WORK.PLANDTAL has 0 observations and 4 variables.NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? NOTE: Input data set is empty.NOTE: 0 observations with duplicate key values were deleted.NOTE: The data set WORK.GETNPLAN has 0 observations and 1 variables.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? NOTE: Numeric values have been converted to character values at the places given by: ??????(Line):(Column).????? 262:243?? NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.GETNPLAN.NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? -------------------------------Entering MAKE_FMT Macro-------------------------------NOTE: Input data set is empty.NOTE: 0 observations with duplicate key values were deleted.NOTE: The data set WORK.ZTEMP has 0 observations and 4 variables.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.ZTEMP.NOTE: The data set WORK.SUB_FMT has 0 observations and 3 variables.NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? ????????????????????????????????????? The SAS SystemNOTE: Input data set is empty.NOTE: The data set WORK.SUB_FMT has 0 observations and 3 variables.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? NOTE: PROCEDURE FORMAT used (Total process time):?? ???real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.SUB_FMT.NOTE: Deleting WORK.ZTEMP (memtype=DATA).NOTE: PROCEDURE DATASETS used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? NOTE: Input data set is empty.NOTE: The data set WORK.PLANDTAL has 0 observations and 4 variables.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.SUB_FMT.NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.PLANDTAL.NOTE: The data set WORK.PLANDTAL has 0 observations and 5 variables.NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.02 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? NOTE: The file WORK.SPLAN_ID (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: PROCEDURE DATASETS used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? ERROR: %EVAL function has no expression to evaluate, or %IF statement has no condition.ERROR: The %TO value of the %DO I loop is invalid.ERROR: The macro PLANDTAL will stop executing.-------------------------------Entering ITEM_CNT Macro-------------------------------The number of items in CAHPS macro call is 1-------------------------------Entering ITEM_CNT Macro-------------------------------The number of adjusters in CAHPS macro call is 2-------------------------------Entering PRESETUP Macro-------------------------------NOTE: Format STARFMT has been output.NOTE: Format DICHFMT has been output.NOTE: Format RATEFMT has been output.????????????????????????????????????? The SAS SystemNOTE: Format FREQFMT has been output.NOTE: Format TRICHFMT is already on the library WORK.FORMATS.NOTE: Format TRICHFMT has been output.NOTE: PROCEDURE FORMAT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? ---------------------------------------------------------------Setting Current Date and Time in macro variable _now----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Entering SETTITLE Macro--------------------------------------------------------------CAHPS macro Subset LoopIteration 1 of 1--------------------------------------------------------------Entering ALLCASES Macro-------------------------------NOTE: Input data set is empty.NOTE: 0 observations with duplicate key values were deleted.NOTE: The data set WORK.DSPLAN has 0 observations and 11 variables.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds?????===============================================================The variable PLAN EXISTS in adultThe variable CHILD DOES NOT EXIST in adultThe variable CHILD will be created by the MACRO===============================================================NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.DSPLAN.NOTE: The data set WORK.PLANONLY has 0 observations and 2 variables.NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? NOTE: Input data set is already sorted, no sorting done.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? NOTE: Input data set is empty.NOTE: The data set WORK.PLANONLY has 0 observations and 2 variables.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.PLANONLY.NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.ADULT.NOTE: The data set WORK.ORIGDATA has 0 observations and 17 variables.????????????????????????????????????? The SAS SystemNOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? NOTE: Input data set is empty.NOTE: The data set WORK.ORIGDATA has 0 observations and 17 variables.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? ERROR: File WORK.PLANDT_Z.DATA does not exist.NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? ERROR: File WORK.PLANDT_Z.DATA does not exist.ERROR: The variable q38 in the DROP, KEEP, or RENAME list has never been referenced.NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.WARNING: The data set WORK.ALLCASES may be incomplete.? When this step was stopped there ?????????were 0 observations and 3 variables.NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? CAHPS-MACRO-ERROR:-----------------------------------------------------------------***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************MERGE OF ANALYSIS DATA SET WITH PLAN DETAILFILE RESULTED IN NO RECORDS MATCHING.Please check to make sure the PLAN variable values in bothfiles have the exact same spelling, capitalization, etcThe plan code values have been printed to the output file.EXITING CAHPS MACRO Due to ZERO records in ALLCASES Data Set***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************-----------------------------------------------------------------ERROR: File WORK.PLANDT_Z.DATA does not exist.ERROR: No data set open to look up variables.NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.NOTE: PROCEDURE FREQ used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? ????????????????????????????????????? The SAS SystemNOTE: No observations in data set WORK.ORIGDATA.NOTE: PROCEDURE FREQ used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? -------------------------------Entering CLEANUP Macro-------------------------------NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ4PLAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJUSTER (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_CNTR (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_COPY (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_NEW (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_PLAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_PRED (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_PW (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_REG (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_RES2 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_RESI (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_RWN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_STD (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ALLN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ALLN_SUB (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.AM_PLAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.A_P1 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.A_P2 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.A_R1 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.BAR0RATE (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.BAR_RATE (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.BAR_SET (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.BAR_Y (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.COEFF (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.CTR2MEAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.CTR_ADJ (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.CTR_ALL (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.CTR_DATA (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.CTR_MEAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.????????????????????????????????????? The SAS SystemNOTE: The file WORK.CTR_PLAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.C_NEW1 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.C_Q38 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.DEL_PLAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.DUM_BAR (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.GM (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.INDATA1 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.LOW_NUMB (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.LOW_NUMB2 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.LOW_NUMB3 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.MER_WGT (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.NON (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.NONMISS (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.NPLANFMT (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.NUM_VAL (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.OPLANFMT (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.OVERWALL (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.OVER_ALL (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.OVER_I (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.OV_MEAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PARA_EST (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PCT_MISS (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PD_TEMP (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PLANDT_Z (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PLANITEM (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PLANSTAR (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PLANWGTS (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PLAN_ONE (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PLAN_N (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PLAN_SUB (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PLN_MEAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PREDICT (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PW_MISS (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.????????????????????????????????????? The SAS SystemNOTE: The file WORK.P_MISS (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.RES4PLAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.RESID (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.RESID0 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.RESID1 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.RES_4_ID (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.RSQU (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.SPLAN_ID (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.SPLIT_ST (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.STARWALL (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.STAR_ALL (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.STAR_I (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.STEMP (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.STEMP2 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.STRATWGT (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.SUB_NON1 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.SUB_NON2 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.SUM_WGTS (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.S_NON (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.TBARSET (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.TTEST (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.UAM_PLAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.UNADJ_M (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.UNADJ_MW (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.UNWGT_M (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.USABLE (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.USEN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.VAR_PLAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.WNON (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.WSTEMP (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.W_COMP (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.W_COMP1 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.W_NON (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.W_P_MISS (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.W_STEMP (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: Deleting WORK.ALLCASES (memtype=DATA).????????????????????????????????????? The SAS SystemNOTE: Deleting WORK.DSPLAN (memtype=DATA).NOTE: Deleting WORK.GETNPLAN (memtype=DATA).NOTE: Deleting WORK.PLANDTAL (memtype=DATA).NOTE: Deleting WORK.PLANONLY (memtype=DATA).NOTE: Deleting WORK.SUB_FMT (memtype=DATA).NOTE: PROCEDURE DATASETS used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.03 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.03 seconds????? NOTE: Deleting entry DICHFMT.FORMAT in catalog WORK.FORMATS.NOTE: Deleting entry FREQFMT.FORMAT in catalog WORK.FORMATS.ERROR: Entry NPLANFMT.FORMAT not found in catalog WORK.FORMATS.ERROR: Entry OPLANFMT.FORMAT not found in catalog WORK.FORMATS.NOTE: Deleting entry RATEFMT.FORMAT in catalog WORK.FORMATS.NOTE: Deleting entry STARFMT.FORMAT in catalog WORK.FORMATS.ERROR: Entry SUB_FMT.FORMAT not found in catalog WORK.FORMATS.NOTE: PROCEDURE CATALOG used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? 263??????? 264??????? %cahps(var????? = q31,265?????????????? vartype? = 2,266?????????????? name???? = Rating Quality of Care,267?????????????? adjuster = &_al,268?????????????? impute?? = 1,269?????????????? adultkid = 3,270?????????????? dataset? = adult,271?????????????? outname? = q31 ) ;-------------------------------------------------*** Begining the CAHPS MACRO Version 3.5 ***--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Entering CHKPARAM Macro----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Checking values from the Parameter List.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Entering PLANDTAL Macro-------------------------------NOTE: The file WORK.PLANDTAL (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PLANDT_Z (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: PROCEDURE DATASETS used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? ===============================================================Physical file referred to by plan_dat DOES NOT EXIST.CAHPS Macro will use the plan codes in the PLAN variablefrom the data set adult===============================================================NOTE: Input data set is empty.NOTE: 0 observations with duplicate key values were deleted.NOTE: The data set WORK.DSPLAN has 0 observations and 1 variables.????????????????????????????????????? The SAS SystemNOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.02 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.DSPLAN.NOTE: The data set WORK.PLANDTAL has 0 observations and 4 variables.NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? NOTE: Input data set is empty.NOTE: 0 observations with duplicate key values were deleted.NOTE: The data set WORK.GETNPLAN has 0 observations and 1 variables.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? NOTE: Numeric values have been converted to character values at the places given by: ??????(Line):(Column).????? 271:243?? NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.GETNPLAN.NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):????? real time???????? ??0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? -------------------------------Entering MAKE_FMT Macro-------------------------------NOTE: Input data set is empty.NOTE: 0 observations with duplicate key values were deleted.NOTE: The data set WORK.ZTEMP has 0 observations and 4 variables.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds?? ???NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.ZTEMP.NOTE: The data set WORK.SUB_FMT has 0 observations and 3 variables.NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? NOTE: Input data set is empty.NOTE: The data set WORK.SUB_FMT has 0 observations and 3 variables.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? NOTE: PROCEDURE FORMAT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????????????????????????????????????? The SAS System????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.SUB_FMT.NOTE: Deleting WORK.ZTEMP (memtype=DATA).NOTE: PROCEDURE DATASETS used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? NOTE: Input data set is empty.NOTE: The data set WORK.PLANDTAL has 0 observations and 4 variables.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.SUB_FMT.NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.PLANDTAL.NOTE: The data set WORK.PLANDTAL has 0 observations and 5 variables.NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):????? real time????????? ?0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? NOTE: The file WORK.SPLAN_ID (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: PROCEDURE DATASETS used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? ERROR: %EVAL function has no expression to evaluate, or %IF statement has no condition.ERROR: The %TO value of the %DO I loop is invalid.ERROR: The macro PLANDTAL will stop executing.-------------------------------Entering ITEM_CNT Macro-------------------------------The number of items in CAHPS macro call is 1-------------------------------Entering ITEM_CNT Macro-------------------------------The number of adjusters in CAHPS macro call is 2-------------------------------Entering PRESETUP Macro-------------------------------NOTE: Format STARFMT has been output.NOTE: Format DICHFMT has been output.NOTE: Format RATEFMT has been output.NOTE: Format FREQFMT has been output.NOTE: Format TRICHFMT is already on the library WORK.FORMATS.NOTE: Format TRICHFMT has been output.NOTE: PROCEDURE FORMAT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? ---------------------------------------------------------------????????????????????????????????????? The SAS SystemSetting Current Date and Time in macro variable _now----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Entering SETTITLE Macro--------------------------------------------------------------CAHPS macro Subset LoopIteration 1 of 1--------------------------------------------------------------Entering ALLCASES Macro-------------------------------NOTE: Input data set is empty.NOTE: 0 observations with duplicate key values were deleted.NOTE: The data set WORK.DSPLAN has 0 observations and 11 variables.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? ===============================================================The variable PLAN EXISTS in adultThe variable CHILD DOES NOT EXIST in adultThe variable CHILD will be created by the MACRO===============================================================NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.DSPLAN.NOTE: The data set WORK.PLANONLY has 0 observations and 2 variables.NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? NOTE: Input data set is already sorted, no sorting done.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? NOTE: Input data set is empty.NOTE: The data set WORK.PLANONLY has 0 observations and 2 variables.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.PLANONLY.NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.ADULT.NOTE: The data set WORK.ORIGDATA has 0 observations and 17 variables.NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):?????real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? NOTE: Input data set is empty.NOTE: The data set WORK.ORIGDATA has 0 observations and 17 variables.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time????? ?????0.01 seconds????????????????????????????????????? The SAS System????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? ERROR: File WORK.PLANDT_Z.DATA does not exist.NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? ERROR: File WORK.PLANDT_Z.DATA does not exist.ERROR: The variable q31 in the DROP, KEEP, or RENAME list has never been referenced.NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.WARNING: The data set WORK.ALLCASES may be incomplete.? When this step was stopped there ?????????were 0 observations and 3 variables.NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? CAHPS-MACRO-ERROR:-----------------------------------------------------------------***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************MERGE OF ANALYSIS DATA SET WITH PLAN DETAILFILE RESULTED IN NO RECORDS MATCHING.Please check to make sure the PLAN variable values in bothfiles have the exact same spelling, capitalization, etcThe plan code values have been printed to the output file.EXITING CAHPS MACRO Due to ZERO records in ALLCASES Data Set***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************-----------------------------------------------------------------ERROR: File WORK.PLANDT_Z.DATA does not exist.ERROR: No data set open to look up variables.NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.NOTE: PROCEDURE FREQ used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? NOTE: No observations in data set WORK.ORIGDATA.NOTE: PROCEDURE FREQ used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? -------------------------------Entering CLEANUP Macro-------------------------------????????????????????????????????????? The SAS SystemNOTE: The file WORK.ADJ4PLAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJUSTER (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_CNTR (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_COPY (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_NEW (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_PLAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_PRED (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_PW (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_REG (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_RES2 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_RESI (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_RWN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_STD (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ALLN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ALLN_SUB (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.AM_PLAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.A_P1 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.A_P2 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.A_R1 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.BAR0RATE (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.BAR_RATE (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.BAR_SET (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.BAR_Y (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.COEFF (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.CTR2MEAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.CTR_ADJ (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.CTR_ALL (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.CTR_DATA (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.CTR_MEAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.CTR_PLAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.C_NEW1 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.C_Q31 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.DEL_PLAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.DUM_BAR (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.GM (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.????????????????????????????????????? The SAS SystemNOTE: The file WORK.INDATA1 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.LOW_NUMB (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.LOW_NUMB2 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.LOW_NUMB3 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.MER_WGT (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.NON (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.NONMISS (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.NPLANFMT (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.NUM_VAL (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.OPLANFMT (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.OVERWALL (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.OVER_ALL (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.OVER_I (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.OV_MEAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PARA_EST (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PCT_MISS (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PD_TEMP (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PLANDT_Z (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PLANITEM (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PLANSTAR (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PLANWGTS (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PLAN_ONE (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PLAN_N (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PLAN_SUB (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PLN_MEAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PREDICT (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PW_MISS (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.P_MISS (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.RES4PLAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.RESID (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.RESID0 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.RESID1 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.RES_4_ID (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????????????????????????????????????The SAS System????? statement.NOTE: The file WORK.RSQU (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.SPLAN_ID (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.SPLIT_ST (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.STARWALL (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.STAR_ALL (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.STAR_I (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.STEMP (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.STEMP2 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.STRATWGT (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.SUB_NON1 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.SUB_NON2 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.SUM_WGTS (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.S_NON (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.TBARSET (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.TTEST (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.UAM_PLAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.UNADJ_M (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.UNADJ_MW (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.UNWGT_M (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.USABLE (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.USEN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.VAR_PLAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.WNON (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.WSTEMP (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.W_COMP (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.W_COMP1 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.W_NON (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.W_P_MISS (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.W_STEMP (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: Deleting WORK.ALLCASES (memtype=DATA).NOTE: Deleting WORK.DSPLAN (memtype=DATA).NOTE: Deleting WORK.GETNPLAN (memtype=DATA).NOTE: Deleting WORK.PLANDTAL (memtype=DATA).NOTE: Deleting WORK.PLANONLY (memtype=DATA).NOTE: Deleting WORK.SUB_FMT (memtype=DATA).NOTE: PROCEDURE DATASETS used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.03 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.03 seconds????? ?????? ???????????????????????????????The SAS SystemNOTE: Deleting entry DICHFMT.FORMAT in catalog WORK.FORMATS.NOTE: Deleting entry FREQFMT.FORMAT in catalog WORK.FORMATS.ERROR: Entry NPLANFMT.FORMAT not found in catalog WORK.FORMATS.ERROR: Entry OPLANFMT.FORMAT not found in catalog WORK.FORMATS.NOTE: Deleting entry RATEFMT.FORMAT in catalog WORK.FORMATS.NOTE: Deleting entry STARFMT.FORMAT in catalog WORK.FORMATS.ERROR: Entry SUB_FMT.FORMAT not found in catalog WORK.FORMATS.NOTE: PROCEDURE CATALOG used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? 272??????? 273??????? 274??????? 275??????? 276??????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*277??????? | Composites (How Often Scale) - Adults??????????????????????????????????? |278??????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*;279??????? 280??????? %cahps(var????? = q15 q17 q19 q24,281?????????????? vartype? = 3,282?????????????? name???? = Getting Care Quickly,283?????????????? adjuster = &_al,284?????????????? impute?? = 1,285?????????????? adultkid = 3,286??? ???????????dataset? = adult,287?????????????? outname? = quick );-------------------------------------------------*** Begining the CAHPS MACRO Version 3.5 ***--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Entering CHKPARAM Macro----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Checking values from the Parameter List.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Entering PLANDTAL Macro-------------------------------NOTE: The file WORK.PLANDTAL (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PLANDT_Z (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: PROCEDURE DATASETS used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? ===============================================================Physical file referred to by plan_dat DOES NOT EXIST.CAHPS Macro will use the plan codes in the PLAN variablefrom the data set adult===============================================================NOTE: Input data set is empty.NOTE: 0 observations with duplicate key values were deleted.NOTE: The data set WORK.DSPLAN has 0 observations and 1 variables.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time???? ???????0.01 seconds????????????????????????????????????? The SAS System????? NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.DSPLAN.NOTE: The data set WORK.PLANDTAL has 0 observations and 4 variables.NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? NOTE: Input data set is empty.NOTE: 0 observations with duplicate key values were deleted.NOTE: The data set WORK.GETNPLAN has 0 observations and 1 variables.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? NOTE: Numeric values have been converted to character values at the places given by: ??????(Line):(Column).????? 287:243?? NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.GETNPLAN.NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time?????????? ?0.01 seconds????? -------------------------------Entering MAKE_FMT Macro-------------------------------NOTE: Input data set is empty.NOTE: 0 observations with duplicate key values were deleted.NOTE: The data set WORK.ZTEMP has 0 observations and 4 variables.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.ZTEMP.NOTE: The data set WORK.SUB_FMT has 0 observations and 3 variables.NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? NOTE: Input data set is empty.NOTE: The data set WORK.SUB_FMT has 0 observations and 3 variables.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? NOTE: PROCEDURE FORMAT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.SUB_FMT.????????????????????????????????????? The SAS SystemNOTE: Deleting WORK.ZTEMP (memtype=DATA).NOTE: PROCEDURE DATASETS used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? NOTE: Input data set is empty.NOTE: The data set WORK.PLANDTAL has 0 observations and 4 variables.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.SUB_FMT.NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.PLANDTAL.NOTE: The data set WORK.PLANDTAL has 0 observations and 5 variables.NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? NOTE: The file WORK.SPLAN_ID (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: PROCEDURE DATASETS used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? ERROR: %EVAL function has no expression to evaluate, or %IF statement has no condition.ERROR: The %TO value of the %DO I loop is invalid.ERROR: The macro PLANDTAL will stop executing.-------------------------------Entering ITEM_CNT Macro-------------------------------The number of items in CAHPS macro call is 4-------------------------------Entering ITEM_CNT Macro-------------------------------The number of adjusters in CAHPS macro call is 2-------------------------------Entering PRESETUP Macro-------------------------------NOTE: Format STARFMT has been output.NOTE: Format DICHFMT has been output.NOTE: Format RATEFMT has been output.NOTE: Format FREQFMT has been output.NOTE: Format TRICHFMT is already on the library WORK.FORMATS.NOTE: Format TRICHFMT has been output.NOTE: PROCEDURE FORMAT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? ---------------------------------------------------------------Setting Current Date and Time in macro variable _now----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------????????????????????????????????????? The SAS SystemEntering SETTITLE Macro--------------------------------------------------------------CAHPS macro Subset LoopIteration 1 of 1--------------------------------------------------------------Entering ALLCASES Macro-------------------------------NOTE: Input data set is empty.NOTE: 0 observations with duplicate key values were deleted.NOTE: The data set WORK.DSPLAN has 0 observations and 11 variables.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.01 seconds??? ??cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? ===============================================================The variable PLAN EXISTS in adultThe variable CHILD DOES NOT EXIST in adultThe variable CHILD will be created by the MACRO===============================================================NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.DSPLAN.NOTE: The data set WORK.PLANONLY has 0 observations and 2 variables.NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? NOTE: Input data set is already sorted, no sorting done.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????? ????0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? NOTE: Input data set is empty.NOTE: The data set WORK.PLANONLY has 0 observations and 2 variables.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds??? ??cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.PLANONLY.NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.ADULT.NOTE: The data set WORK.ORIGDATA has 0 observations and 17 variables.NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? NOTE: Input data set is empty.NOTE: The data set WORK.ORIGDATA has 0 observations and 17 variables.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? ????????????????????????????????????? The SAS SystemERROR: File WORK.PLANDT_Z.DATA does not exist.NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? ERROR: File WORK.PLANDT_Z.DATA does not exist.ERROR: The variable q15 in the DROP, KEEP, or RENAME list has never been referenced.ERROR: The variable q17 in the DROP, KEEP, or RENAME list has never been referenced.ERROR: The variable q19 in the DROP, KEEP, or RENAME list has never been referenced.NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.WARNING: The data set WORK.ALLCASES may be incomplete.? When this step was stopped there ?????????were 0 observations and 6 variables.NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):?? ???real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? CAHPS-MACRO-ERROR:-----------------------------------------------------------------***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************MERGE OF ANALYSIS DATA SET WITH PLAN DETAILFILE RESULTED IN NO RECORDS MATCHING.Please check to make sure the PLAN variable values in bothfiles have the exact same spelling, capitalization, etcThe plan code values have been printed to the output file.EXITING CAHPS MACRO Due to ZERO records in ALLCASES Data Set***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************-----------------------------------------------------------------ERROR: File WORK.PLANDT_Z.DATA does not exist.ERROR: No data set open to look up variables.NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.NOTE: PROCEDURE FREQ used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? NOTE: No observations in data set WORK.ORIGDATA.NOTE: PROCEDURE FREQ used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? -------------------------------Entering CLEANUP Macro-------------------------------????????????????????????????????????? The SAS SystemNOTE: The file WORK.ADJ4PLAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJUSTER (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_CNTR (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_COPY (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_NEW (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_PLAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_PRED (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_PW (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_REG (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_RES2 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_RESI (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_RWN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_STD (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ALLN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ALLN_SUB (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.AM_PLAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.A_P1 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.A_P2 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.A_R1 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.BAR0RATE (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.BAR_RATE (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.BAR_SET (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.BAR_Y (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.COEFF (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.CTR2MEAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.CTR_ADJ (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.CTR_ALL (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.CTR_DATA (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.CTR_MEAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.CTR_PLAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.C_NEW1 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.C_QUICK (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.DEL_PLAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.DUM_BAR (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.GM (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.????????????????????????????????????? The SAS SystemNOTE: The file WORK.INDATA1 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.LOW_NUMB (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.LOW_NUMB2 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.LOW_NUMB3 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.MER_WGT (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.NON (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.NONMISS (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.NPLANFMT (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.NUM_VAL (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.OPLANFMT (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.OVERWALL (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.OVER_ALL (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.OVER_I (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.OV_MEAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PARA_EST (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PCT_MISS (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PD_TEMP (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PLANDT_Z (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PLANITEM (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PLANSTAR (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PLANWGTS (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PLAN_ONE (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PLAN_N (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PLAN_SUB (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PLN_MEAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PREDICT (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PW_MISS (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.P_MISS (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.RES4PLAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.RESID (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.RESID0 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.RESID1 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.RES_4_ID (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????????????????????????????????????The SAS System????? statement.NOTE: The file WORK.RSQU (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.SPLAN_ID (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.SPLIT_ST (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.STARWALL (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.STAR_ALL (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.STAR_I (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.STEMP (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.STEMP2 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.STRATWGT (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.SUB_NON1 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.SUB_NON2 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.SUM_WGTS (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.S_NON (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.TBARSET (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.TTEST (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.UAM_PLAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.UNADJ_M (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.UNADJ_MW (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.UNWGT_M (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.USABLE (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.USEN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.VAR_PLAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.WNON (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.WSTEMP (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.W_COMP (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.W_COMP1 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.W_NON (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.W_P_MISS (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.W_STEMP (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: Deleting WORK.ALLCASES (memtype=DATA).NOTE: Deleting WORK.DSPLAN (memtype=DATA).NOTE: Deleting WORK.GETNPLAN (memtype=DATA).NOTE: Deleting WORK.PLANDTAL (memtype=DATA).NOTE: Deleting WORK.PLANONLY (memtype=DATA).NOTE: Deleting WORK.SUB_FMT (memtype=DATA).NOTE: PROCEDURE DATASETS used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.03 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.04 seconds????? ????????????????????????????????????? The SAS SystemNOTE: Deleting entry DICHFMT.FORMAT in catalog WORK.FORMATS.NOTE: Deleting entry FREQFMT.FORMAT in catalog WORK.FORMATS.ERROR: Entry NPLANFMT.FORMAT not found in catalog WORK.FORMATS.ERROR: Entry OPLANFMT.FORMAT not found in catalog WORK.FORMATS.NOTE: Deleting entry RATEFMT.FORMAT in catalog WORK.FORMATS.NOTE: Deleting entry STARFMT.FORMAT in catalog WORK.FORMATS.ERROR: Entry SUB_FMT.FORMAT not found in catalog WORK.FORMATS.NOTE: PROCEDURE CATALOG used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? 288??????? 289??????? 290??????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*291??????? | Composites (Problem Scale) - Adults????????????????????????????????????? |292??????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*;293??????? 294??????? %cahps(var????? = q06 q10 q22 q23,295?????????????? vartype? = 4,296?????????????? name???? = Getting Care Needed,297?????????????? adjuster = &_al,298?????????????? impute?? = 1,299?????????????? adultkid = 3,300???? ??????????dataset? = adult,301?????????????? outname? = need );-------------------------------------------------*** Begining the CAHPS MACRO Version 3.5 ***--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Entering CHKPARAM Macro----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Checking values from the Parameter List.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Entering PLANDTAL Macro-------------------------------NOTE: The file WORK.PLANDTAL (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PLANDT_Z (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: PROCEDURE DATASETS used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? ===============================================================Physical file referred to by plan_dat DOES NOT EXIST.CAHPS Macro will use the plan codes in the PLAN variablefrom the data set adult===============================================================NOTE: Input data set is empty.NOTE: 0 observations with duplicate key values were deleted.NOTE: The data set WORK.DSPLAN has 0 observations and 1 variables.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? ????????????????????????????????????? The SAS SystemNOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.DSPLAN.NOTE: The data set WORK.PLANDTAL has 0 observations and 4 variables.NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? NOTE: Input data set is empty.NOTE: 0 observations with duplicate key values were deleted.NOTE: The data set WORK.GETNPLAN has 0 observations and 1 variables.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? NOTE: Numeric values have been converted to character values at the places given by: ??????(Line):(Column).????? 301:243?? NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.GETNPLAN.NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? -------------------------------Entering MAKE_FMT Macro-------------------------------NOTE: Input data set is empty.NOTE: 0 observations with duplicate key values were deleted.NOTE: The data set WORK.ZTEMP has 0 observations and 4 variables.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.ZTEMP.NOTE: The data set WORK.SUB_FMT has 0 observations and 3 variables.NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? NOTE: Input data set is empty.NOTE: The data set WORK.SUB_FMT has 0 observations and 3 variables.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? NOTE: PROCEDURE FORMAT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.SUB_FMT.????????????????????????????????????? The SAS SystemNOTE: Deleting WORK.ZTEMP (memtype=DATA).NOTE: PROCEDURE DATASETS used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? NOTE: Input data set is empty.NOTE: The data set WORK.PLANDTAL has 0 observations and 4 variables.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.SUB_FMT.NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.PLANDTAL.NOTE: The data set WORK.PLANDTAL has 0 observations and 5 variables.NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? NOTE: The file WORK.SPLAN_ID (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: PROCEDURE DATASETS used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? ERROR: %EVAL function has no expression to evaluate, or %IF statement has no condition.ERROR: The %TO value of the %DO I loop is invalid.ERROR: The macro PLANDTAL will stop executing.-------------------------------Entering ITEM_CNT Macro-------------------------------The number of items in CAHPS macro call is 4-------------------------------Entering ITEM_CNT Macro-------------------------------The number of adjusters in CAHPS macro call is 2-------------------------------Entering PRESETUP Macro-------------------------------NOTE: Format STARFMT has been output.NOTE: Format DICHFMT has been output.NOTE: Format RATEFMT has been output.NOTE: Format FREQFMT has been output.NOTE: Format TRICHFMT is already on the library WORK.FORMATS.NOTE: Format TRICHFMT has been output.NOTE: PROCEDURE FORMAT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? ---------------------------------------------------------------Setting Current Date and Time in macro variable _now----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Entering SETTITLE Macro-------------------------------????????????????????????????????????? The SAS System-------------------------------CAHPS macro Subset LoopIteration 1 of 1--------------------------------------------------------------Entering ALLCASES Macro-------------------------------NOTE: Input data set is empty.NOTE: 0 observations with duplicate key values were deleted.NOTE: The data set WORK.DSPLAN has 0 observations and 11 variables.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time???????? ??0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? ===============================================================The variable PLAN EXISTS in adultThe variable CHILD DOES NOT EXIST in adultThe variable CHILD will be created by the MACRO===============================================================NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.DSPLAN.NOTE: The data set WORK.PLANONLY has 0 observations and 2 variables.NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? NOTE: Input data set is already sorted, no sorting done.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? NOTE: Input data set is empty.NOTE: The data set WORK.PLANONLY has 0 observations and 2 variables.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.PLANONLY.NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.ADULT.NOTE: The data set WORK.ORIGDATA has 0 observations and 17 variables.NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? NOTE: Input data set is empty.NOTE: The data set WORK.ORIGDATA has 0 observations and 17 variables.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? ERROR: File WORK.PLANDT_Z.DATA does not exist.????????????????????????????????????? The SAS SystemNOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time???? ???????0.00 seconds????? ERROR: File WORK.PLANDT_Z.DATA does not exist.ERROR: The variable q06 in the DROP, KEEP, or RENAME list has never been referenced.ERROR: The variable q10 in the DROP, KEEP, or RENAME list has never been referenced.ERROR: The variable q22 in the DROP, KEEP, or RENAME list has never been referenced.ERROR: The variable q23 in the DROP, KEEP, or RENAME list has never been referenced.NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.WARNING: The data set WORK.ALLCASES may be incomplete.? When this step was stopped there ?????????were 0 observations and 6 variables.NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.01 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.01 seconds????? CAHPS-MACRO-ERROR:-----------------------------------------------------------------***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************MERGE OF ANALYSIS DATA SET WITH PLAN DETAILFILE RESULTED IN NO RECORDS MATCHING.Please check to make sure the PLAN variable values in bothfiles have the exact same spelling, capitalization, etcThe plan code values have been printed to the output file.EXITING CAHPS MACRO Due to ZERO records in ALLCASES Data Set***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************-----------------------------------------------------------------ERROR: File WORK.PLANDT_Z.DATA does not exist.ERROR: No data set open to look up variables.NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.NOTE: PROCEDURE FREQ used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? NOTE: No observations in data set WORK.ORIGDATA.NOTE: PROCEDURE FREQ used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? -------------------------------Entering CLEANUP Macro-------------------------------NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ4PLAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????????????????????????????????????The SAS System????? statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJUSTER (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_CNTR (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_COPY (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_NEW (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_PLAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_PRED (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_PW (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_REG (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_RES2 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_RESI (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_RWN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ADJ_STD (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ALLN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.ALLN_SUB (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.AM_PLAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.A_P1 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.A_P2 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.A_R1 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.BAR0RATE (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.BAR_RATE (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.BAR_SET (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.BAR_Y (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.COEFF (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.CTR2MEAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.CTR_ADJ (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.CTR_ALL (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.CTR_DATA (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.CTR_MEAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.CTR_PLAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.C_NEW1 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.C_NEED (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.DEL_PLAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.DUM_BAR (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.GM (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.INDATA1 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????????????????????????????????????The SAS System????? statement.NOTE: The file WORK.LOW_NUMB (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.LOW_NUMB2 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.LOW_NUMB3 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.MER_WGT (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.NON (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.NONMISS (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.NPLANFMT (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.NUM_VAL (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.OPLANFMT (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.OVERWALL (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.OVER_ALL (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.OVER_I (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.OV_MEAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PARA_EST (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PCT_MISS (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PD_TEMP (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PLANDT_Z (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PLANITEM (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PLANSTAR (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PLANWGTS (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PLAN_ONE (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PLAN_N (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PLAN_SUB (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PLN_MEAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PREDICT (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.PW_MISS (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.P_MISS (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.RES4PLAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.RESID (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.RESID0 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.RESID1 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.RES_4_ID (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.????????????????????????????????????? The SAS SystemNOTE: The file WORK.RSQU (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.SPLAN_ID (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.SPLIT_ST (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.STARWALL (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.STAR_ALL (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.STAR_I (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.STEMP (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.STEMP2 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.STRATWGT (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.SUB_NON1 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.SUB_NON2 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.SUM_WGTS (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.S_NON (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.TBARSET (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.TTEST (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.UAM_PLAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.UNADJ_M (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.UNADJ_MW (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.UNWGT_M (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.USABLE (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.USEN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.VAR_PLAN (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.WNON (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.WSTEMP (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.W_COMP (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.W_COMP1 (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.W_NON (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE statement.NOTE: The file WORK.W_P_MISS (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: The file WORK.W_STEMP (memtype=DATA) was not found, but appears on a DELETE ??????statement.NOTE: Deleting WORK.ALLCASES (memtype=DATA).NOTE: Deleting WORK.DSPLAN (memtype=DATA).NOTE: Deleting WORK.GETNPLAN (memtype=DATA).NOTE: Deleting WORK.PLANDTAL (memtype=DATA).NOTE: Deleting WORK.PLANONLY (memtype=DATA).NOTE: Deleting WORK.SUB_FMT (memtype=DATA).NOTE: PROCEDURE DATASETS used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.03 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.03 seconds????? ????????????????????????????????????? The SAS SystemNOTE: Deleting entry DICHFMT.FORMAT in catalog WORK.FORMATS.NOTE: Deleting entry FREQFMT.FORMAT in catalog WORK.FORMATS.ERROR: Entry NPLANFMT.FORMAT not found in catalog WORK.FORMATS.ERROR: Entry OPLANFMT.FORMAT not found in catalog WORK.FORMATS.NOTE: Deleting entry RATEFMT.FORMAT in catalog WORK.FORMATS.NOTE: Deleting entry STARFMT.FORMAT in catalog WORK.FORMATS.ERROR: Entry SUB_FMT.FORMAT not found in catalog WORK.FORMATS.NOTE: PROCEDURE CATALOG used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? 302??????? 303??????? %nowbox (logtext = End &FileName version &Version ) ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End version 3.5 6 February 2020 at? 11:25:15~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~304??????? 305??????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*306??????? |? Reset the log and output files back to the defaults???????????????????? |307??????? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*;308??????? 309??????? proc printto ;310??????? run ;NOTE: PROCEDURE PRINTTO used (Total process time):????? real time?????????? 0.00 seconds????? cpu time??????????? 0.00 seconds????? 311??????? 312??????? filename _all_ clear ;NOTE: Fileref LOGFILE has been deassigned.NOTE: Fileref OUTFILE has been deassigned.NOTE: Fileref CAHPS has been deassigned.NOTE: Fileref PLAN_DAT has been deassigned.NOTE: Fileref SASAUTOS has been deassigned.313??????? 314??????? 315??????? %LET _CLIENTTASKLABEL=;316??????? %LET _CLIENTPROCESSFLOWNAME=;317??????? %LET _CLIENTPROJECTPATH=;318??????? %LET _CLIENTPROJECTPATHHOST=;319??????? %LET _CLIENTPROJECTNAME=;320??????? %LET _SASPROGRAMFILE=;321??????? %LET _SASPROGRAMFILEHOST=;322??????? 323??????? ;*';*";*/;quit;run;324??????? ODS _ALL_ CLOSE;325??????? 326??????? 327??????? QUIT; RUN; ................

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