Bar Charts (2016-08-02) - Simon Fraser University

Bar Charts (2016-08-02)(Completion rate: 79.65%)Welcome to the Crim 220 Summer SurveyIf you were referred to this site by one of the students in this course, please write their name so we can credit them appropriately.?The 476 response(s) to this question can be found in the appendix.1. Please indicate the year in which you born:The 458 response(s) to this question can be found in the appendix.2. Please indicate your gender: ?3. Please indicate where you were born:4. What is the highest level of education that you have completed?5. One objective of this research is to find out how people think about privacy issues and how they manage their presence on the Internet. When we talk about "privacy" on the Internet, what does that term mean to you? Please explain in a sentence or two.The 435 response(s) to this question can be found in the appendix.6. Which of the following electronic devices do you own? (select all that apply)7. In a typical week, how often do you use the Internet?8a. Which of the following types of apps and services do you use on a regular basis? (select all that apply)8b. Which app/program do you use for instant messaging/texting?8c. Please explain why you might use one or the other(s) on different occasions.The 106 response(s) to this question can be found in the appendix.8d. Is Facebook one of the apps/programs that you have an account with?8e. Is there any particular reason(s) why you decided not to create a Facebook account?The 25 response(s) to this question can be found in the appendix.8f. Facebook is certainly a popular app/program. Why did you decide to set up a Facebook account, and what benefits do you feel you get by using the app/program?The 334 response(s) to this question can be found in the appendix.8g. Do you have any concerns or complaints about Facebook?8h. What are your complaints or concerns?The 115 response(s) to this question can be found in the appendix.8i. Is your Facebook account in your real name?8j. Some people post all sorts of details of their lives on Facebook, while others post very little. How often do you post material about yourself on Facebook??8k. How often do you open your Facebook account to check on postings that have come from others, including Facebook itself (e.g., news feeds, postings from friends)?8l. We are interested in how people make decisions about what they will post and what they will not. Can you explain a bit about what sorts of materials you would be sure to post on your profile, and perhaps other material where you decided not to post it on Facebook?The 314 response(s) to this question can be found in the appendix.8m. Has the way you use Facebook changed over time??8n. Please explain how your usage has changed over timeThe 187 response(s) to this question can be found in the appendix.8o. About how many "Facebook friends" do you have right now?The 331 response(s) to this question can be found in the appendix.8p. Some people pay a lot of attention to their privacy settings, while others just leave all the program defaults. How much attention do you pay to your privacy settings on Facebook?9. Please indicate your ability to do each task (one option per line).10. How much do you trust each of the following to maintain the privacy of the information you share??11. How often do you read the terms and conditions of programs and websites?12. What are the main reasons you accept the terms and conditions as offered, without reading them? (Check all that apply)13. How often do you feel you understand the privacy terms and conditions of websites that you visit?14a. Are there any apps you would like to use but don't because of their privacy or information sharing policies?14b. Please give an example and explain what you did not like about that site or app.The 57 response(s) to this question can be found in the appendix.14c. Are there any apps that you use even though you have privacy concerns?14d. Please name the app(s) you have concerns about and explain briefly what your concerns are.The 46 response(s) to this question can be found in the appendix.15. How concerned are you that the following entities are retaining information about your use of the Internet when you visit their site or use their services?16.17. Some people prefer to remain anonymous at different times on the Internet. Which of the following have you done when accessing the Internet? (Check all that apply)18a. Have you ever disclosed personal information online that was later used in a way you didn’t expect?18b. Please describe briefly what happened and what it meant to you.The 33 response(s) to this question can be found in the appendix.19. The information that we share and that is available about us on the Internet varies from completely harmless to very sensitive. How sensitive do you consider each of the following to be??20.21. The police sometimes access and analyze individuals' personal data to carry out their investigative activities. In what circumstances should the police be able to access individuals' personal data??22. In this next section, you are presented with a series of statements that express different views we have heard people say about the Internet. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each one. you very much for taking the time to complete this survey; we thank you on behalf of all the students taking the course as well as the professor and teaching assistant. In the space below, please feel free to make any comments you would like to make about this survey, and/or to add in anything more that wasn't included in the survey. We will be posting a summary of the results of the survey on our course web page; the student who referred you to this survey will let you know when/where you can find it.The 94 response(s) to this question can be found in the appendix.Appendix1. Please indicate the year in which you born: |?#Response1.19942.19593.19904.20025.19946.19987.19968.19979.199810.198011.199612.199713.199014.199615.199616.199617.191518.199619.199620.199621.199022.199623.191324.199825.199626.199627.198728.196129.199630.199631.199632.199633.199634.199435.199736.196337.199138.199639.199140.199741.199542.199643.199544.199545.199246.199547.199548.196149.199550.190051.199552.199553.199754.199655.199656.199557.199558.199359.196060.199661.199662.199563.199664.199665.197466.199367.199368.198669.199770.199671.199572.199673.199674.199075.199576.199677.199578.199679.198980.199681.199182.199583.199484.199685.198286.199587.195288.199689.195890.199691.199692.198593.198594.199695.199696.199697.199098.199499.1964100.1998101.1993102.1995103.1994104.1995105.1996106.1995107.1995108.1997109.1994110.1971111.1996112.1971113.1995114.1974115.1987116.1996117.1996118.1949119.1996120.1950121.1997122.1996123.1996124.1996125.1993126.1996127.1997128.1997129.1955130.1993131.1982132.1997133.1995134.1994135.1967136.1981137.1997138.1975139.1982140.1989141.1998142.1996143.1992144.1990145.1968146.1995147.1996148.1980149.1996150.1981151.1995152.1994153.1994154.1991155.1995156.1991157.1984158.1995159.1986160.1994161.1994162.1960163.1958164.1961165.1990166.1957167.1968168.1962169.1982170.1997171.1995172.1991173.1996174.1995175.1996176.1981177.1997178.1997179.1997180.1997181.1999182.1995183.2001184.1965185.1997186.1996187.1997188.1996189.1956190.1958191.1995192.1993193.1982194.1997195.1995196.1995197.1992198.1944199.1971200.1988201.1994202.1993203.1997204.1996205.1992206.1994207.1995208.1975209.1999210.1988211.1999212.1980213.1991214.1986215.1996216.1998217.1986218.1995219.1994220.1991221.1991222.1996223.1970224.1998225.1998226.1980227.1996228.1971229.1989230.1984231.1980232.1996233.1992234.1991235.1991236.1992237.1975238.1991239.1966240.1976241.1970242.1992243.1997244.1995245.1996246.1999247.1995248.1981249.1974250.1992251.1962252.1963253.1989254.1997255.1996256.1993257.1993258.1999259.1992260.1953261.1956262.1992263.1971264.1994265.1995266.1970267.1958268.1995269.1985270.1996271.1988272.1997273.1990274.1994275.1973276.1996277.1996278.1993279.1990280.1975281.1998282.1995283.1985284.1979285.1998286.1990287.1988288.1995289.1988290.1991291.1995292.1988293.1996294.1993295.1967296.1981297.1997298.1962299.1997300.1943301.1991302.1999303.1976304.1995305.1941306.1996307.1995308.2000309.1996310.1997311.1955312.1996313.1995314.1989315.1996316.1996317.1995318.1996319.1996320.1966321.1995322.1959323.1996324.1974325.1994326.1993327.1992328.1991329.1962330.1990331.1996332.1981333.1962334.1992335.1996336.1993337.1993338.1997339.1982340.1997341.1965342.1995343.1994344.1987345.1997346.1996347.1996348.1996349.1985350.1996351.1996352.1994353.1996354.1981355.1996356.1996357.1994358.1968359.1996360.1996361.1992362.1996363.1945364.1995365.1997366.1995367.1997368.1989369.1996370.1996371.1972372.1995373.1996374.1996375.1993376.1994377.1995378.1996379.1992380.1996381.1995382.1995383.1988384.1989385.1993386.2002387.1990388.1993389.1998390.1991391.1996392.1965393.1997394.1996395.1996396.1994397.2000398.1997399.1996400.1995401.1996402.1993403.1996404.1996405.1963406.1996407.1995408.1997409.1965410.1996411.1995412.1995413.1995414.1963415.1994416.1991417.1992418.1997419.1996420.1993421.1994422.1994423.1990424.1992425.1995426.1990427.2002428.1998429.1995430.1988431.1995432.1995433.1997434.1996435.1995436.1994437.1974438.1995439.1996440.1992441.1996442.1995443.1986444.1992445.1996446.1997447.1996448.1997449.1996450.1996451.1996452.1997453.1997454.1974455.1993456.1998457.1995458.19965. One objective of this research is to find out how people think about privacy issues and how they manage their presence on the Internet. When we talk about "privacy" on the Internet, what does that term mean to you? Please explain in a sentence or two. |?#Response1.Privacy means that I can surf the web without anyone knowing or tracking my actions.2.The ability to maintain and secure personal data collected.?3.Privacy is what you choose not to share. Once you put something on the Internet, there can only be a limited expectation of privacy.?4.I think of people not nowing where you live and who your family is.?5.Having personal information safeguarded and only accessible to you and whoever you are okay to see/know?6.Means that's your stuff is private and that only specific people you choose can see this information?7.Privacy means having the option to keep your information private, having control over who sees what you do on the internet8.Making sure that personal info isnt released.9.Means what you choose is private and only those people can see and had access to your information?10.No personal information posted on any social sites. Pictures of my child or name is ever posted.11.Privacy is how easily someone else can find the desired information about yourself that they wish to find12.I don't belive there is privacy on the Internet. It's a luxury that not many people have. We agree to so many contracts on social media that we diminish our privacy to communicate with society.?13.Having my personal information private from the public. If I want to share information I want to have a choice.14.I would say that privacy is what you don't want others to see.15.Data and information not being shared without my consent.?16.Privacy on the internet means the safety of personal information such that others on the internet can not access it without your explicit permission.17.Ability to control or manage how accessible personal information is to the world18.having adequate passwords, not posting any photos, posts, or videos you don't want everyone to see, not leaving open or logging off pages that you have an account in.19.Privacy means I can feel safe while browsing the many aspects of the Internet.20.Being private.21.Not having others know what you are doing.22.An environment where information is secured without the risk of leaking out to the virtual public23.The ability to be fully aware and in control of how accessible my personal information is across the web including images containing my face, and other miscellaneous information that can be associated with me?24.To me, the term "privacy" on the internet ensures the safety of my personal information online.?25.l think it is a bear of mine.26.privacy is the information that I have the right to decide who can be allowed to know . Most time these people are close to me.27.Privacy on the internet, to me means that you have the confidence that your personal information, for example , your identity, banking information, or any sensitive information regarding yourself will not be leaked for others to see unless you do so.28.My information is not distributed to anyone or anywhere29.l think it is a bear of mine.30.Details about your daily life, job, hobbies, interests, conversations, relationships, etc., should be available only to your friends if you decide to share it, for example, setting a Facebook profile to be "Friends only". Also, in a perfect situation (because internet security is not absolute), outsiders should not be able to gather this information without your consent unless you choose to do so.?31.protect my personal information like email address,phone number32.Personal information (email, facebook, etc.) being kept from advertising or other people trying to access it.33.Freedom of private communication34.The ability to conscientiously choose whether to disclose information related to yourself, no matter to which degree.?35.For me, privacy is having control over who has access to and is aware of my information and actions.36.Keeping personal information safe.37.Being able to control what personal information, images, videos, etc. are available online for others to see38.Having control over who sees your personal information and how it is used.39.Don't upload naked pics of yourself40.It is a right that we should all have. It's important for future generations that privacy is prioritized by legislators.?41.Privacy means not having the government be able to look at the things I do on the internet. Also, for websites I subscribe to not share my information without my consent.?42.How easily others can access my private information.43.Protect the identity and sensitive info44.Not letting strangers see my posts if I choose not to upload it for public45.It means being able to only share information about yourself online with the ones you know and trust. In order to do that, it usually involves setting high security settings.46.To only provide personal information after consenting?47.Privacy means the ability of websites to maintain and secure my personal information48.Privacy on the Internet to me is keep personal messages just between the individuals and being able to just share what you would like to share on the Internet?49.Don't look at my nudes?50.Privacy on the internet means two things to me:1. How anonymous someone can be while interacting on the internet2. How much of your personal information can be collected across the internet by other parties without your consent51.In my mind, privacy on the Internet means my own personal info should be protected.52.How much everyone can see of my personal info. And also how i can change settings so only people i allow can see what i want them to see.rmation that don't want others to get and should be protected if handed to another person54.Security of personal information55.Actually with the development of the newtwork ,privacy is being destroyed serious56.Privacy means the ability to choose what information relating to oneself is made public, and the ability to hide certain information pertaining to oneself. On the Internet specifically, privacy is the ability to choose what information in any form of data (pictures, video, text, etc.) is available for anyone to find through even the deepest online searches.57.Your personal information is not being used elsewhere.58.Unauthorized access by others to my transactions on the net. EG, online banking59.How many people are aware of what I do on the internet60.Ability to browse freely without being identified or invading my space61.It means others not having access to my information, as well as monitoring what I do. There should just be an easy setting for people who are bad with computers like me, to just shut off all outside monitoring.?62.Privacy to me refers protection of important personal information such as home address, email, banking information, etc.63.People who don;t know what you are doing on the internet for example watching XXX - rated videos64.Not having my activites, friends, contact info, posts made public.65.Not revealing personal information?66.Ability for my usage of sites, search history, and personal information to be kept to myself. Trackers okay in some cases. No using my data for 3rd party sites.?67.Privacy means that no one can trace what I am doing. It means the highest level of security is being used to keep my work, identity, etc from landing into the cyber world.68.You don't expose personal information or anything you don't want to everyone to know on the internet69.Staying annoymous. Information we put online not being used/sold/shared without consent.70.Privacy to me means all permission to collect information about me have been individually granted by myself and that I am well aware of when, what and how the data is being used.?71.Keeping your internet activity to yourself.72.Privacy on the Internet has degraded greatly, to the point where I [sadly] believe that so long as go ogling my full name or phone number does not yield any results that include my photos a win.73.Privacy on the Internet to me means that any information I wish to keep to myself should remain private. However, there are many times when this isn't the case.74.Not giving out information that could be used for ID theft, or stalking.75.Personal information is not leaked, conversations between two parties is encrypted, data, pictures, videos are not being shared without my consent.76.Being entitled to some secrecy over the ideas or objects you may have77.To me privacy means protecting your private information, i.e., name, date of birth, email, phone number etc78.1. Not disclosing personal information and photo.79.How your personal information that you have shared on the internet is used and accessed by companies, governments, etc.?80.Privacy mean having my own personal space where nobody has access to except for me and the people that i trust and gave permission to have access81.Releasing confidential information on the internet that could be harmful to myself and/or people related to me82.Privacy on the internet involves who sees various aspects of your profile/page; whether or not strangers can see what you post or posts related to you.83.Confidential or age appropriate84.something private85.For me, privacy means that all information which I consider to be confidential - whether personal data, financial information, medical records, etc. - is not disclosed to other parties without my consent.86.Keeping personal info safe.87.Privacy means confidentiality of any information I put on the Internet, so that it is used only by the intended recipient.88.The quality of being secluded from the presence or views of others with regards to a matter.?89.Being able to control what you share and what others see on the Internet90.Being able to keep your personal life private from the social media by having privacy settings and by not sharing your personal life or pictures of your everyday life on social media sites.?91.How well my information is protected on the internet, and what some regulations/laws there are surrounding it.?92.No one can access to my personal information93.Privacy of personal space and information.?94.Keep personal information away from the public.95.Privacy is personal information in the pocession of people that I may or may not know about and approved.96.Cyber-securityPersonal info - credit cards, address, birthday97.Privacy in the internet means that exposure of one's personal information should be authorized by the one the Internet company manage their client data by restricted who can access it.99.Undisturbed and not being observed100.No one else may know about the particular issue/topic without my consent.?101.Not having unintended information about myself published on the Internet or accessible on the Internet102.It means that it's our right to protect all our data or anything that we have online or we posted it online.?103.The ability to navigate the internet with freedom and the knowledge that all information relating to my identity and my activities will stay confidential and private.?104.Having control over my information and who has access to it.?105.Not really private106.Privacy on the internet means to me preventing others from accessing information that I have put on line. (Banking, Social media, education Etc.)107.Things which is actually you don't have to tell about, but it's depends on the privacy's owner.108.Keeping people from looking at my personal information that I put online?109.My identity is protected110.Privacy and Internet are oxymorons. There is no privacy on the Internet .111.Privacy means that you are free from being observed regardless of what you are doing.112.Privacy means there are only certain people that can access my post or information about me, people that i know or people that i allow to know me113.Privacy means when your personal information is kept a secret and is not accessible to everyone?114.Whatever you do on the internet cannot be traced back to your own identity other than the parties that you want involved115.Secret ?116.Privacy means that your personal information is kept safely and is not accessible to everyone only to those you permit it to be accessible to.?117.Privacy on the Internet to me means not being tracked or have my activity monitored by anyone else.?118."Privacy" on the internet means information about myself that another individual could use to get to know me without physically needing to meet me. Privacy is also information that could be harmful to one if not properly taken care of.119.Keeping personal information such as residence, banking information private to avoid identity theft120.It means my information, where people can find me, where I work, what I post on which sites etc. Also any site or anything that asks for my information of any sort and if its published or not.121.Privacy means that a third party does not have access to information.122.The ability to browse the web without fear of personal information, that is not publicly available, being leaked.123.Right to conduct one's self (e.g. thoughts) and/or activities without judgement/interference from others.124.That is a term that speaks to me of how much information I am sharing and to whom I'm sharing it with.125.Limited access to information depending on the person. Sercurity features to protect a person when accessing personal information.126.Privacy means to have alone time, to yourself to think without being judged.127.Privacy, to me, means the right to withhold my personal information such as lifestyle, habits, relationships, non-workplace communication etc., unless presented with reasons to divulge said information that personally involve me or my safety.?128.Not disclosing things you wouldn't to people in a non-cyber context. Making sure not to reveal information that may affect my professional & personal life. Basically being on the web discreetly as can be129.It means that all my info is secure, and no one has acesss to my activity online.?130.when private things like birthday, contact info, and other private info is kept a secret?131.The information that I have permission to decide whether let other know.132."privacy" on the Internet means being able to browse websites without others being able to know what you have browsed. As well as private information we may have had to type for some websites such as Banks etc.133.Not been shared with any body else.Keep secret from everyone.134.Your personal data.135.When we talk about privacy on the Internet, it means that you as an individual have the right to control your privacy settings.?136.To me privacy on the enternet is that you could talk to people on messengers and share photos exclusivaly only to the that person no other third parties.137.Privacy is being sure and safe about your online presence.138.I don't want Snapchat to keep a record of my pictures.?139.To me, Internet privacy means that my personal information and browsing history are kept confidential. Any information that is collected should not be sold to third parties without my permission. ?140.privacy is something i will never violate and hope other respect mine too141.I know provacy is subjective. If hackers across the world can find Hillary Clinton's emails then me using a VPN will not keep me all that much safer. Big Brother is watching but he doesn't care about small fry like me.142.Privacy does not exist anymore in this digital age, everything 'private' basically translates into 'public'.?143.Protecting personal information of internet user and keeping keeping anynomous the information they dontwish to disclose.?144.Your ability to control what information you put out on the internet145.There's no such thing which is why hackers exist.146.How much of my personal information is readily available online. The more privacy one has, the less information is available.147.Everything about my personal life. My GPS location, photos, personal life, who am I connected to, etc148.Personal things that only belong to myself149.Privacy to me means that I can control what information other people know about me and I can choose who I'd like to share certain information with.?150.Being able to access the internet without being monitored by a 3rd party151.Privacy on the internet to me means that I am secure and I don't have strangers gaining access to my personal life and information. What is accessible about me on the internet should be what I have chosen to share, and it should only be shared with those whom I decide should be allowed to see it.152.The information that I share will not be given to a third party of misused153.It means my images, location, information and posts in general are not monitored by anyone without my permission, neither can people I don't permit ever access these things154.What information about you is allowed to be seen, shared and/or obtained155.Certain web browsing habits remain unmonitored156.Ability to keep personal information (name, Address, banking info, etc..) not accessible to others.157.Not having anyone access to information about me.158.The right to wander around the internet without feeling that someone is always looking over my shoulder and recording my every click and keystroke. When I decide to share information about myself, ensuring that I have control over who gets access to that information.159.Being able to Explore at free will and not be tracked on what your searching.160.Privacy to me not being identified by personally by what I search on the Internet. For instance when I do a goggle search then what I've searched is sent to me through Facebook or some other method electronically.?161.i understand that when you go on the internet there is no privacy. someone could watch you and you do not even know.162.I'm not sure I believe there is privacy on the Internet. I believe that privacy means my identity is protected and my Internet activities cannot be traced but I know that is incorrect.163.Not participating in various social media sites, and setting my one social media site with high privacy settings164.privacy to me means that I am able to go online and not worry about other people knowing who I am.165.Something that is personal that you keep to yourself166.No personal information posted?167.Personal information and am I being observed.168.You yourself is able to decide what is and isn't displayed from your profile to the public?169.Internet privacy means that any of my personal internet activity will only be save on the terminal that I access with or a server that I can decide who could access and who can't (social media) or a server that only I have the access to (bank site ect). ?170.Privacy is where no one can access the information that I don't want them to have.. Or was not intended for that person. ?171.Privacy means to me that whatever the information or data is, it's inclusive to me. It's my right to keep it to myself172.Personal information is not shared without consent or exploited.173.Protection of your personal information?174.Keeping relevant information secured, disclosed, and private from certain people or aspects that may interfere.?175.Having all of my personal information stay private and in genaral all information about myself not be easily accessible.176.- personnel info of myself in regards of my age, banking, etc not being exposed to the public.?177.I get to control what I want of myself to be on the Internet.?178.Privacy means personal information.179.Privacy means that you are able to have control over your media accounts, passwords, photos in a more general term privacy means that you are able to be in a place where you aren't disturbed and being observed by others. As well as privacy means that your information, personal information, photos and more are protected from others.180.My confidential information will not be know by others without my permissions?181.I believe that once you consent to use the Internet, you pretty much give up your rights to privacy, because any comment or viewpoint or idea that you produce could be used to discredit you at a later time. If my medical records or other personal records have been computerized, then I hope then at least they are safe from public scrutiny.182.To protect my personal information by not providing it to any unauthorized outside entities. Also to protect access to personal information.183.No shared personal infornmation?184.Your information is not shared with others. Whether that be personal or what you are searching.185.Privacy on the internet means to be able to keep all information about yourself only available to you.?186.The things people share on the Internet, some are assumed to be kept private when they are set to "only me" options but nonetheless I believe it is still possible to obtain this hidden information, so full privacy on the Internet does not exist.?187.To me privacy means that information I post, the sites I navigate, and the interactions I have made are kept confidential based on my preferences as a user of these services.?188.Privacy means that I would not like anyone to access my information without my consent and no other people interfering in what I am doing.?189.I would like to use Hillary Clinton as my example. Deleting 30000 emails on her private server is still leaked. Proof that Internet and privacy don't belong in the same sentence.?190.The protection of my personal information, in it's various electronic forms, specifically with regard to it's storage, transmission and retrieval across and between networks of computers and electronic devices.191.Privacy, in my opinion, is a very subjective term. In other words, anything that I'm not willing to share with others should be considered private. For example, my Facebook is set up so that strangers cannot access my photo albums and my posts; however, if someone, be it the government or anyone, somehow manages to access and collects my "private" information without my consent, I would call that a breach of privacy.?192.To not be constantly spied on by sites like fb and Google not just on what we search but also our location and adding more spyware to our computers to take all our information from us193.To be in charge of my informationSo i choose who can see what?194."Privacy" on the internet means protecting yourself, your identity, and any media you decide to post online, as well as safeguarding yourself from cyber-bullying that can occur.195.It is about controlling what one wants others to see from personal information not shared to everyone without my permission?197.Privacy is basically anything written or discussed must (or should) be kept secretly. Meaning no one should discuss anything that was spoken of.?198.Not letting anyone know your information?199.It's means protect my own information not being shared with the public.?200.Privacy means to have somethings that's only to yourself and may not feel comfortable for other people to know.201.Keep personal issues off the internet.202.Privacy on the internet means that if anybody is able to know what you are doing? How you react to different things.?Basically anything about you that you do not want to share203.To remain anonymous.204.Means being able to keep all your photos and updates on social media only available to people you grant access to.205.Keeping your important personal details (ex. your address, phone number) private and away from people on the internet.?206.Since everyone has access to the Internet now a days you personal information need to be pro texted?207.How easily people can access your private information, ex. pictures, interest, address, telephone numbers, etc.208.To make sure my data is not collected by external sites and they have no record of what I have been doing on the Internet.209.Privacy is a very important thing. We can't have everything on the Internet for anyone else's easy consumption. Unless it is with their permission.210.Privacy means keeping your personal information hidden or only viewed by a trusted audience.211.That no one will know what I'm doing. That it's my business and no one else's.212.Anonymity on the web213.The ability to ensure others are unable to have access to your activity and your information.214.Free from public attention215.Privacy involves consenting your data to be accessed by various sites. They should not be allowed access if you do not allow them to.216.Privacy should be that no one can post anything about without your consent?217.It means that what I choose to share is not used for something other than I intentioned.218.The state of being private on the Internet219.Privacy means my web browsing activity and communications are not monitored on the Internet.220.Privacy is related to who can find your information online which is only intended for a certain people221.Keeping my information to myself or if its with some company, its private and confidential and should not be released or used without my consent222.Privacy on the internet would imply to me that companies are not selling my information, using it for the purposes other than for which it was given, and are taking appropriate safeguards to protect my data. Privacy means I should be able to use the Internet without my activity being captured and recorded by governments, corporations etc. without my knowledge.223.The fact my personal info is safe or I m aware of the info that is being used or shared to the third party?224.That the information given is used only for the purpose understood by giver of info. If any info is stored, it is heavily incrypted and un-hackable. The government, third parties, and hackers should not be able to access this info in any way under any circumstance.225.It means that we should keep thinks which are important to an individual private from others in case they get misused by individual. and things which we do not want other to see due to self embarrassment.?226."Pprivacy" on the Internet, to me, means what others are able to see if my personal profiles of social media,227.Privacy means personal information should be kept private and not shared all over net only with those you chose?228.Confidential sharing of information between consenting parties.?229.Privacy to me means that there is information that I have that chosen to share but expect that it is not going to be shared any further than those I have chosen to share it with230.Being able to communicate with people and not have information leaked/taken from you231.Being in control of what personal information you want to want to give out. And being able to browse what you want without others knowing.?232.That I can search something without having people questioning me the next day about it, without having told them.233.That none of my personal information is visible to be seen234.Personal information (identity), eg IP address, physical address, name, birth date, family members/ friends, browsing history, phone number, etc..235.Keeping personal and private life confidential.?236.Only releasing personal information about myself to entities I choose to trust with that information237.Privacy means that your information is protected so that you can decide what information and with whom you wish to share.238.Who can access and read what I post and who can contact me239.i do not believe there can be an expectation of privacy on the internet.240.It means what comes up when one 'googles' oneself and how easy it is to find information about someone.241.Privacy to me means security and a way to feel safe.242.All personal information such as where you live and where you go to school is not visible for everyone to see?243.Being able to protect my information in a way that it would not be shared with people who I don't authorize to share my information with244.Privacy is a right every human being has. More emphasis on terms and agreements should be enforced.245.Privacy is a major issue in our society and I feel that our government is taking it away from us. Using multiple ways to spy on us, however this is more relevant in the US. Privacy is important?246.Means that only certain people can see your stuff?247.The freedom to not be monitored on the Internet248.That your personal data can't get hacked.?That someone can't have access to your pictures Facebook etc. without your permission.249.Limit to the exchange of personal information.250.Confidential and information being share with whom you choose251.It means restricting what you post on social media to friends, or people you've accepted to view your personal pages/media outlets.252.Being able to keep your personal information to yourself and disallowing non-wanted access by others.?253.Anonymous and not getting monitored254.Providing personnel information about one's identity through websites.255.means my information is safe and only what I choose to share will be seen by others256.Websites that I have visited as well as personal information are not shared with anyone else.257.Privacy to me is essentially just being exempt from the public's eyes and being safe from people who might want to look into you.258.I think "privacy" on the internet is routinized, people normally use nick name to protect them selves.259.Being able to have my information protected.260.Privacy to me largely relates to the level of access that others have to your personal information and actions on the Internet261.To me, privacy is the ability for you to keep thoughts, statements to yourself and to those who you choose to share them with.262.Privacy is about your information being secure and not shared amongst people?plete anonymosity on my own activities and actions on the internet.264.Privacy means secret and not public?265.Social media privacy?266.Contained and not shared?267.Privacy means that things we post are not shared with those who do not have authorization?268.For me, the term privacy means that all of the content we choose not to share with anyone are absolutely unseen/unknown to others. ?269.Unidentifiable?270.Being able to control if and how information I access and/or share/provide online is available to others.?271.The control of settings letting me choose who I want or don't want seeing my private posts, information, etc.272.No one knows what I do on the Internet273.Privacy is being free from other people's sights.274.How much of my personal information that I willingly or am forced to some extent to put onto the Internet to progress with certain applications; is able to be seen by other users.?275.nowadays, privacy is not protected in any moment. By simply typing my information makes me feel expose every detail of my life on the internet.276.It means disclosing information about myself to an unregulated network, accessible by anyone.?277.Being is routinized and sometimes criminaly used by terrorist.279.personal information and location280.Privacy only exists with complete anonymity on the Internet. ?281.Privacy for me means the ability to share my personal information only with those whom I trust to safeguard it.282.To keep information about yourself or others hidden283.Only disclosing information that you want to be disclosed to the public?284.Security?285.Privacy means the ability to fully control the people that I share private information with. Private information in this case means any information that I would not be comfortable with putting anywhere that is accessible by anyone. The question of whether I've used privacy protection means available to me correctly is a different one altogether.?286.Privacy means that unauthorized people cannot access my personal information.287.There is no such thing as privacy on the Internet?288.Internet privacy is definitely a sensitive issue, in it being open to multiple interpretations. For me, Internet privacy is simply being able to control what information is made public and made private in your everyday browsing.289.Being invisible on the net290.Being able to access the internet without having to feel like you are putting yourself or any personal sensitive information in danger.?291.Not everyone has excess to your information.292.Privacy on the internet means "don't have facebook" that's privacy and problems solve.293.Privacy- only my friends and family that I have accepted on social media are able to look through my photos and information I have put out.294.It means how much info you share on the Internet.295.Sharing personal information (e.g. photos, phone number) online with your permission on social media.296.That any information that I do not want out in the public will stay private unless I have given permission for it to be shared.?297.Privacy for me means that I can make 100% my decision regardin the social accounts and others.298.Ability to do things with discretion and intimacy?299.No one should be allowed to access my information, except for myself.?300.Privacy is being anonymous and not to expose any personal information on the internet.301.Privacy means feeling safe of your surroundings. Only allowing what information you wish other's to know to be present, rather than everything.302.Privacy means some personal information that can only be seen by oneself.?303.It means my personal information, my online activities and my IP address .304.The amount of people that are able to see what I share on the internet whether it's my friends, acquaintances, or strangers; depending on the amount of information I share and where I am sharing such information.305.privacy means personal information306.When I'm browsing on the internet , only I know what webs I've been to and no one else.When I give out my personal information through internet, only the company that I intended to give out to gets it and no one else.307."Privacy" means that I have the right to keep my personal information on the internet exclusive to me and to a select group of people.308.Privacy is my right to prevent any person/entity/corporation/government etc. from gathering data that belongs to me or that can be linked to me or identifies me or any aspect of my life (work, personal, research etc) without my express permission. Privacy is a right that should not be breached but is on a regular basis by government, law enforcement agencies, corporations etc. and I believe will lead to negative pre-emptive behaviour on the part of these entities.309.Privacy means protecting my personal information such as my bank card number, my address, and any information/project work I choose to only allow certain people to view310.Feeling confident that nobody is invading my privacy, and use information I share for bad purpose311.Internet privacy is the way you communicate, store, send, share and display information about yourself (or about how other share information on you). Individuals have the ability to control how much of this content is seen and by who.?312.For me, privacy on the internet means that only people you authorize or give permission to can view your information. ?313.Having the ability to be able to do something you wish without supervision.?314.That my personal information is not disclosed.315.Use privacy for security?316.i think about my personal information and details I complete on website. Is everything completely private or do 3rd party or other online access your info317.medical issues318.Privacy means to protect and secure personal data so that things like identity fraud/theft does not occur.?319.Personal boundaries320.When you don't want others to find out about your personal life.?321.Exposure/access of personal information - public or private. Whether my information (IP, browsing data, cookies, etc) is being accessed for some secret323.Knowing that your personal information is safe and only accessed by your consent.324.To have your internet history, searches, and information that you input to be kept away from the public or organizations that collect this kind of data for their personal agendas; such as spam or advertisements.?325.Whether the information (mainly personal) that an individual shares online is kept secure or not.326.It means privacy as personal information.327.I am free for doing anything and keeping my own belongings without disturbance and observation by other people and by any means.328.Privacy on Internet means no one being able to access what I post without my permission. No one being able to find my personal information online?329.This means having the right to my own posts & knowing what the terms and conditions are of the websites?330.I think that is my life331.Privacy means having the ability to select how much, and what specific information you would like to disclose and to whom.332.Not having someone track every page I access on the Internet.333.Internet privacy, to me, means that anything entered into websites (e.g. personal information) will not be sold or revealed to other parties.334.Based on what I know, "privacy" doesn't mean very much to me online.335.The extent to which my activity on the internet is known to myself and known to people who I intend are allowed to know336.Privacy means respecting the desire to stay anonymous and unknown with regards to the internet. For example, not gathering information or sharing or using that information without the consent and understanding from the person who's information is being used.337.Something included personal information such as name, date of birth, ID number or any specific numbers that represents yourself (identity)338.I think this is something very important but not very well kept on the Internet. Our personal info and searches and posts are easily accessible to the companies and governments around us!339.Privacy on the internet to me means, what are you displaying about yourself on the Internet, on social media sites and how much of that can others see.340.keeping personal and important information to oneself, without it being shared to other people or corganizations341.Privacy means having control on who sees or can access my personal information with or without my permission to do so and what data a particular website gathers from me342.Privacy to me means ability to be left alone, to be selective about sharing information about me with other people. Internet privacy is equally important to me as it is yet another (and increasingly popular) way of communication between people.343.Protection of personal information?344.When your own personal information is kept to yourself and not share to the public.345.It means not having to worry about strangers or corporations having access to my information (when they aren't supposed to).346.I don't want others to be able to get access to information about me unless I choose to share it with them.347.To keep my personal information away from malicious threats. As well as security of my personal finances, and emails.348.The term privacy means the security of sensitive data (credit cards, etc) and other files; preventing access to these by external sources.rmation is not shared without premission350.no351.Being protected.352.Privacy is a basic human right in which our personal information is protected and respected353....354.No such thing as privacy on the internet. All personal information we post on the internet is accessible to anyone.355.Secure me from other people viewing what I do on the Internet! Giving me my space356.Privacy can include "personal" information such ass full name , address, birthdate. However it is very easy to find that information if one knows how to use the internet well.357.Privacy means to keep information private from others358.Privacy means that you are not exposed359.Privacy is being safe from those that are around you. Letting yourself be protected from those around you.360.Privacy is being secure from those that mean you harm361.Privacy is no one knowing what you do by yourself362.Privacy is having the choice to show your information to those who you feel comfortable sharing it with.?363.Privacy means be private from your information being stolen364.Privacy is having information confidential365.not having your information viewed by people you don't know or want it to be viewed by366.Having information be safe?367.Personal email or chatting.?368.Keeping information secure369.not sure370.privacy means being able to censor information you do not want other people to see.371.Without looking the definition up in a dictionary, privacy is the level of agreement for an individual to reveal or allow another entity to retain data and information or based on the individual's consent. By retaining information or storing personal data without the individual's knowledge or consent, it violates the individual's privacy.372.Any private information that hints or reveals who i am373.Privacy: An individual's information that is considered privileged?374.Protecting your information and photos375.It means to have your information stored and not accessible to others.376.Not sure377.Knowing that whatever I do or who i talk to, that information stays between the other person and I378.There is no privacy on the internet. When someone posts on the internet, they should be expecting to see it elsewhere where someone can see it. For example, just because you "protect" your Instagram and Twitter accounts, doesn't mean pictures and tweets can't be read by people you don't allow.Privacy on the internet is a word to have people BELIEVE that "if the information you posted on the internet is personal, no one will see." But it is the exact opposite.379.Privacy is my safety.?380.It's about being able to share information with people that you only authorize to, not just anyone.381.What info you share on the Internet and what web sites know of you.382.Privacy to me means confidentiality?383.Privacy is having the options to limit your social media exposures to only people that the user allows.384.Ability to feel safe and that my information is only accessible to me385.It doesn't mean anything to me...since we want to post stuff on the internet, we want to share our daily life with one another.?386.means to secure your information from those who want to steal it387.Privacy on the Internet means that the data I have stored on one media or another online would not be provided to third parties without my permission. It would be causing personal information - whether it is my habits or something else on that particular website - to be linked to me where I do not desire them to be.388.Having security for your info an pics389.- Nobody could obtain all of my belongings except those who have my permission.- I am free to do things in my own places without other people/devices/by any other means disturbing me or monitoring me.390.The capacity for us to control the flow of personal information on the interwebs391.Things I don't want to be public.392.Places I am able to do freely without disturbance and observation by any means. All of my own things without my permission, nobody would be able to get access.393.Privacy on the Internet means that people using the Internet can remain anonymous and can be sure that no personal information can be put on to the Internet without permission.394.People and companies not knowing your personal information395.Being able to browse without other people knowing what I'm doing?396.Privacy means having certain assurance that one's privacy online is not regularly invaded or monitored.397.It means certain info of mine is accessible to the public like name face education and other info is not like associating me with anything without my permission, or using info i did not make public.398.It means nobody, including the government. In fact, especially the government, can see what I access on the internet.399.privacy is a subset of data privacy.400.My information is not available for just anyone to see.401.The safety of your personal information402.In my opinion, the term "privacy" on the Internet means that all of our personal data or information that we give out is disclosed to other sources.403.Even though you have set everything private on the Internet, the "big guy", or the tech-companies always know what you are trying to hide.?404.Having personal information kept secure?405.No viruses, hacking, not having other people invade your stuff and online information and accounts406.Privacy plays a big role in my line of work. I design security software for company websites and home computers. Privacy is extremely important and most businesses would crumble without it.407.What information that others can access about you408.Privacy us protection of my information?409.Not share private information with strangers on the internet. Don't make yourself vulnerable to threats online?410.It means that websites don't have control over your information. Privacy also means that you have the ability to hide certain information?411.Only necessary information needed should be asked and information should be kept secure. No distribution of data.412.Privacy means respecting an individual's right to protect his or her information, and that person may choose to show or withhold information from other people.413.Privacy is having my private information secure for only me to see.414.The information that only i have access to?415.Having my private information only accessible to me.416.Withholding confidential information such as date of birth, name and address.?417.Privacy would mean that the things I do on the Internet would not be accessible to others unless it was posted on a public space. Things such as documents, pictures, or other files saved onto my computer or even to cloud services such as Dropbox would not be easily viewed by others.?418.I guess not having my phone number or address plastered for everyone to see419.It means keeping separated from others view on what I do.?420.Privacy essentially means being free of external observation and protected from the public eye.?421.Having your own space and it being respected by others (personal bubble)?422.Anonymity and assurance.423.Sort of a variety of factors that include technologies & techniques which are used to protect personal & sensible data424.Having secure networks to protect the internet user?425.I believe there is no suck thing as peivavy on the internet anymore. Privacy would mean that others cannon see your avtivity or yourself on the web but thats not possible in todays age.426.Privacy essentially means being away from the public eye and being free from external observation.?427.Privacy to me on the Internet means keeping my social media profiles on a private setting, therefore I control who views my profile.?428.Privacy on the Internet to me is security. No one else has access to my personal information that I do not want to make public.429.Privacy means to keep my personal information provided to the company safe and not released to the public or any other forums without my consent.?430.Privacy regards the extent of control one has over his or her personal information on the Internet.431.Privacy has several meanings for me: i) that I can surf on the web freely, without being "tracked" and having someone checking my history and compiling data on my interests; ii) that only those I authorise can read the messages I send and/or receive; and iii) that my private life, opinions, purchases, emails are protected from intruders.432.Privacy means having no one monitor what you are doing on the Internet.?433.Security of my information?434.Personal space?435.Privacy is being able to control what you allow people to see and what you feel comfortable with.8c. Please explain why you might use one or the other(s) on different occasions. |?#Response1.What's app for people without Iphones and group chats, iMessage for ode who do have iPhones and one on one conversations.2.for friends in different countries or who don't have imessage3.Different social circles4.The obvious reasons5.Different features offered by different apps.?6.I have a mix of friends using different messaging apps.7.People who message me like to message me on different forums?8.I use Whatsapp to send photos to people who don't have that available to them. I use Facebook messenger for group chats. I use my preinstalled app for everything else.?9.If I want something to remain private, I use signal and not facebook to contact the person.10.Whatsapp for parents.Messenger for friends.Text for when I don't have data.11.Depends on what that particular friend uses?12.Different apps are for different purposes. (ex. some are mainly for friends, some for family, some for romantic partner)13.Depends what the other party needs14.To instant message with someone outside of North America15.I use the messaging app that came with my Nexus phone for conversations that contain information that I either do not mind being non-private or know despite my wishes is already non-private. I also use it when I must send a message but I have no wifi. I use Signal whenever I have Wifi and whenever my messages contain private or sensitive information because it encrypts the messages before sending them and only gives the encryption key to pre-selected receivers. I also use Signal as the only app with which I share photos.16.Different circles of people like using different hubs of communication. I have a whole bunch of facebook chats. Some whats app chats.17.Group chats use whats app.18.Use texting on phone app often.?Use whatsapp when out of country, international calls, or for group chats.?Use Facebook messenger frequently because O don't need someone's number to contact them.?19.Depending on who I'm talking based on where they live or group chats with others who do not have the same phone as me.?20.Random decisions or because some people prefer talking on different platforms. Usually not privacy-related.21.For group chats , watsapp is easier.For direct messaging, the one stalled on phone.22.I use WhatsApp for groups and sending videos/pictures to others. I use two different instant messaging apps that came installed on my phone for for having individual conversations with my friends.23.different function in different situation24.Not all of my contacts have the same apps as I do, and as they feel more comfortable working with a certain one I thus download the preferred app to establish conversations mainly with the friends abroad.25.Since I don't have data, if I don't have wifi I use text.?26.Mostly use the phone ext app. using FB messenger more and more. ocaasionally use wechat for connecting to some Asian buisness associates27.Because not all of my families or friends using just one application and they or me just too lazy to download the same app. besides even though all are for texting but they have different use of chat for me (some for fun with sticker, other is for formal use like Whatsap)28.Whats app only for group discussion and text messaging for individual communication.29.- other people don't have the one that I usually use,- each app have their own plus-value30.I use whats app for group messaging and text messages for sending messages to individuals?31.depends on what my contacts use32.I'll text if I don't have WiFi for Facebook or WhatsApp since I can message multiple people at once while being able to see if my messages are delivered33.Texting is used for anyone who I cannot reach through the Internet. Online texting services (e.g. WhatsApp) is used for phone numbers in other countries.34.Friends messaging on different platforms?35.One to one talks are done through IM, whatsapp is for my group chats.36.I use whatsapp usually for group convos because it easier to share photos on there and i use the regular messenger that comes on the phone for everyday texting.37.My friends are on different apps.38.......39.Different features?40.Whatsapp for friendstext for friends out of wifi rangemessenger for people who dont use whatsapp41.Some contacts are reached easier through certain apps.42.Access to internet or not, form of contacting different people.43.I use the one that came with my phone most of the time. Whatsapp is good when I want to ensure encrypted communications and the person I'm texting with has whatsapp as well. Actually ... if everyone used whatsapp or signal I would use it all the time.44.Different people on different msg. or texting apps45.Differnet needs46.It depends on the person I am communicating with and what device they have?bination of standard SMS and MMS for most basic interpersonal communications and encrypted messaging services (e.g., WhatsApp) for communications that involve personal information that, if intercepted, could compromise my privacy or security.48.The app I use is dependent on who I am conversing with as various family members and friends prefer various instant messaging forums.49.Depends which app my friends text me in. Or whatever ones was already opened, I just use that one.?50.To talk to different people.51.Some have better features than others.52.Not everyone will use the same platform of messaging/texting, thus, I have multiple platforms to be able to communicate.53.I generally use WhatsApp and Facebook messenger for group chats or to share videos/pictures with people that don't have a data plan. I use Textra for regular text messaging.54.Friends' differing prederences55.Different people56.I will use text message for those local contact or those that are not on social media. Whatsapp for long distance messaging.?57.Others accessibility with apps58.The one that is installed in your phone doesn't allow you to do group messaging. What's app allows you to talk to multiple people at once59.If I'm home my signal is bad but internet good, when I'm out it's the opposite.?60.To avoid extra charges to contact others in different county an/or keep it private.61.Use Facebook messenger for messages to friends without iPhones and iMessage otherwise62.Some people prefer messaging on different applications so when I talk to them I message them on the one they prefer?63.It usually depends on the preference of the receiver?64.Whats App is easier for group chats especially when people have different types of phones?65.Frre long distance messaging and pgone calla on What's App.66.Depends on what the person I am talking to has.67.Some people don't have apps like "WhatsApp" so I'm forced to text them through the texting app that comes default on my phone.68.Different apps are used in different countries, so I use several to keep in contact with friends or family who are not in NA.69.Instant msging is for personal and 1 to 1 msg'es with peers. Whereas whatsapp is solely for group conversations or people without a connected phone?70.Whatsapp for group chats?Texting for individual chats?71.I use all options listed above and also Hangouts because I often find some of the people I often contact use one app more than the other.72.Now a days people are too lazy to explain. Please keep to the optional decision making73.Whatsapp for Hong Kong, Line for Taiwan, texting for Canada. (different apps are popular in different countries).74.Some people do not have phone plans and so I use apps that we both can use.?75.Depends on who I am contacting with76.Depending on the messages and who I wish to communicate with I use either an encrypted messaging app or one installed in my social media or the one that came with the phone. It all depends on who my message is for and what my message is about.?77.I converse with people on different platforms for SMS and instant messaging either because of the level of intimacy I have with them or the type of messaging I need to communicate. For example, I choose FB messaging because I can send images and project files so I am able to work collaboratively.?78.All depends on who sent me a message on whatever app. ?79.What's app when I want to send a group a message and/or when I do not have data. And text message when it is a private message80.Use third party apps for language (ex. Kakao for Korean)81.Whatsaap makes it easier to share content with my friends as well as having group conversations.82.Texting to keep in touch with friends, family in town.?Whatsapp to keep in touch with groups of friends, and family outside of my area83.Wi-fi, group messaging, sharing media84.Easier group conversations on certain apps compared to others, benefits of using wifi vs sms plan, lazy to switch to messaging app from facebook so use theirs85.For convenience, for free texting86.Different type of format or purpose.87.Prefer the interface of Whatsapp compared to the usual text messaging app and can also send pictures through whatsapp. I can also communicate with relatives on Whatsapp that don't live in Canada.?88.If my contacts have what's app then I'll primarily use that. If they don't have it then I'll use the basic texting app on my phone.?89.others use it90.i use whatsapp to contact my family in our group chat, and imessage to talk to my friends. also i use facebook to talk to my friends as well.91.Not all of my friends have the same preferences for communicating. Some like to use text messages, some like to use Whatsapp, some like to use Skype, some like to use Facebook Messenger and other's prefer calling. Oftentimes, I cater to whichever my friends like to communicate with.92.Different people (culture)93.Able to senf pictures and videos on whatsapp.94.Texts for just chatting/getting info to friends/confirmationWhatsapp/Free Calling for parents/ file sending to friends95.Whatsapp to talk to several people in a group chat, otherwise if I have chat with one person then I text them off my phone.?96.some people may be out of town, therefore chat platforms that are based on Wifi works well.97.Because everyone uses different app to communicate98.The texting app that came with my phone would be used for those that live within Greater Vancouver.?Whatsapp is mainly used for group messaging, sending pictures or short videos - with relatives from Hong Kong, friends locally and from across Canada, or coworkers.99.Different messenger apps are used to talk to different groups of people. I use discord when talking to people I plays gamea pine with, whatsapp with family members in Hong Kong, and regular text messaging with everyone else.100.I generally have clients from multiple different countries, Whatsapp allows me to communicate with people from around the globe.101.Many of the other apps used are for large group chats or for school projects because the groups are easier to manage and track.102.I might use one or the other on different occasions to interact with friends and family that live locally, or use some other apps to talk to others that don't live near by.?103.I use more than one because some apps are convenient for interacting with people that live locally, while there are better off for interacting with those that live further away.?104.I have different people who different apps for messaging. Some apps are better for particular conversations.105.I usually use iMessage for people with iPhones, and whatsapp for people with androids. Or if I have family in different countries I use other ones so I don't get charged international texting.106.Wifi availability?No network in some areas so you resort to other texting apps where wifi is available8e. Is there any particular reason(s) why you decided not to create a Facebook account? |?#Response1.i2.l3.I4.l5.In6.No7.T8.n9.No10.I11..12.F13.No14.No15.Ha16.I?17.N18.no19.D20.I21.I22.Pr23.I24.I25.No8f. Facebook is certainly a popular app/program. Why did you decide to set up a Facebook account, and what benefits do you feel you get by using the app/program? |?#Response1.Connection with people locally and globally.?2.To be able to communicate with my friends and family. Benefits include reconnecting with people I haven't seen or talked to in a while and being able to see what they are doing in their lives? projects, stalking, communicate, show off4.Its an easy way to contact people. In highschool and even im uni of you need to contact someone for help its an easy way to contact them. Also its a great way to create groups.5.I wanted Facebook to be able to communicate with people easier, keep in contact with people quicker as well as getting information faster?6.I like to see what my friends are up to and I'm on several parent groups?7.I prefer not to use Facebook anymore. Toour many ads and I heard about how it is a huge invasion of privacy.?8.I have family that lives across canada and facebook is thr perfect app to keep in contact with them. I can also keep in contact with old friends.9.Initially for restaurant city only :P. I only use it for messaging and scrolling when bored.10.My friends all had facebook and the messaging app has been very convenient?11.I originally set it up to converse with my friends when I couldn't do so in-person. I still use it for the same reason. I believe Facebook offers an all-encompassing method of connecting with someone that apps like Instagram and Twitter have only taken a small portion of and marketed a specialization in that field. Instagram for example allows one to share pictures and allows other users to comment on said picture. Facebook has been doing this for years. Twitter allows a 140 character status update, which Facebook has allowed in their timeline status for a very long time. Facebook allows all of this on a single app, preventing clutter in my phone while still providing the same is easy to connect with people, fun to look at posts and see what aquaintances are up to.13.Easy access to interacting with friends and distant family members14.Got it because almost everyone i know has it15.Stay in touch with people16.In order to stay in contact with the majority of my friends since many of them use it. The benefit I receive is to stay in touch with friends as well as to rediscover old friends from the past that may also use the popular app.17.Human companionship18.I use it to keep in touch with my friends and colleagues and to constantly be updated of what happens around me, or the world.?19.Because most of my friend have that. It is a easy way to keep in thouch with the people who just know you. I don`t need to give my phone number for future connect. In addition, I can know what my friend is doing easily on Facebook.20.To keep in contact with family and friends.Especially if they live outside of the lower mainland.?21.A friend set it up so I could connect with friends and see what they are posting for friends to view22.shareing experiences,making friends...23.Keeping in touch with friends and acquaintances that I no longer meet on a regular basis, using Facebook messenger for group conversations in assignments, and internet based messengers like Facebook messenger have more features.24.Because everyone else was doing it. Nothing super beneficial, just the ability to see what everyone is up to and stay in touch with old friends.25.Keeps up with social events, news, old friends26.The convenience of the app, the fact almost everyone uses it - better to get in touch and keep in contact with friends abroad.27.I primarily joined Facebook because practically EVERYONE has an account. It's essential to staying connected with friends, acquaintances, and sometimes even coordinators or bosses. In terms of benefits the biggest one is being alerted to community events and the one's that my friends are going to.?28.To share highlights of my life and see my friends, too.29.Stay in contact with friends and family across the world. Benefits include the ability to exchange messages with these parties. Furthermore, FB allows me to plan and organize social events which may include many presence?31.I set up a Facebook account because everyone else had one. Now the only benefit I have from it is for organization of events.?32.I feel more connected to people, as many of the people I have added as friends on facebook I don't get to see often. I am also able to see how they are doing by the photos they post, and the comments they make. I also get to look through my newsfeed and see funny or interesting videos my friends have liked. I also get most of my daily news from facebook, and when big events happen, I am aware of it.?33.Everyone was using it. It's an easy way to connect and communicate.?34.I made the account so I can stalk on my friends and it is working very well.35.Everyone uses it, easy to find people you know.36.All my friends have it?Easy way to connect with and contact people?37.To keep in touch with friends & family all over the world.38.I decided to create one because everyone was making an account in grade 8, only benefit is creating events?39.To get bitches?40.Use it to share my life and to know my friends' updated life.41.I can connect with people without giving them my phone number. And i can find people on it.42.I wanted to make friends. I can get a lot of information and get updated.43.Keeping connected with my friends44.I don't have Facebook account45.I don't have Facebook.46.To communicate for group work at school47.Because I wanted to, all my friends had it so I can contact them48.I set up a Facebook account due to peer pressure, but I now use it as an effective method of communication between large groups of friends and co workers.49.get to see what people arte doing50.Talk to people from high school who I lost touch wit.51.I set up a Facebook account because my other friends have. I get to see pictures of friends and it makes it easy to contact friends.52.Set fb up when it was first catching on. My friends used it.?Benefits- easy contact of people, organizing groups of people and events53.To be connected with everyone54.everyone had facebook at that time and that was the way we all messaged one another. now i just use it for events55.I set it up orgiinally to to connect with friends. The benefit is that everyone has Facebook so it is easy for collective information sharing/communciation between friends, coworkers and/or family.56.I began using Facebook as everyone else was using Facebook to communicate online. It's quite easy to message people knowing that others check it regularly. It's easy to join groups and create pages to engage a larger audience.57.I set it up in Grade 5 because it was a cool thing to do.Mainly used for messaging.58.It is an easy way to connect with friends without meeting in person or being there physically. Everyone is busy with their own lives so to be able to catch up and follow their recent activities on Facebook is convenient.59.Because everybody else uses it60.My account was set up by my sister in law in 2007. I feel that it benefits me in that I can keep in contact with my family and friends who I don't often see in person.61.I started an account to follow social trend.I feel there are the benefits of keeping up with school related news.62.I set it up a long time ago when many of my friends began using it. The greatest benefit for me is reading articles posted.63.I had a facebook account since I was in elementary school and i applied before because it was a trend back then. Now i use facebook just to subscribe on news, celebrity, and play candy crush64.Stay in contact with people you dont really know, stay updated to what's going on in the world, share pictures & reminder for birthdays.65.I decided to make a Facebook account when it started becoming popular among my age group, which helped me communicate with my friends outside of school. Facebook let's me stay in touch with people in my life that I don't get to see as often as I'd like. It's also handy events.66.To find old friends and to hear what they've been up to67.its popular at that time. the benefit i can get its easy for us to share photos68.I set up my Facebook account in order to be able to see my daughter's photos as she was travelling abroad. I now use it to see messages and photos posted by family and friends, although I do not post anything myself. The benefit for me is that I get to see what people are doing!69.Connect with friends and family. Share memories.70.Facebook allows for my friends and I to keep in touch. Tagging, sharing posts, messaging, it all helps to bring us closer.71.To connect with other classmates to discuss classwork or to organize events with friends72.I decided to open up a Facebook account to stay connected to my friends and family that live in different areas73.Connect with friends74.To connect with anize team practice times and events, catch up with friends.76.connecting with family, people with shared interest. cars mostly.77.FB helps connect people socially and share their life easier with othersbenefits - ability to communicate easier and plan events easier78.I can't recall the reasoning behind my decision to set up Facebook account. The benefits that I get from using the app/program is news surrounding the world, and specifically news about my is just convenient to keep contact to friends, update for an event surrounding, and has a lot of information in it.80.I wanted to keep up with my friends. Now I use Facebook as my primary news source.81.Because at the first time I made it, I just want to following the trends. But now it's more for school used. Benefits that I got by using the app are I've got more knowledge about what's happening, I can see some pictures and important news also I can keep in touch with friends that I don't have their number through Facebook?82.Convenience, it's what everyone currently uses to keep in touch. Mainly use it for sport teams (post attendance, event, group messages) and for events83.I set it up to be connected with my friends and family, it allows me to stay in contact with them and to keep up with current events?working85.I can use it for find my old friends, and from there I can see many things like their activities, the popular news, etc.But actually I don't use the facebook oftenly.86.I want to stay in touch with my family/friends and overseas relatives and the service is free. Cheaper to talk via Facebook than long distance telephone calls.87.I set up an account to keep in touch with relatives from my country. It's a good conversation piece to see posts or pictures?88.I feel that you can rekindle lost connections. It also helps you chat for group projects as most people have accounts.89.Connecting with relatives?90.Everyone else was using it.91.Post pictures and see others posts?92.I can stay connected with people i don't see all the time and I feel like I am not missing out on much. Also I like that it shows me news and other things besides what my family posts.?93.I opened an account years ago because everyone else seemed to have one and I felt that I was sorely missing out. I think the benefits include staying connected with your friends/family by being able to chat, share photos and updates.?94.Easier to communicate and catch up with friends from current and before.95.Facebook is a great way to stay and touch and interact with your friends. Phone numbers may change but Facebook profiles will still stay the same.?96.So I could keep up with friends that I have without having to transfer their numbers from phone to phone97.Lost connections, event notifications, convenience, networking, group communication.98.To stay in touch withand reconnect with family and friends, plus I feel A sense of connection with my world99.Got it in elementary school bandwagon hopping. Good for staying in touch and posting pictures/knowing about upcoming events100.To connect with friends and family101.I was a preteen who wanted to be able to interact with my friends without having to make my way over to meet them in person all the time; I also did not want to miss out on whatever events took place that my classmates talked about the next day.102.To connect with people, share pics, and have fun online.103.connectivity104.I set up a Facebook account to stay connected with my friends. I can get updates of their lives from the things they post, share events that we may both be interested in, chat over the messenger app and get access to many applications such as spotify, chitter etc.105.na106.Getting in touch with friends and people with the same interests and hobbies.107.I made facebook at a time when i had no phone to comunicate with people so its been a communiction device for me ever since also it allows me to see what other people are up to and keep in touch with distant people.108.My friends did it. It was to connect with my friends, but over time, people don't use it as much anymore. I still keep an account to see what my friends are doing.109.I made a Facebook account while I was in high school, back in 2008, because everyone else had one, and I wanted to stay connected to my friends and classmates. It is helpful in keeping up to date with what is going on in other people's lives, but I rarely share/post content myself. I also use it to follow pages/organizations I'm interested in.?110.I don't have Facebook111.I started it in 2009 because it was the main social network in Canada and the best way to make friends as a foreigner new to high school here. Now it is useless and only used as a textbook selling site.112.I got Facebook because all my friends had it at the time and I felt very 'popular' and that I was apart of something and 'belonged'.113.The ability to connect with friends out of the continent?114.Trends when it first came out115.I set it up out of curiosity. It has become a source of current events.116.Connection with friends. I would able to know some distant friends recent news.117.Get connected with my old friends that i rarely see nowadays, keep my old photos and memories.118.I've had it for a really long time and got it back when it was still new (about 8 years ago). The only reason I have it now is to keep in touch with people.?119.Finding and staying in touch with friends who have moved or live far away120.I decided to do it because it's a useful platform to help people connect and keep in touch with each other. I wanted to be involved and learning about other peoples' lives and sharing my life with others.?121.I originally set it up to connect with friends. I benefit by keeping in touch with and up todate on the lives of people I may otherwise have lost touch with122.Why? Because well, everyone has it and everyone talks about it.Benefits? I get to keepbin touch with friends and family who live in a different country. I get to keep in touch with daily trends and also events nearby. I get to keep up with the local and international news thanks to facebook (I don't watch the news otherwise).?123.It is an easy way to be updated on information, whether with a team, a group or with friends. To keep in contact with people that i may not frequently interact with. ?124.Invitation from friends. To know about friends' activities and thus to maintain contact.125.Sharing with the people i have connected with and being close to family when there not in my everyday life.126.I can message family and friends where ever they are in the world without it costing money. I chose to use Facebook to find and connect with old friends and family that is distant.?127.know who is doing what?128.I decided to set up Facebook to keep in touch with family and friends all over the world. I benefit because I am able to keep in touch, and because I receive news updates from news sources all day long.129.connecting with my friends.130.Most of my friend uses it which allow me to communicate with them easily with one single plateform131.Connect with friends132.To connect with friends and family especially when I don't get to see them that often?133.I set it up because I was pushed with a friend of mine long a go134.I can connect with family and friends locally and overseas, share pictures and not necessarily require a cellphone as not everyone has a cellphone. And sometimes it can connect you with long lost friends from elementary or high school etc.?135.I decided to set up a Facebook account because after high school I thought it would be a great way to stay in touch with some of the people I wasn't best friends with but still friends.136.I made an account when it just came out . It made it easier to find friends back home and stay in touch?137.Being able to connect with people from my past138.Keep up to date with friends?139.Interacting and socializing with friends and peers, as well as being informed with news through articles, videos and pictures. Also, entertainment is widely known and proposed through Facebook?140.I decided to set up an account with Facebook because many other people around me have an account, and it makes communication with people all around the world very easy.141.Facebook is an easy way to get a hold of friends and family.142.I got it to just to have a social account. Not really any benefits, besides looking at memes and articles.?143.I decided to get Facebook because I played many sports while in highschool and my coaches used to post schedules, tournaments, and opportunities on Facebook.?144.Because all my friends are using Facebook145.I enjoy posting photographs that I take, expressing political viewpoints, and sharing in the lives of others to whom I feel close, although I use Facebook always with the knowledge that I must self-censor myself for fear of expressing an unpopular opinion that might boomerang back on keep in touch with friends and co-workers outside the office. FB is convenient since many of my peers use it.147.To connect with friends and family.?148.Benefits include only being able to communicate with relatives that live further away. Also it allows me to see how my Facebook friends are doing on their trips and vacations. As well as form an opinion how media can affect the general population by the comments they make on trending topics.?149.It was almost 5 years ago when I did so it was one of the first few easier ways of getting in touch with people. ?150.It helps connect with classmates I'm taking classes with every semester.?151.I set it up when I was in grade 7. I think I signed up as a rebellion against my mother who told me I couldn't get it. In the end I use it to stay engaged with family and friends who are spread across the country/world. It keeps me connected.?152.To stay connected with everyone and see what's going on in their life?153.To talk to my soccer teammates. Other than that I have no use for it?154.I do not use Facebook due to the complete lack of control over my information and posted materials155.I mainly use Facebook to be able to contact people that I normally don't have a chance to see. Reasons are multifaceted: I'm an international student and a lot of my friends are living in my home country, and therefore, Facebook is a great way to stay in touch with my friends. Also, Facebook is something that literally everyone has. One of the things you do when you get to know someone to a certain degree is to send a friend request on Facebook.?156.Because it was popularBenefits : i can keep in touch with friends that are no longer near me?I can share my thoughts and experiences?157.I decided to set up a Facebook account to connect with friends that already had an account and those who I did not see often. Benefits I receive include an excellent messaging service, a good way to network, and an idea of what events are occurring in my area.158.I got an account because it is a widely used app that provides many services that include fast communication and games.159.Keep up with family and friends.?160.Everyone was using Facebook, so I decided to set up an account. By using Facebook, I can keep up with my friends or family's latest activities.?161.My Facebook Acct was made mostly due to the fact I have family overseas and further away. It keeps us in touch and helps maintain that relationship.?162.I downloaded it to keep in touch with my family around the world?163.Most of friends are using Facebook, and to kill time with.Sometimes I can see current news or info from Facebook since I don't really pay attention to news.164.Just decided to use Facebook to keep in contact with extended friends and relatives that I don't see on a day to day basis.165.You get to know whats happening in the world.?Anything that your friends share could be interesting ( From a news article to a funny cartoon). You also get to know what your friends are doing.?Plus when you are bored or are on the skytrain it could be a good way to pass your time.?Plus you know about the world. How people behave and there habits by such reading their comments.166.I set it up long ago when it was only available to university students. It made me feel special.167.To communicate and socialise more frequently with friends and acquaintances. Benefits I get would be the ability to talk to my friends and acquaintances more easily, and to share media more easily.?168.Everyone was getting a Facebook account when I was approximately Grade 6/7, so I joined in and grab an account for myself too. Facebook really allow you to communicate with people in a very different way, it is also very convenient and user friendly. Ultimately, Facebook allows you to be caught up with what all your "friends" are up to.169.I mostly use it for networking and staying in touch with acquaintances.?170.I signed up in 2008. Just to stay connected with my connections and consume other media posted and easy way to get the news. All in one place.171.Because all my friends were getting it. To view what my friends are doing/seeing their pictures and updates.?172.I got it when i didnt have a cell phone to talk to friends. Benefits: I feel connected to my friends and family that live far away also I can join Facebook groups related to school.173.Sharing photos and getting to know what other people posted174.I set up an account to communicate with friends. I now mainly use the service for its messaging app and for group pages that I'm a part of.175.I decided to make a Facebook account to keep up to date with my friends and the news. I feel more connected with my friends and also acquaintances.176.All my friends were signing up. It became an online social community.177.Neighborhood group?178.To connect with friends and family and share more than just words in a text message conversation179.Instarted using for social interaction. It allows you to reach wider audience in terms of marketing purposes. Thats why I use it now. Social interaction is no more my concern180.I set up a Facebook account in 2007 in order to keep in touch with my friends outside of school and had no idea the extent to which Facebook would evolve and how mainstream it would become. The main benefits I feel I get today are finding interesting media articles, as well as staying connected with friends and family I don't see on a regular basis.181.Social invitations. To replace TV and main stream news sources. To communicate ideas and concepts. To keep in touch with family / friends despite long distance or time between engagements.?182.I decided to get Facebook when I was teanager and did because I had many friend living across the globe which I decide to contact and found Facebook very effective to do so. but now I don't use Facebook that ofetn and don't see the use of it in the future either.?183.To connect with friends & family. Not a tonne of B enefits other than the connection. I also get "headline" news184.Connect with family overseas?185.By default. Only to view pixs that others wanted to share. Otherwise, I would not have signed up.?186.I honestly started it when I was in 8th grade. I regret it because it consumes your life and I feel like I am addicted to it. In my opinion there are no benefits only municate with friends, organize groups/clubs188.Set it up in about grade 8, so back then it was most likely due to following trends. But I feel that facebook allows you to connect with many people, including family and friends who live far away and who you don't get to see often. It also allows for easy connection with others. Many people have facebook, so the first thing you do is add each other on facebook, which leaves a connections between you and other people you met recently.189.I wanted to talk go my friends because I didn't have a cell phone. (Got it in grade 5).Good for connecting with destant family and friends and also for school related things.190.I can contact friends and family I don't see often face to face. I set it up mainly because my friends had it.191.When I was in elementary, I was invited to create an account from a friend so I did,I can communicate with any particular person should I know their Facebook.192.Contact with family and distant friends?193.With leaving highschool and immigrating to Canada, I wanted to stay in touch with my friends and family. It is also a great site for group projects and allows me to find out information about important people like the Prime Minister or the Pope.194.Set it up to conect with people I do not see often bu I do not use it so ofgen. Maybe once in a week?195.connection with others in an anonymous world196.I originally got facebook back in high school (10 years ago) because everyone seemed to be doing it. Now I use it mostly for messenger as it is easy to talk to people but I also find it interesting the articles that people share.?197.I signed up for Facebook so that I could keep in contact with people. Without Facebook I would lose contact with old childhood friends, neighbours, elementary friends, and even highschool friends. That is one of the main benefits.198.Everyone had one so I got one, and I can keep in touch with people through it. Especially people I can't see on a regular basis.199.I set it up in 2007, just to see what the hype was about. I feel it allows you to show your personality, get others' opinions and see what is happening in the world and in the everyday lives of others200.To interact with friends and family online.201.Many of my peers have it and it's a easy way to communicate with others even thought it is not that secure.?202.Sharing info/memories and connecting with friends and familys that are not close?203.To organize a family reunion in another province in 2007.204.Someone told me to. More connected with others.205.Social connection206.I created a Facebook account because it is a good way to keep in touch with friends, both close friends and friends that are more distant. Additionally, I entered grade 8, and was making many new friends.207.Keep in touch with friends.?208.At the time I wanted to be in contact and message family/friends from countries I can't use my phone.209.because everyone has it so why not have it210.To keep in touch with friends that I have made when I travel over the world. Facebook is free to talk with people. Also, I can share news, social issues, and personal interests that my friends have.211.Literally everyone I knew was on it, so it was sort of just like get with the program. It was just so popular that it was almost like why don't you have an account? So because of that it really pushed me towards making an account. It's also really helpful since I can find old friends and catch up with them through the messenger. Moreover, when I first made my account it was way different as to how I used the app, back then I used it to play message my friends or play games, and now I use it to see what's going on in the world through the news feed. So overall my usage has changed dramatically, and the time I spend on FB has gone down significantly.212.I find it to be a good way to organize plans with large groups of people and to stay in touch with friends who live in other cities.213.Connection with other individuals.214.So that I can stay connected with people and also stay up to date with events and news from around the world?215.It allows me to communicate with my friends almost instantaneously all the while being extremely convinient.?216.At the time everyone was getting it, also it helps you connect with family and friends to stay in stay connected?218.stay connected to family and friends overseas?219.To be able to connect and contact others, especially with those that are across the world.?220.Getting closer with friends. Also seeing what friends are up too.221.The original source I had for messaging friends after msn messenger shutdown & I did not have a phone at the time.. Contact between work peers& easy way to communicate with distant relatives because of its accessibility & to finally sell textbooks?222.because i get to see my friends' live and their ideas. but now it turns out only to post funny clips and unnecessary ads.223.I can keep in touch with my friends and get some valuable informations.224.Talk with friends?225.Connectivity. I rarely post anything, I only post once or twice a month and only links to videos. Mostly I use it to see what others are doing and to see events and such.?226.By having a Facebook account, I am able to talk to my friends and acquaintances distantly because of its ubiquity among my age group. Furthermore, I can see what my friends are doing on day-to-day and hence have a conversation topic ready when I meet them.?227.I find it easy to keep tabs on relatives in foreign countries228.Stay in touch with friends when they are out of province , stay in touch with family?229.I originally set up Facebook to keep in contact with my friends once I had moved away from my home town. I feel I have a consistent way of being exposed to new opinions, news, and interests by having a Facebook account, and seeing what influences those around me as well.230.Almost everyone I know uses Facebook, this makes it easy to reach everyone on one site, to have group conversations, plan events, see what people are up to and know whats going on in my area. It also doesn't hurt that it's a great reminder if someones birthday is on said day.231.Keeps you in touch with family, friends & some other general news feed detail. I'm not a big user.232.Stay connected with friends abroad.233.To see what my family and friends across the world are doing?234.Others were already on it.Social awareness, ability to share, gloat, inform, include235.The reason why I set up Facebook account is to connect with my friends and have something in common. I can gather more information.?236.For communication purposes. Benefit: don't feel like there are many benefits. When other people are using it, you are kinda forced to use it.237.For me, I personally did not want to get Facebook and kept to using the old MSN messenger app but as time went on more and more people were on Facebook and I decided to join to stay connected with friends and family.It definitely is a benefit that I am easily connected to friends and family in different parts of the world as well as locally. Can allow communication to be faster.238.To stay in contact with old friends and new friends. I change my phone number and have moved locations many times, so Facebook has been very convenient in that sense,239.Mostly to communicate with family and friends that are geographically distant from myself. The ease of photo sharing and communications makes it viable for these purposes. ?240.Facebook is mainly for my group projects and group messaging. I also use it for faster and more easy access in terms of direct messaging and sending files. It is important to me because the UI is better than texting from my default phone SMS system, I can collaborate with more than one person, and I can easily share videos, images, and files.241.I set it up on purpose to see pictures posted by my friends. Myself very rarely share any pictures or posts -almost never242.I only have facebook for club related events.?243.Because everyone else had it & its a good way of staying connected to friends and family. Its also good for learning the news that is currently trending and knowing what is going on in the world. Memes are also amusing.244.To keep up with peoples personal lives I don't always get to see?245.To keep in touch with friends and family, and to be able to share photos.246.I use it to keep in touch with friends near and far247.Connect with friends and keep a close interaction with family outside of Canada?248.Connecting with friends and families. It also is a tool to share wide range of information and data.249.Because everyone else uses it. I don't see any benefits from facebook.250.To stay in contact with and find friends.?251.Mainly social, sometimes for businesses, news, videos, etc.?252.keep track with someone you are care about253.I created it so I could stay upto date with what my friends were doing.254.The ability to connect with people I know, and the ease of communication through Facebook messages.?255.Originally started in 2008 (4th grade)- deactivated that account in 8th grade to start a new one. I enjoy the videos that others share on my timeline (whether it be educational, comedic, instructional, etc.). I also use it to share my pictures as it's the only place I can upload multiple to share without filling up someone's feed entirely (ie. Instagram) as there are albums. Lastly it's my primary form of contact with my family members- especially ones that don't live in Vancouver (as they don't use any other social media), as well as with matters such as dealing with work & contacting my coworkers & friends I don't speak to often.256.well facebook is a great way to stay in touch with friends and stay up to date with people's personal lives?257.I am not using it qutie often, though I have set up a Facebook account. I believe that I am able to exchange ideas/sharing and know real time updates on all my friends on Facebook.258.All of my friends had it in elementary school.Now I use it to keep in touch with my friends that have moved away or live in different countries.?259.I had to for a university class and friends began to add me so I never deleted it. I stay better connected with my friends260.Having access to a network and platform that gave me the ability to connect with other people in my life. Whether that be touching base with friends after school or catching up with relatives from across the country, i primarily use my Facebook account to contact and interact with others (planning events, sharing pictures and videos, etc.)261.I use it mostly for work.262.Other friends were on Facebook. The main benefit is that it is easy to connect with friends and classmates.263.I use it to stay connected with friends from around the world.264.Everyone had it so I fell into the pressure, but I get to talk and connect to people who I can't regularly or haven't seen in a while265.Helps stay connected with other people, easy to find people, ease of access, less formal than other forms of communication, information is centralized266.Keep communicate with your friends and outside the world since you may add someone you don't know before267.Stalk people, to talk with friends in different countries and use for group projects268.I set up a Facebook account when I was going into highschool because everyone my age was starting to get Facebook and I wanted to also have it. I like Facebook because I enjoy seeing people's posts and pictures of what they are up to. People that I do not get to see, but we can kind of stay connected because of Facebook.?269.I go the app because many of my friends and family had it, and I find it an easy way to contact friends, keep in touch with family who live in other areas, as well as communicating with my peers when doing a school project.?270.To communicate with my friends across the world and to remind me about people's birthdays as i tend to forget271.Sole purpose is to be able to get in touch with friends/relatives. I find it very convenient, especiallygiven the fact that many of my friends live in Europe and USA.272.To connect with people I've met over time. Instant messaging across the globe.273.When it was first released, everybody got it so I thought why not.?It is easier to organize events with friends and to catch up with friends that I haven't seen in a while.274.I set up a Facebook account as it's the way that people keep in touch nowadays. My family and friends can see my videos and posts and send me messages, and vice versa.?275.Started up facebook when I was in elementary school as everyone had one. I think it's a good way to communicate with others and to see what's going on in their life.276.To keep in touch with friends some of whom may live in different countries.277.Mostly because everyone else had it. It is a good way to communicate with my friends and read articles.278.Messanger for friends and family over seas. Be able to stay in contact with people better?279.Facebook has feautres that are quite user friendly . I have also use facebook for almost 7 years as I grew up with it.280.I can contact my family in Fiji281.It allowsmeto connect with family282.I mostly joined Facebook to stay connected, and also because it was almost weird not to have an account for younger kids. Some benefits include the ability stay in touch with certain people who I wouldn't otherwise communicate with, and also the ability to keep up with the news (as well as funny trends/memes).?283.i can connect with friends that are across the world, or with people i dont want to give my number to284.keep in touch with friends and stay connected with my friends and family as well as keeping up with school updates.286.The benefits of using Facebook is that it is universal. The main reason I use Facebook is to stay in touch with individuals that I don't see very often. It is also a good way to quickly reconnect with individuals that you haven't seen for a long time and ask for a meet up. I also think it's a good way to reach out to acquaintances that you may be interested in talking to. I also use it to keep track of events that may be happening that I am interested in attending.287.Messaging. Group activities. Events288.To connect with old friends, stay in contact with relatives and to find people easier289.I use it solely for the chat function.290.Stay connected to my fanily thats across the world in emgland, India etc...291.People you know know what you're up to in your day to day life.You see what other people are doing.Events are easier to planShare moments with friends (Timeline)292.None.?293.Many people in my school use Facebook. I use it to get in touch with them.294.Because at the time it was popular and it helps me stay connected with the world295.benefit of keeping up with friends and knowing how they are doing, what they are doing, and being updated regularly.296.All my friends use fb. It's easy to use.297.I originally created it to stay connected with people that I know. Benefit-wise, I feel like I get to be somewhat aware of what people are doing even though I couldn't connect to them face-to-face.298.Because I want to get more up-to-date information about my friends and the things in the world.I am able to obtain more information/knowledge/news in the globe.299.It's a common platform everyone can relate to?300.My husband and son encourage me to set up an account on Facebook.Can obtain real time information of my friends/news worldwide.301.I first started using Facebook because I thought I would be an easy way to keep in touch with my friends and to see what they were up to. It has now transformed into something where I can also get current events and join certain interest groups as well as much more.302.To connect with people and keep in touch with friends and family303.To connect with my friends (share photos and keep up with them)304.It is the app that the majority of population utilizes, thus you can connect with most number of people.305.To have a presence in my friends and peers online community, to keep updated with them, to be able to communicate with them, to have an easy place to make and add new friends, to be able to express my values and things important to me to the world and to my community!?306.Everybody else uses it. I don't like facebook but I have no choice.307.Keep in touch with people. See what my friends are up to. Share content with them.308.To connect with friends and family. I like to see photos shared by the people I know.309.I decided to set up a Facebook account because it is easier to communicate and keep in contact with friends and families that I don't normally see.310.Set up account because everyone was getting it and wanted to keep in touch with friends and family.?311.I don't use it very often, mostly as a backup "text" service via instant messaging.munication, and to stay updated with everything313.I use it to talk to my friends and see posts that involve my hobbies or seem interesting?314.I initially set it up because I didn't have a phone and it was the easiest way to stay in touch with friends.?315.I created a Facebook account when it was first released 10ish years ago. Main benefit would be to keep in touch with friends. It is also very convenient to be able to link other apps to Facebook for ease of access.316.All my friends had one so I felt I needed one too.I benefited by being "in the loop" with my friends/ classmates online, so when they talk about something at school about facebook I can relate to them. Also it's nice to be able to keep up to date with people who I haven't been able to meet in person because of their location.317.I set up a Facebook account because it's very popular and a lot of my friends have a facebook account. It allows me to communicate and keep in touch with my friends and family that I don't see on a regular basis.?318.I just wanted to see why everyone was using it. I get to talk to a lot of friends from every continent in the world?319.Connect with classmates and to be in collaborative groups for projects.?320.Let's me communicate with my family over in India and friends I don't see. It also lets me watch videos I wouldn't see elsewhere and get news from all over the world.?321.Easiest way to connect with a large network of people - not just friends, but also acquaintances322.Easy to keep up with old friends because I made it when I was like 13 because it was a cool new thing back then323.I decided to set up a rebook account to stay connected with other individuals. The benefits I gain from this include being able to interact with friends and family, staying updated on global news and trends, learning about new products (through advertisements), and so forth.?324.To connect with people with similar interests; whether that be personal or business.?325.Helps keep me connected with friends and family around the world?326.I got facebook since all of my friends had it, and it became an easy way to communicate with people.327.I set up Facebook because everyone I know uses Facebook and it allows me to communciate with them easier. The benefits I get are the ability to talk to my friends, stay up to date with news around the world, see what everyone is up to.?328.I got Facebook to interact with my friends and talk to them. Now I barely use it but I use it to know what's happening around the world.329.At the start I mostly used it because everyone has it. Now I mostly use it to connect with my family that I don't see often that live in different parts of the world. I also use it for some school purpose to create group conversations or to sell books,330.It was popular among my peers at a given point in time and allows me to connect with a broader audience of people.331.I was probably one of the last people to get Facebook in my group of friends. I didn't really want to but I was young and got pressured into doing so. However I don't find any benefits by using Facebook except getting into contact with friends/family that live far away332.Connection with family and friends, keeping tabs, event planning, for upcoming event info333.Connecting with friends?334.I set it up at a young age in grade 4. I like it because i can connect with everyone around the world.8h. What are your complaints or concerns? |?#Response1.Too many ads that surface from our Internet history.?2.Known to sell information for profit3.not enough transparency on the accessibility of your personal information to the public4.Sometimes they did not follow user`s own privacy setting. They just post all the information on the internet.5.Waste of time.6.That not everything is confidential to just my friends7.i check it far too often for how little I actually care8.Privacy issues, the fact that they use/sell data, conduct social experiments without full disclosure.?9.That they are selling my information?10.I wonder what kind of information they are collecting on me. Also, I heard they can track any website you go to while facebook is open, which is a big concern for me. When people are tagging me (specifically my face), I am worried that they're basically allowing the system to be able to eventually recognize me through any photo or video.?11.N/a12.low security settings13.The privacy14.Some games would like to know our own personal info. And automatically send us some useless requests.15.Easy to make a fool of yourself and argue with people.16.Newsfeed is terrible- full of clickbait and crap.?17.More clear on the information we provide on how it's used and/or sold.18.The obvious privacy control is a big one. Millions of users have a Facebook account which makes it a vulnerable target to hacking and security breach. As years have passed, Facebook has been trying to innovate new features into their program and focussing less on the important ones. I'd like to see improvements in the messenger app and see encryption added to make conversations more secure.19.The site constantly asks for more personal information to be added to your account20.Too much advertisement21.people might misused them22.My concern is that people can get access to any information that's posted. They could build up enough information on personal data - date and place of birth, photographs, names of family members, interests, etc. - and use this to help steal someone's identity. They can then use this information to, for example, take out a mortgage in the victim's name.23.Privacy of information?24.Don't trust my privacy on Facebook, too much unwanted spam/advertising in my news feed, etc25.There's an hoax of facebook, and we didn't get the official announcement from them.26.Certain privacy aspects that the site requires27.Some services use more information than necessary or automatically default to it (i.e. location).28.Sometimes I find content too violent, hate inciting or over sexualized.29.Too many people not communicating just posting and lots of passive aggressive behaviors.30.I don't think that specifying content according to user preferences is mandatory.31.the privacy settings.32.It is time consuming and invades your privacy.33.Facebook should be limited to ages there are way to many young kids using it.34.Facebook tracks a lot of info about what I like/dislike, and I wonder what this info is used for and how it is stored. I'm also concerned about whether Facebook sells this info to advertise companies. I also don't like how Facebook gets to control what I see in my Newsfeed (ie. only certain friends pop up in the newsfeed)?35.Cyber bullying and the high usage of it which separates day to day/face to face connections and interactions.?36.Stop with the ads37.I've heard it takes a lot of private information from us and stores it forever, which is kinda creepy. At the same time, I don't really have anything to hide so it's not a big enough deal to deter me from using the platform.38.What can be seen by others. A lot of our personal information etc. are uploaded onto this site. ?39.Online bulling and people who use it like there therapist.40.know too much about me41.Whenever I look up a product online, I receive a pop-up about that product on my Facebook.?42.Being observed43.My privet?44.That they own the rights to my photos. ?45.Dislike receiving game invitations.46.Gotta stop the spam?47.I don't wanna my friends to see my comments on others48.I believe that our freedom of speech and right to freedom of expression is in peril because of the rise of global terrorism, which has cast a shadow of suspicion and culpability over all political movements, such as non-violent ecological activists.49.too much political advertising50.Privacy?51.It's very m dis driven and it gives me a sense that people are losing touch with reality.?52.My privacy, how private is private??53.That they post advertising stuff a lot on my newsfeed after I do some Google search?54.Privacy and spyware. We all know the government uses it to spy on people.?55.Facebook has very invasive 'service' that ultimately best symbolizes everything that is wrong with the Interweb with respect to invasions of privacy and the complete loss of control that individuals and groups have over how their personal information is utilized to serve the interests of corporations and agencies of social control (not to mention the way that the 'service' is used by various individuals to engage in campaigns of defamation).56.- Too laggy.?- Too much random stuff (despite my efforts to control it).57.There has been a lot of privacy concerns, at times my advertisements on Facebook have been relayed to previous internet searches I have done or topics discussed in my messaging conversations.58.Too much advertising is displaying now. There needs to be another way isn't of th59.Well that I dont have the right to own my data but you have.?You could sell my information to anybody for your benefits.60.Deleted material is never 'gone'.61.The un-modernised UI.?62.Privacy issues.63.Privacy settings are a real issue here. There are ads being sponsored based on what site I go on.64.Can access information from your phone and does not give clear enough warnings before doing so65.Not that this is specific to Facebook, but social media in general seems to promote narcissism and can also waste a lot of time... Also it is worrying how much personal information Facebook is storing on everyone.66.Too many to list.. What are the long term effects, how closely do they work with governments, how do I control who sees my posts, my likes, my comments on friends pages that others don't know about.67.That Facebook is effecting the mental health of individual and special youth's , its depressing to use it. once you start using Facebook it like you have to keep up with it, total waste of time.?68.It is too addicting and because you find out what people are up too without talking to them it almost makes you anti social69.Unable to delete/remove personal messages sent by accident or just simply wish to delete. This function is available on other instant messaging apps70.Unless you specifically go into your account/privacy settings, then a lot of your information is not protected. You also have to keep rechecking these settings as Facebook's policies keep changing. I also do not like if someone tags you in a photo then all their friends can see me, even if I did not want them to.71.1. fb deletes political posts, and deletes peoples' profiles who by coincidence, are 'political'.2. fb is essentially a self-reporting vehicle for law enforcement, if they chose to use it.3. fb makes cyber bullying easier for perpetrators.4. fb promotes ads for products i find distasteful and damaging to the planet, and as a user, i become a de-facto contributor to things i disagree with.72.Privacy73.Security.?74.The messenger app is not smooth.Also everyone gets notifications if I'm interested in events.75.Too much spam and advertising76.Sometime people try to befriend me and I have no idea who they are.77.It is getting more commercials. People are using the app to make money with fake accouts. When they try to contact me, it is quite annoying.78.I wish it had more privacy settings and I don't like how it tries to take actions for you (ex: FB takes pictures in your camera roll and displays them to show you how they would look on the news feed, its like an album.. and its just too much. If I want to post an album I will myself.. I do not need assistance)79.I don't feel like I know enough about their privacy policy and what they're permitted to do with the content that is posted on there.80.Sharing of information with governments and corporations.81.Its intrusive features on mobile smartphones due to its necessary need of information on installation such as your contacts, pictures, etc.82.I have seen people abuse the features on Facebook for harmful intentions such as harass and cyberbully.83.Messaging privacy and access to files84.It takes up too much of my time (partially my own fault) but because there's so much on Facebook I can easily lose track of time or get distracted.85.I'm concerned with how angry Facebook makes me sometimes. My feed regularly consists of a lot of political fighting and articles of horrific issues that were written about to gain page views. Also the way that ADs are handled and advertised through the feed is awful. Other than the concern that Facebook definitely has a major influence on societal views for the younger generation (which can be very good in terms of going against the horribly aging bias news channels on TV), it is definitely a key player in showing people things they might not need to see. But such is with all social media so there's no escape anyways.86.Privacy issues on posts?87.I wish they'd leave my stuff in chronological order. I'll decide what's important not you88.Don't want other people to look into my account without my permission.89.Difficult to control privacy settings, third party apps using personal information through Facebook (ex. sign up with Facebook account) - makes signing up or making an account easier but what kind of information are they using and why is it necessary?90.How some things cannot be set to private (ie. Facebook banners) & how some things are difficult to restrict (who sends you messages/friend requests/ changing the audience that can see your older posts, etc.)?91.Privacy - Facebook storing my information. Heard of situations where they have sold people's personal posts.92.Facebook does not seem to be concerned with its users privacy, and updates over the years see users with less and less privacy options.93.Issues regarding privacy and my information being sold to companies?94.Questionable use of user information including using information gathered from users to sell advertisements, privacy rights of photos and videos being used on facebook95.Somehow they would show your personal information to someone you don't know or you do not want them to know who you are96.the number of ads I see, noticing how they are tailored to what I "like" as well as the number of videos and "junk" that appear on my news feed. I am concerned with how Facebook uses my information ?97.To be fair, it is my own choice (convenience) to use Facebook and that comes with a price. One can learn aboutyour habits etc by following you or your friends on the Facebook. No matter how your personal safetypolicy on the Facebook is, you are still vulnerable. I try to be very selective about posting on FB and neverdo it in "real-time" (like... "Having a coffee at English Bay" etc.)98.Privacy issues.99.They own everything you post on your profile like pictures.100.Facebook could be used against you in terms of what kind of content you view and activities you take part in.101.Biggest concern is that they are monitoring everything I do.?102.Overall, the level of service has been fairly good, but minor complaints include a lack of filtering feature for the news feed. A lot of information gets presented there without any categorization and it can sometimes get difficult to look for information that you've seen in the past. A way to categorize the news feed into topic genres would be unnecessary, but still useful.103.What they do with my personal information104.Advertisements105.No privacy106.sometime inappropriate and unnecessary advertising banners?107.Facebook and messenger should be one app on phones108.Terrible UI. Unethical business practices.109.Having everything you upload (ie display picture) be presented to everyone's timelines?110.There's obviously a very big security/privacy flaw. One of the reasons I rarely use it, the cluster of ads backpacking on your google searches and web history.111.It is very public112.The ability to track every action and word when you are on the Facebook page, and the ability to track what else you are doing on other pages while theirs is open.?113.Random people send friend requests.?114.Full of ads, does not seem to prioritize personal security/privacy115.There is little to no actual privacy on the site regardless of the "privacy settings." There isnt anything thats not seen or saved to the facebook servers, and a lot of the information can be sold to third party sites as stated in their user agreement8l. We are interested in how people make decisions about what they will post and what they will not. Can you explain a bit about what sorts of materials you would be sure to post on your profile, and perhaps other material where you decided not to post it on Facebook? |?#Response1.I'll post things relevant to others. Will not post personal details.?2.I post and share articles and videos. Mostly of dogs and other animals, sometimes personal pictures as well. I usually avoid posting potentially controversial material, for example, "black lives matter"3.only pictures, and to show off of what i did not vacation or something4.Mostly pictures?5.I don't post6.I don't post on my profile?7.I post funny video,pictures and articles. I tend to not post articles that may start fights among my facebook friends. Or I don't post things that I am not passionate about.8.Dank memes and photos. I would not post status updates9.As I use Facebook primarily as a method for communicating live with my friends, there is very little I post on Facebook. Anything I do willingly post on Facebook primarily consists of things that I personally enjoyed that my friends might enjoy, typically of humorous content. photos or pictures with friends or activities, but never inappropriate photos or photos that may put me in a bad light11.I would not post, personal information such as family members, emails, education and etc. The exception may be gender and birthdate12.Only post name, birthday and school information13.Real name, and profile picture to distinguish my profile from others, and for others to be able to find me.14.The material I want to post on Facebook usually involves social recognition, for advice, simply for sharing news about a happy or sad news, or to simply express moments in my life for friends to see.15.Memes, funny images, thoughts16.I would post photos of any of my life accomplishments, such as graduation and wedding, as a way of letting my friends and family know what kind of changes are happening to me, and etc.. L17.I would like to post my opion about some topic and share the video I think it is interesting.18.I post very little of myself on Facebook.I post of my son and our pitbulls, but very little.Nothing private or personal information?19.Restaurants I've been to, animal pictures.I would not post things I do not want people other than my friends to know20.l'd like to post hobbies but except selfie21.I have never posted anything onto my profile because if there is anything worth sharing about myself, I usually message or tell my few closest friends only.22.N/A23.Large life events?24.I would rarely post anything at all, other than uploading photos of travels/important events?25.I only really post stuff like my birthday and perhaps my interests. This is information which can't really be used "against" me in any sort of way. Once in a while I'll post a photo, but I'll check it over a bunch of times to see if it's as flattering as possible (in other words, I have to look my best).?26.I only post events that are special. Not everyday crap.27.I post basic identifying information, such as my name, location of residence and as well as a photo of myself. I post these things to ensure that friends, family, and other contacts can find me. I have never made status updates and further identifying information.28.important events vs mundane thoughts?29.If it was about someone else or myself dying or getting sick30.I would post photos, some of my likes and dislikes, my basic info including my full name, my birthday without the year, where I have worked, and the school I go to. I do not post my political affiliation.?31.I only change my profile picture when there is a better selfie.32.Something funny that happened to me that I would like to share with friends. I dont post how I am feeling down and emotional etc. It looks like I am seeking for, work and current activities are posted. did not post romantic relationship status or major of program at school.34.Keep it work professional35.Usually post activities that I do & places where I've gone. I don't post anything political & religious.?36.I would probably post a birthday message and i would never post about my personal life?37.Stfu38.Share some special moments after gathering or hanging out friends.?39.I always post my relationship status. And i do not put my phone number or address. I do have my current school.?40.I will post what's interesting to me and my photos.41.I would not post anything personal on my profile42.I don't have a Facebook.43.I post pictures of team activities or maybe once in a while a place I went to. I never post pictures of only myself.44.I do not post at all.?45.I would probably post about a major event happening like an acceptance into a program, but normal updates on life I leave to long it will get likes47.Post about new movies, cute gifs or videos. Dont post about day to day activities and preferences. Use specific chat rooms.48.Pictures from big events in my life.49.Posts: dp or cover photo changes. Asks- e.g., "looking to rent a room here." PSA's: I will be in this City to from these dates, want to see people.?50.I would post group photos but not personal photos51.I would post things that would not damage my reputation or credibility. Potential employers or anyone with interest may look through our profiles and see anything we post.?52.The posts I make are usually in groups for academic or job related posts.?53.I dont post anything on Facebook anymore, I dont care to show people what I do in my own time. I mainly use it to message friends.54.I would post vacation pictures of the sights I see but not the pictures of myself or people.?55.Nothing56.I don't post negative things about my personal life. If I do post, they are happy things, i.e., accomplishments.?57.I would never post any photographes of myself.58.I do not post on Facebook.59.the only posts i am comfortable on posting is like repost of news or articles that i found interesting and want other people to know that these areas are those that i found worthy of knowing60.Materials that are not offensive and materials that will not create any negative judgmental assumption about myself.61.Because I have relatives as friends on Facebook, I tend to post less vulgar/inappropriate things, along with pictures of me and my friends.62.Funny or family type of materials63.photos64.As I mentioned above, I do not post material on my Facebook account. My daughter has posted some photos of me and input the required basic information to set up the account.65.Photos, yes. Personal info such as workplace or relationships, no.66.News or content that I feel is necessary to be shared, mainly social justice related.?67.I never post on Facebook. I only use the messaging system.68.I will sometimes post how my day was, a few pictures once a month and quotes.69.The things i do during holidays70.I post information around awareness of the environment, human rights concerns, governmental politics, social issues, global issues and humours photos?71.Group photos72.I am not overly sensitive about what topics I post. Sometimes political, sometimes about my activities, share stories i like.73.Things I feel strongly about - beliefs, valuesArticles, news74.I treat it like a PR tool. What information I put out there is to build my personal brand and business should not post too much personal information about yourself, for ex where do you live not where your address is. what is appropriate to post is usually informative content to everybody.76.I occasionally post pictures of myself or share news posts. I very rarely post status updates.77.Materials that I will post usually is my pictures from my Instagram since I connected it and usually about school materials and important news about what's happening. I won't post something that have sensitive issues like wars and terrorism and something that will offended others religion and races.?78.I never post on my Facebook profile, only use it to keep up with birthdays and events79.I don't typically post much on facebook, just profile pictures and occasional statuses. I like to keep my online information minimal.?80.Special Moments with friends81.I would like to post my birthday, my activities through the photos (I'm not the uploader), my school, my face, the popular news around me, and I wouldn't like to post the material like where I live, my life's problems, my bra size(?)82.I stay away from posting stuff on my wall that would personally upset my friends or offend them. I usually stay positive on my posts.83.I post pictures and items I'm interested in . I wouldn't post nudity?84.When I post, I always think about what my future employers would think. I would not post things like getting wasted in a club, doing drugs etc as it will harm my chances of future successes in life.85.I post pictures of places I go or pics with my family. I do not post my opinions or what I am doing every second of the day?86.It has to be high quality and generate lots of likes.87.Post comments and see pictures. Do not post locations.?88.I post pictures and check in to different locations. Tend not to post opinions or share to many posts by others.?89.I don't post any updates or pictures unless I'm updating my profile picture. I also don't share posts or news articles very much.90.I would post vacation pics or pics of an event tht I really enjoyed. I would never post images of family members or games etc.91.I post important events in my life that I would like to share with my friends.92.I never post any content that can be seen as unprofessional anymore due to vigorous background checks for job applications.93.I don't post anything on my profile, but if I were to, I'd post my location if I were downtown or in another social hub to see if there are any friends near me94.I have only posted photos to my Facebook, and those are cherished memories by others (i.e. it is for my loved ones' viewing, and not for my gratification).95.I post family pictures and I do not post pictures of where I live or my daily routines .96.Inviting friends to events, commenting on tagged posts, and changing profile pictures.I don't post nudes.97.I like to post some pictures and some songs.98.On my profile, I would post my job, education, and a few pictures of myself. I don't have my relationship status on there because I consider a post similar to an announcement, and I would rather someone just found out for themselves if I'm dating someone rather than rubbing it in their faces. I'm careful about what I post, because I have connections on Facebook to friends ranging in age from early teens to retirees. If my post is something that I would not mind everybody on that list knowing, I will post it.99.I usually post interesting or amusing materials that I see off other online websites or share posts that my friends on Facebook has posted. I would not post anything degrading or socially unacceptable on my Facebook or share too much about my personal life on it.? and comments101.I usually posts about my interests and hobbies, sometimes a family photo.102.Im not really comfortable with posting any material on facebook i just use it now to see other pages like worldstar and etc.103.I don't post anything on my profile. I post on Snapchat occasionally.104.Materials I would post: exciting changes in my life (ie. New job, going on a trip, starting school). Sometimes I will comment on other people's posts or posts I've been tagged in. I'll make sure my posts stay on the positive side and I'm careful about the language?/wording I use.?Materials I would not post: anything negative or inappropriate. Something I wouldn't want a potential employer to see. Something I wouldn't care to see in a friend's newsfeed.?105........106.If I could delete my account I would but facebook has no deletion option which is in itself a huge flaw to privacy. So they got us all with that one.107.Anything that I think will backfire in the future especially with jobs, I will disassociate myself on Facebook with. However I will post anything that will strengthen the way I 'brand' myself.?108.I try to keep what I post on facebook to strictly things focused on my school life or social gatherings109.Pictures of myself. Inspirational quotes. Fb acceptable?110.I never post on Facebook.111.Something worth celebrate for112.Things like events that i need to promote or some events that needs attention from people i will post on facebook.?113.My name, birthday, profile picture and city I live in are things I would post. I wouldn't post any details about my daily life.?114.I dont post115.I normally only post things that I'm happy, passionate, or proud of. I don't post a lot, because I'm more of a private person than that, but if something brings me happiness then I will definitely consider sharing it. I don't like sharing negative personal things because I don't want all my problems out in the open for everyone to see.116.I decide based on the content of the photo, and whether it is negative of positive information that I'm sharing117.I don't normally post personal things such as my relationship status. I even keep posts of pictures of my life to a minimum. Such as my day to day activities, etc. I do, rather, share a lot of posts that are informative and I feel may be important for people to know about.118.I may post about special events. Maybe something i find especially humorous. ?119.I sometimes post photos of my trips, pictures of food I had during parties. I do not post pictures of people at certain gatherings if this can cause unhappiness to other friends, who were not included in these parties.120.Only sharing positive events in my life. I don't share opinions. ?121.Nothing to personal. Sometimes I check in at cool places. Family pictures. I think about everything before posting regarding the implications of privacy.?122.where i am at certain point of the day, pictures and share various quotes123.I only "share" interesting news articles (current events). Sometimes I'll share a funny political meme. Sometimes (though rarely) I share a picture with a family member or friend. I never share personal information about myself, my problems, my medical history, etc. I find it problematic when people do this.?124.Photos of that may be interesting , nothing else really.125.only post things that you are comfortable to that other people see126.Photos with friendsWould not post private information127.I post pictures that I have taken and that I really like and want people to see and share posts that I enjoyed or thought were funny128.I will post things that doesn't matter if it gets leaked on internet. Such as tro face or youtube video of my interests ?129.Scenic view, exercise/running status completed, new restaurant/food that was amazing to share for others to experience, family and friend gatherings for birthdays or celebrations.?130.I only decide to post selective pictures on Facebook of friends and family and I share selective videos/pictures. There isn't a specific reason to why I don't post anything else on Facebook. I don't post them because that's just me.131.Photos and news132.Nothing i wouldn't want my mother to see133.News articles that need to be mentioned more to friends and family. Materials I would not post would be about exemplifying things that would discriminate or be taken as a racial offence by people.134.On my Facebook I would probably post about events I'm going to, pictures from trips or pictures with friends but I would not post about issues that are occurring in my life and personal information about my friends and family.135.I will post recipes, places I am traveling to, people I'm with and some funny material.I don't post pictures of friends and some family members without their approval.136.I don't post anything on Facebook?137.I would post professional images, grad photos, places I have travelled and activities I have done. I would not post anything that would harm my future or opportunity to get a job, as well as I would not post anything to offend others and misrepresent others.138.I do not post any really intimate details about my life that I would not feel comfortable discussing with relative strangers. While I refrain from posting any content related to really controversial political issues, I feel comfortable speaking about directly personal, autobiographical details about myself and my life, such as details about my vacation and even open and respectful declarations about my love for my wife.?139.My high school reunion has been done over FB so I have posted there. Once in a while I update my profile picture, but use FB mostly to read others' posts.140.General information or a special event. For example a photo of a race I completed.141.Mostly sports and cool pictures of places I've visited as well as quotes and verses that can inspire others. I tend not to post about politics.?142.Anything I post on the Internet must be something I'm okay with anyone (parents, friends, employers) seeing even if I don't necessarily share it with them. Everything must be legal and appropriate and nothing I wouldn't be able to explain.?143.I put certain milestones, such as graduation, seeking good vibes for a test, or updating people on my current work as a research assistant. I try not to put any emotional stuff on my facebook, I just like to keep my family and friends involved a little bit.?144.Knowledgeable stuff, funny videos, pictures145.Depends on what app I am using. Twitter for jokes and Instagram for moments in my life.?146.Not applicable147.Profile: a picture of my family.Things I would never post: things that are may be too private? I only post things that I'm willing to share with others.?148.I choose not to post anything publicly rather i tag people in posts so they exclusively know what i want them to see149.The only materials I'd be willing to post are profile pictures or links/articles I am promoting. I do not post many personal pictures or status updates.150.My posts would be about important events like trips, ceremonies, among others and maybe some small fun events/time with family and friends. I would not post anything else pretty much; no too personal information, or ideals/beliefs, or work material..151.I would post cats pictures or whatever my friends or family tag me in. Otherwise I wouldn't really post anything.?152.Post: Delicious food I ate, beautiful places I went.?Not to post: Very personal things153.Usually post birthday wishes for my children. Accomplishments they have made. Or just even a good day. Materials not to post would be silly little rants ot simply petty things for what someone needs or craves attention154.I'd post about places I traveled to, pictures with family and friends, about myself etc.155.I don't post156.I usually post something funny or something that I agree off. All a news or technology article that I think is very interestingTry posting nothing that is controversial.?157.I post photos of what I'm doing when I'm somewhere fun.158.The core details I would post include my name, various interests, and my demographic.?159.Its common sense about what should and what should not be posted on Facebook. Since everyone can see what you post, I'll only post contents that I know I will feel comfortable about. Usually I'll only post some significant event that have occurred, which includes pictures and videos.?160.Anything which I know my peers will be interested in having a look at it.161.I would not post things that I wouldn't want my parents to see.?162.I only share funny things or important things sometimes.163.The information Facebook asked to have a complete profile164.I never posted on Facebook aside from birthday posts on walls. I see no purpose in posting material on Facebook as I couldn't care less about who knows what's going on in my life.165.I keep my Facebook very private. I do not allow strangers to add me on Facebook, and can only be found by my friend's friends. I do not trust Facebook to completely keep my personal data safe, therefore I only have a profile picture on there.166.I will post things that I would be comfortable showing to my parents or coworkers.167.None168.Pictures with friends who are also in Facebook I will post.169.I tend to use snapchat and Instagram more than Facebook when I don't want to share with as wide of an audience. Material I post on Facebook would either be articles I find share-worthy and some personal posts/photos of events and major milestones.170.Check ins, significant family events, articles (political or cultural) that I find interesting. The odd musings, positive PR about things I've done that im proud of.171.I don't post much but the things I don't want to post is about my family, about my career or study's or even something seen as show off type I do not post. last time I post something on Facebook was my cover photo two years ago.?172.I will share informational posts - self help, cooking, check in to restaurants or events.?173.Just sometimes about life's successes but not to show off my life! I only have close people on fb not the whole world, just deleted like ten people last week and planning on deleting more that won't ever be there for you?174.I would not and do not post.?175.Usually post group photos/concert performances. Don't post a lot of statuses or selfies176.Most of the posts that I do are pictures that I have taken from recent events, which I want to share with those who are in it. I also sometimes do post cool links or links I find relevant. I don't do post where I update people on my day, I just don't find I do anything interesting enough to post it up all the time.?177.Sharing funny things or important things.178.If I think it is relevant, culturally educational, and interesting for my friends I will post. I also post to show people where I am in life.?179.Almost nothing.Sometimes when number of friends wish to see pictures, I may share it publicly (only friends) or privately (select friends).180.General posts of family time, about our pets.Nothing to descriptive of our lives.181.I post:-pictures from vacations or events.-news stories about things I am really passionate about (eg. the Physican Assisted Suicide law)-work for school assignments-news about my life when catching up with an old friendI do not post:-rants about how upset/annoyed I am-pictures of me acting/looking unprofessional (eg. drunk)-links to silly issues like celebrity rmation on health amd benefits on health in general183.1. i regualarly post articles about justice issues to share with students, to maintain the work of the classroom after the class ends, to encourage others to think about their personal power, and to take on the task of informing one another about important issues which our 'news' agencies simply ignore.184.I haven't uploaded pictures or anything on my facebook in a long time (only on instagram). Just have changed my profile picture. I usually just share or post articles that I find important or interesting.185.I would not post stuff that happens in my life like exciting events. I would only share articles and like and comment on other posts.186.I post anything I am proud of, such as working with a very important non profit organization. And I love pictures so I'm always uploading those. I don't post anything that isn't important to me; like a viral video. But if it's an informational video about mental health then I will187.I would surely post articles and videos that are of interest to me. Usually meaningful in some way. Poss about myself or other posts are usually made only for special occasions.?188.Major life eventsJokes and memesInteresting ArticlesBreaking news189.I don't post on Facebook that often.190.Post positive things only; never negative, gossip etc.191.I ask myself, do I want an employer or family to see this? If Ok, i post. If NO, I don't post.192.My job dictates what I post?193.I never post Facebook statuses. I usually go to Facebook to post pictures of big events in my life (graduations, birthdays, etc).194.Act in a professional manner and only upload things that uphold this type of image195.I do not like to post. Like to stay more private.196.I post stuff that i am interested in or my friends on Facebook would be interested in197.I usually post pictures of my daily life such as places I go, food that I enjoy or some personal news I like to share about.198.I rarely post anything really, the only thing I can think about is sharing a news article of some sort, but as far as updating my location, uploaded pictures, etc.. I don;t do that. I keep my profile private because I want to keep everything at a bare minimum.?199.I usually do not post anything on facebook on my own profile. I will comment and react to my friends' posts. I often use it for organizing private events or use the private messaging function.200.I don't tend to share anything on Facebook, but I will occasionally share travel pictures or pictures of myself. Won't share controversial pictures or statements.201.I usually post pictures and share videos and quotes and I would not post my locations.?202.Anything regarding sensitive information of others or myself will never be posted on my facebook account, alongside any informatuon that may change peoples opinion about myself.?I will post a picture of myself or my friends every once in a while with that topic being a higlight of our outings or something deemed interesting enough to share by myself.203.Name, school and location but not post address or phone number?204.Typically share things don't post much of my own things?205.Usually post pictures and status update?206.If I were to have to post on my profile, I would probably only post pictures of certain adventures such as scenery and food. I would usually not post things that are personal to me.?207.Nothing personal. Just fun things that I do for example lynn canyon cliff jumping pictures.208.I post watever I feel like it: to show of to friends about all the Knarly stuff I am currently into to make them jealous .. No boundaries?209.i would be sure to post when it looks convincible and relative to what others think.210.I would post my anniversary day.211.I will not post very personal information because of safety concerns?212.Something obvious like, Donald Trump Hitler comparison or something trendy like , Pokemon GO strategies. It literally means nothing.213.I will post the updates about my achievements, life milestones, and other interesting day-to-day occurrences. Moreover, I am interested in the current events and other news, especially from the technology sector, and I would share any information that I find worthwhile. However, there are posts, personal and news-related likewise, that I would not share because many of us do not see eye to eye when it comes to certain aspects of our life. Some may find some news stories (although tech news are the least likely to offend anyone in my experience :) ) and other personal information that I share in some way degrading, and I am sure to check that anything that ends up on my page doesn't fall into that category. Our convictions may change, and hence this is just a generic explanation.214.I will, occasionally post from a restaurant, a sporting event, repost perhaps a recipe, or an opinion I share.215.I will post current events, articles that interest me, pictures from my weekend, etc. I never post inappropriate content or content that will upset others216.I make sure to always double check everything before I post it. My main posts are usually about my opinions and interests, with the odd photo here and there. I don't post anything that could be deemed detrimental or hurtful to myself or others, though.217.Anything that I would consider out of the ordinary of what i usually do and what I would consider to be interesting I might post it on Facebook if it comes to mind (ex.On vacation). Anything I would consider trivial and not noteworthy I wouldn't post (ex.My food).218.Special holiday event.219.I've shared film trailers and news articles on Facebook. I seldom post anything personal on Facebook.220.If I am doing something exciting or am on vacation I will post.?221.Things that will affect view of my future employers don't go there. Things that make me seem socially undesirable as well.?I post the good stuff and what I care about that I know others care about as well222.I would like to post my hobbies and interests. I would not post my personal contact information and home address. ?223.I will post materials that are appropriate in all occasions for all viewers (e.g. Strangers, friends and family, coworkers ,(potential )employers...Will not post materials that are not appropriate .224.I usually think first about who will be likely to see and if that's something I want to share with so and so. I try to keep my posts to very general stuff, not involving personal details etc. I also think about in the future, if somebody was to look me up a couple of years later, would I want to see this post?225.I post information that I would not mind if a stranger, employer or family member would see (i.e. weddings, graduations) and nothing personal such as a new relationship or my current location and address or concerns about my workplace.226.I only post and send messages in Facebook that I would also publish in a newspaper or openly share with anyone in my life. I realize that it is unsafe and non-private and my data is used and sold by Facebook therefore I am very careful about what is posted and shared in this app.?227.I'm very aware that employers will check my social media sites, as I am studying to be a UX/UI designer. Thus, I post things that I can identify as being either really passionate about and unafraid to show to the public only, and rather keep personal things such as family pictures, to myself or on a different social media site.228.I would share few pictures from interesting trip not more than that229.I don't post anything on facebook. I don't use it as a source for social media, only for communication when it is necessary.?230.I would maybe post some pictures from trips or links to music that I enjoy. I would not post anything related to politics or anything which may cause controversey, offend others and create unwanted discussion. ?231.I post photos of my family, as well as short videos of my son.232., I post events that I go to, I post accomplishments like hiking or a run. I also post things that I think others will find useful or funny233.I do not post anything off of my Facebook account. Just use to look at others post234.I dont post anything about myself but I do when I need information about products I want to buy or anything that pertains to getting information.235.Anything except my phone number or address.236.Name, education, place of birth, place of residence (city only).237.Basic information like my workplace, education, music, etc. I don't post any private photos or share any material.?238.people would post something funny and avoid ugly selfie239.I prefer to post things that I think other people on my friends list will appreciate or get some use out of. Less personal items.240.I rarely post on my Facebook now, but when I do it is usually about my swimming career or about a certain sporting event that is going on.?241.I normally only post vacation/milestone pictures on my Facebook (ie. Graduation, prom)- I don't post anything else.? profile picture?243.interesting topics/photos would be posted only.244.Usually it's a picture of myself (as a profile picture)?Sometimes a picture of a place I recently visited on vacation?Shared posts by friends or pages?Never posts about personal things happening in my life (I don't post stauses or updates)245.I don't really post anything personal - there is no residence, schools, etc.. on there. My friends will post pictures of me and tag me but other than that, its only my profile picture posted by me246.I primarily post graphic work and photography that I have created or captured. I enjoy sharing my work with family and friends. Other than that, I occasionally post certain milestones that I have surpassed, or other accomplishments that I would consider noteworthy.?247.I don't post any pictures on Facebook.248.I rarely post, but when I do it is usually photos with friends and family.249.Mostly family-related material, and an occasional profile picture update.?250.Post - good branding images, so sharing things I sponsor or endorseDon't post - bad branding, party images but I don't post anything about my life anymore other than my picture251.If I were to post, it would only be of photos which I want to share with other friends or some sort of information I would like to share with friends. Anything personal will be left off indefinitely.252.Name, where am I come from, what school and major I am in253.I post what I think is pretty! And definitely appropriate. I know and have heard employers and people you meet search you up on your Facebook profile254.I do not post too much on Facebook but that is only because now the young people are using Instagram and Snapchat so much, it seems like our generation isn't posting on Facebook as much. If I do post, it would be to share an article or cool video or something like that.?255.I often "like" a picture that a friend has posted. I don't often post anything, except for maybe changing my profile and cover photo every once in a while.?256.I definitely always post videos or pictures from concerts that i attend and i never post pictures including other people without their consent?257.I might share music that I like, pictures from vacation (but only in retrospective), if I find something interestingon the Internet (geography, sports, science, etc).258.Photographs to capture the moments and share with friends and family.259.I do not post on facebook.260.I put the basic information about where I work and went to school, where I'm from and where I live. I post photos and videos of myself, family and friends. ?261.I do not share anything on Facebook.262.Generally I only post photos and link to other web sites I may have found interesting.263.Funny videos, interesting articles, and pictures. I usually do not post my political beliefs and opinions.264.Cool travel experiences or adventures with friends and family?Great pictures?265.I use facebook for leasure purposes and keeping in contact with some friends , which is facebook's strength. I usually view things from pages I "Liked"?266.I share posts from others267.I post whenever I'm bored268.I'll put up stuff like my name, education, and the city I live in (but not the exact address). I never post stuff about family life and nothing like contact information.?269.I post photos of article retweets271.i usually post promotional ads for school and i would not post where my locations are272.I'm a photography and I usually post photos just to share with them friends or to show a specific occasion. If I also find content that is really interesting or useful and unique (one which I haven't seen my friends post), then I might decide to share or post that link. I will almost never post anything about status updates such as how I'm feeling at a certain point in time unless there is a specific context that it is tied to and the information is useful for other person that will be reading it. I generally find reading status updates to be a waste of time and space within the newsfeed, so I avoid posting about status updates myself.273.I would post celebrations or announcements, but not grievances or hardships (ie. Funeral, doctors results, fired)274.I don't post anything.275.I try not to post very much on facebook because even the people who I do not know are able to see my profile picture and other material i post.276.I'll share current events and my opinions on them.?Photos from events will also be shared/Funny videosI don't post anything regarding myself unless it's a rant (which is very rare)277.I don't post.?278.I would share school related posts on Facebook and some pictures that I like.?279.If I travel I may post pictures?280.I would post picure updates of my life on facebook, but never personal information such as car license plates.?281.I would possibly post one or two photos of me when I'm on vacation or other special events if no one else does, through a profile picture change or cover photo change. There are also sometimes interesting little trends that happen within the circle, so I join in on those but rarely. Most of the time, people just tag me in photos where I am and I either approve or decline those to show up on my profile. If those photos of me are not flattering, I usually just decline them.282.It is usual that I would post my pictures only.283.Anything too personal stays in direct messages/ Anything possibly controversial, politically incorrect, or could be interpreted as offensive is better off not being posted/ Only re-share current trends or jokes (dubbed "memes")284.Sure: gender ,school ,food,happy thingsNot :home address , name? only.286.I would only post material that I am comfortable with people knowing. I would avoid posting any personal and private matters on Facebook.?287.I never post my current location and rarely post photos. I mostly just share things other people have tagged me in288.I don't post on facebook289.mostly entertaining, neutral material that does not normally offend others. Occasionally political opinion or satire.I tend to avoid anything controversial and offensive.290.Some personal photos i only post on instagram where there are less friends, some more open ones, such as events, only on facebook.291.I would post social group pictures and that's it. People don't need to see my lunch.292.No personal opinions on major current events. I post travel pictures or wish people Happy Birthday.Keep it professional.293.I would post my name, birthday, a photo of myself, and small updates about my day to day life. I would not post my address, phone number, year of birth, or credit card info.294.Materials that I post on my profile includes special events such as my graduation, vacations and many more. While on the other hand, materials that I will not post may include personal matters such as my occupation, education and many more.295.Occasional posts with friends or important events. I would not post pictures pictures otherwise that are "unimportant".296.Generally I only post pictures of animals or things I've seen whilst traveling.297.I mostly post pictures of my adventures. I will occasionally share post about things that I am passionate about. Whether that be adventures ( aka camping, hiking, etc. ), politics, or social work/activity.298.Usually post things I am interested in and think others may also enjoy. I don't usually post things that are too private. It's really just for entertainment purposes.?299.I like to post interesting things, like photos/ experiences that merit an audience of people I know well and also acquaintances (I have alot of "facebook friends" but these people I do not consider real friends). I'm a very private person, so I don't post everything because I only like to share important things with the few people I trust with that information.300.I would post about something I haven't done in a while. There were somethings that I wouldn't want to post to make it seem like I was arrogant .301.I don't post anything on Facebook. Only use it for school group projects.?302.With the prevalence of other social network sites and apps, Facebook has (in my circle anyways) become more of a space to post more serious or bigger posts. If I want to post a random picture, I would probably do so on Instagram, and if I wanted to go on a rant, I'd probably do it on Twitter. Life events such as moving, or traveling, is something that I'd post on Facebook.?303.wont post: anything that seems too controversial or annoying or attention seeking?Will post: good positivity and motivational pieces and views of the world that make you think?304.Some material that I might post on my account may include very basic bits of information like my name, birthday, gender, etc. Some parts of information that I may choose to leave out include personal details like my phone number, my address, and other important details like that.?305.Business related content and interesting news articles.?306.I would post general info about myself like if I got a new cat but nothing personal such as illness or about a tragedy that's happened in my life.?307.I have posted some basic information about my education and residence so i dont appear as a "ghost" on facebook. Also some of my likes and interests, but i never actually post statuses since i use twitter and other apps for that.?308.I have almost everything on my profile from where I was born to where I graduated and where I work.?309.I only like to change my profile picture. I don't like to post anything else because I don't want other people to know what I'm doing.310.I usually only post profile pictures or other pictures so my family can see me.311.I will choose to post photos as it serves as easy identification amomg others who share my legal name. I will not post personal information regarding my address, credit card number, cell phone number etc. Any information that can be trackable.312.I don't feel like I need to post things on Facebook cause whatever activities I do..I would rather cherish rather than having first priority and posting them online313.Important photos, or anything business wise?314.Vacation pictures I will post but personal selfies I will not.8n. Please explain how your usage has changed over time |?#Response1.Now use it as a news source as well2.I use it less. I am more aware of my privacy settings. I do not post as much. I usually only go on to read articles?3.i have looked and trolled on it more4.I used to never go on but since joining parent groups i.e. Buy sell childrens' wear I'm on several times a day5.As more social media sites surfaced, I no longer find Facebook necessary.?6.When I first started facebook it was status updates and selfies. Now I rarely post photos or status updates. Also my status' have changed they have become more about things I am greatful for or just funny things that have happend.7.Timeline additions8.Less posting9.Became more selective on what I share.An cautious on what I shouldn't share .10.I use it more as an instant messenger on my phone now, compared to not actively using it before.11.Went from using a lot to just checking it when I'm bored.12.used to post updates more frequently13.Went from just a way to add friends and view photos to a tool to see what social events are upcoming, keeping in touch with friends I met over time/abroad that I wouldn't be able to on a daily basis?14.i use it less?15.I used to post about myself and look at everyone's posts. Now I just glance over my feed and post nothing of myself.16.I used to post more photos, and update my status more often, like more photos. Now, from an outside perspective, it doesn't seem as if I am using facebook, but I secretly am.?17.Getting more private about my life18.I started sharing links for cooking tips and fun facts for myself. I set the privacy setting to 'myself' so I have it listed on my wall but no one can see it.19.used to post more pictures. now less because there are other apps20.Younger - posted whatever and didn't care who would see itOlder - care more about who would see my profile and posted accordingly?21.I used to post about everything when i was a kid now i post maybe once a week and its usually just sharing a funny video.?22.Post less photos and humble brag things23.I use a newsfeed blocker because newsfeed was making me insecure.?I used to read the news feed often but now I only use fb to message people, run groups, and for events.?24.used to use it all the time before and now probably go on it once every three days or so25.I was more active in the past when modern social media was just getting started where I would regularly post and engage in posts, however now I mostly check messenger.?26.I used to post photos and post statuses but have since switched to just private messaging.27.Less active on updating everyone with unimportant statuses. Usually using it for communication (Messenger app) or checking the trending topics nowadays.28.Before I would post anything and everything - negative, positive. Whereas now I just post positive things.?29.It decreased over time. I feel 5hat Facebook is harmful to our being as social creatures.30.I no longer post photos.31.i usually use facebook almost everyday to check out what's happening, not only in the news but also what's going on around my friends. but now i open facebook just to see interesting articles and news32.I created my facebook profile back in junior high school, and I was just following the trend and also to share pictures. I stopped using them since high school and first 3 years of college.I went abroad last year, to an international school, where Facebook is used to share necessary information & updates regarding schoolwork. So I started being active again.33.I follow a lot more verified accounts and I don't use Facebook to communicate with friends as much as before.34.Become more conservative with posting things.35.Over the years and with the creation of other time consuming social media sites my Facebook usage has definitely declined?36.I don't receive or message my family or friends very often. Facebook is more about what people are doing in their lives and news feed.37.Privacy?38.platform changes affect our behavior39.Initially, when I was younger I just use Facebook to play games, keep in touch with long distance friends. These days I use it mostly for business purposes.40.I used to use Facebook to keep up with my friends. Now I use Facebook to keep up with world news.41.I used to open my account once a week and now I opened it every day usually at night?42.Started out interested because it was what everyone used to stay in touch. Now I would rather not use it but it's become a necessity to stay in touch43.I have tried to become more private and post less?44.The first time facebook is launched, I like to use it for chat with my friends via the "wall", and I like to pour my thoughts in there, but until I know about a privacy thing, and because my old facebook account got hacked, it's makes me too lazy to use the facebook again, so I only use it for see my photos that people tagged me in, or just to check the news feed45.I don't choose to like or dislike a comment as often as before.46.I used to post status updates all the time, but now I just don't get the point of it.47.Since becoming familiar I use it more?48.My frequency on it has decreased over the years.49.I used to obsess over it and was very concerned about how my page looked and came across to others. However now I don't care for the appearance other than a profile picture and simply desire privacy. I also used to add people I hardly was friends with and now make sure to only have actual "friends" on my friends list. Finally, I rarely message or talk to people on it unless it's for networking or catching up with old friends.50.Not as "active" in terms of posting and sharing as I've gotten older.51.I post far less often52.I used to post photos (the only content I posted), and now I post none.53.My usage has increased over time due to having more free time.54.I am more private and more cautious about my posts55.Kind of refers to the previous answer. I was much less careful when I first started and complained about my parents, school, and my personal life on Facebook as a sort of cry for attention.?56.When I first started to use Facebook, I used it daily and posted about my life or things about me on my wall. Privacy settings were set to public. Now, I hardly post anything and have my settings set to private, however, there's a limit on how private my account can become.57.Yes before it used to be about who can get the most friends and most likes now its just kind of to see wut ur friends are up to kind of thing.?58.Daily postings reduced to barely any postings.59.I rarely post anything now. I will comment on other people's posts/posts I've been tagged in. I use the account more to follow pages/organizations I'm interested in, and to "like" posts made by friends?60.I used to post more when I was younger, I used to have my settings allow that friends of friends can search for me/see my profile (I no longer allow that) and i used to allow for friends of friends to add me as a friend (no lomger do).61.Let's just say, I've had to delete a lot of posts and photos I made from when I first got Facebook to now, in search of a professional career and job.62.I was frequently using it then phones came out with whatsapp?63.At first it was primarily used to contact friends. Now I use it to read articles (news or otherwise), as well as contact friends.64.I used to post different kind of stuff on Facebook. Lately, I don't use it as often and restrict people who can view my posts65.More application are connected to facebook nowadays. But i now rarely use facebook for chatting and post my updates.66.I used to post status updates and albums full of pictures. Now I literally post nothing.?67.I used to post way more than I do now, but that has changed as I age.68.I was never as careful as I am with what I post when I first started using it. A huge explantaion maybe the fact that I was a pre-teen back then. I would post statuses often about what was on my mind which I completely avoid now, because I prefer people not being predictable.69.More to interact or be kept up to date with groups or events etc rather than socializing with others. ?70.I use to share opinions and feeling but I don't do that anymore.71.I feel like it is tracking me and I don't like that. They change setting without notification.72.I have "unfollowed" most of my Facebook friends - specifically, those who overshare personal or irrelevant information - and now mainly follow news pages (such as Al Jazeera, BBC, and NPR), and pages that post interesting news updates (such as Critical Criminology, Southern Poverty Law Center, etc.)73.I rarely go on facebook anymore. All you see on your feed is people sharing videos and things like that when before people would post pictures of places they've traveled to and things like that?74.As I recently got married, I now have lots for family overseas and in different provinces that are interested in our new life and so I feel I have to share pictures with them.?75.I used to be more active on facebook but not anymore76.Use it mostly for news now and articles77.I use it more everyday, log on and check new news or things that have been posted and shared, whether it is for entertainment purposes or events78.It starts becoming too repetitive.?79.I tend to be more formal because it is such an open forum and I tend to be less negative because it "turns people off" and I don't like spreading negative emotions, except if the situation profoundly warrants such a response.80.I don't post as much as I did before81.I used to share more pictures and "statuses" when I was younger but now it's mainly for messaging, events and reading articles.?82.I used to post that I was bored all the time.?83.I used more to watch news update all over the world?84.I used to post a lot of stuff. Nowadays, not much so, probably once a month.?85.I used to use Facebook solely for messaging, now I use it for networking and connecting with peers and colleagues.86.Post less.?87.Don't usually check fb as much. Too much advertisement and pop ups.?88.I used to post things without pictures, but now I feel like if I need to post something I have to post it with a picture.89.At a young age it was more about posting pictures and liking. Now its more about whats new in the world and to have some sort of connection with people you dont regularly meet.90.Used to update status all the time; post constantly. Still use it a lot, but very little of my own activity.?91.I use it more as a messenger than a social media site.?92.I used to post more random status updates that includes my own opinion or just plain random content. However, the mature I've became, I am much more exclusive to what I want to use Facebook for (ex. communicating with close friends).93.Less and less people.use it for posting random ideas and events, it has become.more of a peraonal branding tool.94.I don't post much in general. I used to post pictures of my nights out all the time, but hardly ever do now. I also never make status updates anymore.?95.I no longer like, comment, or post anything on my timeline, although I do like, comment, and post in groups. I simply use it for messaging and groups.96.I matured and started thinking about consequences about what I post, as well as other peoples' feelings and opinions.97.I used it for social networking before but now I use it for events and marketing stuff98.I used to post a large volume of personal information without any understanding of what Facebook would become ... ie. party pictures, entire albums of webcam selfies, and posts with less-than-professional language and content.99.I use to post and share stuff on Facebook but now I just don't do that because it has become a platform where every one tries to tell how exciting or success their life is.?100.Less posting of my children's pictures and statuses. Ensure I ask permission of friends and famijybshoukd I wish to post them in a pic101.I had many people who i can't consider friends on it and have deleted some and will only keep people who are meaningful in my life?102.I used to post more (in the first year or so I had it) and then i realized how evil it was and how it could ruin a persons future103.Used to use fake name with no real photos of myself. Am a lot less paranoid these days104.When I was younger I used it less, but now I use it a lot, especially for the messenger app so that I message groups (a lot of them).105.I used to post all the time, and now I really don't care whether people know about my life or not106.Keep posts very minimal, nothing too personal.?Nor do I express any emotions and keep it very basic.107.Before it was just to stay in touch with friends and family, but now I often read the news or post things I am passionate about. However, I am very selective in what I say and which pictures I post, as I know when I finish my Master's degree employers will probably look through my facebook profile and I do not want them to find anything which may decrease my chances of getting a job. I have also gone through my friend list and deleted some people who really don't need to know about everything I am up to.108.It became boring and time consuming109.1. i have become somewhat more careful with what i reveal.2. i make internal judgments about people based upon their posts, and have terminated friendships over same, thus challenging Buddha nature in myself which i am attempting to grow.3. i try to limit my time on fb, as i think it is a bad habit i have developed.4. i find it fascinating that young folks use texting and fb as their primary means of communication, and i wonder where we will be in a generation, where many are ignorant of social protocols, respect, manners, and niceities.110.As a kid I used to post anything about my day and my page was pretty activate with pretty pointless stuff. Now I post only informational or inspiring things, or pictures. Not status about my day111.Before It was used as a communication too, for example writing of people's walls, etc.Now I use it to know more about what is happening all over the world112.It's more used to keep up-to-date with people and pages rather than being used to update others about your own life.113.I use it more frequently to watch videos and keep up with the new trends. #harambe?114.Depends on what features are added.115.I used to be more interactive on Facebook, posting on friends' walls, posting status updates, commenting on things. Now, I use Facebook mostly to see what my friends have been up to, see what material has been trending virally, and very rarely comment on anything.116.Us it less and less.117.When I first signed up I would be on it all day long, just liking random posts from my friends, messaging all my friends, playing games, and just being extremely active. Whereas now I do enough just to stay up to par with the latest news and have a presence of "I'm still active", and FB is just not my go to app anymore because it just died down.118.When I joined, Facebook was much newer, and many of its own functions have changed. I used to join many more facebook groups, but now I mainly just look at others' posts and will 'like' or comment on them.119.Post much less often now.120.Not frequent anymore in putting up posts like before121.Maturity. Facebook use to be my main communication with friends, so I would post a lot and have immature conversations on pictures. Not anymore though.122.I tend to post less and talk to people through the messenger app more.?123.I don't use it as much anymore for posting about myself, I mainly use it for current events124.Originally Facebook was a way to keep in full contact with my friends while I was across the country; now I see it as a way to pass time and gather interesting bits of information from those I know and around the world.125.I do not post as often as I used to and the form in which I speak(type) has also changed due to age and maturity.126.More mature less posting more curation and higher security.127.I used to check all of my news feed and spend a lot of time just looking at what people were up to. Now I mainly use Facebook just for messages.128.I used Facebook more often when it had just become accessible and popular with teens (circa 2007 or 2008). Now I use newer apps such as Instagram (which is owned by Facebook) and Snapchat.129.I used to use facebook all the time. I deleted my account as I spent too much time on it. I made a new account and don't really have friends on it. I use it for club purposes and to follow some scientific sites.?130.I use it more to learn about the news nowadays. ?131.I use it a lot less now?132.I've been posting more videos now than I used to.133.About 8 years ago I didn't really know what to do with it. I was traveling in Beijing, and I see in my Facebook memories now that there are no pictures. I'm not sure if it just didn't support it then or if I didn't know what I was doing. I know post pictures and videos all the time134.I have decided to use alternate means instead of Facebook to get in touch with friends. Usage has greatly decreased over time135.Used to use it every day but now using less than once a week.?136.When I first got Facebook in about 2008 or so, I used to post personal things but now I post videos or content that contain a message I want to spread or I use it to keep in touch with people I cannot in any other medium.137.I used to "like" pages and post photos a lot more that I do now.138.Don't make statuses or write on walls anymore. Just use it to post pictures, look at my newsfeed & message coworkers/friends who I don't text.?139.I only set up my account on Facebook in last year (summer 2015) with the encouragement of my husband and son. I don't find it very interesting for me to use it because most updates of my friends are associated with what beautiful places they stayed and how delicious food they enjoyed.140.I used to post a status about what I was doing or where I was going all the time. But in high school I stopped doing that, now I don't ever post a status or where I am going. I just post pictures occasionally of a interesting thing I saw. And my privacy settings have changed from very open to very private (only friends can see what I post)141.I have used Facebook less and less over time, and mainly use it just for its messenger.142.I post much less now.143.I used to post statuses about my life regularly, now I only use it to look at other people's Facebook144.I would post a lot more often before, however after becoming more aware of who can see my facebook posts, I began posting less and less and now I rarely post at all. Most friends also do not pay much attention to facebook posts now and Facebook has primarily become a instant messaging program, events manager and entertainment board for me now.145.Not always check the status as I need to work during daytimes146.I have started to use it a lot more as a quick distraction for a few minutes here and there!!147.When I was younger, around the age of 13 maybe, I would always post statuses on Facebook and post tons of pictures. Now I rarely ever post a status or upload pictures.148.I used to post statuses but I don't anymore.149.At first it was on a regular basis maybe 11 hours a day now its more restricted due to emergence of other social networks which now take part of those 11 hours i usually spent on Facebook?150.Instead of just checking for daily updates from friends, I check messages and other interesting news from bloggers.151.I use to share everything, but now I do not post at all.152.I post less and I check Facebook less.153.Not used as much any more with how often my friends or family will post or view there news feed?154.facebook hs become more of an entertainment site for me after getting out of school.155.Used to post much more frequently. Now I primarily use it to see what others are doing as well as to message other people on FB.?156.less?157.i use it more now to connect with friends and catch myself using it more than once a day.158.I've been using it more to message people because I usually don't have their mobile contact information and find it easier sometimes just to talk to them through Facebook's messenger. Creating events have also become a lot easier and has gained popularity because it is easier to keep track of events, compared to when Facebook initially came out.159.Only use for groups of friends. Socialize using groups and group chats160.Over time i started posting a lot less and viewed it less.161.Used to say everything through FacebookNow I don't say anythingI just use it to get a larger audience when I rant.162.I have reduced the time I spend on Facebook and don't post as often as I used to.?163.I share less and less about myself164.more privacy options now?165.When I first began, I used it more consistently, using Facebook as more of an online diary where majority of my friends were doing the same. Now, I usually only observe what people has shared, and if something is interesting enough for me to share, I will share them.166.Since joining the programme, I use it ?about one to two times a day at home. However, I am using it very often, say once I have time and convenient, I would look at it.167.In the beginning interaction on Facebook was more personal, and everyone used quizzes and minor game apps all the time. This type of action on FB has largely decreased over time.?168.After setting up, I open it without one time. But more I use it once a day at least.169.I used to browse it a lot more. Now I only use to the message people occasionally.170.I used to post much more often and more photos than I do now171.When I first made my account, I would post several times a day. I don't post on Facebook anymore.?172.the amount of usage has increased!173.I started posting more of my own self my life and values as i learned it is important for everybody to have a voice174.I used to post very frequently and now I barely post.175.Don't use it as much anymore as I resort to other social media apps?176.Used to be more personal and now it is just more general. It's annoying to see spam posts so I wouldn't want to do that to my connections. There isn't a need to broadcast every bit of your life.?177.I created facebook in early high school and I was very free with what I did and said and posted online. But the more friends I connected with the more reclusive I became. I don't post much anymore, but I still like to go around and like some of my "friends'' posts, but I will only comment on things with people who are close, and will only say information that I would feel okay with strangers reading (even though I have a private account, I still consider many of my facebook friends to be strangers).178.I used to only have Facebook and not any of these other social networking sites. Back in high school we'd use it as a Twitter and Instagram combined, and constantly post random thoughts/pictures and spam each other. It's become a lot more curated.179.Initially I used Facebook to chat with friends, but now I personally feel that it has become a platform to stay updated about what's going in the world around you ( at least for me).?180.I use it less?181.I used to use it on the daily when i first got it, but now the market has become saturated with more msging apps with are better and some more secure that facebook so me and my friends prefer those.?182.First I used it everyday and could barely live with out it. Now I barely use it a week.4183.I went from spending lots of time and posting a lot of things to never posting. I often use it just to read somethings or look at family pictures.?184.I do not use it on a regular basis. The options seem too personalized for my liking.?185.Use it waaaaay less186.Became more complicated..alot more stuff you can do187.I used to post almost everything on facebook but now I am very limited to what I let people see?8o. About how many "Facebook friends" do you have right now? |?#Response1.500-6002.i dont have facebook?3.1604.6005.Too many6.5007.80?8.3309.11510.15011.55012.28813.25014.46915.39016.25017.111318.certain amount19.30020.7021.75022.12023.9824.~11025.No clue, not about to check sorry.26.80027.About 50028.150+29.2030.10431.400+?32.24433.40934.60035.30036.50037.40038.12039.30040.1000000009941.900 something42.25043.100044.20045.I don't have Facebook.46.30047.20048.About 70049.lots?50.9051.42252.55053.500 ish54.45055.36056.100057.800?58.64059.20060.Roughly 30061.10062.45063.80064.110065.35066.Almost 100067.500 ish68.About 10.69.25070.300+71.28072.14573.90074.60075.75076.15077.80078.80079.92080.60081.120082.30083.200?84.40085.I don't remember it well, like 400-ish, in my previous account, I have 1000-ish "facebook friends"86.6087.20088.100089.8090.30091.12092.200?93.10094.50095.400 -50096.50097.20098.35099.80100.800+101.289102.660103.100104.112105.100106.530107.400108.486109.250110.0111.98112.2000+113.500114.Around 200115.400116.700117.Almost 700118.290119.100120.800121.400122.700+123.492124.10125.137126.140127.500128.250129.232130.113131.150132.550?133.tooo much to count?134.300135.Almost 200136.120137.430138.300139.About 300140.100141.165142.I don't know?143.300144.413145.300146.400147.600148.418149.290150.1056151.1200152.450153.None154.200155.350156.300157.300158.I don't know 500+159.300160.120161.300162.One or two hundred I think163.20164.500165.90166.250-300.?167.366168.2000+169.About 500170.150171.425172.600173.250174.400175.300-400176.10177.400178.1000+179.560180.About 700181.510182.204183.Dot know?184.250185.326186.988187.425188.400189.550190.750?191.150192.130193.1200194.700195.500196.Approximately 1200197.409198.300?199.875200.20201.750-800202.130203.450204.200205.Less than 100206.500207.300208.583209.70210.130211.460212.860213.98214.280215.475216.1000217.700218.about 150 friends.219.250220.500221.300222.140223.170224.750225.200226.397227.approx 100228.400229.150230.400231.110232.100233.347234.Aprox. idea - had to check 278 "friends"236.300237.Up to 50238.70239.250240.175241.120242.No clue maybe a hundred or two243.200244.150245.100246.20247.Around 600248.600249.100250.600251.400+252.400253.20 people254.150?255.100256.n/a257.200258.1,279259.674260.400261.200262.A couple hundred probably?263.700264.200265.560266.Several hundred267.500268.300269.About 200270.399271.600272.around 300273.120274.probably 200?275.56276.356277.300+?278.350279.Around 50 people280.300-350281.450282.700283.500+284.782285.300286.450 ish287.881288.500289.200290.Above 350291.400292.600293.Close to 700, I did a purge on these Facebook friends not too long ago.294.100295.400296.40297.25298.428299.200300.350301.300302.100303.445304.500305.150306.400307.526308.100+309.53310.300311.100?312.300313.1400314.800315.400316.300+317.2200318.12319.700320.1178321.752322.4300323.700324.689325.413326.300 and over?327.400-500?328.280329.350+330.190331.120014b. Please give an example and explain what you did not like about that site or app. |?#Response1.Steam, not secured enough.?2.Some photo editing apps want access to your messaging, phone logs, location, etc. and I feel that there is absolutely no need, if all I want to do is trim a photo.3.A lot of miscellaneous apps on Appstores that ask for personal information/use of certain phone settings that aren't required (ie. using camera/contacts for a note taking app)4.Not sure.5.Apps or Games that post to, or use information (personal and list of friends) from your facebook profile.6.I do not use facebook, kakaotalk, or any social networking apps on my tablet7.Skype8.Some Facebook pages9.I wish I could use Skype because I have friends who live far away and want to communicate with me using Skype, but I do not trust Skype to respect the fact that I do not want my video conferences recorded, saved, monitored, or sold.10.Face book - know your lokátorom, activitied11.A stupid phone game I do not know I will even like or use. Something so simple wanting so much access to all of my call logs, messages, phones, location, files, photos etc. Like a dentist asking about your sex life. Yea you're kind of a doctor but still, fuck off right?12.Can't remember which apps but I ignore most that ask to share information?13.I had to link my Facebook account to use the app.14.eBay. Because the products i check out on eBay show up as adverts every where on the internet (especially youtube) and it annoys me.15.Facebook messenger16.i don't like apps that ask about the location i'm in.?17.Sometimes I go on to google to look up information and when I open up a browser I sometimes receive a warning sign that says I have been warned that what I am looking at can harm my computer that could create virus's?18.Facebook Messenger asks for too many permissions on my phone, so back when I used facebook, I did not download the app. However, I knew that Facebook also kept a lot of my information, but I used it too much to stop.?19.FacebookMy personal data may be given to third parties20.Messenger, waited to download it until Facebook made it so that you absolutely need it to message anyone. When downloading the app it asks for permission to access almost any file on your phone, which is a huge invasion of privacy21.They want access to my contacts or my profile;22.Dropbox cause they say they can keep that info23.Twitter24.Snapchat25.The app was asking permission for some fun tikn of my phone which is not needed for the app to function?26.Cant remember the name27.Facebook and Google are voracious consumers of personal information so I never use facebook and use alternatives to google whenever possible (but don't register for google accounts). Also, when I get apps for my phone and the list of phone elements they ask for seems to exceed what I feel comfortable with, I will decline the app and look for something else.28.Venmo. Anyone with this app can see who you paid and how much.What's App. Similar to above response29.Messegner30.Facetime and various collaborative {'cloud-based') services (e.g., Google Docs)31.I honestly don't remember; but I remember clearly there has been such an incident.?32.Facebook with their new antivirus33.Tinder34.Pokemon Go.35.Most apps want access media and files which I don't give them.36.Don't remember37.I blocked all apps on my phone, because my anti-virus/privacy protection is weaker than my computer and I feel like any app could potentially misuse my information. I especially do not use chatroom sites like Omegle as I think they surely take some of your information because the advertisements on their sites always seem to be linked to things like a person's age. I also refuse to download apps that track where you are, such as Tinder, as I do not want people to know where I am every minute of every day.?38.Tinder!39.Dating sites40.Dating apps usually put out information linked from my personal social media which can be very annoying41.FacebookInvasive42.Instagram. If I made my post available to the public, when I google my name, my photos shows up, which freaks me out.43.hard to say Maybe it's not safe to use the one44.Take lengthy time to read the privacy policy etc. but eventully I don't really understand it al all and then quit the site/app.45.Can't remember specific names, but in the past decided not to use any program that seemed "suspicious" to me(either by reviewing the usage agreement, or by reviews on the Internet)46.Any dating site47.facebook messenger app48.It?49.I don't know50.I didn't like pokemon go because it tracked my location.51.Nil.52.Some game involving tapping cards shouldn't need access to my gallery, phone calls, messaging, etc.?53.Nil.54.I severely dislike the Pokemon Go app - it collects an insane amount of information about each person who registers, even worse if the person were to purchase an item in the app. Any privacy they had before it is gone. Access to photos, call history, call logs, contacts, messages, etc etc.55.It asks for access to my personal information such as my phone contacts and location etc.56.Facebook and LinkedIn57.When they can post on your profile about their apps or have access to my pictures14d. Please name the app(s) you have concerns about and explain briefly what your concerns are. |?#Response1.Google,they collect too much information. Just a matter of time before someone hacks into their database if that hasn't happened already2.Most social media. See "facebook"3.Facebook - privacy settings?4.I only use apps that help me.5.Any apps that track movement.I use google maps fairly regularly. Also use location services when find searches "in your area". I don't like my location being tracked however it is useful fairly often.6.Facebook with their dubious privacy. I don't even like using a lot of random things like even google, things like polaris office. For some reason google wants access to my camera. Polaris office wants my contacts, but I dont want to give them away, and I dont know why they need it.?7.Bus info. Have to know when will it arrive8.All apps which require permission to access my contact list, location, or camera (e.g. Calendar, Google Maps, Messaging). My concern is that apps which have access to my camera or contact list can be compromised and allow companies or individuals to gain access to photos or the contact information of anyone in my phone.9.Bánkk, airline, - that they can get hacked and personal data stolen10.Skype is probably monitored. To be honest the government probably monitors everything. Prob porn sites. If i wanted to become rcmp, they ask about your history with porn. Being honest is going to be really awkward, especially if they go into specifics hehe. Phone games a problem. Google probably see all your stuff. Facebook for sure has no privacy what so ever.11.Facebook?12.facebook, whats app, and other SMSs. We all know they're recording all the interactions we're making over the web. I don't like it but i have to use them since thats where all the communication happens these days.13.Facebook keeps and sells information, as do many other social media sites. I no longer use any social media sites, but I do use messaging apps. And I am aware that telecommunications companies also keep information and distribute it to the government when asked.?14.FacebookMy personal content may be shared to other third parties15.Messenger, see above16.Facebook17.Snapchat and Instagram18.Snapchat , whatsapp, pretty much every app I have on my phone?19.Facebook, their privacy rules are flawed, deepface (a software that recognizes and maps your face to recognize you in photos you're not yet tagged in) is creepy and kind of intrusive20.I can't remember specific?21.Snapchat. If someone adds me on snapchat they can see all of my information and there is no way for me to block this person?22.Can't think of a specific one right off hand, but sometimes you just really want that app and it's that or nothing, and you decide it's worth it.23.Venmo, Facebook, Messenger, my bank...pretty much every single app. I do not trust that anything is secure, and the NSA is always able to tap into people's computers or phones.?In addition, I have stopped using because there were 4 occasions where they began to charge me for services that I did not sign up for after I made a purchase. I had to change my credit card 4 times as a result24.All apps concern me. The reason is I don't know who maintains and controls them25.Gmail but only for communications that do not involve the sharing of information that needs to remain private, confidential or secure because GMail is a US service, run on US servers and subject to US laws (e.g., US Patriot Act)26.Pretty much everything. I hate agreeing to stuff, so I never agree to optional ones.?27.All my apps. They all have too many permissons.?28.Snapchat, Pokémon Go29.Don't Remember30.I do use facebook only because it is the most convenient way to stay connected and is very good for doing group projects, however the fact that they sell some of your information to advertisers does concern me.?31.Microsoft outlook... It must be safe... I have no other choices because I use it for work32.I don't care too much about that33.When an apps requests updating or pop-up message that would ask me about payment terms, for example, I would start concerning it as I may not fully understand the terms and conditions especially the transction would incur cost.34.Atom tix is a ticket selling application that offers free tickets but requires the site to store and save your personal information?35.FB messenger, but it is a trade-off. It is just too convenient36.Facebook37.It asked for acces to pictures and I didn't want to share my photos38.Instagram, Facebook if people besides my followers or friends can see my posts.?39.Nil.40.Visibly under-developed games that have limited gameplay and ask for questionable permissions?41.Nil.42.Pokemon go.?Still using it because its the trend?43.As said, Pokemon Go, Facebook APP (Requires almost the same amount of needs as listed above), and basically any free game app on the store.44.VISA apps, anyone can steal your phone and have access to your credit card45.I do not recall what the apps were but they were third-party apps. My concerns are how much information is being accessed.46.What's app. I use it because I only communicate with people I choose and, unless we create a big group, messages are between two or a few people. My concerns are about how they keep the messages and photos exchanged over the years (who has access to them, how and where are they stored and for how long, etc). My other concern is that the What's app has access to all the contacts and photos on my phone, where I sometimes store private information about people (their email address, their birth date, their home address etc.), they also have access to my agenda (where I only write minimal info).18b. Please describe briefly what happened and what it meant to you. |?#Response1.Facebook generates your information to post ads that they think will interest you. Ie you get engaged they will post ads of bachlerette parties, once you get married all you see is baby ads.2.I can find the information in public internet where I have never post them on that.3.I got hacked.4.Aldo had my information on file from when I ordered online. So when I called them with the phonenumber I provided them from my online purchase, they greeted me by name?5.I didnt disclose it but one time i saw an advertisement for a cam site and it had my picture on it. I was 17 at the time which is super illegal. So i just reported it and stuff and it got taken down.?6.Received advertising phone calls.7.My debit account got used my an unknown user.8.Auto fill in for different forms online9.My google searched often influence the advertisements I encounter around the internet10.I said something in a online post and people were asking about it.11.Used my real cell phone number for some surveys. Got some spam calls.12.The only example I can think of is when I do online shopping, I keep seeing ads of the items I searched for. I'm concerned about advertising companies being sold this information.?13.Searching for items in Amazon and later seeing it advertised through my Facebook.?14.I had information on my LinkedIn account about my work history. Later on I found that all of this information was public on a site called zoom15.Sometimes I search things in Google and later in Facebook I have ads that are related to what I searched before.16.Facebook being linked to every other app I don't like that?17.Searched a lot of baby stuff on Google (I think it was ToysRUs or something), only to find out a few days later I get a bunch of ads about baby stuff EVERYWHERE like Facebook. Scary.?18.I've signed online petitions and been added to mailing lists I didn't sign up for.19.Happens all the time. Ads that track your visits = #120.Facebook- but that was me being young and not so informed when I signed up and now my information is out there and I cant go personal information sold to retailers, to dating sites and other 'age-specific' companies22.I've had my credit card compromised several times, but I don't know if it happened with online purchases or in physical stores because the credit card company/bank doesn't divulge that kind of information.23.Spam24.Some one stole my credit card information and try to make some expensive purchase.25.Well, I didn't disclose it but a close relative did and found that in my weekly Google search for my name my children's names and locations were linked to me. I immediately contacted the website and requested they remove my personal information which they did. I also requested that they never post any information related to my name on their site (it was a genealogy website) and they assured me that I was now identified as a "do not post". Whether this will remain I don't know but given that I check for my posted information weekly on Google and deal with problems such as this immediately, if it happens again I will once again ask for it to be removed. ?26.Went to a swimsuit website & saw advertisements all over my internet for the next few weeks27.Log into a "free" wifi network but give them email address, and then get spammed later.28.I often will go online and look at different websites, and then see that same website, or a similar product or service as an add on my computer29.I?30.Purchases made (hacked) on amazon and apple31.Someone made a fake account with my name on Facebook. It took me three years to take it down?32.People used what i said in another context and assuming different intentions for why i said it. Or people using info i posted on private accounts in public context.?33.Once I booked my holidays via then went to a completely different websites (newspaper) and systematically received ads on my holiday destination!?Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this survey; we thank you on behalf of all the students taking the course as well as the professor and teaching assistant. In the space below, please feel free to make any comments you would like to make about this survey, and/or to add in anything more that wasn't included in the survey. We will be posting a summary of the results of the survey on our course web page; the student who referred you to this survey will let you know when/where you can find it. |?#Response1.Soooo long and dense.2.Some of the questions were hard to answer because the choices did the match the question particularly well, especially the ones which starts with "I ... ".3.This survey made me think about my own internet privacy and what I can do to address some of the flaws4.Thank you very much.?5.Questions were thought provoking and great in general, but I feel the survey is too long. Overall, it was a great experience to be a part of the survey.?6.Thanks7.Good survey. Very interesting.?8.This was way too long9.julia Kim refered me?10.a little long11.Great survey?12.For all answers pertaining to social media sites, note that I have joined no social media sites.13.I don't mind the government and security agencies having access to info. I do not like corporations having access!14.Interesting, made me think a bit about privacy settings. Now I am paranoid. Now I can no longer play Pokemon Go in peace.?15.I think that this is a very important topic, as personal information on the internet can be misused in so many different ways. Hopefully these survey results can be used in some way to influence public policy on this issue. Thank you!16.This was a very good survey - it was well thought-out, with a very comprehensive set of questions.17.The survey asked questions that really makes an individual think about the social media and privacy that we are entitled too but don't neccessary get by going on to Facebook and other social website and browsers . I wish that the survey gave information or suggestions that can be used to help improve an individuals privacy18.It might be a good idea to ask for faculty of students to get an idea of the type of background information they have on these issues.?19.The survey is so long hahah20.Thanks to Thirza Tricia Suginawan that refer me this survey21.finish22.Some of the questions were a bit confusing. Some of the questions seemed similar.23.Too long24.N/A25.I found some questions repetitive. ..26.This survey helped in nailing home the importance of privacy access and how I need to be vigilant in securing my privacy and that of my family and friends .27.This was a long survey, some questions felt repetitive?28.this is a good feedback and knowledge to know about our information been online.29.Great subject and something that we can not avoid which is data mining.30.Instead of just focusing on facebook i think it would be better to focus on snapchat because that is like the new thing right now.31.A little too long, some repetitive questions. Otherwise, an excellent survey on privacy!32.No comments, the survey has given me a lot to think about. Maybe follow up with those who are interested in learning more about Internet privacy with resources?33.It's long. Seems that some stuff are repetitive. Best of luck with the survey. Give Laura cheng my regards?34.Emily Choma35.I don't trust my security online, but I don't know what to do about it from a technological point of view. I do not post personal information on Facebook (which is the only social media site I have), nor do I join many sites. I'm always concerned about hackers, and about government spying, but I don't know what to do about it.?36.Nil37.I believe overall, If accessing our information and histories is to keep us safe or protect us then I feel it is okay to share the information. ?38.Too long39.Good for awareness and making people realise what and how they are handling the use of the Internet and socials media?40.Doing this questionnaire has escalated my anxiety level and concerns which makes me want to check my privacy settings on Facebook and find an app to see if anybody is tracking me. I no longer feel as secure as I did before, because the repetition of the questions made me feeling that we have a run amok government that is not constrained by the law and a capitalist market system that is free to poach information and resell it at whim.41.I felt i was being interrogated because one question was asked several times?42.This survey is way to too long.?43.Tim Mo44.The survey was very long. I would be happy to give my input but I think you could cut down a lot of questions so that people are more interested to fill it out.45.Some of the statements from Part 3 are simple Y/N questions. The scale makes them challenging to answer. Also you should find out who uses paid privacy applications, like VPN's.?46.This survey made me think back how maybe I should be more secured when using the Internet.47.Ddghhh48.I think there should be a notice at the start of the survey that tells the person taking the survey how long it will be. (Ex. "This will take approximately 10-15 minutes of your time")49.Make it more concise.?50.It would be good to let people know before starting the survey that it will tale about 20 minutes to complete so they can set aside the time. Survey was an eye opener about privacy protection that I should be using.51.Interesting Survey!52.Ihave realized that I haven't had much interests about privacy terms on the Internet. I think people should talk about the Internet privacy more and we should set up stardards for it.53.This survey helped me to realize that i am not as aware about privacy options, as i should be.54.I felt like some of the questions were about similar topics but asked in slightly different ways. I was wondering if this was meant to probe whether people give consistent answers across the survey, but I found it slightly confusing and repetitive.55.Good56.Intresting survey. Broadened my outlook on the internet. Tad long though57.Nah58.Good luck59.The choice of "Neither Agree nor Disagree" always propels me to think less of the question at hand. I don't mean it's a bad choice, but sometimes I think it ought to be disabled to provide more meaningful results.60.I would have liked to have seen a question or two about net neutrality in this survey.61.Na62.n/a63.I do give out an email to shopping sites etc. but it is an email used only for that and not linked to any other emails and the credit card used for shopping is a singular card used only online and for no other purpose. The email is not under my name so the question on emails was difficult to answer accurately. I also maintain 8 different emails under both my name (for things like school) and also under aliases/foreign names/words unrelated to my name to ensure I can choose the email and the information linked to that email. I never use cloud storage of any type unless forced to (by publishers etc. for texts and whatnot). I strongly believe that we are entering a period of pre-eminent arrest for crimes that have not been committed but "might" in the future based on an individual's web presence/traffic. I think that the average person has no idea how serious this is going to be and is uninformed regarding how much of their personal information is available and how it might be interpreted by police agencies/government etc. I do use social media but very carefully curate what is posted and who is permitted to see it - no friends of friends, no one I don't personally know etc. I also believe strongly that regardless of whether an individual has "something to hide" will have no bearing on what happens in the future. The Internet of Things also has me concerned as we are now tracked by our refrigerators, phones, televisions, watches, cars, etc. - pretty much anything with an onboard computer. I try to remain "off the grid" as much as possible and regularly shut down my social media (not just log off but actually delete the account and then start again adding friends/contacts). Google has become a huge problem in the last couple years as it accesses information without my knowledge and I have to regularly go into it and delete my history and change privacy settings as the company continues to modify with an automatic opt in function which I think must end. I'd be very interested in the results of this survey and imagine that most people are not as "paranoid" as I am. My biggest problem in attempting to maintain privacy online is friends, relatives etc. will post and tag information related to me that I am forever asking to have removed or untagging. While I believe I have few "weak spots" I know, for example, my husband is a huge problem and within 15 minutes anyone with a little bit of computer knowledge would be able to put together a fairly complete profile of who I am. I've spoken to him numerous times about it but he doesn't seem to understand my concerns so this is an ongoing problem (not only for me but probably for anyone as concerned about online privacy as I am). Anyway, I do what I can but forsee a future in which this won't be sufficient and I will simply have to go off the grid permanently. ?64.Privacy on the net should be more protected and sites should be more secured. I am against any kind of using personal informations for other purpose than for the one they have been given65.n/a66.Maybe I should pay much attention to the privacy online67.Quesrions in this survey were great in regards to how individuals feel about safety/security level of those shopping/corporal/government websites... Maybe good idea to add questions like.... have you ever been a victim of identity theft? How often do you check your credit with credit bureaus? ?68.No comments69.well donedetailed Survey70.Thank you71.Great survey!72.1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 198473.I think it terms of privacy or convenience, it will always be the convenience that will convince most people! Well people like me74.Really interesting information and questions! It got me thinking, and will be changing a few of my online habits.75.It was a good survey76...77.Interesting topic. I actually kind of enjoyed doing this.?78.The survey was fairly detailed and relevant. It raises a lot of interesting topics and questions that I haven't thought about before. It would be good that this type of education was a little more common in high schools now that the Internet has become so prevalent in our daily lives.79.Jasleen Sangha80.A lot of the survey was quite repetitive, which is why it was so long.I lost interest in the survey, which is not good for information collection.81.Okay.?82.Make the survey shorter please..83.Thanks84.Nil.85.Too long...86.No comments.87.Sometimes the cost of giving up a little privacy maybe worth the price, if it means security is enhanced and illegal and fraudulent activities are monitored, halted or abated.88.Survey was a bit too long. It should be 5 mins at most.?89.Referred by Jasleen Sangha90.I think this is a very good survey, and I'm sure the course is very good as well. More people need to learn how to protect their privacy online.91.This was rather long. I lost interest halfway through the survey. A few questions were rather confusing as well.?92.Interesting?93.Very interesting survey! A bit long though...but gives a lot of food for thought.94.It was long? ................

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