
|[pic] |LISTA SEMANAL DE TAREAS |Week: September 18th to September 22nd. |



HOMEWORK 2nd grade “A”

TEACHER: Ramon Medina

|Tuesday | “Idioms” |

|September 18th |[pic] |

| |Instructions: Go to and watch the video. After watching the video, write|

| |a sentence for each idiom talked about in the video. Then do the following quiz take a |

| |screenshot and send along with your sentences to my email. |

| |please send homework to this email: e028020@ |

| | |

| |*Make sure to include the title of the homework, name, grade, group, date, and Teacher in your file, as well as in the subject section|

| |of your email. |

| | |

|Thursday |“Slow Hands” |

|September 22 |[pic] |

| |Instructions: Go to listen to the song complete the |

| |lyrics send me the screenshot of your score. should be sent to my email e028020@. |

| |*Make sure to include the title of the homework, name, grade, group, date, and Teacher in your file, as well as in the subject section|

| |of your email. |

Second A- Miss. Lulu

| |Simple Past |

|Tuesday September 19th |First copy the following word box and paragraph onto a word document. |

| |Then fill in the blanks with past tense of the verb in the box. |

|Homework by E-mail | |

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|Remember to put your full | |

|name and group in the | |

|subject (asunto) of your | |

|email. | |

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| |Next watch the movie segment below and check your answers. |

| |Link |

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| |After that write a short 50 word paragraph where you are talking about what you did during your weekend. |

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| |Finally e-mail your document to the teacher. |

|Thursday September 21st |Can YouTube help us learn a foreign language? |

| |Copy the following text onto a word document and follow the instructions. |

|Homework by E-mail |First Read the article below and using the text write your definition of each of the underlined words. |

| | |

|Remember to put your full |By: Jenny Blogger |

|name and group in the |It’s a website that everyone has heard of. 1Perhaps most people even use it on a daily basis, and it’s a form of both entertainment |

|subject (asunto) of your |and social media. But can we use YouTube to help us learn a foreign language? |

|email |Of course, there are channels which 2produce video classes dedicated to helping us learn, but what about the standard daily vlog or |

| |clothes haul videos? Can they be 3valuable learning resources too? |

| |In my opinion, they’re a way of being able to 4experience the way in which real people talk. This can make a good change from the |

| |listening exercises we hear in class, which aren’t always 5authentic. For example, many English speakers have different accents or |

| |use lots of 6colloquial words and phrases – have you ever heard them say ‘all right, guys’ as a greeting in a listening clip? Some |

| |English learners don't have the chance to talk to 7native speakers in person, so surely YouTube videos can offer an invaluable |

| |alternative. |

| |To add to this, there is more to learning a language than simply words, phrases and grammar. It’s also about the culture of the |

| |language’s speakers. As YouTube increases in popularity, it also offers an 8insight into popular culture. As well as the channels |

| |themselves that are popular, through watching them we can learn about a country’s fashion trends, popular video games and simply how|

| |people spend their daily lives. |

| |However, some people would argue that listening to YouTubers will only make us fall into bad habits. Not only do they often use |

| |colloquial words, but sometimes their speech is even grammatically incorrect. Why would we want to risk learning to speak in a way |

| |that isn’t even right? Then again, others say that this is the way that people really talk, so we should get used to it. |

| |It is 9debatable whether YouTube can help with language learning. But one thing for 10certain is that it can be a great source of |

| |entertainment! |

| | |

| |Then answer the following question in a 30 word paragraph. |

| |Do you think YouTube can help people learn a different language? Why or why not? |

| |Finally Email your homework to the teacher. |


|Tuesday September |The Julliard School |

|19th |The Julliard School seeks students whose talent and commitment to excellence promise future achievement in their chosen areas of major study. |

|Listening |You will present this homework in a white sheet of paper with only the answers. Don´t forget to write the required information on it and |

| |insert it in the box please. |

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| |You will read the statements below and decide which ones are true about the famous New York City Julliard School of Performing Arts. |

| | |

| |1. The Jiulliard School is considered one of the 3 best art schools in the whole world and it is the dream of most talented performers in |

| |America. |

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| |2. The only period The Julliard School was closed was during World War I. |

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| |3. The Committee on Admissions selects students primarily on the basis of their performance at competitive auditions held at The Juilliard |

| |School and in selected cities around the country. All auditions are evaluated by members of the faculty. |

| | |

| |4. The School does not set a minimum or maximum age limit. In general, however, the faculty and the Committee on Admissions will give |

| |preference to students in the formative stages of their artistic development who will benefit most from the type of training available at |

| |Juilliard. |

| | |

| |5. The Juilliard School admits students of any race, color, or national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and |

| |activities generally accorded or made available to students at The Juilliard School. It does not discriminate on the basis of gender, sexual |

| |orientation, religion, age, disability, race, color, or national or ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions |

| |policies, scholarship and loan programs, and other school-administered programs. |

| | |

| |6. To audition for the Dance Division, you must have a minimum of three years of training in ballet and/or modern dance. If you meet this |

| |minimum requirement, you are welcome to complete the following steps to apply for admission. |

| | |

| |7. For drama audition, you must have a resumé of at least 10 professional performances on important stages. |

| | |

| |8. Students are selected on the basis of an application, an audition, a teacher recommendation, a music aptitude test, and a parent interview.|

| |The most important factors are the student's enthusiasm and the results of his or her audition. |

| | |

| |9. Students must be in the third through eighth grades (approximately 8 to 14 years old) at the time of their audition. The exception to this |

| |rule is that most trombone, trumpet, tuba, horn, and bassoon players are eligible beyond the eighth grade. |

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| |10. Students may audition on the piano or any traditional orchestral instrument. Those include violin, viola, cello, double bass, percussion, |

| |flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, French horn, trombone, trumpet, and tuba. Saxophone, guitar, and voice are not eligible. |

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| |Now you will watch a movie segment from the movie SAVE THE LAST DANCE. Then you will use your own words to answer the questions that follow. |

| |Here´s link, just make sure you DOWNLOAD the video: |

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| |Describe the scene. |

| |Was she concerned about the audition? How so? |

| |What happened during the audition? |

| |Was she accepted? |

| |How would you describe the way she felt? |

| |Should she try it again in the following year? Justify your answer. |

| |Would you like to study there? Why (not)? |

|Thursday September |A Silent Film |

|14th |You will watch a short silent film and once you have watched it you will complete the following review. Please copy the information on your |

|Reading |notebook or on a white sheet of paper and insert it in the inbox please. |

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| |This is the link for the movie: |

| | |

| |Movie Title: |

| | |

| |Genre: (drama, comedy, horror, romance, action/adventure, fantasy) |

| | |

| |Your rating: |

| | |

| |Setting: |

| |Time: |

| |Place: |

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| |Summary of the movie: |

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| |Who is your favorite character and why? |

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| |Did you like the movie? Why or why not? |

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HOMEWORK 2nd grade “A”


|Tuesday |Charlie is so cool |

|September 19th |Read the text below and answer the questions, after the answer of each question write if the question is for Skimming purposes or |

| |Scanning purposes. Write the questions on a word document and send it to the teachers email: teacherhectoryoliztli@ |

| |What is the text about? |

| |What is Charlies relation with youtube? |

| |What kind of videos did Charlie make? |

| |Why was Charlie so famous? |

| |What happened in 2005? |

| |What is “Chameleon circuit”? |

| |Why did Charlie start making videos? |

| |In April 2007, a 16-year- old boy named Charlie McDonnell was studying for his |

| |exams. But he was bored, so he turned on his laptop computer. He found a website called |

| |YouTube and watched a video of another teenager like him. The teenager was sitting in his bedroom and talking about how bored he was. |

| |“I can do better than that!” thought Charlie. So he used his laptop and webcam to make his first video, and posted it on YouTube under|

| |the name Charlieissocoollike. |

| |YouTube started in 2005 and is now the world’s largest video website. More than 3 |

| |billion videos are watched every day on YouTube and a large number of those are video |

| |blogs. These are simply videos of people talking to a camera about their lives or things |

| |that interest them. |

| |Two days after Charlie posted his first video, he had 150 subscribers, so he |

| |decided to make more videos. He soon became quite popular. A few months later, Oprah |

| |Winfrey, the famous American TV host, showed one of his videos called How to be English |

| |on her programme. In this video, Charlie wears a suit and tie and talks in a funny accent. |

| |He shows viewers how to make a cup of tea. Charlie suddenly became very famous in the |

| |United States too. |

| |To say thank you to all his fans he made a video called Challenge Charlie, asking |

| |people to suggest funny or difficult things for him to do in his videos. Challenges included |

| |drinking tomato ketchup, wearing all of his clothes at once and painting himself purple! |

| |Charlie is also a singer and songwriter. His most popular videos are of him singing |

| |and playing the ukelele. In Duet with Myself, he uses special effects to sing a duet with |

| |himself about what a boring person he is. This has now been watched over 7 million times! |

| |Charlie’s best friend, Alex Day, is also a musician and video blogger. They met |

| |through YouTube and started a band together. The band is called Chameleon Circuit, and |

| |they have made two CDs and performed several concerts. |

| |With more than one and a half million subscribers, Charlie is the most popular |

| |video blogger in the UK. He has now made enough money to buy a house with his friend |

| |Alex. But what is the secret of his success? “I make the kind of videos that I want to |

| |watch,” he says. And when asked how fame has affected him, Charlie says, & quote; I still sit in my bedroom talking to my camera, and |

| |that's what I want to do. & quote; |

| |Oh, and how did Charlie do in his exams back in 2007? Well, he passed with nine A |

| |grades and one B! He says that he wants to go to university in the future but decided to |

| |try and make a career on YouTube before that. So, far, it’s going very well! |

| | |

| |Brendan Dunne |

|Thursday |Scanning or Skimming |

|September 21st |Read the text below and make a chart like the one below, where you write 10 questions in the correct column indicating if it is a |

| |scanning question or a skimming question. Make the chart on a word document and send it to the teachers email: |

| |teacherhectoryoliztli@ |

| |Skimming |

| |Scanning |

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| |By: Jenny Blogger |

| |It’s a website that everyone has heard of. |

| |1 Perhaps most people even use it on a daily basis, and it’s a |

| |form of both entertainment and social media. But can we use YouTube to help us learn a foreign language? |

| |Of course, there are channels which 2 produce video classes dedicated to helping us learn, but what about the standard daily vlog or |

| |clothes haul videos? Can they be 3 valuable learning resources too? |

| |In my opinion, they’re a way of being able to 4 experience the way in which real |

| | |

| |your email people talk. This can make a good change from the listening exercises we hear in class, which aren’t always 5 authentic. |

| |For example, many English speakers have |

| |different accents or use lots of 6 colloquial words and phrases – have you ever heard |

| |them say ‘all right, guys’ as a greeting in a listening clip? Some English learners don't |

| |have the chance to talk to 7 native speakers in person, so surely YouTube videos can |

| |offer an invaluable alternative. |

| |To add to this, there is more to learning a language than simply words, |

| |phrases and grammar. It’s also about the culture of the language’s speakers. As |

| |YouTube increases in popularity, it also offers an 8 insight into popular culture. As |

| |well as the channels themselves that are popular, through watching them we can |

| |learn about a country’s fashion trends, popular video games and simply how people |

| |spend their daily lives. |

| |However, some people would argue that listening to YouTubers will only make |

| |us fall into bad habits. Not only do they often use colloquial words, but sometimes |

| |their speech is even grammatically incorrect. Why would we want to risk learning to |

| |speak in a way that isn’t even right? Then again, others say that this is the way that |

| |people really talk, so we should get used to it. |

| |It is 9 debatable whether YouTube can help with language learning. But one |

| |thing for 10 certain is that it can be a great source of entertainment! |

| |Then answer the following question in a 30 word paragraph. |

| |Do you think YouTube can help people learn a different language? Why or why |

| |not? |




Gru was anxious about his date the following day. He was happy, very happy. The alarm clock _________ at 8:30 am. He ____________ of bed and ____________ a shower with his toy ducks. Then he  _________ his teeth, ______________ pancakes for breakfast, and _____________ real ducks cross the street. He happily ______________ the mall escalator. In the park, he  _____________ a Frisbee and  _____________ some tai-chi-chan. He also _____________ the drums with a few tin cans. Then he ___________ a flower to a young man for him to hand to a girl sitting next to him. 


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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