Banner Registration - USG

Banner Registration

August 31, 2009


John Broz

Session Rules

? Audio will only be available for the instructor. ? Questions may be entered in the `text chat

window' at any time during the session.

Banner Registration

? Validation forms ? Creating Sections ? Registration

Validation Forms

? The Term Code Validation Form (STVTERM) ? Enrollment Status Code Validation Form (STVESTS) ? Crosswalk Validation Form (GTVSDAX) ? Course Registration Status Code Validation Form

(STVRSTS) ? Term Control Form (SOATERM) ? Enrollment Status Form (SFAESTS) ? Course Registration Status Form (SFARSTS) ? Registration Fee Assessment Rules Form (SFARGFE) ? Registration Additional Fees Control Form (SFAAFEE)

The Term Code Validation Form (STVTERM)

? Setup term codes and make sure that the start and end term dates are correct before registration.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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