Introduction to Outlook 2007 Email – for New Users
Introduction to Outlook 2007 Email – for New Users
The Inbox – Microsoft Outlook
The Navigation Bar (Far Left) and the To-Do Bar (Far Right)
Both the Navigation Pane and the To-Do Bar can be minimized.
|The first time you start Outlook 2007 the Navigator Bar and the To-Do Bar will |Try it: |
|appear. |Click the Minimize the To-Do Bar button, >>, to |
| |minimize the To-Do Bar. |
|The To-Do Bar displays your upcoming appointments, tasks and flagged items in one |Click the Expand the Do-To Bar button, Normal to get it back. |
|Date Navigator |Click the Minimize the Navigation Pane button to |
|Your task list |expand it. |
| |Click View > Navigation Pane > Off to close it. |
|You can also minimize the Navigation Bar. |Click View > Navigation Pane > Normal to get it |
|[pic] |back. |
Remember to Right-click in Outlook
Whatever you want to do in Outlook can usually be accomplished many ways. This class will show you some of the ways.
REMEMER – If you find it, try Right-click for more options.
Access Mail in Outlook
To access Mail in Outlook click the Mail button [pic] in the Navigation Pane.
Read Mail
To read Outlook mail:
1. Click the message in the Mail List to display it in the Reading Pane, or
2. Double-click the message to display it in a new window.
Viewing Blocked Pictures
Outlook 2007 blocks automatic picture downloads. This feature is to help protect against spam and privacy invasions. When pictures are blocked Outlook will display the following message:
To view the pictures:
1. Click on the link that says Click her to download pictures.
2. From the resulting menu, select Download Pictures.
Preview an Attachment
Attachment preview allows you to view an email attachment without actually opening it.
To preview an attachment:
1. Open or preview the message.
2. Click the attachment.
3. Click Preview file button.
4. To return to the message body, click the Message button [pic]on the top left.
Open an Attachment
To open an attachment:
1. Double-click the attachment.
Save an Attachment
To save an attachment:
1. Open or preview the message.
2. On the resulting menu, select Save As.
3. Navigate to your folder location and click Save.
1. Attachments in Outlook are part of the message. When you delete a message the attachment is also deleted. If you want to delete the email but keep the attachment, save the attachment first.
2. Attachments in saved email count against your quota (space) limit.
The Ribbon
The Ribbon appears at the top of the page whenever you create or modify email messages, calendar items, contacts, tasks or journal items in Outlook 2007.
Tabs – Represent core tasks.
Groups – Are sets of related commands.
Commands – Are buttons, menus or boxes where you enter information.
Message Tab
|[pic] |Try it: |
| |Start Outlook 2007. |
| |Click on each tab to display|
| |different groups of |
| |commands. |
| |Hover over a command for |
| |Enhanced Toolbar Tips. |
| |Note: keyboard shortcuts are|
| |shown if available. |
The Message Tab displays the most commonly used commands. In Outlook these include Copy, Cut, and Paste, Bold, Italic, Underscore etc. The commands are arranged in groups: Clipboard, Font, Paragraph, Styles and Editing.
The most frequently used commands, Paste, Cut, Copy and Format Painter, are the left most in the first group in the Home Tab.
|The less frequently used commands or command choices can be displayed by clicking the|Try it: To display the Paste Special command: |
|down arrow under the command. |Select some text. |
| |Click the Message tab. |
| |In the Clipboard group, under Paste button, click |
| |the down arrow. |
The Outlook 2007 editor is based on Word 2007. When you create or edit messages in Outlook 2007 many of the commands and options available in Word 2007 are available.
The Ribbon Tabs Change
|The Ribbon Tabs change to match the function. |Try it: |
| |Start a New Message. |
| |Start a New Appointment. |
| |Start a New Contact. |
| |Note the tabs, groups and commands for each Ribbon.|
Dialog Box Launcher
|The Dialog Box Launcher [pic] at the bottom of any group displays more options. |Try it: |
| |On the Message Tab, in the Basic Text Group, click |
| |the arrow at the bottom. |
Minimize the Ribbon
|[pic] To minimize the Ribbon right click in the tab area or right click on any |Try it: |
|command. |Right click in the tab area. |
| |Select Minimize the Ribbon. |
| |Right click in the tab area |
| |De-select Minimize the Ribbon. |
Create and Send a New Message
There are several ways to create new messages. From the mail window, select one of the following methods to create a new message:
1. Click the New button [pic] on the Tool bar, or
2. Select File > New > Mail Message from the Menu Bar.
In the new message window:
1. Compose the message.
2. Enter the recipient’s address in the To: field (required), the Cc: field (optional), or the Bcc: field (optional).
3. Separate multiple addresses a semicolons “;”
4. Enter the Subject.
5. Enter the message.
6. Click the Send button.
Address Book
You can use the Address Book to look up and select names, email addresses, and distribution lists when you address messages.
When you type a name in the To, Cc, or Bcc fields, Outlook automatically checks to see if the name you typed matches a name in the Address Book. If there is a match the name is resolved. If there is no match, the Check Names dialog box prompts you for more information or you can create a new contact by clicking New Contact. If more than one name contains the letters you typed, you can select a name from the list.
The Address Book consists of the Global Address List (GAL) and your personal Contacts.
While composing a message:
1. In the Message tab, in the Names group, click the Address button .
2. Under Address Book click the down arrow to see the various Address Books.
The Global Address List
The Global Address List contains the names and email addresses of everyone on the server and other UI Exchange servers. It can also contain global distribution lists and public folder email addresses.
1. Right-click any name in the Address Book
2. Select Properties to display more information such as phone number or office address.
Outlook Contacts
The Outlook Contacts Folder contains your personal names and email addresses.
Auto Complete
When you start to type an email address or name in the To, Cc, or Bcc address fields Outlook Auto Complete will suggest a list of possible matches. Use the down and up arrows to select the name or address you want and then press Enter. Once the entry is selected, you can also press the Delete key to delete an entry from the Auto Complete List.
Using the Address Book
To use the Address Book:
1. While composing a message…
2. Click the To:, Cc:, Bcc:, or in the Message tab, in the Names group, click the Address Book button.
3. Under Address Book click the down arrow to see the various Address Books.
4. Select your personal Contacts or the Global Address List.
5. Click the user name to select it from the list.
6. Click the To:, Cc:, or Bcc: button to add the name to the Message Recipients field.
7. Repeat until all user names are added.
8. Click OK to close the dialog box.
Reply, Reply to All or Forward to a Message
To reply, reply to all, or forward a message you have received:
1. Click the Reply, Reply to All or Forward button [pic] on the Tool bar, or
2. In the Message tab, in the Response group, click the appropriate button. [pic]
3. Enter the response you wish to include in the new message window.
4. Click Send to send the message.
Add an Attachment to a Message
To add an attachment to a message:
1. In the Message tab, in the Include group, click the Attach File button.
2. In the Insert File dialog box, navigate to and select the file you wish to attach.
3. Click the Insert button.
Attachments can also be inserted on the Insert tab.
Warning: Some file extensions are blocked by Outlook as they are tagged as being potentially unsafe, for example files with a *.exe extension.
The Insert Tab
|Use the Insert Tab to insert attachments, calendar items, pictures, drawings, |Try it: |
|signatures etc. |Start a New Message. |
| |Place the cursor in the location you wish to insert |
|Contextual Tabs only appear when needed. Click in any picture or table to see the |the picture. |
|Picture Tool Tab or Table Tools Tab appear. |On the Insert Tab, in the Illustrations Group, click |
| |Picture to insert a Picture. |
|Signatures can also be inserted or edited on the Message Tab. |Click in the inserted picture to see the Picture |
| |Tools Tab. |
| |Click out of the picture to have the Picture Tools |
| |Tab disappear. |
| |Click the Signature button to insert or edit your |
| |signatures. |
Insert a Picture into the Message Body
To add an picture into the message body:
1. Position the cursor in the message body at the location where you wish to insert the picture.
2. In the Message tab, in the Illustrations group, click the Picture button.
3. Navigate to the location where your picture is located.
4. Double-click the picture you want to insert.
5. Click the Insert button.
6. Select the picture you inserted, and the Picture Tools tab appears.
Create a Signature
To create a signature:
1. In the Insert tab, in the Include group, click the Signature button.
2. On the resulting down menu click Signatures…
3. On the E-mail Signatures tab, click New.
4. Type a name for your signature and click OK.
5. In the Edit Signature box, type the text you wish to include in your signature.
6. Under the Choose default signature section, do the following:
a. Select an email account to associate the signature with from the E-mail account list.
b. Based on your preferences, select the signature to apply to the New messages and/or the Replies/forwards lists.
7. Click OK.
To change Your Signature One Time
If you are composing an email message and you decide to change your signature for that message:
1. In the Insert tab, in the Include group, click the Signature button, or
2. Right-click on the signature at the bottom of your message.
3. Select the appropriate signature from the resulting list or select Signatures to edit your signatures or add a new one.
Saving a Message in Progress
To save a message you are composing without sending it:
1. Click the Office button > Save
2. Click the Close button [pic] in the upper left of the compose window.
3. When asked if you want to save the message, click Yes.
Messages are saved in the Drafts folder. Double-click the saved message to open it for editing.
Delete a Message
To delete to a message you have received
1. Select the message(s) you wish to delete and
2. Click the Delete button [pic], or
3. Select Edit > Delete from the Menu Bar, or
4. Press the Delete Key on the keyboard, or
5. Click the Send button to sent the message, or
6. Right-click the message you wish to delete and select Delete, or
7. While viewing the message, in the Actions group, click the Delete button [pic].
Empty the Deleted Items Folder
Item deleted from your inbox and other folders are moved to the Deleted Items folder.
To remove items from the Deleted Items folder:
1. In the Navigation Pane, right click the Delete Items folder and select Empty “ Deleted Items” Folder, or
2. Select Tools > Empty “Deleted Items” Folder from the Tool Bar.
Recover Deleted Items
Items emptied from the Deleted Items folder can be recovered for up to four days from when they were emptied from the Deleted Items folder.
To recover Deleted Items:
1. On the Menu Bar...
2. Select Tools > Recover Deleted Items.
3. Select the message(s) you wish to recover.
4. Click the Recover Deleted button [pic].
Your messages will be moved back to the Deleted Items folder, allowing you to move the message(s) to your Inbox or other folders.
The Options Tab
|[pic] The Options Tab allows you to make changes to email messages you are about to |Try it: |
|send. |While composing a message click Plain Text or HTML. |
| |Click Show Bcc. |
|This is also where you can show or hide the Bcc field. | |
The Message Tab – Address Book, Attach Files, Follow Up Flags, Spelling & Grammar, Thesaurus
|Use the Message Tab |Try it: |
|To add names to the To:, Cc:, or Bcc: fields or click directly on the To:, Cc:, or |Start a New Message. |
|Bcc: buttons |In the Names group, Click the Address Book button to |
|To attach files. |add names to the To:, Cc:, or Bcc: fields. |
|To flag messages for Follow Up. |In the Include group, click the Attach File button. |
|For Spelling & Grammar check and |In the Options group, click the Follow Up button. |
|To use the Thesaurus |In the Proofing group click the down arrow to access |
| |Spelling & Grammer and the Thesaurus. |
|Some commands are only available when appropriate. For example, the text formatting | |
|commands are not available when you are addressing the message. | |
Using Folders
You can use folders to organize your email messages.
To create a new folder:
1. In the Navigation Pane, right-click the folder where you want to create a new folder.
2. Select New Folder…
3. In the New Folder dialog window, type the name of the new folder and navigate to the desired location in the folder hierarchy.
To move mail a folder:
1. Select the mail message and drag it to the desired folder, or
2. Right-click and drag the message for Move and Copy options.
3. Right-click the message and select Move to Folder.
Printing a Message
To print a message:
1. Click the Office Button > Print, or
2. Right-click the message and select Print, or
3. Click File > Print from the Menu Bar.
4. To print directly to the default printer with no changes, click the Print button [pic] on the Standard Toolbar.
Your personal email addresses are saved as Contacts.
To access your Contacts folder:
1. Click the Contacts button [pic] in the Navigation bar, or
2. Right-click the Contacts button and select Open in New Window.
3. Under Current View select your desired view.
To create a new contact:
1. While viewing the contacts window…
2. Click the New button [pic] on the Standard Toolbar.
4. Enter any information you wish to retain.
5. Click the Save & Close button.
To create a new distribution list:
1. While viewing the contacts window…
2. Click the New button down arrow [pic] on the Standard Toolbar.
3. Select Distribution List.
4. Type a name for the new list in the Name: field.
5. On the Distribution tab, in the Members group, click the Select Members button.
6. From the GAL or your personal Contacts folder, select the names of the individual or group you wish to add to the distribution list.
7. Click the Members button [pic] to add them to the list.
To add the current message sender’s address to your contacts:
1. While viewing the message…
2. Right-click the sender name on the From Line.
3. Select Add to Outlook Contacts.
4. Click Save & Close.
To create a new distribution list from an email:
1. While viewing the message…
2. On the To: or Cc: fields, select the email addresses to add.
3. Right-click those selected addresses and select Copy, or
4. Press Ctrl-c to copy them to the clipboard.
5. Click the Office button.
6. Under Create New Outlook Item select Distribution List
7. Type a name for the new list in the Name: field.
8. On the Distribution tab, in the Members group, click the Select Members button.
9. Click in the field to the right of the Members -> button [pic].
10. Press Ctrl-v to pasted the names you copied.
The Outlook Address Book includes both the GAL and your personal Contacts folders. When you first open the Address Book the GAL is displayed. You can change the default Address Book and set other preferences, such as which address book search first when addressing a message.
To change Address Book preferences:
1. From the Standard Tool, click the Address Book button [pic].
2. Select Tools > Options.
3. Use the pull-down menu button to change the value for Show this address list first:
4. Use the up or down arrows to change the search order.
Out of Office Assistant (Vacation Message)
The Out of Office Assistant can be used to set a vacation message or an auto-reply message.
To set the Out of Office Message:
1. From the Menu Bar select Tools > Out of Office Assistant.
2. In the resulting Out of Office Assistant window, select I am currently Out of the Office.
3. Add the text you wish to include in the auto-reply message under AutoReply only once to each sender with the following message text:
4. Click Add Rule for advanced options.
Organize Your Inbox Using Colors
You can use colors to flag messages from or to a particular person.
To set the color:
1. Select a message from or to the person you want to see in a different color.
2. From the Menu Bar select Tools > Organize.
3. In the Organize pane select Using Colors.
4. Select From or Sent to.
5. The person’s whose email messages you wish to color should appear in the second dialog box.
6. Select the color.
7. Click Apply Color.
Color Categories
Color categories can be assigned to any Outlook item - messages, calendar items, appointments, tasks., etc. More than one color category can be assigned to messages.
The Quick Click makes it easy to assign a default color category when you click the Categories column in the Mail List.
To assign a color category:
1. Select the message in the Mail List and click the Categorize button [pic] on the Standard Toolbar, or
2. In the Mail List, click the Categories column to the right of any message, or
3. In the Mail List, click the Categories column again to remove the color category, or
4. While viewing a message, in the Options group, click the Categorize button.
Flag a Message for Follow Up
Use flags as reminders to follow up on an issue or as reminders. You can set flags based on Today, Tomorrow, This Week, Next Week, No Date or Custom.
Some of the ways to set a Follow Up Flag are:
1. While in the folder list, right-click on the message, select Follow Up, and select a flag color, or
2. While in the folder list, right-click on the shadowed flag to the right of the message, or
3. While in the folder list, click the Follow Up button [pic] in the Standard Toolbar, or
4. With the message open, in the Options group, click the Follow Up button [pic].
Instant Search
|[pic] Instant Search provides a fast and easy method to search you email, calendar, |Try it: |
|contacts, tasks and personal files. |While viewing your Mail screen, type in a search |
| |request. |
|In the Search Box on in the mail screen, type in your search item. As you type, |Click the down arrow to the right of the Search |
|Outlook with display and highlight the entries found. |Field, to change the Search Options. |
Sorting Messages
You can sort your messages by clicking on the Column Heading.
To sort your messages by a single field:
1. Click once on the column heading to sort in ascending order.
2. Click the column heading again to reverse the sort order.
Other sorting options are available by selecting:
1. On the Menu Bar select View > Arrange By.
Selecting both Date and Show in Groups will sort the messages by date and group them under Today, Yesterday, Last Week, etc.
To-Do Bar
Reading Pane
Mail List
The first time you start Outlook the Inbox – Microsoft Office sreen will display. It includes the:
Navigation Pane
In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.
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