Physician Assistant Education Association

JUNE 2018PAEA ASSESSMENT Instructions for Remote Proctoring These are designed primarily for ProctorU, but adaptable for other services.There are three main things you need to do before you can use a remote proctoring service:Set up a remote proctor user account within ExamDriverSet up an account with the remote proctoring service of your choice with instructions on how to use our portalSchedule the individual exam Below are instructions for each of those processes. They’re designed with ProctorU in mind, as it is the most commonly used service among PAEA members; however, the PAEA Assessment team is happy to work with you to ensure these meet your program’s and your service’s needs.Important Note for Faculty: It is important that you allow the ProctorU proctor to authorize the student to begin during the scheduled exam event and to monitor for alerts. If you authorize students to begin in advance, this may give the student early access to the exam as they may not be connected with their proctor. You can monitor the exam while in progress, but the ProctorU proctor should have the controls since they are the ones ensuring that students are present. This will also allow for accurate response to alerts, as they are the ones watching what the student is doing. I. ExamDriver ProcessCreate a Remote Proctor account in your ExamDriver accountLog in to ExamDriverGo to the Users tabClick on Add a New User in the upper right27875934526800Set up a new account using an email address you have access to that is not already an active ExamDriver account. This can be either a non-human email address or what we call a “shadow” email address. You must have the ability to check the inbox in order to set up the password for the account.A shadow email account is one that uses a real email address but with an addition in the username. You are tricking the system into believing it is a new address. An example is exams+remote@. The real email address is exams@. The addition of +remote makes it look like a new account. Emails to this address will still go to exams@, but it gets around the requirement that an email address only appear in the system once.Not all institutions allow these types of accounts. If you do not receive the password email, you may want to set up a non-human inbox or a free external account (e.g., Gmail or Yahoo). As long as it is a real email address, it will work.Some remote proctoring services allow you to set up accounts for each proctor that works for them — an excellent additional security measure. They may also be able to reassign proctors as their internal schedules are set for each session, or contact you the day of to make those assignments. Please work with your account manager to make these decisions.Give this account the Remote Proctor role. Users of this account will not be allowed to view anything other than the My Proctor Schedule tab. For the account name, you might want to choose something like Remote Proctor.When you get the password link in your email, assign a generic password. You will share this with the ProctorU team, so it should be basic.Schedule the exam in ExamDriver in the usual way. Assign your new ProctorU account as the proctor for the exam session. Multiple users can log into a single account at one time, so you should only need one, and only need to set up a single exam session.II. ProctorU ProcessSet up a ProctorU account for your institution. The account team at ProctorU is very helpful and can walk you through the process.Add a standard note in ProctorU for all exams scheduled under your institution’s account. In the Notes section of your ProctorU portal, add the ExamDriver instructions below.-1176953621400ExamDriver instructions for the ProctorU remote proctor:Go to?Account/LogOnLog in using the following information:Username:?<Username email>Password:?<Password>Read the Sample Proctor Script to the student:? Review the acknowledgement in the center of the screen, tick the box on the left side marked “I have read and understand the above terms and conditions,” and then click the button on the right side marked Launch Proctoring Session.In the proctoring session, find the name of the student in your session. After all ID, system, and environment checks have been completed, mark the student as Present using the tick box. Then click the Authorize link to allow them to begin the exam. They will see a Launch Exam Now link that enables them to begin.Note: If you have issues at any point during the exam, click on the orange Chat button in the bottom right corner of the ExamDriver screen. This will appear on all screens and tabs on this website.Proctors should remain on the my proctor schedule tab at all times (do not view any other tabs).You are able?to pause, stop, or reauthorize?individual students’ exams (the buttons are to the right of the individual student’s name).To pause or resume a proctoring session for an individual student, click?Pause?or?Resume?next to the student’s name. Use this function if you need to interact with the student, as the chat box will trigger an alert.NOTE: Using the proctoring service chat feature will trigger a Viewing Other Content alert. If you or the student need to communicate for any reason, Pause their exam to prevent this from happening. You may also instruct students to waive at the camera to prompt you for a pause in this case.NOTE: Stopping an exam prevents it from being started and automatically invalidates all scores. This should only be used in cases where it is impossible for the student to complete the test. To stop a proctoring session for an individual student, click?Stop?next to that student’s name in the Examinees section. In the dialog box that appears,?select the reason: Illness, Power Outage/Inclement Weather, Academic Integrity Issue, or Other (give reason in the text box that appears). Click?Save?when you are finished.If a student accidentally closes their exam window, the proctor needs to?reauthorize?the exam so the student can restart it: From the Proctor Session tab, click?Reauthorize?next to the examinee’s name. This will enable the?Launch Exam Now?link on the student’s exam portal page, and also gives the student a status of?Reauthorized?in the Proctor Session tab. Click?OK?to confirm that you want to reauthorize the exam for the student. An email will automatically be sent to the student informing them that they have been reauthorized to start the exam. The status of the student becomes?Confirmed. Once the student clicks the?Launch Exam Now?link on their exam portal, the status will change from?Confirmed?to?Started.-177165000System AlertsFor general information about alerts, review the “Alerts and What to Do About Them” document: ?There are three alerts you may receive regarding the test-takers’ exams:Viewing Other Content. This means that another page or program on the student’s computer is running. After the first alert, pause the student’s exam (the chat box will trigger an alert to the student). Then have the student show you their screen and close any other programs that may be running. If no inappropriate behavior has taken place, resume the exam so that the student may continue. When investigating the alert, the proctor is expected to look for signs of inappropriate behavior, such as other open browser windows, browser tabs, or applications, as well as the browser history. Benign triggers for this alert include using the search box, adjusting the browser settings, or chatting with the ProctorU proctor. After?THREE?Viewing Other Content?alerts, a student’s exam will be?auto-paused. After?TWO?additional alerts, for a?total of FIVE?alerts, the system will?auto-end?a student’s exam, and they will be unable to continue.Inappropriate Key Stroke.? This alert is triggered if a student using a Mac uses a keystroke combination that includes the Command and Shift keys together. This may be due to?benign actions?(such as zoom, logout, center align, page set-up, or accessing the Help menu) or?inappropriate actions?(screen capture, opening spelling and grammar app, switching windows, selecting text, or pasting and matching style). Timely and thorough investigation is required to determine whether the action is benign or inappropriate. After?ONE?Inappropriate Key Stroke?alert, a student’s exam will be?auto-paused. In the course of the investigation, if the student is found to have taken screen capture images, which may be located on the desktop or in the pictures folder, those files must be deleted from the computer and permanently deleted from the recycle bin. Also, please notify Exam Support so that PAEA can investigate whether exam content has been published online. After?TWO?additional alerts, for a?total of THREE?alerts, the system will?auto-end?a student’s exam, and they will be unable to continue. As above, proctors must investigate whether screen capture images or documents have been made, and if so, destroy them and notify PAEA so they may conduct additional investigation.Screen Capture Detected. This alert is triggered when a PC user hits the Print Screen key. This is used for screen captures but may also send a document to a networked printer. Be sure to check the PC’s default printer queue for any exam content, as well as the computer’s desktop or pictures folder. After?ONE?Screen Capture Detected?alert, a student’s exam will be?auto-paused. In the course of the investigation, if the student is found to have taken screen capture images, those files must be deleted from the computer and permanently deleted from the recycle bin. Also, please notify Exam Support so that PAEA can investigate whether exam content has been published online. After?TWO?additional alerts, for a?total of THREE?alerts, the system will?auto-end?a student’s exam, and they will be unable to continue. As above, proctors must investigate whether screen capture images or documents have been made, and if so, destroy them and notify PAEA so they may conduct additional investigation.IF AN EXAM IS AUTO-PAUSED: Click the red Investigate button in the box in the upper left corner to claim the alert. This will activate a pop-up. Use the following language to tell the student what is going on: “Your exam has been auto-paused due to multiple system alerts, which I will need to investigate. Please remain calm and stay connected with me as I complete my investigation. These alerts can be triggered by both appropriate and inappropriate actions. If my investigation does not uncover inappropriate behavior, you do not need to be concerned. I will be able to resume your exam with all exam answers and time intact.”After investigating the potential cause of the alert, add your investigation findings in the Proctor Comments box. Specific things to look for related to each alert can be found above in the System Alerts section.Either Resume or End the student’s exam depending on whether the student actually engaged in inappropriate behavior. If resumed, they will be able to restart the exam immediately from where they left off with all time and data intact.IF AN EXAM IS AUTO-ENDED: Click the red Investigate button in the box in the upper left corner to claim the alert. This will activate a pop-up. Use the following language to tell the student what is going on: “Your exam has been auto-ended due to additional system alerts, which I will need to investigate. Please remain calm, and stay connected with me as I complete my investigation. As with the auto-pause, these alerts can be triggered by both appropriate and inappropriate actions. If my investigation does not uncover inappropriate behavior, you do not need to be concerned. Your program will be alerted, and your exam will be resumed or rescheduled as soon as possible with all exam answers and -177165-480060000After investigating the potential cause of the alert, add your investigation findings in the Proctor Comments box and click Save and Close. Specific things to look for related to each alert can be found above in the System Alerts section. Clicking Save and Close will trigger an email to PAEA and the student’s program. Based on your comments, the exam may be resumed or permanently ended. Please stay connected to the student unless you hear otherwise from the program faculty.If the student is allowed to resume, you may need to Reauthorize them to continue. If not, conclude the session.III. Student ProcessSteps I and II are the general set-up steps. This section provides helpful notes for exam day. We recommend that you talk with your students before the exam to explain the rules and reduce their anxiety. Make sure they know that certain behaviors can trigger alerts that could indicate inappropriate behavior. The instructions below are intended to be shared with the students with the exception of a couple of embedded notes to faculty.Tell students that to prepare for the exam, they will need to take the following steps:Set up a Student ProctorU account. You will get a link after your ProctorU account is set up. Schedule the exam through the ProctorU portal. (Note to Faculty: Please let the student know who they can contact at your institution if they are having any problems setting up the exam in the ProctorU student portal.)After you create your profile, click on Schedule New Session on the home page and answer the three questions. On the Select Institution tab, click the drop-down menu and select your institution’s account. From there, all other drop-down menus have been set up by your program. This may include the term in the year and the exam that you should schedule. In the next screen, choose a date and time, which should correspond to what was set up in ExamDriver.On exam day, make sure to set yourself up in a quiet, distraction-free space with a reliable internet connection. Check for software, browser, and antivirus updates. Remove all books, notes, and study materials from your area to another room or a bag; the ProctorU proctor will ask to scan your space. Close all other applications and browser tabs. Use the restroom before your scheduled exam time. (Note to Faculty: Provide any additional instructions about breaks. Remote proctoring increases the risk of students looking up answers while on a break since you cannot monitor them once they leave the room. Follow whatever procedures your program requires, but we recommend that you not allow breaks beyond the mid-exam section break. Students cannot go back to previously answered questions after this scheduled break, but they can go back to questions within the section should you pause the exam and allow them to leave.)Log in to ProctorU and do your pre-exam checks before starting your exam.If you need to contact the proctor, first ask them to pause your exam through a physical cue (e.g., a wave to the camera) to decrease the risk that you trigger alerts.Attentively follow all instructions from the proctor. ................

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