FRANKENVOCABULARY – List #1 Due Date: _____ Test Date: _____ NAME:__________________

|Word & Pronunciation |Part of Speech & Definition |Used in context: |

|diffuse |(v.) To spread out | |

|dih fyooz | | |

|satiate |(v.) to satisfy | |

|say shee ayt | | |

|ardent |(adj.) passionate, enthusiastic, fervent | |

|ahr dint | | |

|sublime |(adj.) | |

|suhb lym | | |

|5.) ascertain |(v.) to determine, discover, make certain of | |

|aa suhr tayn | | |

|6.) ardor |(n.) passion, enthusiasm | |

|ahr dur | | |

|7.) injunction |(n.) command, order | |

|ihn junk shuhn | | |

|8.) effusion |(n.) an emotion expressed without restraint | |

|ih fyoo zhunn | | |

|9.) niche |(n.) best position for something; recess in a wall | |

|nihch | | |

|10.) consecrate |(v.) to declare sacred; to dedicate to a goal | |

|kahn suh krayt | | |

|11.) entreat |(v.) to plead, beg | |

|ehn treet | | |

|12.) capacious |(adj.) large, roomy, extensive | |

|kuh pay shuhs | | |

| | | |

|13.) dross |(n.) waste; something base, trivial, or inferior | |

|draws | | |

|14.) endowment |(n.) a natural gift, ability, or characteristic of someone | |

|ehn dow mehnt | | |

| | | |

|15.) amass |(v.) to collect for one’s self; to collect into a mass | |

|uh maas | | |

|16.) suppliant |(n.) one who asks humbly and earnestly | |

|suh plee ehnt | | |

|17.) inexorable |(adj.) inflexible; unyielding | |

|ihn ehk suhr uh bul | | |

|18.) traverse |(v.) to travel across; to travel or move laterally | |

|truh vuhrs | | |

|19.) denote |(v.) to indicate; to make known; to stand for | |

|dih noht | | |

|20.) capitulate |(v.) to submit completely; to surrender | |

|kuh pih choo layt | | |

|21.) benevolence |(n.) kindness, compassion | |

|buh neh vuh luhnts | | |

|22.) conciliating |(adj.) becoming agreeable, appeasing | |

|kuhn sih lee ayt ing | | |

|23.) pedantry |(n.)the habit of paying attention to academic details or rules, a vain | |

|pehd uhn tree |display of learning | |

|24.) ameliorate |(v.) to make better; to improve | |

|uh mee lee ohr ayt | | |

|25.) dissimilitude |(n.) lack of resemblance or similarity | |

|dih sih mih luh tood | | |

|26.) intercession |(n.) the act of intervening between feuding parties to help achieve an | |

|ihn tehr she shuhn |agreement | |

|27.) pretension |(n.) arrogance, snobbishness | |

|pre tehn shuhn | | |

|28.) caprice |(n.) an impulsive chance of mind; fickleness | |

|kuh prees | | |

|29.) docile |(adj.) tame; willing to be taught | |

|dah syhl | | |

|30.) destitute |(adj.) very poor, lacking; poverty-stricken | |

|deh stih toot | | |

FRANKENVOCABULARY – List #2 Due Date: _____ Test Date: _____ NAME:__________________

|Word & Pronunciation |Part of Speech & Definition |Used in context: |

|31.) odious | | |

|oh dee uhs |(adj.) Hateful. Contemptible | |

|32.) emulation | | |

|ehm yoo lay shun |(n.) Jealous rivalry; ambition to excel | |

|33.) predilection | | |

|preh dih lek shuhn |(n.) preference, liking | |

|34.) inclemency | | |

|(write it like it sounds!) |(n.) storminess; unmercifulness, lack of lenience; severe intolerance | |

|35.) chimerical | | |

| |(adj.) fanciful, imaginary, visionary, unreal | |

|36.) avidity | | |

| |(n.) keen eagerness; consuming greed | |

|37.) lexicon | | |

| |(n.) the vocabulary of a language | |

|38.) prognosticate | | |

| |(v.) to indicate in advance; to forecast | |

|39.) repugnance | | |

| |(n.) strong dislike, distaste, or antagonism; an instance of contradiction or | |

| |inconsistency | |

|40.) doctrine | | |

| |(n.) body of theories or teachings | |

|41.) mien | | |

| |(n.) characteristics expressive of attitude or personality | |

|42.) panegyric | | |

| |(n.) elaborate praise delivered in speech or writing | |

|43.) intrinsic | | |

| |(adj.) inherent, internal | |

|44.) unremitting | | |

| |(adj.) never lessening; persistent | |

|45.) ascribe | | |

| |(v.) to attribute to, assign | |

|46.) transitory | | |

| |(adj.) short-lived, existing only briefly | |

|47.) delineate | | |

| |(v.) to describe something in detail; do sketch or outline | |

|48.) lassitude | | |

| |(n.) a state of weariness accompanies by apathy | |

|49.) languor | | |

| |(n.) 1. A pleasant feeling of weakness 2.) an oppressive heaviness in the air 3.)| |

| |listlessness and indifference in speech or behavior | |

|50.) tinge | | |

| |(n.) or (v.) to affect or modify in character; to color with a slight shade, | |

| |stain, odor, or taste | |

|51.) animated | | |

| |(adj.) lively and spirited; having life | |

|52.) verdure | | |

| |(n.) lush vegetation | |

|53.) articulate | | |

| |(adj.) well spoken, expressing one’s self clearly | |

|54.) balmy | | |

| |(adj.) mild and pleasant; soothing | |

|55.) intersperse | | |

| |(v.) to distribute among; mix with | |

|56.) faculty | | |

| |(n.) the ability to act or do | |

|57.) declamatory | | |

| |(adj.) pretentiously rhetorical | |

|58.) base | | |

| |(adj.) lacking higher qualities of mind or spirit | |

|59.) vagabond | | |

| |(n.) a wanderer with no permanent place to live | |

|60.) subsist | | |

| |(v.) to remain alive or viable, esp. with help from something | |

|61.) deposition | | |

| |(n.) testimony under oath | |

FRANKENVOCABULARY – List #3 Due Date: _____ Test Date: _____ NAME:__________________

|Word & Pronunciation |Part of Speech & Definition |Used in context: |

|62.) dote |(v.) to show excessive fondness | |

|63.) indignation |(n.) anger or annoyance at something unjust | |

|64.) flagrant |(adj.) obvious and contrary to standards of conduct or morality | |

|65.) affluence |(n.) abundance of material wealth | |

|66.) tenet |(n.) a set of established and fundamental beliefs, esp. relating to religion or | |

| |politics | |

|67.) indelible |(adj.) impossible to remove | |

|68.) noisome |(adj.) extremely harmful; offensive to the senses | |

|69.) pittance |(n.) a very small amount of something | |

|70.) reiterate |(v.) to say or do something again | |

|71.) deprecate |(v.) to express condemnation of something or someone | |

|72.) imbue |(v.) to saturate or make rich with a particular quality | |

|73.) gall |(n.) impudent boldness | |

|74.) supplication |(n.) a humble appeal to someone who has the power to grant a request | |

|75.) sagacity |(adj.) profound knowledge and understanding, coupled with foresight and good | |

| |judgment | |

|76.) benefactor |(n.) someone who aids a cause, institution, or individual, esp. with a gift of | |

| |money | |

|77.) vestige |(n.) a trace of something that is no longer present | |

|78.) kindle |(v.) to set alight; to begin to burn | |

|79.) precipitous |(adj.) done too quickly without enough thought; very high and steep | |

|80.) recompense |(n.) payment for services or work performed; (v.) to pay someone for work, | |

| |service, or a loss | |

|81.) sanguinary |(adj.) involving death or bloodshed | |

|82.) extort |(v.) to obtain something (usually money or information) from someone by using | |

| |force, threats, or other unacceptable methods | |

|83.) eradicate |(v.) to completely destroy or get rid of so it cannot come back | |

|84.) dilatory |(adj.) tending to waste time or move slowly | |

|85.) candor |(n.) honesty, directness, freedom from bias or malicious feelings | |

|86.) infirmity |(n.) lack of strength or vitality | |

|87.) indolence |(n.) lethargy; an illness or character flaw that is slow to develop | |

|88.) machination |(n.) a secret, cunning, complicated plan or scheme | |

|89.) replete |(adj.) amply, fully, or completely supplied with something | |

|90.) verdant |(adj.) green with vegetation or foliage | |

|91.) illustrious |(adj.) extremely distinguished and deservedly famous | |

|92.) mutable |(adj.) tending to or likely to change | |

|93.) torpor |(n.) absence of the ability to move or feel | |

|94.) propagate |(v.) to reproduce or multiply | |


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