Start young, retire young - Amazon S3

[Pages:34]Start young, retire young

7 Reasons why you need to start

investing in property TODAY!

Kyron Gosse


Young is younger than you think ................2 What is retirement anyway? .......................6 Retire when you want to. ..........................10 Compounding growth ................................15 Leverage ....................................................19 Freedom to make mistakes ........................24 You are not getting any younger.................27

Start young, retire young


In this day and age, property investing is generally considered to be something for old people. The average person on the street will probably describe the average property investor as either being an old man hair sprouting out his ears who spends his days playing gold, living off the rent he collects, or else a fat greedy landlord who prays on his tenants like a lion prays on an antelope, constantly squeezing every dollar they can out of their poor sweet innocent tenants.

Well I am here to dispel both myths. In fact, when I asked the audience at my local Property Investors Association to raise their hands if they were under 40, nearly half the hands went up. A new age is dawning where young people are realizing the benefits of getting into property early and setting themselves up for the rest of their lives.

Young Investors Network is a community of over 1000 young investors who want to help and encourage other young investors to break into the market, grow their portfolio and achieve their goals.

As the Chinese proverb goes "the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, the second best time is now." Allow me to share with you 7 reasons why you cannot afford to wait any longer to start investing in property.


Young is younger than you think

"Look to the future because that is where you'll spend the rest of your life" George Burns

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Start young, retire young

When many of us think about young investors and retiring early, we often envisage being able to retire at 50. After all that is something that property gurus like Robert Kiyosaki brag about is it not? - the fact he was able to retire at 50. Well when I talk about early retirement through property I can promise you I am talking about retiring much younger than Robert Kiyosaki. In fact, I would be deeply pissed off if I didn't hit my financial freedom goals until I was 50. I mean 50! Come on, by then my bones will be creaking, my joints will hurt and my hang-overs will last for days. What would be the point in waiting until I am 50 to retire, you might just as well put me in a retirement home and throw away the key if I was going to achieve `early retirement' at 50.

No, young is much younger than you might think. When I talk about young investors and early retirement, I am generally talking to Gen Y's and Gen X's who want to reach their financial freedom goals within 10 years. Therefore a retirement age of 40 at the latest. That is of course for those who actually do want to retire. Most will simply adjust their lifestyle as they get more freedom.

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Start young, retire young

I would be deeply pissed off if I didn't hit my financial freedom goals until I was 50. I mean 50, come on!

The purpose of Young Investors Network is to help `Young' Investors to achieve financial freedom as quickly as possible, so they can experience the best of both worlds. Having the time and money to do what they want. Having the luxury of being able to make the choices that most people can't.

Most people hit retirement and decide to go traveling. But what is the point of skiing down the Austrian alps when you are 70? You can't take any risks, one fall and there goes your hip - but imagine being able to afford to go chasing the powder around the world for an entire year.

Imagine being able to hop on a boat and sail around the South Pacific, knowing that you can go where you want, when you want without having that pesky voice in the back of your mind reminding you how many days holiday you have left until it is back to the daily rituals of work.

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Start young, retire young Young is not being out of place in one of the massive discos of Europe, or still being youthful enough to sneak into a spring break party in Cancun without looking like a predator. We have all been on at least one tour where there has been that one weird old person -`Young at heart'- but still old, the people who don't quite fit in with their own age group, but don't fit in with your age group either - do you want to be that person? That 40 year old hanging around with 25 year olds? Of course not.

So why should you get started investing in property? To build up your income to achieve financial freedom and give yourself the life you deserve to live. Because when I talk about retiring young, I mean YOUNG, no grey hair sprouting out of odd places, no wrinkles, no sagging body parts and more importantly still being able to do everything I loved when I was 20.

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Why work longer than you have to?

Work because you want to, not because you have to.

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