The Wrong Spell

The Wrong Spell!

Whenever the Alicorn Princess of Friendship named Twiligt Sparkle wasn't to busy saying all of Equestria or being the Headmare of her very own Friendship School, she would enjoy spending her free time at the library of the Castle of Friendship.

Looking through different types of spell books Twilight couldn't help but wonder what some of these really ancient looking ones was truly about.

It said things like "Growth" "Food" and "Hunger", and she figured maybe it had something to do with making things grow in places where food was pretty scares?

Wanting to try her little theory Twilight had a couple of grapes placed onto a plate, and she prepared herself to cast the spell.

"If I am correct now this blast should make the two grapes grow to such a scale that they will be able to feed as many as 200 ponies!" Twilight said as she concentrated hardly, feeling her horn letting out some sparkles from the magic building up in it.

Having to close her eyes to focus better Twilight could feel the magic being unleashed from her horn, but when opening her eyes nothing about the grapes seemed to have changed.

"Well that's odd. Surely a spell of that size should have created some sort of effect?" Twilight asked herself as she started to notice that the grapes was starting to get...smaller?

Not only the grapes but also the plate, the table, and...the whole library?

Looking around Twilight realised to her horror that the spell had literally been backfiring at her, as she was now starting to outgrow her own castle!

Luckily for her the doors of the place was always pretty gigantic, so she was still able to make her way out as she kept on getting larger and larger!

Making her way down the corridors Twilight ran into Pinkie Pie and Spike, both of which looked pretty surprised to see their friend so huge now.

Towering over them with at least 10-12 feet to spare Twilight was looking down at the much tinier Pony and Dragon, and as she did a strange feeling was starting to be felt inside of her.

A feeling of...hunger!

They where starting to remind her a lot about those grapes she had left on that tray, as one was Pink and the other one was Purple.

At her ever-growing size these would not be nearly enough of a meal to satisfy her, but maybe they could calm her stomach down for the moment?

Forgetting completely that they are her closest friends Twilight Sparkle lowered her head down and open her mouth widely, as she took and gobbled up her two friends!

Being so tiny and small she didn't even need to bother chewing her food, as just some licks of the tongue was enough to make them easily slide down her long throat and into the deeps of her stomach.

Strangely despite knowing fully well what she had just done the gigantic Twilight Sparkle wasn't just okay with it, but actually hoped she could run into the rest of her friends very soon!

Getting larger and larger it became progressively harder to not end up breaking things around her, as the now 15 feet tall Twilight was stomping her massive hoofs down with thunder loud steps through the castle!

Entering the main halls Twilight's rampage had indeed caught the attention from the rest, as Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity had all gathered together as they now saw what changes had happen to their leader and friend.

Twilight really wanted to let them all know they didn't need to be scared, but looking at them together like this all her mind could think about was eating some more.

So without warning she tried to dive down and gobble them all up in one go, leading to the two Pegasus's taking to the corners of the roof for protection, while Applejack dived out of the way and Rarity simply made a short teleportation.

Going for what she knew would be the easiest target Twilight started to chase after Applejack, who desperately tried to use her trusty lasso in order to maybe tie it around one of Twilight's legs in order to cause her to fall over. (Despite knowing very well that each one of those legs was about the size and length of a tree trunk!)

Instead Twilight used the magic of her giant horn to make AJ's rope tie itself around her own legs, causing her to end up hogtied and on her back as the giant Alicorn lowered her head to eat her.

Without being able to make any resistance while tied up Applejack ended up easily eaten by Twilight, who couldn't help but find it funny that while tasting the Orange colored Mare she found her name to be very true, as she did have that same sweet taste of Apples to her.

Looking up Twilight spotted RD and Fluttershy flying all over her head like two annoying bats, and while being to quick to catch with her mouth she figured a way to make them instead come to her.

Using her mad magic skills once again Twilight took and this time affected the wings of the two flying Horses, as she made them both unable to control their own wings as they where instead being controlled by the giant Alicorn.

Making some subtle little changes in angle Twilight was able to make the two not only circle around to face her, but then also turning them downwards so that she would have them perfectly lines up to fly straight into her wide open mouth!

Despite their best tries neither of the two Pegasus's was able to stop any of it from happening, before they too was trapped inside the darkness of Twilight's mouth, and never to be seeing the lights of day again.

That left just Rarity, as the lonely Unicorn was hoping that her own ability to use magic would maybe stop her giant sized friend's rampage, and save her own skin.

Trying to protect herself by casting a force field around her Rarity felt the ground underneath her disappear, as Twilight was simply picking up her and the field together in one go!

Upon entering the mouth Rarity was trying to harden her shield (in order to prevent those big teeth of Twilight breaking through it), but instead the entire force field bubble got licked all around before then beginning it's journey down the throat.

From the outside a noticeable bulge could be seen glowing from the magic energy of Rarity, as the glowing ball was soon ending up in the belly of Twilight.

After finally having eaten all of her friends Twilight felt ready to eat some more, before then realizing that she had grown to big now to move around anymore!

The walls of the castle seemed to be to strong for her to break down, and her growing in general seemed to have stopped now.

With nowhere to go Twilight Sparkle decided to instead rest her back against the main doors, and just wait until that spell she cast onto herself would start fading off and reverse her back to normal.

"Should probably take a few hours or so." Twilight was thinking to herself as she could still spot the glowing point in her belly, before shortly thereafter it stopped shinning.

Knowing that her friends was no more now Twilight felt strangely okay with it, as they had all been tasting so very good.

"Just a shame that I only got to eat so few of them." Twilight said as she looked out from one of the big windows towards Ponyville just right outside of her.

"After I'm back to my normal size I think I am going to cast that spell again once outside, and then have myself a Ponyville sized buffet!" The hungry Alicorn said to herself, licking her lips with great anticipation!

The End.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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