Recall Program

Recall Program


F1 Recall System

1. Recall Procedures

• Product Recall Program

• CFIA Notification Format RC - 1

• Recalled Product Information Record RC - 2

• Recall product Customer Distribution Record RC - 3

• Recall Notification Form RC - 4

• Recall Return Postcard RC - 5

• Notice from Distribution Center to Retailer Form RC - 6

• Recall Summary and Evaluation RC - 7

• Recall Procedures Checklist RC - 8

• Recall Notice Retail Stores RC - 9

• Recall Notice Customer Service Representative Form RC - 10

• Press Release – Foodborne Illness RC-11

• Health Hazard Alert RC - 12

• Product Return Slip RC - 13

• Press Release – Allergens RC - 14

• Mock Recall Procedure

• Mock Recall Results RC – 15

• Recall Review RC-16

• Crises Management Log RC-17

2. Extra Recall Forms

3. Customer Contact List

4. Distribution Contact

5. Product List

6. Personnel Phone List

7. Supplier List


Product recall is indicated when a product may represent a health hazard to the consumer. The procedures implemented should effectively remove the product from circulation to prevent its consumption. The product recall procedures should be undertaken by the processor in an efficient and speedy manner.


Product Recall

A company’s correction in the field or removal from the market place and distribution channels of products which are subject to regulatory action under the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). Product recall is an efficient and effective means of removing sizeable quantities of products from the market place.

Market Withdrawal

A company’s removal or correction of distributed products involving no violation or a minor violation of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.

Product Recovery

A company’s removal or correction of products that have not left the direct control of the manufacturer or at primary distributor under the firm’s control. It would be a product recall or market withdrawal if the product were in distribution channels.

Recall Classifications

Class I

A situation in which there is a reasonable probability that the use of, or exposure to, a volatile product will cause serious adverse health consequences or death. In a Class I Recall, top priority must be given to the complete and immediate removal of the recalled products from all levels in the distribution chain – all the way down to the consumer level.

Class II

A situation in which the use of, or exposure to, a volatile product may cause temporary adverse health consequences or where the probability of serious adverse health consequences is remote. In a Class II Recall, products must be removed from all levels in the distribution chain.

Class III

A situation in which the use of, or exposure to, a volatile product is not likely to cause adverse health consequences. In a Class III Recall, product must be removed from all levels of the distribution chain.

Once the product is removed from circulation, the recalled product may then be subject to testing, corrective action to ensure compliance, or destruction, depending on the nature of the problem.

Recall Procedures – Recommended Steps

Decision to Recall Products

Assemble the Recall Management Team

Notify the CFIA

Identify all Products to be Recalled

Detain and segregate all products to be

recalled which are in your firm’s control

Prepare the Press Release (if required)

Prepare the Distribution List

Prepare and distribute the Notice of Recall

Verify the effectiveness of the recall

Control the recalled product(s)

Fix the cause of the recall if the

problem occurred at your facility

A recall committee is set up within the company. Each member has specific responsibilities and the order of the activities in which they are taken are described below:

Recall Committee:

Position Primary Person/ Alternate

President / Director of Operations Deborah Cater / Tim Cater

Recall Coordinator Jamie McDougall / Tim Cater

HACCP Coordinator / Plant Manager Jamie McDougall / Lynn Jean

Risk Assessment Tim Cater / Jamie McDougall

Records Lynn Jean / Aaron Kuwica

Shipping Jamie McDougall / Tim Cater

Recall Committee/Alternates

|Contact | |Home Phone |Cell Phone |

| |President | | |

| |Director of Operations | | |

| | | | |

| |Recall Coordinator | | |

| |Recall Coordinator (Alternate) | | |

| |HACCP Coordinator | | |

| |HACCP Coordinator | | |

| |(Alternate) | | |

| |Risk Assessment | | |

| |Risk Assessment | | |

| |(Alternate) | | |

| |Plant Manager. | | |

| | Asst. Plant Manager (Alternate) | | |

| |Shipping | | |

| |Shipping | | |

| |(Alternate) | | |

Recall Plan



Recall Coordinator / Recall Committee Members:


*Crisis Management Log (RC-17) should be started and completed.

Step 1 - To investigate consumer/customer complaints and to make preliminary decision as to potential health hazard.

Step 2 – Notify CFIA for classification of recall using the CFIA Notification Format – Form RC – 1

- Notify President

- Notify Director of Operations

Step 3 – Fill in Press Release RC -11 and fax to Crisis Management Team

Step 4 – Complete the Recall Summary and Evaluation Form RC – 7

Step 5 – Contact to Crisis Management Team

Step 6 – Fill out Mock Recall Results Form RC – 15

Recall Procedures Checklist For Recall Coordinaor

|Steps |Procedures |Completed |

|1 |Verification of test results, customer complaints and other information to determine potential | |

| |health hazard | |

|2 |Recall log started to record decisions, actions and rationale | |

|3 |Notified CFIA for classification of recall | |

|4 |Notified President | |

|5 |Notified Director of Operations | |

|6 |Press Release form RC –11 filled in and sent to Crisis Management Team for review and release within| |

| |2 hours | |

|7 |Recall Summary and Evaluation Form RC – 8 completed | |

|8 |Crisis Management Team kept informed of all actions taken | |

|9 |Fill out Mock Recall Results Form RC - 15 | |

|10 |Mock Recall Forms and crises management logs filed | |

Completed By:___________________________ Date:________________

HACCP Coordinator / Recall Committee member:


* Crisis Management Log (RC-17) should be started and completed.

Step 1 – Ensure all suspect product on premises is put on HOLD.

Step 2 – Investigate and gather all records of raw materials, mixing sheets, production sheets and test results.

Step 3 – Complete product identification using the Recalled Product

Information Record Form RC – 2.

Step 4 – Determine product distribution. Complete Recalled Product

Customer Distribution Record – Form RC – 3.

Step 5 – Log, test and verify compliance of the returned product.

Step 6 – Fax Press Release Form RC-11 and Health Hazard Alert Form RC-12 to Crisis Management Committee on dedicated fax line. The fax number is 483-1692

Step 7 – Supervise corrective actions and disposition of the recalled product.

Step 8 – Complete Product Return Form RC – 13

Recall Procedures Checklist For HACCP Coordinator

|Steps |Procedure |Completed |

|1 |Separated and isolated all affected batches of ingredients/products – put On Hold signs and log | |

| |information | |

|2 |Investigated and gathered all records of raw materials, mixing sheets, production sheets, lot | |

| |identification and test results | |

|3 |Completed product identification using the Recall Product Information Form RC – 2 | |

|4 |Determined product distribution and identified affected customers and completed Customer | |

| |Distribution Record Form RC -3 | |

|5 |Set up appropriate test program to provide technical information and analytical support using | |

| |in-house lab and 3rd party lab | |

|6 |Logged and verified product return and isolation | |

|7 |Supervised corrective actions and disposition of the recalled product | |

|8 |Completed Product Return Form RC –13 | |

Completed By:___________________________ Date:________________

Plant Manager / Recall Coordinator: Lynn Jean

Alternate: Aaraon Kuwica

* Crisis Management Log (RC-17) should be started and completed.

Step 1 – Advise recall committee, and senior director of operations of a product recall

Step 2 – Co- ordinate and verify implementation of recall activities and communications.

Complete Recall Procedures Checklist Form RC – 8.

Step 3 – Arrange for product replacement for the customer.

Recall Procedures Checklist For Recall Coordinator

|Steps |Procedure |Completed |

|1 |Advised recall committee and director of operations of product recall and assembled team | |

|2 |Coordinated and verified implementation of recall activities and communications including: cause of| |

| |problem and corrective action | |

|3 |Completed Recall Procedures Checklist Form RC - 8 | |

|4 |Completed and sent out Urgent Product Recall Form RC – 9 | |

|5 |Reviewed production requirements and available staffing to replace product | |

|6 |Arranged for product replacement for the customer | |

|7 |Ensured that corrective action is effective and communicated to all supervisors to prevent | |

| |reoccurrence of recall | |

|8 | | |

|9 | | |

|10 | | |

Completed By:___________________________ Date:________________

President / Recall Committee Member: Debohra Cater

Alternate: Tim Cater

* Crisis Management Log (RC-17) should be started and completed

Step 1 – Notify Crisis Management team.

Step 2 – Issue Press Release to CFIA and Canadian Newswire if necessary

Step 3 – Contact Customer Services with all the necessary information.

Step 4 – Spokesperson for fields all media related questions

Recall Procedures Checklist For President

|Steps |Procedure |Completed |

|1 |Notified Crisis Management Team of Recall to discuss recall strategy in conjunction with legal | |

| |council and CFIA | |

|2 |Reviewed and Released Press Release Form RC – 11 and Health Hazard Alert RC – 12 to CFIA and | |

| |Canadian Newswire | |

|3 |Contacted Customer Service with all necessary information of recall | |

|4 |Spokesperson for fields all media related questions | |

|5 | | |

|6 | | |

|7 | | |

|8 | | |

|9 | | |

|10 | | |

Completed By:___________________________ Date:________________

Contact Name and Numbers

Canada News Wire 1-604-669-7764 this number is automatically forwarded after hours to Toronto to ensure 24 hour coverage.

Susan DeStein cell phone 604-802-1451

Susan Postma ext. 1177, cell 881-2405

Risk Assessment / Recall Committee member: Tim Cater

Alternate: Jamie McDougall

* Crisis Management Log (RC-17) should be started and completed

Step 1 – Assess and quantify risk

Step 2 – Notify legal counsel

Step 3 – If the source of the recall may involve malicious contamination – notify Product Tamper Underwriters and follow instructions.

Step 4 – If the general liability exposures exist in excess of $50,000 notify ____

Recall Procedures Checklist For Risk Manager

|Steps |Procedure |Completed |

|1 |Origin of recall was established | |

|2 |Status of possible injuries obtained – notified legal counsel and insurance broker as necessary | |

|3 |Identified most likely forensic pathway – contact PR advisor, HR department, insurance broker and | |

| |product tamper U/W, vendor and vendor’s U/W, VIHA and CCGD as necessary | |

|4 |Determined magnitude of exposure to and its customers | |

|5 |Crisis Management Team informed of all necessary information | |

|6 | | |

|7 | | |

|8 | | |

|9 | | |

|10 | | |

Completed By:___________________________ Date:________________

Contact List and Numbers

| |

|Broker: |

| |

|Liability Underwriters: |

|Megson Fitzpatrick Inc. |

|Contact: Ms. Vicki Howe Phone: (250) 595-5212 |

|Fax: (250) 595-2900 |

|Legal Counsel- Liability |

| |


|Contact: Timothy F. Lott Phone: (250) 656-3961 |

|Fax: (250) 655-3329 |

| |

|Canadian Food Inspection Agency |

|Recall Coordinator Office 1-604-666-6060 |

|Pager 1-604-775-6085 |

|Lauren Jung – Victoria Office 250-363-3204 |

| |

|Vancouver Island Health Authority |

|John Younger Office (250) 475-1858 |

|Fax: (250) 475-5130 |

| |


Major distributors

HFS North America Phone: (604) 232-9209

. 21771 Fraserwood Way

Richmond, BC V6W 1J5

HFS North America Phone: 1-905-763-6200

Toronto, Ontario

Records / Recall Committee Member: Lynn Jean

Alternate: Aaraon Kuwic

Step 1 – Notify stores/customers of the situation prior to the initiation of any recall, if possible (i.e. every effort will be made to contact customers while the recall procedures continue).

Step 2 – Send out and collect the following forms from customers involved.

Recall Notification Form RC – 4.

Recall Return Postcard Form RC – 5

Notice from Distribution Center to Retailer Form RC – 6.

Step 3 – Instruct customers as to what state the product must be returned in, how, and when the product will be picked up. Determine if the replacement product is required, necessary quantity needed and when replacement product will be available.

Step 4 – Complete and send out Customer Service Rep Form RC –10.

Recall Procedures Checklist For Office Administration

|Steps |Procedures |Completed |

|1 |Notified stores and customers of recall situation verbally and by fax | |

|2 |Sent out and collected forms from customers: | |

| |Recall Notification Form RC – 4 | |

| |Recall Return Postcard From RC – 5 | |

| |Notice from Distribution Center for Retailer Form RC – 6 | |

|3 |Communicated and directed customers on how the product should be returned and when product will be | |

| |picked up | |

|4 |Determined if replacement product is needed and when replacement product will be available | |

|5 |Completed and sent out Customer Service Rep Form RC - 10 | |

|6 | | |

|7 | | |

|8 | | |

|9 | | |

|10 | | |

Completed By:___________________________ Date:________________

Shipping/ Recall Committee Member: Jamie McDougall

Alternate: Tim Cater

Step 1 – Provide necessary information regarding production dates, purchasing numbers and suppliers as necessary

Step 2 – Arrange for storage and quarantine for recall product.

Step 3 – Arrange for carriers to pick up product if required.

Step 4 – Isolate returned recalled product. Notify Recall committee where the suspect product is to be held in quarantine.

Step 5 – Product Return Slips are completed and collected upon receipt of returned recalled product.

Step 6 – Keep an inventory of returned recalled product using Recalled Product Distribution Record Form – RC – 3.

Recall Procedures Checklist For Shipping

|Steps |Procedures |Completed |

|1 |Arranged for storage and quarantine for recalled product | |

|2 |Arranged for carriers to pick up recalled product if necessary | |

|3 |Isolated returned recalled product to designated area | |

|4 |All Product Return Slips were completed and collected upon receipt of returned recalled product | |

|5 |Kept an inventory of returned recalled product using Recalled Product Distribution Record Form RC – | |

| |3 | |

|6 |Coordinated with HACCP Coordinator proper disposal of recalled product if necessary | |

|7 | | |

|8 | | |

|9 | | |

Completed By:___________________________ Date:________________

Preparation of Public Notice

Class I Recall To avoid damaging publicity, it is in the best interest of the company to notify the insurance company in the event of a Class I Recall. They will be advised of the situation with accuracy, detail and solid facts which only then should the information on the Class I Recall be released to the media.

Class II & III For class II and III, no release to media is necessary

Product Recovery & Disposition

To ensure Product Recall is recovered expediently, an accurate record of the quantity picked up from the customers and the quantity received at must be clearly documented.

Upon receipt, product would be segregated and evaluated. Quantity received would be verified against quantity produced and/or distributed. Information would be recorded on the Product Return Slip.

Termination of Recall

The recall is considered to be complete when satisfactory information on accurate inventory of returned goods and proper disposition of the recalled product is provided. A summary of the corrective measures taken by the company to eliminate manufacturing and distribution processes that caused the recall is required.

Outside Key Contacts


Weekdays 8:00AM – 4 :00PM

Pager: (604) 775-6085 (call this number first)

Phone: (604) 666-1707

After Hours – Inspection Manager

Phone: (604) 775-6085

Canada News Wire 1-604-669-7764

Environmental Health Offices

Director – VIHA

Ann Thomas

Phone: 519-7065

Chief Medical Officer:

Dr Richard Stanwick

Phone: 519-7066 (24 hour number)

Recall Flow Chart

CFIA Notification Format RC-1


Canadian Food Inspection Agency

Re: Product Removal/Correction

Dear Sir or Madam:

This letter is to apprise you that company xyz has initiated removal/correction of one of our products recently distributed.

A. Product Involved

Identify the product name, size, description and packaging date or code (if available)

B. Reason for Action

Identify in short, simple, non-legal terms the problem with the product.

Example: Contamination-filth in jar.

C. Evaluation of Risks - Provide a brief description of your health hazard evaluation setting out your conclusions regarding the harm and probability of harm.

D. Distribution

1. Total amount produced, and where and when the product was produced.

2. The best guess as to the amount of product(s) in distribution channels.

3. The number of accounts sold (and if requested, identify) and the areas of the country affected.

E. Recall Communications

Provide a copy of the recall communication or proposed recall communication to be sent to the distribution channels and a copy of any proposed press release.

F. Recall Strategy

Provide a short and distinct statement setting out the recall strategy including such things as depth of recall and effectiveness checks.

G. Recall Co-ordinator

Provide name, title, telephone number of company official who would be contacted concerning the recall

Fill in by: HACCP Coordinator

CFIA Notification Format RC-1a

Re: Product Removal/Correction

A. Product Involved - Please identify the following (if available):

|Product Name: | |Size: | |

|Description: | |Packaging Date or Code:| |

B. Reason for Action

Example: Contamination-filth in jar.

| |

| |

C. Evaluation of Risks

| |

| |

D. Distribution

1. Total amount produced, and where and when the product was produced.

2. The best guess as to the amount of product(s) in distribution channels.

3. The number of accounts sold (and if requested, identify) and the areas of the country affected.

E. Recall Communications - Provide a copy of the recall communication or proposed recall communication to be sent to the distribution channels and a copy of any proposed press release.

F. Recall Strategy - Provide a short and distinct statement setting out the recall strategy including such things as depth of recall and effectiveness checks.

| |

| |

| |

G. Recall Co-ordinator

|Name: | |Title: | |

|Telephone #: | |Alt. Telephone #: | |

Recalled Product Information Record RC-2

Date: Recall Class:

Time: Product Code:

Product Name: Code Date:

Production Date:

Reason for Recall:


|No. of Cases Rework Used |Product Name |Product Code |Production Date |Code Date |No. of Cases Produced |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

Date Issued: Revised Date: Signature:

Filled in by: HACCP Coordinator

Recalled Product Customer Distribution Record RC-3

Product Name: Product Code:

Production Date: Code Date:

No. Cases Produced:

|Customer Name |Customer No. |Order No. |Date Shipped |No. Cases Shipped |No. Cases Returned |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

Filled in by: Receiver

Verified by: _______________________

URGENT – Recall Alert

Recall Notification Form RC-4

Re: Name of Product

Product Code

Production Date

we requests all outside storage facilities and stores to immediately examine existing inventory and segregate the following product(s):

| |Name of Product |Size |Product Code |Made On |Best Before Date |Date Product Received at Store |

|1 | | | | | | |

|2 | | | | | | |

|3 | | | | | | |

|4 | | | | | | |

|5 | | | | | | |

We have recently discovered that the above products may show a deficiency, specifically: (A short description of the reason for the recall)

To fulfill our joint responsibility to our consumer to provide a quality and wholesome food product, we would request your assistance in the removal of this product from distribution.

1. We request that you remove our products from your inventory and segregate and hold all products meeting the size and code description in this notice

2. Our representative will contact you to arrange for retrieval of the merchandise and to issue a credit to you. Arrangements are being made to ship replacement products to you as soon as possible.

3. Please inform all staff to direct all questions to Company XYZ, Director of Operations at insert phone number.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Filled in & Faxed to Stores by: Director of Operations

Urgent – Please Complete & Return ASAP

Fax completed information to ______

Attention Recall Committee at (250)360-3396

Recall Notification Form RC-5

Please indicate whether or not you have any of the following products in stock:

|Yes |No |Product |Size |Production Date |Product Received |Product |

| | | | | | |On Hand (Quantity) |

|( |( | | | | | |

|( |( | | | | | |

|( |( | | | | | |

|( |( | | | | | |

|( |( | | | | | |

|( |( | | | | | |

|( |( | | | | | |

|( |( | | | | | |

|( |( | | | | | |

If you do have stock on hand, we have requested that our customers isolate and return all of the listed product(s) to ______

Please inform all staff to direct all questions to the _______.

Director of Operations at Insert Phone number.

Please complete the following information for our records:

Customer Name or Store:________________________________ Phone No.:______________________

Street Address:________________________________________________________________________

City: _____________________ Province: __________ Postal Code:_____________

Please also record the date and time you received this recall notice and fax this document back to _____

Date:__________________________ Time:__________________


Thank you for your cooperation, Jamie McDougall, Recall Coordinator

Filled in & Faxed to Stores by: Director of Operations

Completed & Returned to _____

NOtice from Distribution Center to Retailer Form RC-6

Recall Alert – Urgent

______ has requested all distributors to recall inventories of .

As a representative, you must:

1) Remove the following products from sale to consumers immediately:

|Number of Product |Product Code |Code Date |Size |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

2) Isolate and hold the above products in storage area or specify pre-designed area. Our representative will contact you to issue a credit and arrange for disposition.

3) Fax this notice to Recall Committee @ Company name, phone number

|ProPro Product Name |Amount on Hand |Location of Product |

| | | |

| | | |

4) Notify when product is ready for pick-up or disposal. PRODUCT MUST BE RETURNED IN ORIGINAL CONTAINERS AND IN A REFRIGERATED STATE.

Please answer the following questions regarding the product recall.

| |Yes |No |

|Did you receive notification of the recall of ? |( |( |

|Did your firm receive shipments of the product being recalled? |( |( |

|Do you currently have any of the recalled product of hand? |( |( |

|Have you been contacted by representatives of ____ concerning disposition of the product? |( |( |

If you have any questions, please contact insert company name, phone, fax contact person

Filled in & Faxed to Distributor by: Director of Operations

Completed and returned to ___ company name here

Recall Summary and Evaluation RC-7

Date Recall initiated:

Date Recall completed:

Product Name:

Product Code:

Code Date:

Total # of Cases Produced:

Total # of Cases Recovered:

Product Disposition:

Corrective Action Required to Improve Manufacturing/Distribution Processes:



Filled in by: HACCP Coordinator

Recall Procedures Checklist RC-8

1. Notification of Recall and CFIA

2. All production records are available

(including rework)

3. Product distribution determined – Form RC-3

4. Recall notification forms sent out – Forms RC-4/5/6

5. Contact P.R. and legal firms

6. Reconcile distribution records

(product shipped vs. product produced)

7. Recovery of cases not in the distribution system

8. Storage facility determined for returned product

9. Verification of returned product

vs. production record of recall product

10. Recall Effectiveness Check forms RC-7 completed

11. Determine product disposition.

Filled in by: Recall Coordinator

Form RC-9

Urgent Product Recall

To be completed by: Recall Committee

Purpose: To inform retail customers to remove product from sale


|Retail Order Code |UPC Code |Product Name/Variety |Size |Selling Unit Code |Case unit code |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

*to be filled in by retailer*

Please check all inventories of the above products and remove from sale. This recall affects product located in _____________, British Columbia.

The above codes are being recalled for : . No other code dates of this product are affected.

Please isolate and hold the above products in your back room storage.

A representative will contact you to issue credit and arrange for disposition.

Please inform us of the amount of each individual product line to be returned from your location as soon as possible by: Faxing to or call and leave message on .


Please inform all staff to direct all questions to Director of Operations, insert company name and phone number

Filled in by: Recall Coordinator

Form: RC-10

Please fax to customer service at (250) 360-2396

To All Customer Service Representatives:

Urgent Recall Information



Code Date



For media inquires please contact TIM CATER at 1-250-360-2390

For all other inquires please contact CFIA at 1-604-666-1707.

Filled out by: Director of Operations

Form RC - 11


Company XYZ.




Company XYZ, Victoria BC, announced today that as a precaution, it is recalling their

which is processed at its Victoria plant because of in part of the day’s production. No illness has been reported. The company’s quality assurance personnel found the defect in the

bearing the code number and distributed in . No other code dates of this product were affected.

The company’s findings and corrective actions were reported to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. To prevent future occurrence, Company XYZ. has instituted improved quality control programs.

This was the first public recall of food products in the history of Company XYZ

Filled in by: Director of Operations / HACCP Coordinator

Form RC-12

Public Warning Template

Health Hazard Alert –(Product Name) may contain (type of bacteria) Bacteria/

Victoria, (Date) -- Canadian Food Inspection Agency and /or Company XYZ, Victoria) is warning the public not to consume Product “X” (Product Name, Lot #, Model, UPC Code , Serial #, Code, Packaging), because the product may contain the bacteria responsible for (Disease) in humans.

(Disease) is a potentially life-threatening illness caused by (Bacteria name). Young children, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems are particularly at risk.

Company XYZ Inc. is recalling (Quantity) of (Product Name) which was distributed by (Distribution Company), through (Specific Stores) across (Province/Country).

(Number and nature of confirmed illnesses) have reported to date.

Food contaminated with (Type of Bacteria) will not look or smell spoiled. Consumers should (what to do with violative product).

Consumers can contact Company XYZ. Inc. by calling (Phone Number).

For more information, media please contact:

Filled in by: Plant Manager / HACCP Coordinator

Fax to Crisis Management Team

Form RC – 13 Product Return Slip


|Person taking the call |Date of Claim |NO. |

|Customer Contact |Invoice No. |Customer No. |


| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Reason for Return |

| |

| |



| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|PRODUCT WAS: ( Returned to Stock – Transfer Slip No.: |

|( Reworked |

|( Condemned – Certificate No.: |

| |


Filled in by: HACCP Coordinator


(Addendum to Product Recall Procedures)

1. Mock recalls are initiated by HACCP Coordinator. In the instance that a real recall occurs, the HACCP Coordinator is immediately in contact with the Vice President and the Recall Co-ordinator.

2. Members of the Recall Team are notified through Recall Co-ordinator and Plant Managers. This includes appropriate members of sales, production, loss control and management that are listed on the Recall Team.

3. Mock recall scenario is set up either as product traceability, raw material traceablility, or both.

4. Procedures for the mock recall follow the same guidelines as listed in the formal Recall Program. This includes contacting the customer as if it were a real recall.

A. Verify customer recall procedures are available

B. Each team member review their (and whenever team roles/members change) responsibilities.

5. Mock recall is completed at least annually. Informal recall practices are completed on an as needed basis by individuals involved in data analysis, for product tracking. These informal practices are not necessarily documented. However, all formal mock recalls are documented and kept on file.

6. At the completion of each mock recall, a list of areas to improve upon is generated (even if there are no areas for improvements) if discrepancies are found. This list is kept on file and used as part of the plants continuous improvement efforts in product tracking and recall.

7. Mock Recall results are kept on file by the HACCP group. These records are kept for customer audits and references areas of needed improvement.

Form RC – 14

Press Release – Allergens


ALLERGY ALERT – UNDECLARED (Name of Allergen) IN (Name of Product)

(CITY), (DATE) – (COMPANY NAME), (LOCATION) is warning consumers not to consume (BRAND NAME AND PRODUCT NAME) because it may contain (NAME THE ALLERGEN) which is not declared on the label.

The product being recalled is:


The product is distributed in (NAME THE PROVINCES) or across Canada.

(NAME THE PRODUCT) may cause a serious or life-threatening reaction in persons with allergies to (NAME THE ALLERGEN).

Consumers should (TELL CONSUMERS WHAT OT DO WITH THE RECALLED PRODUCT, e.g. return to point of sale for a refund).

There have been (NUMBER) of reported illnesses associated with this product.

Consumers can contact (COMPANY NAME) by calling (PHONE NUMBER).

For more information, media please contact:

Form RC – 15















Filled in by: Director of Operations / HACCP Coordinator

Form RC-16

Recall Review


| |

| |

| |

Why was there a recall?

| |

| |

| |

| |

What course of action was taken to resolve the issue?

| |

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What actions have been taken to ensure this issue does not reoccur?

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Who is responsible for verifying and monitoring this plan?

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Total length of time for recall:

How can we improve next time and be quicker/accurate?

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Total cost of recall:

Charge to: From:

Crisis Management Log – RC-17

Name: Position:

Crisis situation:

Date Began: Date Ended:

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Signed: Date:

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Is there a health hazard?

Receive complaint

Follow normal complaint procedures

Review process and ensure corrective actions are complete

Terminate Recall

Determine effectiveness

Dispose of recalled product

Retrieve recalled product

Notify Key Accounts

Reconcile Inventory

Notify Distributors

Track Distribution

Track affected product

Arrange for replacement product

Arrange for replacement ingredients

Isolate materials and finished products

Complete Press release with CFIA

Start corrective actions

Notify CFIA

Gather information. Develop recall strategy

Assemble recall team

Identify affected product

Notify President, senior management, legal counsel

Assess hazard

Stop Production/ distribution


Director of Operations HACC

HACCP/Director of Operations Investigates & Confirms if there is a health hazard

Internal Complaints Lab Report Production Reports

External Complaints

Food illness/injury

Product Nonconformance


Recall Coordinator/ Plant Manager oversees that all activities are carried out by Recall Committee

CFIA Determines Class of Recall

Weekdays 8:00AM-4:00PM

Pager: (604) 775-6085

(call this number first)

Phone: (604)- 666-6060

After Hours: (604) 775-6085


Risk Assessment

Production Supervisor


HACCP Coordinator



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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