St.Francis’ Primary School Daily Learning Plan

Class: Primary 2 Teacher: Mrs Erika CassarCheck-in Message: Thursday 28th January 2021 Hello Primary 2! How are you all doing? Let me know how you are feeling on There will be no video and power point today but I am sure you will be able to follow the activities on your own as they are all straightforward First of all, remember to start off by watching Ms Macdonald’s video on St Francis’ School youtube channel or follow Twitter to press the shared link. I have been doing the exercises for a week now before I start my day and I feel so much better and ready to work. Have you tried these dances and how do they make you feel? Let’s focus on our learning today now. Remember when I mentioned Robert Burns last Monday? Today we have a music lesson which will be dedicated to him! I’m sure you will like it! Apart from that we will have some Literacy writing practice and Numeracy revision on money. We will also have some PE with Joe!I hope you are all ready and set to go!Have a lovely day of home learning boys and girls 510730532385Remember to tweet us some of your work @stfrancisps and @MrsErikaStfr00Remember to tweet us some of your work @stfrancisps and @MrsErikaStfrMrs Erika xxThis is what our time table looks like today: 338264416890900264170615684500-80801614360019858871381050013340111553620069429115684500Curricular AreaLearning Intention Learning ActivitiesToolkit resourcesOnline resources536-439600 L.I: I am able to write about a picture Ms Sealy’s Group can look at the ASFL section for their Literacy lesson. -1772363015100Look at the picture below. Today we will be writing about this picture.Think about all the things you can see in the picture. Write them down on your jotter. Can you think of words to describe all the different things? Eg. Tree Big treeEg. Sky Blue sky Think about all the things you can see in the picture. Write them down on your jotter. Can you describe the picture in 3 sentences? Write 5 or more sentences about the picture. Try to use words that describe the different things you can see. Give your picture a title and share your work on Twitter Jotter or paperPencil Literacy Prompt available in the resource section under Primary 2 on P L A Y T I M E717183898300L.I: I am able to add coins to make a total Last week we spoke about the different coins and tried to match the amounts to the right coin. This week we will be adding some coins together to check how much money we have. First, let’s get an idea of what you need to do by watching this video Try out Coin Sheet 1 from the resources section in the Primary 2 classroom on the school website. Here, we are adding some 1p coins. If you feel ready to take up a challenge, try out Coin Sheet 2 and add some coins that are different to each other. Goodluck Pencil and jotter Coin Sheet 1 and Coin Sheet 2 found in the resources section under the Primary 2 class on: L U N C H T I M E-1785306700L.I: I am able to follow and actively participate in a set of physical tasks Now it is time to let out our energy from sitting down for a long time by doing some PE. Tune in to Joe Wick’s Youtube channel and follow his latest P.E video posted today n/a LI: I am able to use my body to create different sounds that match a rhythm and beat L.I: I am able to tell some information about the poet Robert Burns As you know, on Monday I mentioned that it was the feast of Robert Burns. Today we will be talking about this in more detail. Let’s have a look at Robert Burns’ story: Open the Robert Burns Sheet from the resources section in the Primary 2 class on the school website. Look up some information about Robert Burns and any Burns Night traditions and write them down in the bubbles on the Robert Burns Sheet. Play the audiofile in the resources section and colour Robert Burn’s picture accordingly. Now conclude the lesson by followng this video: Jotter and pencil Robert Burns Sheet found in the resources section under the Primary 2 class on: Formative Assessment Strategy: 2 stars and a wish Green for growth & Tickled Pink for progress ................

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