Ernest Palmer’s Announcement of Candidacy for Sheriff Speech

Ernest Palmer’s Announcement of Candidacy for Sheriff Speech

Good evening. It’s great to be here with so many friends and supporters.

For the last 26 years it has been my honor to serve with the Niagara Falls Police Department. I’ve worked hard to make the community I love…a safer place to live.

I can’t believe it’s been that long

But I believe I still have more to do…more to offer…more to accomplish.

And that’s why tonight I am proud to announce my candidacy for Niagara County Sheriff.

I have almost three decades experience in law enforcement. I have served at every level. I have been on patrol and chased down criminals. I have served as the Police Chief in Niagara Falls and faced the challenges of operating a budget sensitive department, while establishing programs that decreased crime by 32 percent. I continue to tackle some of the toughest cases in Niagara Falls as Chief of Detectives.

I ask you to put my record of felony arrests up against any other Sheriff candidate. You’ll find there is no comparison.

However, my experience is just not limited to an urban setting. I was Chief of Police in Youngstown. I am currently a councilman in the Town of Lewiston.

I understand the diverse law enforcement needs across Niagara County because I have been an integral part of them.

I look forward to building a solid relationship with all the Chief‘s across this county to improve coordination and cooperation between jurisdictions.

In fact, I am proud to tell you that just last week….I received the unanimous endorsement of the Niagara County Police Chief’s Association. This organization is comprised of all seven Niagara County Chiefs and this is their first such endorsement.

There is no greater compliment than that of your peers.

I’d like to thank Sheriff Tom Beilein for his years of service to Niagara County and offer him the best of luck as he takes a new step in his career.

Whenever any long-serving public official departs, it opens the opportunity for the next wave of new ideas……an opportunity for a fresh set of eyes to take a look at the way things are operating and make positive change.

Woodrow Wilson once said, “"If you want to make enemies, try to change something." And considering I’m the only candidate for Sheriff not currently employed by the Sheriff’s Department, I imagine my platform will ruffle a few feathers.

But when you’ve spent your career locking up murderers, rapists and other violent felons, you don’t get too worried about ruffling feathers.

The message of my campaign is simple. I have significantly more experience in law enforcement than my opponents. And since I do not have direct ties to the Sheriff’s Department, I am the candidate who WILL make necessary changes.

It’s not often in a campaign when one candidate can claim the mantle of both experience and change.

And as a person who has been an instructor and trainer of future law enforcement personnel, I understand the human dynamic in our field. It’s this understanding that will help me bring necessary change to the department.

Deputy Sheriffs and Correction Officers have a difficult job to do. It’s just wrong that they be dragged into political battles and have to make calculated decisions on which candidate to back every fourth year, knowing that the wrong choice may negatively impact their career advancement.

We need to create a Department with the solid structure of professionalism. Politics has resulted in unnecessary internal lawsuits and are wasting taxpayer dollars that are needed to enhance public safety.

So, as my first step towards reform, I will not seek the endorsement of the Deputy Sheriff’s Union for this race. That does not mean I do not respect these fine men and women…it’s quite the opposite. In fact, I count many among them as trusted colleagues.

Additionally, I will not take any campaign donations from Sheriff’s Department employees. I encourage those who like me and agree with my vision to vote for me, but outside of that, I ask that they stay non-political.

Again, we need to take the politics out of the department. Deputy Sheriffs need to spend their time fighting crime, not fighting each other…… This is the start to making that change.

As the county’s chief law enforcement officer, I will create a non-political, budget sensitive department that will focus its resources on improving public safety throughout Niagara County.

Thank you for your support.

In the coming weeks and months, I will delve further into my vision for the Sheriff’s Department. I want voters to have a clear understanding of who I am and what I will do if I should be fortunate enough to be elected.

I look forward to a spirited campaign with my opponents and hope we all run a campaign which exemplifies our professionalism.

Thank you again for all of your support and friendship. I believe tonight is the start of something exciting….and I’m glad you’re all here to join me on this exciting journey.


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