Tired of losing money, tired of wasting money giving away samples.

Running to post office, calling and customer hasn’t even started!!

This is your business, treat it like one!!

$7.00/day. 3 day trial pack adds up.

Get your customers to COMMIT! Don’t just HAND out the trial packs.

Go on FACEBOOK make a status (something like)

“I’m having a great day, I’m feeling great. Next 5 people will get a free trail pack of Thrive”

Then PM the next 5.

THIS IS ALL PRIVATE MESSAGE!! Explain what they will need to do:

1. Have them REGISTER on your site (for free) (do not use word SIGN UP)

2. Go on their FB page and post a status. “I am so excited to receive this SAMPLE pack of THRIVE that @your name is sending me. I have been so tired etc.

3. Fast forward to when they are on day 3 and LOVING the product

And now you need to talk to them about promoting

They’ll say, “I can’t sell anything” “I don’t know anything”

Then you tell them, look at all the people who commented on your FB status when you talked about being excited to get the TRIAL PACK. You had 20 people who commented.

You have 10-20 people who are excited.

You let them know that they only need to SHARE the EXPERIENCE they just had.

Of the 10-20 people who commented on your facebook status TWO of those will order, so there you have 2 customers already and have earned a free month. And you might have a promoter, too.

Back to the potential posting on FB”Im excited to get sample pack……..”

You as the promoter giving the sample pack, can write posts like check out the Le-vel Fan Page. Register for free on (the potentials) free Le-vel website. Personal little things, “I love THRIVE” #wherehasthrivebeenmywholelife etc. You control the comments and info about THRIVE


Post on FB about giving away free samples

Contact those interested by PM on FB

Have them post of FB status about their excitement to get samples

You comment and direct the conversation in the posts, Hey, check out Le- FB page. Hey, Thrive is Amazing. Etc.

Help new sampler learn she already has customers and promoters interested.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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